#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'Texture Baker' Blender: 239 Group: 'UV' Tooltip: 'Procedural to uvmapped texture baker' """ __author__ = "Jean-Michel Soler (jms)" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "Official Page, http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_mesh3d2uv2d_en.htm", "Communicate problems and errors, http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/newsportal/thread.php?group=3D.Blender") __version__ = "0.3.2 2005/12/28" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script "bakes" Blender procedural materials (including textures): it saves them as 2d uv-mapped images. This script saves an uv texture layout of the chosen mesh, that can be used as an uv map for it. It is a way to export procedurals from Blender as normal image textures that can be edited with a 2d image manipulation program or used with the mesh in games and other 3d applications. Usage: a) Enter face mode and define uv coordinates for your mesh;
b) Define its materials and textures ; c) Run this script and check the console. Global variables a) FRAME integer, the last frame of the animation, autodocumented . b) LIMIT integer, 0 or 1, uvcoords may exceed limits 0.0 to 1.0 , this variable obliges the script to do a complete framing of the uvcoord . Notes:
This script was based on a suggestion by Martin (Theeth) Poirier;
""" #--------------------------------------------- # Last release : 0.3.1 , 2005/10/21 , 20h23 #--------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------- # (c) jm soler 07/2004 : 'Procedural Texture Baker' # Based on a Martin 'Theeth' Poirier's really # good idea : makes a rvk mesh with uv coords # of the original mesh. # # Released under Blender Artistic Licence # # 0.3.2 # blender 2.40 update to deal with the new shape # key system . # # 0.3.1 # stupid bug correction # # 0.3.0 # TAILLEIMAGE variable # # 0.2.9 # -- little probleme with the KEEPRENDERWINDOW variable . # removed . script seems to works correctly now . # # 0.2.8 # -- added the forgotten image property in face # data. a little longer but better. # ( a remove double in the resulting mesh may be # useful .) # -- the data.update() function problem is # corrected too # -- no more layers problem . CAM and MESH are # localised in layer 20 . This layer is # the active one for the image rendering . # -- mesh creation is cleaner, loop in double was # removed and the abskey is set in frame 1 # only . This solves an other deform problem . # -- if user does not want an autosaved image, # the "no replace" option leaves the render # window on the screen # # 0.2.7 # -- minor correction on line 147: "!=-1" added # # 0.2.6 # -- Creation of LAMP object is removed and replaced # by the use of the shadeless option in material object # # -- helpmsg corrected : the aim of the script # is to bake any type of textures so we have not # to mapinput its textures on UV . # # --'pers' camera was replaced by an 'ortho' one. # # 0.2.5 # -- if a image file with the same name exits the # system returns an error # # 0.2.4 # -- a LIMIT variable is added to unlock the uvcoords # autoframing # # # 0.2.3 : # Great thanks for Apollux who sees a lot of these # problems # # --Everytime you run the script a new set # of objects is created. File size and memory # consumption can go pretty high if you are # not aware of that . # Now it ONLY creates 3 objects: a flattened # mesh, a camera and a lamp. # --all the 3 objects was placed on layer 1, but if # that layer was not visible while you used the script # all you will get a is an empty render. # Now the layer is tst and activated befor the shoot # --The flattened mesh was really flattend only after # frame 100 (if you playbacked the animation, you can # actually see the mesh becoming flat on the first 100 # frames). No more. # -- When the script is run, it changes temporary to # the new cammera, set the render output to a square # (i.e. 1024 x 1024 or else), does the render, and then # resets the render output and the active camera to the # original one. But if no original camera was found # this produce an error. # # 0.2.2 : # if the uv mesh objet exists it used, # no creation of a new one. As the lamp and # the camera # 0.2.1 : # This script automaticaly frame and shoot the # new uv mesh . The image file is saved ine the # /render folder. # #--------------------------------------------- # On user-friendly side : #--------------------------------------------- #- Tadje Vobovnik adds