/* * Copyright 2011-2014 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ #include "bake.h" #include "integrator.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN BakeData::BakeData(const int object, const int tri_offset, const int num_pixels): m_object(object), m_tri_offset(tri_offset), m_num_pixels(num_pixels) { m_primitive.resize(num_pixels); m_u.resize(num_pixels); m_v.resize(num_pixels); m_dudx.resize(num_pixels); m_dudy.resize(num_pixels); m_dvdx.resize(num_pixels); m_dvdy.resize(num_pixels); } BakeData::~BakeData() { m_primitive.clear(); m_u.clear(); m_v.clear(); m_dudx.clear(); m_dudy.clear(); m_dvdx.clear(); m_dvdy.clear(); } void BakeData::set(int i, int prim, float uv[2], float dudx, float dudy, float dvdx, float dvdy) { m_primitive[i] = (prim == -1 ? -1 : m_tri_offset + prim); m_u[i] = uv[0]; m_v[i] = uv[1]; m_dudx[i] = dudx; m_dudy[i] = dudy; m_dvdx[i] = dvdx; m_dvdy[i] = dvdy; } int BakeData::object() { return m_object; } int BakeData::size() { return m_num_pixels; } bool BakeData::is_valid(int i) { return m_primitive[i] != -1; } uint4 BakeData::data(int i) { return make_uint4( m_object, m_primitive[i], __float_as_int(m_u[i]), __float_as_int(m_v[i]) ); } uint4 BakeData::differentials(int i) { return make_uint4( __float_as_int(m_dudx[i]), __float_as_int(m_dudy[i]), __float_as_int(m_dvdx[i]), __float_as_int(m_dvdy[i]) ); } BakeManager::BakeManager() { m_bake_data = NULL; m_is_baking = false; need_update = true; } BakeManager::~BakeManager() { if(m_bake_data) delete m_bake_data; } bool BakeManager::get_baking() { return m_is_baking; } void BakeManager::set_baking(const bool value) { m_is_baking = value; } BakeData *BakeManager::init(const int object, const int tri_offset, const int num_pixels) { m_bake_data = new BakeData(object, tri_offset, num_pixels); return m_bake_data; } bool BakeManager::bake(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress, ShaderEvalType shader_type, BakeData *bake_data, float result[]) { size_t limit = bake_data->size(); /* setup input for device task */ device_vector d_input; uint4 *d_input_data = d_input.resize(limit * 2); size_t d_input_size = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < limit; i++) { d_input_data[d_input_size++] = bake_data->data(i); d_input_data[d_input_size++] = bake_data->differentials(i); } if(d_input_size == 0) return false; /* run device task */ device_vector d_output; d_output.resize(limit); /* needs to be up to data for attribute access */ device->const_copy_to("__data", &dscene->data, sizeof(dscene->data)); device->mem_alloc(d_input, MEM_READ_ONLY); device->mem_copy_to(d_input); device->mem_alloc(d_output, MEM_WRITE_ONLY); DeviceTask task(DeviceTask::SHADER); task.shader_input = d_input.device_pointer; task.shader_output = d_output.device_pointer; task.shader_eval_type = shader_type; task.shader_x = 0; task.shader_w = d_output.size(); task.num_samples = is_aa_pass(shader_type)? scene->integrator->aa_samples: 1; task.get_cancel = function_bind(&Progress::get_cancel, &progress); device->task_add(task); device->task_wait(); if(progress.get_cancel()) { device->mem_free(d_input); device->mem_free(d_output); m_is_baking = false; return false; } device->mem_copy_from(d_output, 0, 1, d_output.size(), sizeof(float4)); device->mem_free(d_input); device->mem_free(d_output); /* read result */ int k = 0; float4 *offset = (float4*)d_output.data_pointer; size_t depth = 4; for(size_t i = 0; i < limit; i++) { size_t index = i * depth; float4 out = offset[k++]; if(bake_data->is_valid(i)) { for(size_t j=0; j < 4; j++) { result[index + j] = out[j]; } } } m_is_baking = false; return true; } void BakeManager::device_update(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { if(!need_update) return; if(progress.get_cancel()) return; need_update = false; } void BakeManager::device_free(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene) { } bool BakeManager::is_aa_pass(ShaderEvalType type) { switch(type) { case SHADER_EVAL_UV: case SHADER_EVAL_NORMAL: return false; default: return true; } } bool BakeManager::is_light_pass(ShaderEvalType type) { switch(type) { case SHADER_EVAL_AO: case SHADER_EVAL_COMBINED: case SHADER_EVAL_SHADOW: case SHADER_EVAL_DIFFUSE_DIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_GLOSSY_DIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_TRANSMISSION_DIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_SUBSURFACE_DIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_DIFFUSE_INDIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_GLOSSY_INDIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_TRANSMISSION_INDIRECT: case SHADER_EVAL_SUBSURFACE_INDIRECT: return true; default: return false; } } CCL_NAMESPACE_END