# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from bpy.props import * from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get, rna_idprop_ui_prop_clear class MESH_OT_delete_edgeloop(bpy.types.Operator): '''Delete an edge loop by merging the faces on each side to a single face loop''' bl_idname = "mesh.delete_edgeloop" bl_label = "Delete Edge Loop" def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.transform.edge_slide(value=1.0) bpy.ops.mesh.select_more() bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles() return {'FINISHED'} rna_path_prop = StringProperty(name="Context Attributes", description="rna context string", maxlen=1024, default="") rna_reverse_prop = BoolProperty(name="Reverse", description="Cycle backwards", default=False) rna_relative_prop = BoolProperty(name="Relative", description="Apply relative to the current value (delta)", default=False) def context_path_validate(context, data_path): import sys try: value = eval("context.%s" % data_path) except AttributeError: if "'NoneType'" in str(sys.exc_info()[1]): # One of the items in the rna path is None, just ignore this value = Ellipsis else: # We have a real error in the rna path, dont ignore that raise return value def execute_context_assign(self, context): if context_path_validate(context, self.data_path) is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if getattr(self, "relative", False): exec("context.%s+=self.value" % self.data_path) else: exec("context.%s=self.value" % self.data_path) return {'FINISHED'} class BRUSH_OT_set_active_number(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set active sculpt/paint brush from it's number''' bl_idname = "brush.set_active_number" bl_label = "Set Brush Number" mode = StringProperty(name="mode", description="Paint mode to set brush for", maxlen=1024) number = IntProperty(name="number", description="Brush number") _attr_dict = {"sculpt" : "use_paint_sculpt", "vertex_paint": "use_paint_vertex", "weight_paint": "use_paint_weight", "image_paint" : "use_paint_texture"} def execute(self, context): attr = self._attr_dict.get(self.mode) if attr is None: return {'CANCELLED'} for i, brush in enumerate((cur for cur in bpy.data.brushes if getattr(cur, attr))): if i == self.number: getattr(context.tool_settings, self.mode).brush = brush return {'FINISHED'} return {'CANCELLED'} class WM_OT_context_set_boolean(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_boolean" bl_label = "Context Set Boolean" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = BoolProperty(name="Value", description="Assignment value", default=True) execute = execute_context_assign class WM_OT_context_set_int(bpy.types.Operator): # same as enum '''Set a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_int" bl_label = "Context Set" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = IntProperty(name="Value", description="Assign value", default=0) relative = rna_relative_prop execute = execute_context_assign class WM_OT_context_scale_int(bpy.types.Operator): '''Scale an int context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_scale_int" bl_label = "Context Set" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = FloatProperty(name="Value", description="Assign value", default=1.0) always_step = BoolProperty(name="Always Step", description="Always adjust the value by a minimum of 1 when 'value' is not 1.0.", default=True) def execute(self, context): if context_path_validate(context, self.data_path) is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} value = self.value data_path = self.data_path if value == 1.0: # nothing to do return {'CANCELLED'} if getattr(self, "always_step", False): if value > 1.0: add = "1" func = "max" else: add = "-1" func = "min" exec("context.%s = %s(round(context.%s * value), context.%s + %s)" % (data_path, func, data_path, data_path, add)) else: exec("context.%s *= value" % self.data_path) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_set_float(bpy.types.Operator): # same as enum '''Set a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_float" bl_label = "Context Set Float" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = FloatProperty(name="Value", description="Assignment value", default=0.0) relative = rna_relative_prop execute = execute_context_assign class WM_OT_context_set_string(bpy.types.Operator): # same as enum '''Set a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_string" bl_label = "Context Set String" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = StringProperty(name="Value", description="Assign value", maxlen=1024, default="") execute = execute_context_assign class WM_OT_context_set_enum(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_enum" bl_label = "Context Set Enum" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = StringProperty(name="Value", description="Assignment value (as a string)", maxlen=1024, default="") execute = execute_context_assign class WM_OT_context_set_value(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_value" bl_label = "Context Set Value" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = StringProperty(name="Value", description="Assignment value (as a string)", maxlen=1024, default="") def execute(self, context): if context_path_validate(context, self.data_path) is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} exec("context.