the Select Image Size Menu # #--------------------------------------------- # Official Page : # http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_mesh3d2uv2d_en.htm # For problems and errors: # http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/newsportal/thread.php?group=3D.Blender #--------------------------------------------- import Blender from Blender import NMesh, Draw, Object, Scene, Camera #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.5 , 2005/05/22 , 20h00 #----------------------------------- # la fonction Blender.sys.dirname pose un # probleme lorsque la memoire est trop encombree # --- # It seems that the Blender.sys.dirname function # poses a problem when the memory is too much encumbered #----------------------------------- try: import nt os = nt os.sep='\\' except: import posix os = posix os.sep='/' DIRNAME=Blender.Get('filename') #----------------------------------- # decoupage de la chaine en fragment # de façon a isoler le nom du fichier # du repertoire # --- # split string in fragments to isolate # the file name from the path name #----------------------------------- if DIRNAME.find(os.sep)!=-1: k0=DIRNAME.split(os.sep) else: k0=DIRNAME.split('/') DIRNAME=DIRNAME.replace(k0[-1],'') #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.5 , 2005/05/22 , end #----------------------------------- #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.4 , 2005/05/22 , 15h00 #----------------------------------- FRAME = Blender.Get('endframe') #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.4 , 2005/05/22 , end #----------------------------------- #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.4 , 2005/05/18 , 11h00 # # Si LIMIT == 0 le script n'essaye pas de realiser # un nouveau cadrage pour que l'image presente toute les # coordonnées uv. # --- # if LIMIT == 0 the script do not try to make # a new framing with all the uvcoord in only one # shoot... #----------------------------------- LIMIT=0 #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.4 , 2005/05/18 , END #----------------------------------- XYLIMIT = [0.0, 0.0,1.0,1.0] OBJPOS = 100.0 DEBUG=1 RENDERLAYER=20 SCENELAYERS=[] helpmsg = """ Texture Baker: This script saves an uv texture layout of the chosen mesh, that can be used as an uv map for it. It is a way to export procedural textures from Blender as normal image textures that can be edited with a 2d image manipulation program or used with the mesh in games and other 3d applications. Basic instructions: - Enter face mode and define uv coordinates for your mesh (do not forget to choose a development shape); - Define its materials and textures ; - Run this script and check the console. """ def GET_newobject (TYPE,NAME): """ # --------------------------- # Function GET_newobject # # IN : TYPE string , object type ('Mesh','Empty',...) # NAME string , name object # OUT: OBJECT Blender objetc described in teh string TYPE # SCENE Blender current scene object # --------------------------- Return and object and the current scene """ SCENE = Blender.Scene.getCurrent() OBJECT = Blender.Object.New(TYPE,NAME) SCENE.link(OBJECT) return OBJECT, SCENE def RenameImage(RDIR, MYDIR, FILENAME, name): """ # --------------------------- # Function RenameImage # # IN : RDIR string , current render directory # MYDIR string , new render dir for this shoot # FILENAME string , last rendered image filename # name string , new name for this image # OUT: nothing # --------------------------- Rename the file pointed by the string name recall the function if the file yet exists """ newfname = RDIR + MYDIR + name if newfname.find('.png', -4) < 0 : newfname += '.png' if not Blender.sys.exists(newfname): os.rename(FILENAME, newfname) else: name = Draw.PupStrInput ('ReName Image, please :', name, 32) RenameImage(RDIR, MYDIR, FILENAME, name) def SAVE_image (rc, name, FRAME, result): """ # --------------------------- # Function SAVE_image # # IN : rc current render context object # name string , image name # FRAME integer, last numbre of the curent animation # OUT: nothing # --------------------------- """ rc.enableExtensions(1) MYDIR = '' RENDERDIR = rc.getRenderPath().replace('\\','/') if RENDERDIR.find('//')==0 : print 'filename', Blender.Get('filename'),'/n', Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) RDIR=RENDERDIR.replace('//',DIRNAME) else: RDIR=RENDERDIR[:] if DEBUG : print 'RDIR : ', RDIR HOMEDIR=Blender.Get('homedir') if DEBUG : print 'HOMEDIR', HOMEDIR rc.setRenderPath(RENDERDIR + MYDIR) if DEBUG : print "Render folder:", RENDERDIR + MYDIR IMAGETYPE = Blender.Scene.Render.PNG if DEBUG : print 'IMAGETYPE : ',IMAGETYPE rc.setImageType(IMAGETYPE) NEWFRAME = FRAME OLDEFRAME = rc.endFrame() OLDSFRAME = rc.startFrame() rc.startFrame(NEWFRAME) rc.endFrame(NEWFRAME) rc.renderAnim() if result!