# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy EPS = 0.001 EPS_LINE_LINE = 0.02 EPS_COLLAPSE = 0.05 EPS_HUB = 0.05 def get_hub(co, _hubs): if 1: for hub in _hubs.values(): if (hub.co - co).length < EPS_HUB: return hub key = co.toTuple(3) hub = _hubs[key] = Hub(co, key, len(_hubs)) return hub else: pass ''' key = co.toTuple(3) try: return _hubs[key] except: hub = _hubs[key] = Hub(co, key, len(_hubs)) return hub ''' class Hub: def __init__(self, co, key, index): self.co = co.copy() self.key = key self.index = index self.links = [] def get_weight(self): f = 0.0 for hub_other in self.links: f += (self.co - hub_other.co).length def replace(self, other): for hub in self.links: try: hub.links.remove(self) except: pass if other not in hub.links: hub.links.append(other) def dist(self, other): return (self.co - other.co).length def calc_faces(self, hub_ls): faces = [] # first tris for l_a in self.links: for l_b in l_a.links: if l_b is not self and l_b in self.links: # will give duplicates faces.append((self.index, l_a.index, l_b.index)) # now quads, check which links share 2 different verts # directly def validate_quad(face): if len(set(face)) != len(face): return False if hub_ls[face[0]] in hub_ls[face[2]].links: return False if hub_ls[face[2]] in hub_ls[face[0]].links: return False if hub_ls[face[1]] in hub_ls[face[3]].links: return False if hub_ls[face[3]] in hub_ls[face[1]].links: return False return True for i, l_a in enumerate(self.links): links_a = set([l.index for l in l_a.links]) for j in range(i): l_b = self.links[j] links_b = set([l.index for l in l_b.links]) isect = links_a.intersection(links_b) if len(isect) == 2: isect = list(isect) # check there are no diagonal lines face = (isect[0], l_a.index, isect[1], l_b.index) if validate_quad(face): faces.append(face) return faces class Spline: def __init__(self, points): self.points = points self.hubs = [] def link(self): if len(self.hubs) < 2: return edges = list(set([i for i, hub in self.hubs])) edges.sort() edges_order = {} for i in edges: edges_order[i] = [] # self.hubs.sort() for i, hub in self.hubs: edges_order[i].append(hub) hubs_order = [] for i in edges: ls = edges_order[i] edge_start = self.points[i] ls.sort(key=lambda hub: (hub.co - edge_start).length) hubs_order.extend(ls) # Now we have the order, connect the hubs hub_prev = hubs_order[0] for hub in hubs_order[1:]: hub.links.append(hub_prev) hub_prev.links.append(hub) hub_prev = hub def get_points(spline): points = spline.points if len(spline.bezier_points): points = spline.bezier_points return [point.co.copy().resize3D() for point in points] def get_splines(data): return [Spline(get_points(spline)) for spline in data.splines] def xsect_spline(sp_a, sp_b, _hubs): from Mathutils import LineIntersect from Mathutils import MidpointVecs from Geometry import ClosestPointOnLine pt_a_prev = pt_b_prev = None pt_a_prev = sp_a.points[0] for a, pt_a in enumerate(sp_a.points[1:]): pt_b_prev = sp_b.points[0] for b, pt_b in enumerate(sp_b.points[1:]): # Now we have 2 edges # print(pt_a, pt_a_prev, pt_b, pt_b_prev) xsect = LineIntersect(pt_a, pt_a_prev, pt_b, pt_b_prev) if xsect is not None: if (xsect[0]-xsect[1]).length <= EPS_LINE_LINE: f = ClosestPointOnLine(xsect[1], pt_a, pt_a_prev)[1] if f >= 0.0 and f <= 1.0: f = ClosestPointOnLine(xsect[0], pt_b, pt_b_prev)[1] if f >= 0.0 and f <= 1.0: # This wont happen often co = MidpointVecs(xsect[0], xsect[1]) hub = get_hub(co, _hubs) sp_a.hubs.append((a, hub)) sp_b.hubs.append((b, hub)) pt_b_prev = pt_b pt_a_prev = pt_a def calculate(scene, obj): data = obj.data splines = get_splines(data) _hubs = {} for i, sp in enumerate(splines): for j, sp_other in enumerate(splines): if j<=i: continue xsect_spline(sp, sp_other, _hubs) for sp in splines: sp.link() # remove these hubs_ls = [hub for hub in _hubs.values() if hub.index != -1] _hubs.clear() _hubs = None for i, hub in enumerate(hubs_ls): hub.index = i # Now we have connected hubs, write all edges! def order(i1, i2): if i1 > i2: return i2, i1 return i1, i2 edges = {} for hub in hubs_ls: i1 = hub.index for hub_other in hub.links: i2 = hub_other.index edges[order(i1, i2)] = None verts = [] edges = edges.keys() faces = [] for hub in hubs_ls: verts.append(hub.co) faces.extend(hub.calc_faces(hubs_ls)) # remove double faces faces = dict([(tuple(sorted(f)), f) for f in faces]).values() mesh = bpy.data.add_mesh("Retopo") mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) scene = bpy.context.scene mesh.update() obj_new = bpy.data.add_object('MESH', "Torus") obj_new.data = mesh scene.objects.link(obj_new) return obj_new def main(): # first convert gpencil # *** evil! scene = bpy.context.scene bpy.ops.gpencil.convert(type='PATH') scene = bpy.context.scene obj = bpy.context.object if not obj: raise Exception("no active object") obj_new = calculate(scene, obj) # obj.selected = False scene.objects.unlink(obj) scene.objects.active = obj_new obj_new.selected = True # nasty, recalc normals bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False) bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)