%s=%s" % (self.data_path, self.value)) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_toggle(bpy.types.Operator): '''Toggle a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_toggle" bl_label = "Context Toggle" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop def execute(self, context): if context_path_validate(context, self.data_path) is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} exec("context.%s=not (context.%s)" % (self.data_path, self.data_path)) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_toggle_enum(bpy.types.Operator): '''Toggle a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_toggle_enum" bl_label = "Context Toggle Values" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value_1 = StringProperty(name="Value", \ description="Toggle enum", maxlen=1024, default="") value_2 = StringProperty(name="Value", \ description="Toggle enum", maxlen=1024, default="") def execute(self, context): if context_path_validate(context, self.data_path) is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} exec("context.%s = ['%s', '%s'][context.%s!='%s']" % \ (self.data_path, self.value_1,\ self.value_2, self.data_path, self.value_2)) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_cycle_int(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set a context value. Useful for cycling active material, ''' '''vertex keys, groups' etc.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_cycle_int" bl_label = "Context Int Cycle" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop reverse = rna_reverse_prop def execute(self, context): data_path = self.data_path value = context_path_validate(context, data_path) if value is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if self.reverse: value -= 1 else: value += 1 exec("context.%s=value" % data_path) if value != eval("context.%s" % data_path): # relies on rna clamping int's out of the range if self.reverse: value = (1 << 31) - 1 else: value = -1 << 31 exec("context.%s=value" % data_path) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_cycle_enum(bpy.types.Operator): '''Toggle a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_cycle_enum" bl_label = "Context Enum Cycle" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop reverse = rna_reverse_prop def execute(self, context): value = context_path_validate(context, self.data_path) if value is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} orig_value = value # Have to get rna enum values rna_struct_str, rna_prop_str = self.data_path.rsplit('.', 1) i = rna_prop_str.find('[') # just incse we get "context.foo.bar[0]" if i != -1: rna_prop_str = rna_prop_str[0:i] rna_struct = eval("context.%s.rna_type" % rna_struct_str) rna_prop = rna_struct.properties[rna_prop_str] if type(rna_prop) != bpy.types.EnumProperty: raise Exception("expected an enum property") enums = rna_struct.properties[rna_prop_str].items.keys() orig_index = enums.index(orig_value) # Have the info we need, advance to the next item if self.reverse: if orig_index == 0: advance_enum = enums[-1] else: advance_enum = enums[orig_index - 1] else: if orig_index == len(enums) - 1: advance_enum = enums[0] else: advance_enum = enums[orig_index + 1] # set the new value exec("context.%s=advance_enum" % self.data_path) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_cycle_array(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set a context array value. Useful for cycling the active mesh edit mode.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_cycle_array" bl_label = "Context Array Cycle" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop reverse = rna_reverse_prop def execute(self, context): data_path = self.data_path value = context_path_validate(context, data_path) if value is Ellipsis: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} def cycle(array): if self.reverse: array.insert(0, array.pop()) else: array.append(array.pop(0)) return array exec("context.%s=cycle(context.%s[:])" % (data_path, data_path)) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_context_set_id(bpy.types.Operator): '''Toggle a context value.''' bl_idname = "wm.context_set_id" bl_label = "Set Library ID" bl_options = {'UNDO'} data_path = rna_path_prop value = StringProperty(name="Value", description="Assign value", maxlen=1024, default="") def execute(self, context): value = self.value data_path = self.data_path # match the pointer type from the target property to bpy.data.* # so we lookup the correct list. data_path_base, data_path_prop = data_path.rsplit(".", 1) data_prop_rna = eval("context.%s" % data_path_base).rna_type.properties[data_path_prop] data_prop_rna_type = data_prop_rna.fixed_type id_iter = None for prop in bpy.data.rna_type.properties: if prop.rna_type.identifier == "CollectionProperty": if prop.fixed_type == data_prop_rna_type: id_iter = prop.identifier break if id_iter: value_id = getattr(bpy.data, id_iter).get(value) exec("context.