# $Id$ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Write out messages.txt from blender # Execite: # blender --background --python po/update_msg.py import os CURRENT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) SOURCE_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, ".."))) FILE_NAME_MESSAGES = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "messages.txt") COMMENT_PREFIX = "#~ " def dump_messages_rna(messages): import bpy def classBlackList(): blacklist_rna_class = [ # core classes "Context", "Event", "Function", "UILayout", "BlendData", # registerable classes "Panel", "Menu", "Header", "RenderEngine", "Operator", "OperatorMacro", "Macro", "KeyingSetInfo", "UnknownType", # window classes "WindowManager", "Window" ] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect internal operators # extend with all internal operators # note that this uses internal api introspection functions # all possible operator names op_names = list(sorted(set( [cls.bl_rna.identifier for cls in bpy.types.OperatorProperties.__subclasses__()] + [cls.bl_rna.identifier for cls in bpy.types.Operator.__subclasses__()] + [cls.bl_rna.identifier for cls in bpy.types.OperatorMacro.__subclasses__()] ))) get_inatance = __import__("_bpy").ops.get_instance path_resolve = type(bpy.context).__base__.path_resolve for idname in op_names: op = get_inatance(idname) if 'INTERNAL' in path_resolve(op, "bl_options"): blacklist_rna_class.append(idname) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect builtin classes we dont need to doc blacklist_rna_class.append("Property") blacklist_rna_class.extend( [cls.__name__ for cls in bpy.types.Property.__subclasses__()]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collect classes which are attached to collections, these are api # access only. collection_props = set() for cls_id in dir(bpy.types): cls = getattr(bpy.types, cls_id) for prop in cls.bl_rna.properties: if prop.type == 'COLLECTION': prop_cls = prop.srna if prop_cls is not None: collection_props.add(prop_cls.identifier) blacklist_rna_class.extend(sorted(collection_props)) return blacklist_rna_class blacklist_rna_class = classBlackList() def filterRNA(bl_rna): id = bl_rna.identifier if id in blacklist_rna_class: print(" skipping", id) return True return False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function definitions def walkProperties(bl_rna): import bpy # get our parents properties not to export them multiple times bl_rna_base = bl_rna.base if bl_rna_base: bl_rna_base_props = bl_rna_base.properties.values() else: bl_rna_base_props = () for prop in bl_rna.properties: # only write this property is our parent hasn't got it. if prop in bl_rna_base_props: continue if prop.identifier == "rna_type": continue msgsrc = "bpy.types.%s.%s" % (bl_rna.identifier, prop.identifier) messages.setdefault(prop.name, []).append(msgsrc) messages.setdefault(prop.description, []).append(msgsrc) if isinstance(prop, bpy.types.EnumProperty): for item in prop.enum_items: msgsrc = "bpy.types.%s.%s, '%s'" % (bl_rna.identifier, prop.identifier, item.identifier, ) messages.setdefault(item.name, []).append(msgsrc) messages.setdefault(item.description, []).append(msgsrc) def walkRNA(bl_rna): if filterRNA(bl_rna): return msgsrc = "bpy.types.%s" % bl_rna.identifier if bl_rna.name and bl_rna.name != bl_rna.identifier: messages.setdefault(bl_rna.name, []).append(msgsrc) if bl_rna.description: messages.setdefault(bl_rna.description, []).append(msgsrc) if hasattr(bl_rna, 'bl_label') and bl_rna.bl_label: messages.setdefault(bl_rna.bl_label, []).append(msgsrc) walkProperties(bl_rna) def walkClass(cls): walkRNA(cls.bl_rna) def walk_keymap_hierarchy(hier, msgsrc_prev): for lvl in hier: msgsrc = "%s.%s" % (msgsrc_prev, lvl[1]) messages.setdefault(lvl[0], []).append(msgsrc) if lvl[3]: walk_keymap_hierarchy(lvl[3], msgsrc) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dump Messages def full_class_id(cls): """ gives us 'ID.Lamp.AreaLamp' which is best for sorting. """ cls_id = "" bl_rna = cls.bl_rna while bl_rna: cls_id = "%s.%s" % (bl_rna.identifier, cls_id) bl_rna = bl_rna.base return cls_id cls_list = type(bpy.context).__base__.__subclasses__() cls_list.sort(key=full_class_id) for cls in cls_list: walkClass(cls) cls_list = bpy.types.Space.