#!BPY """ Name: 'Bone Weight Copy' Blender: 241 Group: 'Object' Tooltip: 'Copy Bone Weights from 1 mesh, to all other selected meshes.' """ __author__ = ["Campbell Barton"] __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "http://members.iinet.net.au/~cpbarton/ideasman/") __version__ = "0.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ Bone Weight Copy This script is used to copy bone weights from 1 mesh with weights (the source mesh) to many (the target meshes). Weights are copied from 1 mesh to another based on how close they are together. For normal operation, select 1 source mesh with vertex weights and any number of unweighted meshes that overlap the source mesh. Then run this script using default options and check the new weigh. A differnt way to use this script is to update the weights an an alredy weighted mesh. this is done using the "Copy to Selected" option enabled and works a bit differently, With the target mesh, select the verts you want to update. since all meshes have weights we cant just use the weighted mesh as the source, so the Active Object is used for the source mesh. Run the script and the selected verts on all non active meshes will be updated. """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender from Blender import Armature, Object, Mathutils, Window, Mesh Vector= Mathutils.Vector SMALL_NUM= 0.000001 def copy_bone_influences(_from, _to, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_NO_XCROSS): ob_from, me_from, world_verts_from, from_groups= _from ob_to, me_to, world_verts_to, dummy= _to del dummy def getSnapIdx(seek_vec, vecs): ''' Returns the closest vec to snap_points ''' # First seek the closest Z axis vert idx/v seek_vec_x,seek_vec_y,seek_vec_z= seek_vec from_vec_idx= 0 len_vecs= len(vecs) upidx= len_vecs-1 loidx= 0 while from_vec_idx < len_vecs and vecs[from_vec_idx][1].z < seek_vec_z: from_vec_idx+=1 # Clamp if we overstepped. if from_vec_idx >= len_vecs: from_vec_idx-=1 close_dist= (vecs[from_vec_idx][1]-seek_vec).length close_idx= vecs[from_vec_idx][0] upidx= from_vec_idx+1 loidx= from_vec_idx-1 # Set uselo/useup. This means we can keep seeking up/down. if upidx >= len_vecs: useup= False else: useup= True if loidx < 0: uselo= False else: uselo= True # Seek up/down to find the closest v to seek vec. while uselo or useup: if useup: if upidx >= len_vecs: useup= False else: i,v= vecs[upidx] if (not PREF_NO_XCROSS) or ((v.x >= -SMALL_NUM and seek_vec_x >= -SMALL_NUM) or (v.x <= SMALL_NUM and seek_vec_x <= SMALL_NUM)): # enfoce xcrossing if v.z-seek_vec_z > close_dist: # the verticle distance is greater then the best distance sofar. we can stop looking up. useup= False elif abs(seek_vec_y-v.y) < close_dist and abs(seek_vec_x-v.x) < close_dist: # This is in the limit measure it. l= (seek_vec-v).length if l= -SMALL_NUM and seek_vec_x >= -SMALL_NUM) or (v.x <= SMALL_NUM and seek_vec_x <= SMALL_NUM)): # enfoce xcrossing if seek_vec_z-v.z > close_dist: # the verticle distance is greater then the best distance sofar. we can stop looking up. uselo= False elif abs(seek_vec_y-v.y) < close_dist and abs(seek_vec_x-v.x) < close_dist: # This is in the limit measure it. l= (seek_vec-v).length if l "%s" ' % (ob_from.name, ob_to.name)) from_idx= getSnapIdx(co, world_verts_from) from_infs= me_from.getVertexInfluences(from_idx) for group, weight in from_infs: # Add where needed. if PREF_SEL_ONLY and group not in to_groups: me_to.addVertGroup(group) to_groups.append(group) me_to.assignVertsToGroup(group, [i], weight, add_) me_to.update() # ZSORT return (i/co) tuples, used for fast seeking of the snapvert. def worldspace_verts_idx(me, ob): mat= ob.matrixWorld verts_zsort= [ (i, v.co*mat) for i, v in enumerate(me.verts) ] # Sorts along the Z Axis so we can optimize the getsnap. try: verts_zsort.sort(key = lambda a: a[1].z) except: verts_zsort.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[1].z, b[1].z,)) return verts_zsort def worldspace_verts(me, ob): mat= ob.matrixWorld return [ v.co*mat for v in me.verts ] def subdivMesh(me, subdivs): oldmode = Mesh.Mode() Mesh.Mode(Mesh.SelectModes['FACE']) me.sel= 1 for i in xrange(subdivs): me.subdivide(0) Mesh.Mode(oldmode) def main(): print '\nStarting BoneWeight Copy...' scn= Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() contextSel= Object.GetSelected() if not contextSel: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|2 or more mesh objects need to be selected.|aborting.') return PREF_QUALITY= Blender.Draw.Create(3) PREF_NO_XCROSS= Blender.Draw.Create(0) PREF_SEL_ONLY= Blender.Draw.Create(0) pup_block = [\ ('Quality:', PREF_QUALITY, 0, 4, 'Generate interpolated verts for a higher quality result.'),\ ('No X Crossing', PREF_NO_XCROSS, 'Do not snap across the zero X axis'),\ ('Copy to Selected', PREF_SEL_ONLY, 'Only copy new weights to selected verts on the target mesh. (use active object as source)'),\ ] if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Copy Weights for %i Meshs" % len(contextSel), pup_block): return PREF_SEL_ONLY= PREF_SEL_ONLY.val PREF_NO_XCROSS= PREF_NO_XCROSS.val quality= PREF_QUALITY.val act_ob= scn.objects.active if PREF_SEL_ONLY and act_ob==None: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|When dealing with 2 or more meshes with vgroups|There must be an active object|to be used as a source|aborting.') return sel=[] from_data= None for ob in contextSel: if ob.type=='Mesh': me= ob.getData(mesh=1) groups= me.getVertGroupNames() # If this is the only mesh with a group OR if its one of many, but its active. if groups and ((ob==act_ob and PREF_SEL_ONLY) or (not PREF_SEL_ONLY)): if from_data: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('More then 1 mesh has vertex weights, only select 1 mesh with weights. aborting.') return else: # This uses worldspace_verts_idx which gets (idx,co) pairs, then zsorts. if quality: for _ob in contextSel: _ob.sel=0 ob.sel=1 Object.Duplicate(mesh=1) ob= scn.objects.active me= ob.getData(mesh=1) # groups will be the same print '\tGenerating higher %ix quality weights.' % quality subdivMesh(me, quality) scn.unlink(ob) from_data= (ob, me, worldspace_verts_idx(me, ob), groups) else: data= (ob, me, worldspace_verts(me, ob), groups) sel.append(data) if not sel or from_data==None: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Select 2 or more mesh objects, aborting.') if not sel and quality: from_data[1].verts= None return t= Blender.sys.time() Window.WaitCursor(1) # Now do the copy. print '\tCopying from "%s" to %i other mesh(es).' % (from_data[0].name, len(sel)) for data in sel: copy_bone_influences(from_data, data, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_NO_XCROSS) # We cant unlink the mesh, but at least remove its data. if quality: from_data[1].verts= None print 'Copy Complete in %.6f sec' % (Blender.sys.time()-t) Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') Window.WaitCursor(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()