/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __NODES_H__ #define __NODES_H__ #include "graph.h" #include "util_string.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class ImageManager; class Scene; class Shader; /* Texture Mapping */ class TextureMapping { public: TextureMapping(); Transform compute_transform(); bool skip(); void compile(SVMCompiler& compiler, int offset_in, int offset_out); void compile(OSLCompiler &compiler); float3 translation; float3 rotation; float3 scale; float3 min, max; bool use_minmax; enum Type { POINT = 0, TEXTURE = 1, VECTOR = 2, NORMAL = 3 }; Type type; enum Mapping { NONE = 0, X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 }; Mapping x_mapping, y_mapping, z_mapping; enum Projection { FLAT, CUBE, TUBE, SPHERE }; Projection projection; bool equals(const TextureMapping& other) { return translation == other.translation && rotation == other.rotation && scale == other.scale && use_minmax == other.use_minmax && min == other.min && max == other.max && type == other.type && x_mapping == other.x_mapping && y_mapping == other.y_mapping && z_mapping == other.z_mapping && projection == other.projection; } }; /* Nodes */ /* Any node which uses image manager's slot should be a subclass of this one. */ class ImageSlotNode : public ShaderNode { public: ImageSlotNode(const char *name_) : ShaderNode(name_) { special_type = SHADER_SPECIAL_TYPE_IMAGE_SLOT; } int slot; }; class TextureNode : public ShaderNode { public: TextureNode(const char *name_) : ShaderNode(name_) {} TextureMapping tex_mapping; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { return ShaderNode::equals(other) && tex_mapping.equals(((const TextureNode*)other)->tex_mapping); } }; class ImageSlotTextureNode : public ImageSlotNode { public: ImageSlotTextureNode(const char *name_) : ImageSlotNode(name_) {} TextureMapping tex_mapping; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { return ShaderNode::equals(other) && tex_mapping.equals(((const ImageSlotTextureNode*)other)->tex_mapping); } }; class ImageTextureNode : public ImageSlotTextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_NO_CLONE_CLASS(ImageTextureNode) ~ImageTextureNode(); ShaderNode *clone() const; void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); ImageManager *image_manager; int is_float; bool is_linear; bool use_alpha; string filename; void *builtin_data; ustring color_space; ustring projection; InterpolationType interpolation; ExtensionType extension; float projection_blend; bool animated; static ShaderEnum color_space_enum; static ShaderEnum projection_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const ImageTextureNode *image_node = (const ImageTextureNode*)other; return ImageSlotTextureNode::equals(other) && use_alpha == image_node->use_alpha && filename == image_node->filename && builtin_data == image_node->builtin_data && color_space == image_node->color_space && projection == image_node->projection && interpolation == image_node->interpolation && extension == image_node->extension && projection_blend == image_node->projection_blend && animated == image_node->animated; } }; class EnvironmentTextureNode : public ImageSlotTextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_NO_CLONE_CLASS(EnvironmentTextureNode) ~EnvironmentTextureNode(); ShaderNode *clone() const; void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } ImageManager *image_manager; int is_float; bool is_linear; bool use_alpha; string filename; void *builtin_data; ustring color_space; ustring projection; InterpolationType interpolation; bool animated; static ShaderEnum color_space_enum; static ShaderEnum projection_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const EnvironmentTextureNode *env_node = (const EnvironmentTextureNode*)other; return ImageSlotTextureNode::equals(other) && use_alpha == env_node->use_alpha && filename == env_node->filename && builtin_data == env_node->builtin_data && color_space == env_node->color_space && projection == env_node->projection && interpolation == env_node->interpolation && animated == env_node->animated; } }; class SkyTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(SkyTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } float3 sun_direction; float turbidity; float ground_albedo; ustring type; static ShaderEnum type_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const SkyTextureNode *sky_node = (const SkyTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && sun_direction == sky_node->sun_direction && turbidity == sky_node->turbidity && ground_albedo == sky_node->ground_albedo && type == sky_node->type; } }; class OutputNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(OutputNode) /* Don't allow output node de-duplication. */ virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { return false; } }; class GradientTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(GradientTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } ustring type; static ShaderEnum type_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const GradientTextureNode *gradient_node = (const GradientTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && type == gradient_node->type; } }; class NoiseTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(NoiseTextureNode) }; class VoronoiTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(VoronoiTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } ustring coloring; static ShaderEnum coloring_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const VoronoiTextureNode *voronoi_node = (const VoronoiTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && coloring == voronoi_node->coloring; } }; class MusgraveTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MusgraveTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } ustring type; static ShaderEnum type_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const MusgraveTextureNode *musgrave_node = (const MusgraveTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && type == musgrave_node->type; } }; class WaveTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(WaveTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } ustring type; ustring profile; static ShaderEnum type_enum; static ShaderEnum profile_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const WaveTextureNode *wave_node = (const WaveTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && type == wave_node->type && profile == wave_node->profile; } }; class MagicTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MagicTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } int depth; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const MagicTextureNode *magic_node = (const MagicTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && depth == magic_node->depth; } }; class CheckerTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(CheckerTextureNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } }; class BrickTextureNode : public TextureNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(BrickTextureNode) float offset, squash; int offset_frequency, squash_frequency; virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const BrickTextureNode *brick_node = (const BrickTextureNode*)other; return TextureNode::equals(other) && offset == brick_node->offset && squash == brick_node->squash && offset_frequency == brick_node->offset_frequency && squash_frequency == brick_node->squash_frequency; } }; class PointDensityTextureNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_NO_CLONE_CLASS(PointDensityTextureNode) ~PointDensityTextureNode(); ShaderNode *clone() const; void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } bool