=2 : Blender.Scene.Render.CloseRenderWindow() FILENAME = "%04d" % NEWFRAME FILENAME = FILENAME.replace (' ', '0') FILENAME = RDIR + MYDIR + FILENAME + '.png' RenameImage(RDIR, MYDIR, FILENAME, name) rc.endFrame(OLDEFRAME) rc.startFrame(OLDSFRAME) rc.setRenderPath(RENDERDIR) def SHOOT (XYlimit, frame, obj, name, FRAME, result): """ # --------------------------- # Function SHOOT # # IN : XYlimit list of 4 floats, smallest and biggest # uvcoords # frame current frame # obj for object location # name image name # FRAME the last animation's frame # OUT: nothing # --------------------------- render and save the baked textures picture """ try: CAM = Blender.Object.Get('UVCAMERA') Cam = CAM.getData() SC = Blender.Scene.getCurrent() except: Cam = Blender.Camera.New() Cam.name = 'UVCamera' CAM, SC = GET_newobject('Camera','UVCAMERA') CAM.link(Cam) CAM.setName('UVCAMERA') CAM.layers=[RENDERLAYER] Cam.lens = 30 Cam.name = 'UVCamera' Cam.setType('ortho') Cam.setScale(1.0) CAM.setLocation(obj.getLocation()) CAM.LocX += XYlimit[2] * 0.500 CAM.LocY += XYlimit[3] * 0.500 CAM.LocZ += max (XYlimit[2], XYlimit[3]) CAM.setEuler (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) context = SC.getRenderingContext() Camold = SC.getCurrentCamera() SC.setCurrentCamera(CAM) OLDy = context.imageSizeY() OLDx = context.imageSizeX() TAILLEIMAGE='TEXTURE OUT RESOLUTION : %t |' TAILLEIMAGE+='256 %x1 |' TAILLEIMAGE+='512 %x2 |' TAILLEIMAGE+='768 %x3 |' TAILLEIMAGE+='1024 %x4 |' TAILLEIMAGE+='2048 %x5 ' #TAILLEIMAGE+='| 4096 %x6 ' tres = Draw.PupMenu(TAILLEIMAGE) if (tres) == 1: res = 256 elif (tres) == 2: res = 512 elif (tres) == 3: res = 768 elif (tres) == 4: res = 1024 elif (tres) == 5: res = 2048 # elif (tres) == 6: res = 4096 else: res = 512 #... SCENELAYERS=SC.layers SC.layers = [20] context.imageSizeY(res) context.imageSizeX(res) SAVE_image (context, name, FRAME, result) context.imageSizeY(OLDy) context.imageSizeX(OLDx) SC.layers = SCENELAYERS if Camold : SC.setCurrentCamera(Camold) Blender.Set ('curframe', frame) #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , 00h00 #----------------------------------- def PROV_Shadeless(MATList): """ # --------------------------- # Function PROV_Shadeless # # IN : MATList a list of the mesh's materials # OUT: SHADEDict a dictionnary of the materials' shadeles value # --------------------------- """ SHADEDict={} for mat in MATList: SHADEDict[mat.name]=mat.mode mat.mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.SHADELESS return SHADEDict #----------------------------------- # Last release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , end #----------------------------------- #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , 00h00 #----------------------------------- def REST_Shadeless(SHADEDict): """ # --------------------------- # Function REST_Shadeless # # IN : SHADEDict a dictionnary of the materials' shadeles value # OUT : nothing # --------------------------- """ for m in SHADEDict.keys(): mat=Blender.Material.Get(m) mat.mode=SHADEDict[m] #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , end #----------------------------------- #----------------------------------- # release : 0.3.2 , 2005/12/28 , 13h00 #----------------------------------- def Blender240update(MESH2,FRAME): """ # --------------------------- # Function Blender240update # # IN : MESH2 a mesh data bloc # FRAME , the animation frame limit # # ADD : an ipo curve to the shape key # named "Key 1" # # OUT : nothing # --------------------------- """ # --------------------------- # recuperation des clef de morphing pour ce mesh # --------------------------- key = MESH2.getKey() # --------------------------- # recuperation de l'Ipo # --------------------------- ipo = key.ipo # --------------------------- # si l'ipo n'existe pas on la cree # --------------------------- if ipo == None: noipo = Blender.Ipo.New("Key","keyipo") key.ipo = noipo # --------------------------- # raccourci de l'expression # --------------------------- ipo = key.ipo # --------------------------- # identification de la clef de morphing # --------------------------- keyidentity = "Key 1" # --------------------------- # recuperation de la courbe