/* * Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "device.h" #include "curves.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "object.h" #include "scene.h" #include "util_foreach.h" #include "util_map.h" #include "util_progress.h" #include "util_vector.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Curve functions */ void curvebounds(float *lower, float *upper, float3 *p, int dim) { float *p0 = &p[0].x; float *p1 = &p[1].x; float *p2 = &p[2].x; float *p3 = &p[3].x; float fc = 0.71f; float curve_coef[4]; curve_coef[0] = p1[dim]; curve_coef[1] = -fc*p0[dim] + fc*p2[dim]; curve_coef[2] = 2.0f * fc * p0[dim] + (fc - 3.0f) * p1[dim] + (3.0f - 2.0f * fc) * p2[dim] - fc * p3[dim]; curve_coef[3] = -fc * p0[dim] + (2.0f - fc) * p1[dim] + (fc - 2.0f) * p2[dim] + fc * p3[dim]; float discroot = curve_coef[2] * curve_coef[2] - 3 * curve_coef[3] * curve_coef[1]; float ta = -1.0f; float tb = -1.0f; if(discroot >= 0) { discroot = sqrt(discroot); ta = (-curve_coef[2] - discroot) / (3 * curve_coef[3]); tb = (-curve_coef[2] + discroot) / (3 * curve_coef[3]); ta = (ta > 1.0f || ta < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : ta; tb = (tb > 1.0f || tb < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : tb; } *upper = max(p1[dim],p2[dim]); *lower = min(p1[dim],p2[dim]); float exa = p1[dim]; float exb = p2[dim]; float t2; float t3; if(ta >= 0.0f) { t2 = ta * ta; t3 = t2 * ta; exa = curve_coef[3] * t3 + curve_coef[2] * t2 + curve_coef[1] * ta + curve_coef[0]; } if(tb >= 0.0f) { t2 = tb * tb; t3 = t2 * tb; exb = curve_coef[3] * t3 + curve_coef[2] * t2 + curve_coef[1] * tb + curve_coef[0]; } *upper = max(*upper, max(exa,exb)); *lower = min(*lower, min(exa,exb)); } /* Hair System Manager */ CurveSystemManager::CurveSystemManager() { primitive = CURVE_LINE_SEGMENTS; line_method = CURVE_CORRECTED; interpolation = CURVE_CARDINAL; triangle_method = CURVE_CAMERA_TRIANGLES; resolution = 3; segments = 1; subdivisions = 3; normalmix = 1.0f; encasing_ratio = 1.01f; use_curves = true; use_smooth = true; use_parents = false; use_encasing = true; use_backfacing = false; use_joined = false; use_tangent_normal = false; use_tangent_normal_geometry = false; use_tangent_normal_correction = false; need_update = true; need_mesh_update = false; } CurveSystemManager::~CurveSystemManager() { } void CurveSystemManager::device_update(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { if(!need_update) return; device_free(device, dscene); progress.set_status("Updating Hair settings", "Copying Hair settings to device"); KernelCurves *kcurve= &dscene->data.curve_kernel_data; kcurve->curveflags = 0; if(use_curves) { if(primitive == CURVE_SEGMENTS || primitive == CURVE_RIBBONS) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_INTERPOLATE; if(primitive == CURVE_RIBBONS) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_RIBBONS; if(line_method == CURVE_ACCURATE) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_ACCURATE; if(line_method == CURVE_CORRECTED) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_INTERSECTCORRECTION; if(line_method == CURVE_POSTCORRECTED) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_POSTINTERSECTCORRECTION; if(use_tangent_normal) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_TANGENTGNORMAL; if(use_tangent_normal_correction) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_NORMALCORRECTION; if(use_tangent_normal_geometry) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_TRUETANGENTGNORMAL; if(use_joined) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_CURVEDATA; if(use_backfacing) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_BACKFACING; if(use_encasing) kcurve->curveflags |= CURVE_KN_ENCLOSEFILTER; kcurve->normalmix = normalmix; kcurve->encasing_ratio = encasing_ratio; kcurve->subdivisions = subdivisions; } if(progress.get_cancel()) return; need_update = false; } void CurveSystemManager::device_free(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene) { } bool CurveSystemManager::modified(const CurveSystemManager& CurveSystemManager) { return !(line_method == CurveSystemManager.line_method && interpolation == CurveSystemManager.interpolation && primitive == CurveSystemManager.primitive && use_encasing == CurveSystemManager.use_encasing && use_tangent_normal == CurveSystemManager.use_tangent_normal && use_tangent_normal_correction == CurveSystemManager.use_tangent_normal_correction && use_tangent_normal_geometry == CurveSystemManager.use_tangent_normal_geometry && encasing_ratio == CurveSystemManager.encasing_ratio && use_backfacing == CurveSystemManager.use_backfacing && normalmix == CurveSystemManager.normalmix && use_smooth == CurveSystemManager.use_smooth && triangle_method == CurveSystemManager.triangle_method && resolution == CurveSystemManager.resolution && use_curves == CurveSystemManager.use_curves && use_joined == CurveSystemManager.use_joined && segments == CurveSystemManager.segments && use_parents == CurveSystemManager.use_parents && subdivisions == CurveSystemManager.subdivisions); } bool CurveSystemManager::modified_mesh(const CurveSystemManager& CurveSystemManager) { return !(primitive == CurveSystemManager.primitive && interpolation == CurveSystemManager.interpolation && use_parents == CurveSystemManager.use_parents && use_smooth == CurveSystemManager.use_smooth && triangle_method == CurveSystemManager.triangle_method && resolution == CurveSystemManager.resolution && use_curves == CurveSystemManager.use_curves && use_joined == CurveSystemManager.use_joined && segments == CurveSystemManager.segments); } void CurveSystemManager::tag_update(Scene *scene) { need_update = true; } void CurveSystemManager::tag_update_mesh() { need_mesh_update = true; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END