# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy import os class AddPresetBase(): '''Base preset class, only for subclassing subclasses must define - preset_values - preset_subdir ''' # bl_idname = "script.preset_base_add" # bl_label = "Add a Python Preset" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} # only because invoke_props_popup requires. name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Name", description="Name of the preset, used to make the path name", maxlen=64, default="") remove_active = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=False, options={'HIDDEN'}) @staticmethod def as_filename(name): # could reuse for other presets for char in " !@#$%^&*(){}:\";'[]<>,.\\/?": name = name.replace(char, '_') return name.lower().strip() def execute(self, context): import os if hasattr(self, "pre_cb"): self.pre_cb(context) preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.preset_menu) if not self.remove_active: if not self.name: return {'FINISHED'} filename = self.as_filename(self.name) target_path = bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', os.path.join("presets", self.preset_subdir), create=True) if not target_path: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Failed to create presets path") return {'CANCELLED'} filepath = os.path.join(target_path, filename) + ".py" if hasattr(self, "add"): self.add(context, filepath) else: file_preset = open(filepath, 'w') file_preset.write("import bpy\n") if hasattr(self, "preset_defines"): for rna_path in self.preset_defines: exec(rna_path) file_preset.write("%s\n" % rna_path) file_preset.write("\n") for rna_path in self.preset_values: value = eval(rna_path) # convert thin wrapped sequences to simple lists to repr() try: value = value[:] except: pass file_preset.write("%s = %r\n" % (rna_path, value)) file_preset.close() preset_menu_class.bl_label = bpy.path.display_name(filename) else: preset_active = preset_menu_class.bl_label # fairly sloppy but convenient. filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(preset_active, self.preset_subdir) if not filepath: filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(preset_active, self.preset_subdir, display_name=True) if not filepath: return {'CANCELLED'} if hasattr(self, "remove"): self.remove(context, filepath) else: try: os.remove(filepath) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() # XXX, stupid! preset_menu_class.bl_label = "Presets" if hasattr(self, "post_cb"): self.post_cb(context) return {'FINISHED'} def check(self, context): self.name = self.as_filename(self.name) def invoke(self, context, event): if not self.remove_active: wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) else: return self.execute(context) class ExecutePreset(bpy.types.Operator): ''' Executes a preset ''' bl_idname = "script.execute_preset" bl_label = "Execute a Python Preset" filepath = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Path", description="Path of the Python file to execute", maxlen=512, default="") menu_idname = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Menu ID Name", description="ID name of the menu this was called from", default="") def execute(self, context): from os.path import basename filepath = self.filepath # change the menu title to the most recently chosen option preset_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.menu_idname) preset_class.bl_label = bpy.path.display_name(basename(filepath)) # execute the preset using script.python_file_run bpy.ops.script.python_file_run(filepath=filepath) return {'FINISHED'} class AddPresetRender(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a Render Preset''' bl_idname = "render.preset_add" bl_label = "Add Render Preset" preset_menu = "RENDER_MT_presets" preset_defines = [ "scene = bpy.context.scene" ] preset_values = [ "scene.render.field_order", "scene.render.fps", "scene.render.fps_base", "scene.render.pixel_aspect_x", "scene.render.pixel_aspect_y", "scene.render.resolution_percentage", "scene.render.resolution_x", "scene.render.resolution_y", "scene.render.use_fields", "scene.render.use_fields_still", ] preset_subdir = "render" class AddPresetSSS(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a Subsurface Scattering Preset''' bl_idname = "material.sss_preset_add" bl_label = "Add SSS Preset" preset_menu = "MATERIAL_MT_sss_presets" preset_defines = [ "material = (bpy.context.material.active_node_material if bpy.context.material.active_node_material else bpy.context.material)" ] preset_values = [ "material.subsurface_scattering.back", "material.subsurface_scattering.color", "material.subsurface_scattering.color_factor", "material.subsurface_scattering.error_threshold", "material.subsurface_scattering.front", "material.subsurface_scattering.ior", "material.subsurface_scattering.radius", "material.subsurface_scattering.scale", "material.subsurface_scattering.texture_factor", ] preset_subdir = "sss" class AddPresetCloth(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a Cloth Preset''' bl_idname = "cloth.preset_add" bl_label = "Add Cloth Preset" preset_menu = "CLOTH_MT_presets" preset_defines = [ "cloth = bpy.context.cloth" ] preset_values = [ "cloth.settings.air_damping", "cloth.settings.bending_stiffness", "cloth.settings.mass", "cloth.settings.quality", "cloth.settings.spring_damping", "cloth.settings.structural_stiffness", ] preset_subdir = "cloth" class AddPresetSunSky(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a Sky & Atmosphere Preset''' bl_idname = "lamp.sunsky_preset_add" bl_label = "Add Sunsky Preset" preset_menu = "LAMP_MT_sunsky_presets" preset_defines = [ "sky = bpy.context.object.data.sky" ] preset_values = [ "sky.atmosphere_extinction", "sky.atmosphere_inscattering", "sky.atmosphere_turbidity", "sky.backscattered_light", "sky.horizon_brightness", "sky.spread", "sky.sun_brightness", "sky.sun_intensity", "sky.sun_size", "sky.use_sky_blend", "sky.use_sky_blend_type", "sky.use_sky_color_space", "sky.use_sky_exposure", ] preset_subdir = "sunsky" class AddPresetInteraction(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add an Application Interaction Preset''' bl_idname = "wm.interaction_preset_add" bl_label = "Add Interaction Preset" preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_interaction_presets" preset_defines = [ "user_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences" ] preset_values = [ "user_preferences.edit.use_drag_immediately", "user_preferences.edit.use_insertkey_xyz_to_rgb", "user_preferences.inputs.invert_mouse_wheel_zoom", "user_preferences.inputs.select_mouse", "user_preferences.inputs.use_emulate_numpad", "user_preferences.inputs.use_mouse_continuous", "user_preferences.inputs.use_mouse_emulate_3_button", "user_preferences.inputs.view_rotate_method", "user_preferences.inputs.view_zoom_axis", "user_preferences.inputs.view_zoom_method", ] preset_subdir = "interaction" class AddPresetKeyconfig(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add a Keyconfig Preset''' bl_idname = "wm.keyconfig_preset_add" bl_label = "Add Keyconfig Preset" preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs" preset_subdir = "keyconfig" def add(self, context, filepath): bpy.ops.wm.keyconfig_export(filepath=filepath) bpy.utils.keyconfig_set(filepath) def pre_cb(self, context): keyconfigs = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs if self.remove_active: preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.preset_menu) preset_menu_class.bl_label = keyconfigs.active.name def post_cb(self, context): keyconfigs = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs if self.remove_active: keyconfigs.remove(keyconfigs.active) class AddPresetOperator(AddPresetBase, bpy.types.Operator): '''Add an Application Interaction Preset''' bl_idname = "wm.operator_preset_add" bl_label = "Operator Preset" preset_menu = "WM_MT_operator_presets" operator = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Operator", maxlen=64, options={'HIDDEN'}) # XXX, not ideal preset_defines = [ "op = bpy.context.space_data.operator", ] @property def preset_subdir(self): return __class__.operator_path(self.operator) @property def preset_values(self): properties_blacklist = bpy.types.Operator.bl_rna.properties.keys() prefix, suffix = self.operator.split("_OT_", 1) operator_rna = getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, prefix.lower()), suffix).get_rna().bl_rna ret = [] for prop_id, prop in operator_rna.properties.items(): if (not prop.is_hidden) and prop_id not in properties_blacklist: ret.append("op.%s" % prop_id) return ret @staticmethod def operator_path(operator): import os prefix, suffix = operator.split("_OT_", 1) return os.path.join("operator", "%s.%s" % (prefix.lower(), suffix)) class WM_MT_operator_presets(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Operator Presets" def draw(self, context): self.operator = context.space_data.operator.bl_idname bpy.types.Menu.draw_preset(self, context) @property def preset_subdir(self): return AddPresetOperator.operator_path(self.operator) preset_operator = "script.execute_preset" def register(): pass def unregister(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": register()