import bpy def write_obj(filepath, scene, ob): out = open(filepath, 'w') # create a temporary mesh mesh = ob.create_render_mesh(scene) # for vert in mesh.verts: # ^ iterating that way doesn't work atm for some reason for i in range(len(mesh.verts)): vert = mesh.verts[i] out.write('v {0} {1} {2}\n'.format([0],[1],[2])) for i in range(len(mesh.faces)): face = mesh.faces[i] out.write('f') # but this works for index in face.verts: out.write(' {0}'.format(index + 1)) out.write('\n') # delete mesh gain out.close() class SCRIPT_OT_export_obj(bpy.types.Operator): '''A very basic OBJ exporter, writes only active object's mesh.''' __label__ = 'Export OBJ' # List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned # to the class instance from the operator settings before calling. __props__ = [ bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="filename", name="filename") ] def debug(self, message): print("{0}: {1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, message)) def execute(self, context): self.debug("exec") self.debug("filename = " + self.filename) act = context.active_object if act.type == 'MESH': write_obj(self.filename, context.scene, act) else: self.debug("Active object is not a MESH.") # XXX errors are silenced for some reason # raise Exception("oops!") return ('FINISHED',) def invoke(self, context, event): self.debug("invoke") wm = context.manager wm.add_fileselect(self.__operator__) return ('RUNNING_MODAL',) def poll(self, context): # poll isnt working yet self.debug("poll") return True bpy.ops.add(SCRIPT_OT_export_obj)