/* * Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "stdosl.h" #include "node_color.h" color node_mix_blend(float t, color col1, color col2) { return mix(col1, col2, t); } color node_mix_add(float t, color col1, color col2) { return mix(col1, col1 + col2, t); } color node_mix_mul(float t, color col1, color col2) { return mix(col1, col1 * col2, t); } color node_mix_screen(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tm = 1.0 - t; return color(1.0) - (color(tm) + t*(color(1.0) - col2))*(color(1.0) - col1); } color node_mix_overlay(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tm = 1.0 - t; color outcol = col1; if(outcol[0] < 0.5) outcol[0] *= tm + 2.0*t*col2[0]; else outcol[0] = 1.0 - (tm + 2.0*t*(1.0 - col2[0]))*(1.0 - outcol[0]); if(outcol[1] < 0.5) outcol[1] *= tm + 2.0*t*col2[1]; else outcol[1] = 1.0 - (tm + 2.0*t*(1.0 - col2[1]))*(1.0 - outcol[1]); if(outcol[2] < 0.5) outcol[2] *= tm + 2.0*t*col2[2]; else outcol[2] = 1.0 - (tm + 2.0*t*(1.0 - col2[2]))*(1.0 - outcol[2]); return outcol; } color node_mix_sub(float t, color col1, color col2) { return mix(col1, col1 - col2, t); } color node_mix_div(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tm = 1.0 - t; color outcol = col1; if(col2[0] != 0.0) outcol[0] = tm*outcol[0] + t*outcol[0]/col2[0]; if(col2[1] != 0.0) outcol[1] = tm*outcol[1] + t*outcol[1]/col2[1]; if(col2[2] != 0.0) outcol[2] = tm*outcol[2] + t*outcol[2]/col2[2]; return outcol; } color node_mix_diff(float t, color col1, color col2) { return mix(col1, abs(col1 - col2), t); } color node_mix_dark(float t, color col1, color col2) { return min(col1, col2*t); } color node_mix_light(float t, color col1, color col2) { return max(col1, col2*t); } color node_mix_dodge(float t, color col1, color col2) { color outcol = col1; if(outcol[0] != 0.0) { float tmp = 1.0 - t*col2[0]; if(tmp <= 0.0) outcol[0] = 1.0; else if((tmp = outcol[0]/tmp) > 1.0) outcol[0] = 1.0; else outcol[0] = tmp; } if(outcol[1] != 0.0) { float tmp = 1.0 - t*col2[1]; if(tmp <= 0.0) outcol[1] = 1.0; else if((tmp = outcol[1]/tmp) > 1.0) outcol[1] = 1.0; else outcol[1] = tmp; } if(outcol[2] != 0.0) { float tmp = 1.0 - t*col2[2]; if(tmp <= 0.0) outcol[2] = 1.0; else if((tmp = outcol[2]/tmp) > 1.0) outcol[2] = 1.0; else outcol[2] = tmp; } return outcol; } color node_mix_burn(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tmp, tm = 1.0 - t; color outcol = col1; tmp = tm + t*col2[0]; if(tmp <= 0.0) outcol[0] = 0.0; else if((tmp = (1.0 - (1.0 - outcol[0])/tmp)) < 0.0) outcol[0] = 0.0; else if(tmp > 1.0) outcol[0] = 1.0; else outcol[0] = tmp; tmp = tm + t*col2[1]; if(tmp <= 0.0) outcol[1] = 0.0; else if((tmp = (1.0 - (1.0 - outcol[1])/tmp)) < 0.0) outcol[1] = 0.0; else if(tmp > 1.0) outcol[1] = 1.0; else outcol[1] = tmp; tmp = tm + t*col2[2]; if(tmp <= 0.0) outcol[2] = 0.0; else if((tmp = (1.0 - (1.0 - outcol[2])/tmp)) < 0.0) outcol[2] = 0.0; else if(tmp > 1.0) outcol[2] = 1.0; else outcol[2] = tmp; return outcol; } color node_mix_hue(float t, color col1, color col2) { color outcol = col1; color hsv2 = rgb_to_hsv(col2); if(hsv2[1] != 0.0) { color hsv = rgb_to_hsv(outcol); hsv[0] = hsv2[0]; color tmp = hsv_to_rgb(hsv); outcol = mix(outcol, tmp, t); } return outcol; } color node_mix_sat(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tm = 1.0 - t; color outcol = col1; color hsv = rgb_to_hsv(outcol); if(hsv[1] != 0.0) { color hsv2 = rgb_to_hsv(col2); hsv[1] = tm*hsv[1] + t*hsv2[1]; outcol = hsv_to_rgb(hsv); } return outcol; } color node_mix_val(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tm = 1.0 - t; color hsv = rgb_to_hsv(col1); color hsv2 = rgb_to_hsv(col2); hsv[2] = tm*hsv[2] + t*hsv2[2]; return hsv_to_rgb(hsv); } color node_mix_color(float t, color col1, color col2) { color outcol = col1; color hsv2 = rgb_to_hsv(col2); if(hsv2[1] != 0.0) { color hsv = rgb_to_hsv(outcol); hsv[0] = hsv2[0]; hsv[1] = hsv2[1]; color tmp = hsv_to_rgb(hsv); outcol = mix(outcol, tmp, t); } return outcol; } color node_mix_soft(float t, color col1, color col2) { float tm = 1.0 - t; color one= color(1.0); color scr= one - (one - col2)*(one - col1); return tm*col1 + t*((one - col1)*col2*col1 + col1*scr); } color node_mix_linear(float t, color col1, color col2) { color outcol = col1; if(col2[0] > 0.5) outcol[0]= col1[0] + t*(2.0*(col2[0] - 0.5)); else outcol[0]= col1[0] + t*(2.0*(col2[0]) - 1.0); if(col2[1] > 0.5) outcol[1]= col1[1] + t*(2.0*(col2[1] - 0.5)); else outcol[1]= col1[1] + t*(2.0*(col2[1]) - 1.0); if(col2[2] > 0.5) outcol[2]= col1[2] + t*(2.0*(col2[2] - 0.5)); else outcol[2]= col1[2] + t*(2.0*(col2[2]) - 1.0); return outcol; } color node_mix_clamp(color col) { color outcol = col; outcol[0] = clamp(col[0], 0.0, 1.0); outcol[1] = clamp(col[2], 0.0, 1.0); outcol[2] = clamp(col[2], 0.0, 1.0); return outcol; } shader node_mix( string type = "Mix", int Clamp = 0, float Fac = 0.5, color Color1 = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color Color2 = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), output color Color = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) { float t = clamp(Fac, 0.0, 1.0); if(type == "Mix") Color = node_mix_blend(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Add") Color = node_mix_add(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Multiply") Color = node_mix_mul(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Screen") Color = node_mix_screen(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Overlay") Color = node_mix_overlay(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Subtract") Color = node_mix_sub(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Divide") Color = node_mix_div(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Difference") Color = node_mix_diff(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Darken") Color = node_mix_dark(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Lighten") Color = node_mix_light(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Dodge") Color = node_mix_dodge(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Burn") Color = node_mix_burn(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Hue") Color = node_mix_hue(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Saturation") Color = node_mix_sat(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Value") Color = node_mix_val (t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Color") Color = node_mix_color(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Soft Light") Color = node_mix_soft(t, Color1, Color2); if(type == "Linear Light") Color = node_mix_linear(t, Color1, Color2); if(Clamp) Color = node_mix_clamp(Color); }