has_object_dependency() { return true; } ImageManager *image_manager; int slot; string filename; ustring space; void *builtin_data; InterpolationType interpolation; Transform tfm; static ShaderEnum space_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const PointDensityTextureNode *point_dendity_node = (const PointDensityTextureNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && filename == point_dendity_node->filename && space == point_dendity_node->space && builtin_data == point_dendity_node->builtin_data && interpolation == point_dendity_node->interpolation && tfm == point_dendity_node->tfm; } }; class MappingNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MappingNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } TextureMapping tex_mapping; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const MappingNode *mapping_node = (const MappingNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && tex_mapping.equals(mapping_node->tex_mapping); } }; class ConvertNode : public ShaderNode { public: ConvertNode(ShaderSocketType from, ShaderSocketType to, bool autoconvert = false); SHADER_NODE_BASE_CLASS(ConvertNode) bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); ShaderSocketType from, to; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const ConvertNode *convert_node = (const ConvertNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && from == convert_node->from && to == convert_node->to; } }; class ProxyNode : public ShaderNode { public: ProxyNode(ShaderSocketType type); SHADER_NODE_BASE_CLASS(ProxyNode) ShaderSocketType type; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { /* Proxy nodes are created for node groups and can't be duplicated * actually. So in order to make code a bit more robust in obscure cases * lets explicitly forbid de-duplication of proxy nodes for now. */ return false; } }; class BsdfNode : public ShaderNode { public: BsdfNode(bool scattering = false); SHADER_NODE_BASE_CLASS(BsdfNode); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } void compile(SVMCompiler& compiler, ShaderInput *param1, ShaderInput *param2, ShaderInput *param3 = NULL, ShaderInput *param4 = NULL); ClosureType closure; bool scattering; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { /* TODO(sergey): With some care BSDF nodes can be de-duplicated. */ return false; } }; class AnisotropicBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(AnisotropicBsdfNode) ustring distribution; static ShaderEnum distribution_enum; void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); }; class DiffuseBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(DiffuseBsdfNode) }; class TranslucentBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(TranslucentBsdfNode) }; class TransparentBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(TransparentBsdfNode) bool has_surface_transparent() { return true; } }; class VelvetBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(VelvetBsdfNode) }; class GlossyBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(GlossyBsdfNode) void simplify_settings(Scene *scene); bool has_integrator_dependency(); ustring distribution, distribution_orig; static ShaderEnum distribution_enum; }; class GlassBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(GlassBsdfNode) void simplify_settings(Scene *scene); bool has_integrator_dependency(); ustring distribution, distribution_orig; static ShaderEnum distribution_enum; }; class RefractionBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(RefractionBsdfNode) void simplify_settings(Scene *scene); bool has_integrator_dependency(); ustring distribution, distribution_orig; static ShaderEnum distribution_enum; }; class ToonBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(ToonBsdfNode) ustring component; static ShaderEnum component_enum; }; class SubsurfaceScatteringNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(SubsurfaceScatteringNode) bool has_surface_bssrdf() { return true; } bool has_bssrdf_bump(); static ShaderEnum falloff_enum; }; class EmissionNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(EmissionNode) bool has_surface_emission() { return true; } }; class BackgroundNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(BackgroundNode) }; class HoldoutNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(HoldoutNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class AmbientOcclusionNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(AmbientOcclusionNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class VolumeNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(VolumeNode) void compile(SVMCompiler& compiler, ShaderInput *param1, ShaderInput *param2); virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } ClosureType closure; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { /* TODO(sergey): With some care Volume nodes can be de-duplicated. */ return false; } }; class AbsorptionVolumeNode : public VolumeNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(AbsorptionVolumeNode) }; class ScatterVolumeNode : public VolumeNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(ScatterVolumeNode) }; class HairBsdfNode : public BsdfNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(HairBsdfNode) ustring component; static ShaderEnum component_enum; }; class GeometryNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(GeometryNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } }; class TextureCoordinateNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(TextureCoordinateNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } bool has_object_dependency() { return use_transform; } bool from_dupli; bool use_transform; Transform ob_tfm; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const TextureCoordinateNode *texco_node = (const TextureCoordinateNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && from_dupli == texco_node->from_dupli && use_transform == texco_node->use_transform && ob_tfm == texco_node->ob_tfm; } }; class UVMapNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(UVMapNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } ustring attribute; bool from_dupli; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const UVMapNode *uv_map_node = (const UVMapNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && attribute == uv_map_node->attribute && from_dupli == uv_map_node->from_dupli; } }; class LightPathNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(LightPathNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class LightFalloffNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(LightFalloffNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } }; class ObjectInfoNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(ObjectInfoNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class ParticleInfoNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(ParticleInfoNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class HairInfoNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(HairInfoNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } virtual int get_feature() { return ShaderNode::get_feature() | NODE_FEATURE_HAIR; } }; class ValueNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(ValueNode) bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); float value; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const ValueNode *value_node = (const ValueNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && value == value_node->value; } }; class ColorNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(ColorNode) bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); float3 value; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const