#!BPY #""" #Name: 'Load MDD to Mesh RVKs' #Blender: 242 #Group: 'Import' #Tooltip: 'baked vertex animation to active mesh object.' #""" __author__ = "Bill L.Nieuwendorp" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script Imports Lightwaves MotionDesigner format. The .mdd format has become quite a popular Pipeline format
for moving animations from package to package. """ # mdd importer # # Warning if the vertex order or vertex count differs from the # origonal model the mdd was Baked out from their will be Strange # behavior # # #vertex animation to ShapeKeys with ipo and gives the frame a value of 1.0 #A modifier to read mdd files would be Ideal but thats for another day :) # #Please send any fixes,updates,bugs to Slow67_at_Gmail.com #Bill Niewuendorp try: from struct import unpack except: unpack = None import Blender from Blender import Mesh, Object, Scene import BPyMessages def mdd_import(filepath, ob, PREF_IPONAME, PREF_START_FRAME, PREF_JUMP): print '\n\nimporting mdd "%s"' % filepath Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar (0.0, "Importing mdd ...") Blender.Window.EditMode(0) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1) file = open(filepath, 'rb') frames, points = unpack(">2i", file.read(8)) time = unpack((">%df" % frames), file.read(frames * 4)) print '\tpoints:%d frames:%d' % (points,frames) scn = Scene.GetCurrent() ctx = scn.getRenderingContext() Blender.Set("curframe", PREF_START_FRAME) me = ob.getData(mesh=1) def UpdateMesh(me,fr): for v in me.verts: # 12 is the size of 3 floats x,y,z= unpack('>3f', file.read(12)) v.co[:] = x,z,y me.update() Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar (0.4, "4 Importing mdd ...") curfr = ctx.currentFrame() print'\twriting mdd data...' for i in xrange(frames): Blender.Set("curframe", i+PREF_START_FRAME) if len(me.verts) > 1 and (curfr >= PREF_START_FRAME) and (curfr <= PREF_START_FRAME+frames): UpdateMesh(me, i) ob.insertShapeKey() Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar (0.5, "5 Importing mdd ...") key= me.key # Add the key of its not there if not key: me.insertKey(1, 'relative') key= me.key key.ipo = Blender.Ipo.New('Key', PREF_IPONAME) ipo = key.ipo # block = key.getBlocks() # not used. all_keys = ipo.curveConsts for i in xrange(PREF_JUMP+1, len(all_keys), PREF_JUMP): curve = ipo.getCurve(i) if curve == None: curve = ipo.addCurve(all_keys[i]) curve.append((PREF_START_FRAME+i-1,1)) curve.append((PREF_START_FRAME+i- PREF_JUMP -1,0)) curve.append((PREF_START_FRAME+i+ PREF_JUMP-1,0)) curve.setInterpolation('Linear') curve.recalc() print 'done' Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0) Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar (1.0, '') def mdd_import_ui(filepath): if BPyMessages.Error_NoFile(filepath): return scn= Scene.GetCurrent() ob_act= scn.objects.active if ob_act == None or ob_act.type != 'Mesh': BPyMessages.Error_NoMeshActive() return PREF_IPONAME = Blender.Draw.Create(filepath.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1].split('.')[0]) PREF_START_FRAME = Blender.Draw.Create(1) PREF_JUMP = Blender.Draw.Create(1) block = [\ ("Ipo Name: ", PREF_IPONAME, 0, 30, "Ipo name for the new shape key"),\ ("Start Frame: ", PREF_START_FRAME, 1, 3000, "Start frame for the animation"),\ ("Key Skip: ", PREF_JUMP, 1, 100, "KeyReduction, Skip every Nth Frame")\ ] if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Import MDD", block): return orig_frame = Blender.Get('curframe') mdd_import(filepath, ob_act, PREF_IPONAME.val, PREF_START_FRAME.val, PREF_JUMP.val) Blender.Set('curframe', orig_frame) if __name__ == '__main__': if not unpack: Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|This script requires a full python install') Blender.Window.FileSelector(mdd_import_ui, 'IMPORT MDD', '*.mdd')