import bpy from bpy.types import NodeTree, Node, NodeSocket # Implementation of custom nodes from Python # Derived from the NodeTree base type, similar to Menu, Operator, Panel, etc. class MyCustomTree(NodeTree): # Description string '''A custom node tree type that will show up in the node editor header''' # Optional identifier string. If not explicitly defined, the python class name is used. bl_idname = 'CustomTreeType' # Label for nice name display bl_label = 'Custom Node Tree' # Icon identifier # NOTE: If no icon is defined, the node tree will not show up in the editor header! # This can be used to make additional tree types for groups and similar nodes (see below) # Only one base tree class is needed in the editor for selecting the general category bl_icon = 'NODETREE' # Custom socket type class MyCustomSocket(NodeSocket): # Description string '''Custom node socket type''' # Optional identifier string. If not explicitly defined, the python class name is used. bl_idname = 'CustomSocketType' # Label for nice name display bl_label = 'Custom Node Socket' # Enum items list my_items = [ ("DOWN", "Down", "Where your feet are"), ("UP", "Up", "Where your head should be"), ("LEFT", "Left", "Not right"), ("RIGHT", "Right", "Not left") ] myEnumProperty = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Direction", description="Just an example", items=my_items, default='UP') # Optional function for drawing the socket input value def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if self.is_output or self.is_linked: layout.label(text) else: layout.prop(self, "myEnumProperty", text=text) # Socket color def draw_color(self, context, node): return (1.0, 0.4, 0.216, 0.5) # Mix-in class for all custom nodes in this tree type. # Defines a poll function to enable instantiation. class MyCustomTreeNode : @classmethod def poll(cls, ntree): return ntree.bl_idname == 'CustomTreeType' # Derived from the Node base type. class MyCustomNode(Node, MyCustomTreeNode): # === Basics === # Description string '''A custom node''' # Optional identifier string. If not explicitly defined, the python class name is used. bl_idname = 'CustomNodeType' # Label for nice name display bl_label = 'Custom Node' # Icon identifier bl_icon = 'SOUND' # === Custom Properties === # These work just like custom properties in ID data blocks # Extensive information can be found under # myStringProperty = bpy.props.StringProperty() myFloatProperty = bpy.props.FloatProperty(default=3.1415926) # === Optional Functions === # Initialization function, called when a new node is created. # This is the most common place to create the sockets for a node, as shown below. # NOTE: this is not the same as the standard __init__ function in Python, which is # a purely internal Python method and unknown to the node system! def init(self, context):'CustomSocketType', "Hello")'NodeSocketFloat', "World")'NodeSocketVector', "!")'NodeSocketColor', "How")'NodeSocketColor', "are")'NodeSocketFloat', "you") # Copy function to initialize a copied node from an existing one. def copy(self, node): print("Copying from node ", node) # Free function to clean up on removal. def free(self): print("Removing node ", self, ", Goodbye!") # Additional buttons displayed on the node. def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): layout.label("Node settings") layout.prop(self, "myFloatProperty") # Detail buttons in the sidebar. # If this function is not defined, the draw_buttons function is used instead def draw_buttons_ext(self, context, layout): layout.prop(self, "myFloatProperty") # myStringProperty button will only be visible in the sidebar layout.prop(self, "myStringProperty") # Optional: custom label # Explicit user label overrides this, but here we can define a label dynamically def draw_label(self): return "I am a custom node" ### Node Categories ### # Node categories are a python system for automatically # extending the Add menu, toolbar panels and search operator. # For more examples see release/scripts/startup/ import nodeitems_utils from nodeitems_utils import NodeCategory, NodeItem # our own base class with an appropriate poll function, # so the categories only show up in our own tree type class MyNodeCategory(NodeCategory): @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.space_data.tree_type == 'CustomTreeType' # all categories in a list node_categories = [ # identifier, label, items list MyNodeCategory("SOMENODES", "Some Nodes", items=[ # our basic node NodeItem("CustomNodeType"), ]), MyNodeCategory("OTHERNODES", "Other Nodes", items=[ # the node item can have additional settings, # which are applied to new nodes # NB: settings values are stored as string expressions, # for this reason they should be converted to strings using repr() NodeItem("CustomNodeType", label="Node A", settings={ "myStringProperty" : repr("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"), "myFloatProperty" : repr(1.0), }), NodeItem("CustomNodeType", label="Node B", settings={ "myStringProperty" : repr("consectetur adipisicing elit"), "myFloatProperty" : repr(2.0), }), ]), ] def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(MyCustomTree) bpy.utils.register_class(MyCustomSocket) bpy.utils.register_class(MyCustomNode) nodeitems_utils.register_node_categories("CUSTOM_NODES", node_categories) def unregister(): nodeitems_utils.unregister_node_categories("CUSTOM_NODES") bpy.utils.unregister_class(MyCustomTree) bpy.utils.unregister_class(MyCustomSocket) bpy.utils.unregister_class(MyCustomNode) if __name__ == "__main__": register()