correspondante # c'est toujours la courbe 0 # --------------------------- ipocurve = ipo.getCurve(0) # --------------------------- # si la courbe n'existe pas (normalement, elle n'existe pas mais # on gère le risque pour faciliter une eventuelle récupération de # cette fonction dans un autre script ou pour les cas , certe peu # probable, ou blender viendrait a etre modifie pour les ajouter # automatiquement ) on la cree ... # --------------------------- if ipocurve == None: ipocurve = ipo.addCurve(keyidentity) # --------------------------- # On applique l'attribut d'inetrpolation qui permet d'avoir # une ligne droite # --------------------------- ipocurve.setInterpolation("Linear") # --------------------------- # On retire tous les sommets qui pourraient se trouver sur la # courbe (dans l'état actuel, cette opération est une sécurité # superflue ) . # --------------------------- while len(ipocurve.getPoints()) > 0: ipocurve.delBezier(0) ipocurve.recalc() # --------------------------- # On ajouter les sommets necessaires ... # --------------------------- ipocurve.append((-1,1)) # --------------------------- # ... ce dernire n'est peut-être pas absolument obligatoire . # --------------------------- ipocurve.append((FRAME+1,1)) #----------------------------------- # release : 0.3.2 , 2005/12/28 , end #----------------------------------- def Mesh2UVCoord (LIMIT): """ # --------------------------- # Function Mesh2UVCoord # # IN : LIMIT integer, create or not a new framing for uvcoords # OUT: nothing # --------------------------- """ global PUTRAW, FRAME, SCENELAYERS try: MESH3D = Object.GetSelected()[0] if MESH3D.getType() == 'Mesh': MESH = MESH3D.getData() try: NewOBJECT=Blender.Object.Get('UVOBJECT') CurSCENE=Blender.Scene.getCurrent() except: NewOBJECT, CurSCENE = GET_newobject('Mesh','UVOBJECT') MESH2 = NewOBJECT.getData() MESH2.edges=[] NewOBJECT.layers=[RENDERLAYER] MESH2.faces=[] for f in MESH.faces: f1 = Blender.NMesh.Face() for v in f.v: v1 = Blender.NMesh.Vert (v.co[0], v.co[1], v.co[2]) MESH2.verts.append(v1) f1.v.append(MESH2.verts[len(MESH2.verts) - 1]) MESH2.faces.append(f1) f1.uv = f.uv[:] f1.col = f.col[:] f1.smooth = f.smooth f1.mode = f.mode f1.flag = f.flag f1.mat = f.mat #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.8 , 2005/07/19 , end #----------------------------------- try: f1.image=f.image except : pass MESH2.materials = MESH.materials[:] NewOBJECT.setLocation (OBJPOS, OBJPOS, 0.0) NewOBJECT.setEuler (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) MESH2.removeAllKeys() MESH2.update() MESH2.insertKey (1, 'absolute') MESH2.update() for f in MESH2.faces: for v in f.v: for n in [0,1]: v.co[n] = f.uv[f.v.index(v)][n] exec "if v.co[%s] > XYLIMIT[%s]: XYLIMIT[%s] = v.co[%s]" % (n, n+2, n+2, n) exec "if v.co[%s] < XYLIMIT[%s]: XYLIMIT[%s] = v.co[%s]" % (n, n, n, n) v.co[2] = 0.0 print XYLIMIT MESH2.update() MESH2.insertKey (FRAME, 'absolute') MESH2.update() #----------------------------------- # release : 0.3.2 , 2005/12/28 , 13h00 #----------------------------------- Blender240update(MESH2,FRAME) #----------------------------------- # release : 0.3.2 , 2005/12/28 , end #----------------------------------- imagename = 'uvtext' name = "CHANGE IMAGE NAME ? %t | Replace it | No replace | Script help" result = Draw.PupMenu(name) if result == 1: imagename = Draw.PupStrInput ('Image Name:', imagename, 32) if result != 3: #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , 00h00 #----------------------------------- SHADEDict=PROV_Shadeless(MESH2.materials) #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , end #----------------------------------- if LIMIT : SHOOT(XYLIMIT, FRAME, NewOBJECT, imagename, FRAME,result) else : SHOOT([0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0], FRAME, NewOBJECT, imagename, FRAME, result) #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6, 2005/05/29 , 00h00 #----------------------------------- REST_Shadeless(SHADEDict) #----------------------------------- # release : 0.2.6 , 2005/05/29 , end #----------------------------------- Blender.Redraw() else: Draw.PupMenu("Ready%t|Please check console for instructions") print helpmsg else: name = "Error%t|Active object is not a mesh or has no UV coordinates" result = Draw.PupMenu(name) print 'problem : no object selected or not mesh' except: name = "Error%t|Active object is not a mesh or has no UV coordinates" result = Draw.PupMenu(name) print 'problem : no object selected or not mesh' Mesh2UVCoord(LIMIT)