__subclasses__() cls_list.sort(key=full_class_id) for cls in cls_list: walkClass(cls) cls_list = bpy.types.Operator.__subclasses__() cls_list.sort(key=full_class_id) for cls in cls_list: walkClass(cls) cls_list = bpy.types.OperatorProperties.__subclasses__() cls_list.sort(key=full_class_id) for cls in cls_list: walkClass(cls) cls_list = bpy.types.Menu.__subclasses__() cls_list.sort(key=full_class_id) for cls in cls_list: walkClass(cls) from bpy_extras.keyconfig_utils import KM_HIERARCHY walk_keymap_hierarchy(KM_HIERARCHY, "KM_HIERARCHY") def dump_messages_pytext(messages): """ dumps text inlined in the python user interface: eg. layout.prop("someprop", text="My Name") """ import ast # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gather function names import bpy # key: func_id # val: [(arg_kw, arg_pos), (arg_kw, arg_pos), ...] func_translate_args = {} # so far only 'text' keywords, but we may want others translated later translate_kw = ("text", ) for func_id, func in bpy.types.UILayout.bl_rna.functions.items(): # check it has a 'text' argument for (arg_pos, (arg_kw, arg)) in enumerate(func.parameters.items()): if ((arg_kw in translate_kw) and (arg.is_output == False) and (arg.type == 'STRING')): func_translate_args.setdefault(func_id, []).append((arg_kw, arg_pos)) # print(func_translate_args) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function definitions def extract_strings(fp_rel, node_container): """ Recursively get strings, needed incase we have "Blah" + "Blah", passed as an argument in that case it wont evaluate to a string. """ for node in ast.walk(node_container): if type(node) == ast.Str: eval_str = ast.literal_eval(node) if eval_str: # print("%s:%d: %s" % (fp, node.lineno, eval_str)) msgsrc = "%s:%s" % (fp_rel, node.lineno) messages.setdefault(eval_str, []).append(msgsrc) def extract_strings_from_file(fp): filedata = open(fp, 'r', encoding="utf8") root_node = ast.parse(filedata.read(), fp, 'exec') filedata.close() fp_rel = os.path.relpath(fp, SOURCE_DIR) for node in ast.walk(root_node): if type(node) == ast.Call: # print("found function at") # print("%s:%d" % (fp, node.lineno)) # lambda's if type(node.func) == ast.Name: continue # getattr(self, con.type)(context, box, con) if not hasattr(node.func, "attr"): continue translate_args = func_translate_args.get(node.func.attr, ()) # do nothing if not found for arg_kw, arg_pos in translate_args: if arg_pos < len(node.args): extract_strings(fp_rel, node.args[arg_pos]) else: for kw in node.keywords: if kw.arg == arg_kw: extract_strings(fp_rel, kw.value) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dump Messages mod_dir = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, "release", "scripts", "startup", "bl_ui") files = [os.path.join(mod_dir, fn) for fn in sorted(os.listdir(mod_dir)) if not fn.startswith("_") if fn.endswith("py") ] for fp in files: extract_strings_from_file(fp) def dump_messages(): def filter_message(msg): # check for strings like ": %d" msg_test = msg for ignore in ("%d", "%s", "%r", # string formatting "*", ".", "(", ")", "-", "/", "\\", "+", ":", "#", "%" "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "x", # used on its own eg: 100x200 "X", "Y", "Z", # used alone. no need to include ): msg_test = msg_test.replace(ignore, "") msg_test = msg_test.strip() if not msg_test: # print("Skipping: '%s'" % msg) return True # we could filter out different strings here return False if 1: import collections messages = collections.OrderedDict() else: messages = {} messages[""] = [] # get strings from RNA dump_messages_rna(messages) # get strings from UI layout definitions text="..." args dump_messages_pytext(messages) del messages[""] message_file = open(FILE_NAME_MESSAGES, 'w', encoding="utf8") # message_file.writelines("\n".join(sorted(messages))) for key, value in messages.items(): # filter out junk values if filter_message(key): continue for msgsrc in value: message_file.write("%s%s\n" % (COMMENT_PREFIX, msgsrc)) message_file.write("%s\n" % key) message_file.close() print("Written %d messages to: %r" % (len(messages), FILE_NAME_MESSAGES)) def main(): try: import bpy except ImportError: print("This script must run from inside blender") return dump_messages() if __name__ == "__main__": print("\n\n *** Running %r *** \n" % __file__) main()