ColorNode *color_node = (const ColorNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && value == color_node->value; } }; class AddClosureNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(AddClosureNode) }; class MixClosureNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MixClosureNode) }; class MixClosureWeightNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MixClosureWeightNode); }; class InvertNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(InvertNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class MixNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MixNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } bool use_clamp; ustring type; static ShaderEnum type_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const MixNode *mix_node = (const MixNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && use_clamp == mix_node->use_clamp && type == mix_node->type; } }; class CombineRGBNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(CombineRGBNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class CombineHSVNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(CombineHSVNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class CombineXYZNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(CombineXYZNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class GammaNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(GammaNode) bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class BrightContrastNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(BrightContrastNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class SeparateRGBNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(SeparateRGBNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class SeparateHSVNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(SeparateHSVNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class SeparateXYZNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(SeparateXYZNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class HSVNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(HSVNode) }; class AttributeNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(AttributeNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } ustring attribute; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const AttributeNode *color_node = (const AttributeNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && attribute == color_node->attribute; } }; class CameraNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(CameraNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } }; class FresnelNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(FresnelNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class LayerWeightNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(LayerWeightNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } }; class WireframeNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(WireframeNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } bool use_pixel_size; }; class WavelengthNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(WavelengthNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class BlackbodyNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(BlackbodyNode) bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } }; class MathNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(MathNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); bool use_clamp; ustring type; static ShaderEnum type_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const MathNode *math_node = (const MathNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && use_clamp == math_node->use_clamp && type == math_node->type; } }; class NormalNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(NormalNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_2; } float3 direction; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const NormalNode *normal_node = (const NormalNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && direction == normal_node->direction; } }; class VectorMathNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(VectorMathNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } bool constant_fold(ShaderOutput *socket, float3 *optimized_value); ustring type; static ShaderEnum type_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const MathNode *math_node = (const MathNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && type == math_node->type; } }; class VectorTransformNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(VectorTransformNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } ustring type; ustring convert_from; ustring convert_to; static ShaderEnum type_enum; static ShaderEnum convert_space_enum; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const VectorTransformNode *vector_transform_node = (const VectorTransformNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && type == vector_transform_node->type && convert_from == vector_transform_node->convert_from && convert_to == vector_transform_node->convert_to; } }; class BumpNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(BumpNode) bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_feature() { return NODE_FEATURE_BUMP; } bool invert; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const BumpNode *bump_node = (const BumpNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && invert == bump_node->invert; } }; class RGBCurvesNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(RGBCurvesNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { return false; } float4 curves[RAMP_TABLE_SIZE]; float min_x, max_x; }; class VectorCurvesNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(VectorCurvesNode) virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { return false; } float4 curves[RAMP_TABLE_SIZE]; float min_x, max_x; }; class RGBRampNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(RGBRampNode) float4 ramp[RAMP_TABLE_SIZE]; bool interpolate; virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_1; } virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { return false; } }; class SetNormalNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(SetNormalNode) }; class OSLScriptNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(OSLScriptNode) /* ideally we could beter detect this, but we can't query this now */ bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } string filepath; string bytecode_hash; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode * /*other*/) { return false; } }; class NormalMapNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(NormalMapNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } ustring space; static ShaderEnum space_enum; ustring attribute; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const NormalMapNode *normal_map_node = (const NormalMapNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && space == normal_map_node->space && attribute == normal_map_node->attribute; } }; class TangentNode : public ShaderNode { public: SHADER_NODE_CLASS(TangentNode) void attributes(Shader *shader, AttributeRequestSet *attributes); bool has_spatial_varying() { return true; } virtual int get_group() { return NODE_GROUP_LEVEL_3; } ustring direction_type; static ShaderEnum direction_type_enum; ustring axis; static ShaderEnum axis_enum; ustring attribute; virtual bool equals(const ShaderNode *other) { const TangentNode *tangent_node = (const TangentNode*)other; return ShaderNode::equals(other) && direction_type == tangent_node->direction_type && axis == tangent_node->axis && attribute == tangent_node->attribute; } }; CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* __NODES_H__ */