%s=value_id" % data_path) return {'FINISHED'} doc_id = StringProperty(name="Doc ID", description="", maxlen=1024, default="", options={'HIDDEN'}) doc_new = StringProperty(name="Edit Description", description="", maxlen=1024, default="") class WM_OT_context_modal_mouse(bpy.types.Operator): '''Adjust arbitrary values with mouse input''' bl_idname = "wm.context_modal_mouse" bl_label = "Context Modal Mouse" data_path_iter = StringProperty(description="The data path relative to the context, must point to an iterable.") data_path_item = StringProperty(description="The data path from each iterable to the value (int or float)") input_scale = FloatProperty(default=0.01, description="Scale the mouse movement by this value before applying the delta") invert = BoolProperty(default=False, description="Invert the mouse input") initial_x = IntProperty(options={'HIDDEN'}) def _values_store(self, context): data_path_iter = self.data_path_iter data_path_item = self.data_path_item self._values = values = {} for item in getattr(context, data_path_iter): try: value_orig = eval("item." + data_path_item) except: continue # check this can be set, maybe this is library data. try: exec("item.%s = %s" % (data_path_item, value_orig)) except: continue values[item] = value_orig def _values_delta(self, delta): delta *= self.input_scale if self.invert: delta = - delta data_path_item = self.data_path_item for item, value_orig in self._values.items(): if type(value_orig) == int: exec("item.%s = int(%d)" % (data_path_item, round(value_orig + delta))) else: exec("item.%s = %f" % (data_path_item, value_orig + delta)) def _values_restore(self): data_path_item = self.data_path_item for item, value_orig in self._values.items(): exec("item.%s = %s" % (data_path_item, value_orig)) self._values.clear() def _values_clear(self): self._values.clear() def modal(self, context, event): event_type = event.type if event_type == 'MOUSEMOVE': delta = event.mouse_x - self.initial_x self._values_delta(delta) elif 'LEFTMOUSE' == event_type: self._values_clear() return {'FINISHED'} elif event_type in ('RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'): self._values_restore() return {'FINISHED'} return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def invoke(self, context, event): self._values_store(context) if not self._values: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Nothing to operate on: %s[ ].%s" % (self.data_path_iter, self.data_path_item)) return {'CANCELLED'} else: self.initial_x = event.mouse_x context.window_manager.add_modal_handler(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} class WM_OT_url_open(bpy.types.Operator): "Open a website in the Webbrowser" bl_idname = "wm.url_open" bl_label = "" url = StringProperty(name="URL", description="URL to open") def execute(self, context): import webbrowser webbrowser.open(self.url) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_path_open(bpy.types.Operator): "Open a path in a file browser" bl_idname = "wm.path_open" bl_label = "" filepath = StringProperty(name="File Path", maxlen=1024) def execute(self, context): import sys import os import subprocess filepath = bpy.path.abspath(self.filepath) filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath) if not os.path.exists(filepath): self.report({'ERROR'}, "File '%s' not found" % filepath) return {'CANCELLED'} if sys.platform == 'win32': subprocess.Popen(['start', filepath], shell=True) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': subprocess.Popen(['open', filepath]) else: try: subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', filepath]) except OSError: # xdg-open *should* be supported by recent Gnome, KDE, Xfce pass return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_doc_view(bpy.types.Operator): '''Load online reference docs''' bl_idname = "wm.doc_view" bl_label = "View Documentation" doc_id = doc_id _prefix = "http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_%s" % "_".join(str(v) for v in bpy.app.version) def _nested_class_string(self, class_string): ls = [] class_obj = getattr(bpy.types, class_string, None).bl_rna while class_obj: ls.insert(0, class_obj) class_obj = class_obj.nested return '.'.join(class_obj.identifier for class_obj in ls) def execute(self, context): id_split = self.doc_id.split('.') if len(id_split) == 1: # rna, class url = '%s/bpy.types.%s.html' % (self._prefix, id_split[0]) elif len(id_split) == 2: # rna, class.prop class_name, class_prop = id_split if hasattr(bpy.types, class_name.upper() + '_OT_' + class_prop): url = '%s/bpy.ops.%s.html#bpy.ops.%s.%s' % \ (self._prefix, class_name, class_name, class_prop) else: # It so happens that epydoc nests these, not sphinx # class_name_full = self._nested_class_string(class_name) url = '%s/bpy.types.%s.html#bpy.types.%s.%s' % \ (self._prefix, class_name, class_name, class_prop) else: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_doc_edit(bpy.types.Operator): '''Load online reference docs''' bl_idname = "wm.doc_edit" bl_label = "Edit Documentation" doc_id = doc_id doc_new = doc_new _url = "http://www.mindrones.com/blender/svn/xmlrpc.php" def _send_xmlrpc(self, data_dict): print("sending data:", data_dict) import xmlrpc.client user = 'blenderuser' pwd = 'blender>user' docblog = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self._url) docblog.metaWeblog.newPost(1, user, pwd, data_dict, 1) def execute(self, context): doc_id = self.doc_id doc_new = self.doc_new class_name, class_prop = doc_id.split('.') if not doc_new: self.report({'ERROR'}, "No input given for '%s'" % doc_id) return {'CANCELLED'} # check if this is an operator op_name = class_name.upper() + '_OT_' + class_prop op_class = getattr(bpy.types, op_name, None) # Upload this to the web server upload = {} if op_class: rna = op_class.bl_rna doc_orig = rna.description if doc_orig == doc_new: return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} print("op - old:'%s' -> new:'%s'" % (doc_orig, doc_new)) upload["title"] = 'OPERATOR %s:%s' % (doc_id, doc_orig) else: rna = getattr(bpy.types, class_name).bl_rna doc_orig = rna.properties[class_prop].description if doc_orig == doc_new: return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} print("rna - old:'%s' -> new:'%s'" % (doc_orig, doc_new)) upload["title"] = 'RNA %s:%s' % (doc_id, doc_orig) upload["description"] = doc_new self._send_xmlrpc(upload) return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="Descriptor ID: '%s'" % self.doc_id) layout.prop(self, "doc_new", text="") def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=600) from bpy.props import * rna_path = StringProperty(name="Property Edit", description="Property data_path edit", maxlen=1024, default="", options={'HIDDEN'}) rna_value = StringProperty(name="Property Value", description="Property value edit", maxlen=1024, default="") rna_property = StringProperty(name="Property Name", description="Property name edit", maxlen=1024, default="") rna_min = FloatProperty(name="Min", default=0.0, precision=3) rna_max = FloatProperty(name="Max", default=1.0, precision=3) class WM_OT_properties_edit(bpy.types.Operator): '''Internal use (edit a property data_path)''' bl_idname = "wm.properties_edit" bl_label = "Edit Property" bl_options = {'REGISTER'} # only because invoke_props_popup requires. data_path = rna_path property = rna_property value = rna_value min = rna_min max = rna_max description = StringProperty(name="Tip", default="") def execute(self, context): data_path = self.data_path value = self.value prop = self.property prop_old = self._last_prop[0] try: value_eval = eval(value) except: value_eval = value # First remove item = eval("context.%s" % data_path) rna_idprop_ui_prop_clear(item, prop_old) exec_str = "del item['%s']" % prop_old # print(exec_str) exec(exec_str) # Reassign exec_str = "item['%s'] = %s" % (prop, repr(value_eval)) # print(exec_str) exec(exec_str) self._last_prop[:] = [prop] prop_type = type(item[prop]) prop_ui = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(item, prop) if prop_type in (float, int): prop_ui['soft_min'] = prop_ui['min'] = prop_type(self.min) prop_ui['soft_max'] = prop_ui['max'] = prop_type(self.max) prop_ui['description'] = self.description return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): self._last_prop = [self.property] item = eval("context.%s" % self.data_path) # setup defaults prop_ui = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(item, self.property, False) # dont create if prop_ui: self.min = prop_ui.get("min", -1000000000) self.max = prop_ui.get("max", 1000000000) self.description = prop_ui.get("description", "") wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_popup(self, event) class WM_OT_properties_add(bpy.types.Operator): '''Internal use (edit a property data_path)''' bl_idname = "wm.properties_add" bl_label = "Add Property" data_path = rna_path def execute(self, context): item = eval("context.%s" % self.data_path) def unique_name(names): prop = 'prop' prop_new = prop i = 1 while prop_new in names: prop_new = prop + str(i) i += 1 return prop_new property = unique_name(item.keys()) item[property] = 1.0 return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_properties_remove(bpy.types.Operator): '''Internal use (edit a property data_path)''' bl_idname = "wm.properties_remove" bl_label = "Remove Property" data_path = rna_path property = rna_property def execute(self, context): item = eval("context.%s" % self.data_path) del item[self.property] return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_keyconfig_activate(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "wm.keyconfig_activate" bl_label = "Activate Keyconfig" filepath = StringProperty(name="File Path", maxlen=1024) def execute(self, context): bpy.utils.keyconfig_set(self.filepath) return {'FINISHED'} class WM_OT_sysinfo(bpy.types.Operator): '''Generate System Info''' bl_idname = "wm.sysinfo" bl_label = "System Info" def execute(self, context): import sys_info sys_info.write_sysinfo(self) return {'FINISHED'} def register(): pass def unregister(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": register()