# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get from mathutils import Vector from rigify import RigifyError from rigify_utils import copy_bone_simple #METARIG_NAMES = ("cpy",) RIG_TYPE = "eye_balls" def addget_shape_key(obj, name="Key"): """ Fetches a shape key, or creates it if it doesn't exist """ # Create a shapekey set if it doesn't already exist if obj.data.shape_keys is None: shape = obj.add_shape_key(name="Basis", from_mix=False) obj.active_shape_key_index = 0 # Get the shapekey, or create it if it doesn't already exist if name in obj.data.shape_keys.keys: shape_key = obj.data.shape_keys.keys[name] else: shape_key = obj.add_shape_key(name=name, from_mix=False) return shape_key def addget_shape_key_driver(obj, name="Key"): """ Fetches the driver for the shape key, or creates it if it doesn't already exist. """ driver_path = 'keys["' + name + '"].value' fcurve = None driver = None new = False if obj.data.shape_keys.animation_data is not None: for driver_s in obj.data.shape_keys.animation_data.drivers: if driver_s.data_path == driver_path: fcurve = driver_s if fcurve == None: fcurve = obj.data.shape_keys.keys[name].driver_add("value", 0) fcurve.driver.type = 'AVERAGE' new = True return fcurve, new def create_shape_and_driver(obj, bone, meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression): """ Creates/gets a shape key and sets up a driver for it. obj = armature object bone = driving bone name meshes = list of meshes to create the shapekey/driver on shape_name = name of the shape key var_name = name of the driving variable var_path = path to the property on the bone to drive with expression = python expression for the driver """ pb = obj.pose.bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') for mesh_name in meshes: mesh_obj = bpy.data.objects[mesh_name] # Add/get the shape key shape = addget_shape_key(mesh_obj, name=shape_name) # Add/get the shape key driver fcurve, a = addget_shape_key_driver(mesh_obj, name=shape_name) # Set up the driver driver = fcurve.driver driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = expression # Get the variable, or create it if it doesn't already exist if var_name in driver.variables: var = driver.variables[var_name] else: var = driver.variables.new() var.name = var_name # Set up the variable var.type = "SINGLE_PROP" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = obj var.targets[0].data_path = 'pose.bones["' + bone + '"]' + var_path def mark_actions(): for action in bpy.data.actions: action.tag = True def get_unmarked_action(): for action in bpy.data.actions: if action.tag != True: return action return None def add_action(name=None): mark_actions() bpy.ops.action.new() action = get_unmarked_action() if name is not None: action.name = name return action def metarig_template(): # generated by rigify.write_meta_rig bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') obj = bpy.context.active_object arm = obj.data bone = arm.edit_bones.new('Bone') bone.head[:] = 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 bone.tail[:] = 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000 bone.roll = 0.0000 bone.connected = False bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pbone = obj.pose.bones['Bone'] pbone['type'] = 'copy' def metarig_definition(obj, orig_bone_name): bone = obj.data.bones[orig_bone_name] chain = [] try: chain += [bone.parent.name, bone.name] except AttributeError: raise RigifyError("'%s' rig type requires a parent (bone: %s)" % (RIG_TYPE, orig_bone_name)) return chain def deform(obj, definitions, base_names, options): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = obj.data.edit_bones pb = obj.pose.bones # Get list of eyes if "eyes" in options: eye_base_names = options["eyes"].replace(" ", "").split(",") else: eye_base_names = [] # Get their ORG- names eyes = [] for name in eye_base_names: eyes += ["ORG-"+name] # Duplicate the eyes to make deformation bones def_eyes = [] # def/org pairs for eye in eyes: def_eyes += [(copy_bone_simple(obj.data, eye, "DEF-"+base_names[eye], parent=True).name, eye)] bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Constraints for eye in def_eyes: con = pb[eye[0]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.target = obj con.subtarget = eye[1] return (None,) def control(obj, definitions, base_names, options): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') eb = obj.data.edit_bones bb = obj.data.bones pb = obj.pose.bones head = definitions[0] eye_target = definitions[1] # Get list of pupil mesh objects if "mesh" in options: pupil_meshes = options["mesh"].replace(" ", "").split(",") else: pupil_meshes = [] # Get list of eyes if "eyes" in options: eye_base_names = options["eyes"].replace(" ", "").split(",") else: eye_base_names = [] # Get their ORG- names eyes = [] for name in eye_base_names: eyes += ["ORG-"+name] # Get the average position of the eyes center = Vector(0,0,0) for eye in eyes: center += eb[eye].head if len(eyes) != 0: center /= len(eyes) # Get the average length of the eyes length = 0.0 for eye in eyes: length += eb[eye].length if len(eyes) == 0: length = 1.0 else: length /= len(eyes) # Make the mind's eye minds_eye = copy_bone_simple(obj.data, eye_target, "MCH-"+base_names[eye_target]+".mind", parent=True).name eb[minds_eye].head = center eb[minds_eye].tail = eb[eye_target].head eb[minds_eye].roll = 0.0 eb[minds_eye].length = length # Create org/copy/control eye sets eye_sets = [] for eye in eyes: copy = copy_bone_simple(obj.data, minds_eye, "MCH-"+base_names[eye]+".cpy", parent=True).name eb[copy].translate(eb[eye].head - eb[copy].head) eb[copy].parent = eb[eye].parent control = copy_bone_simple(obj.data, eye, base_names[eye], parent=True).name eb[control].parent = eb[copy] eye_sets += [(eye, copy, control)] # Bones for parent/free switch for eye target target_ctrl = copy_bone_simple(obj.data, eye_target, base_names[eye_target], parent=True).name parent = copy_bone_simple(obj.data, head, "MCH-eye_target_parent", parent=False).name eb[target_ctrl].parent = eb[parent] bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Axis locks pb[target_ctrl].lock_scale = False, True, True # Add eye_spread action if it doesn't already exist action_name = "eye_spread" if action_name in bpy.data.actions: spread_action = bpy.data.actions[action_name] else: spread_action = add_action(name=action_name) # Add free property prop_name = "free" prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[target_ctrl], prop_name, create=True) pb[target_ctrl][prop_name] = 0.0 prop["soft_min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = 1.0 prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["max"] = 1.0 free_driver_path = pb[target_ctrl].path_from_id() + '["free"]' # Constraints # Mind's eye tracks eye target control con = pb[minds_eye].constraints.new('DAMPED_TRACK') con.target = obj con.subtarget = target_ctrl # Parent copies transforms of head con = pb[parent].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.target = obj con.subtarget = head fcurve = con.driver_add("influence", 0) driver = fcurve.driver driver.type = 'AVERAGE' mod = fcurve.modifiers[0] mod.coefficients[0] = 1.0 mod.coefficients[1] = -1.0 var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "free" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = obj var.targets[0].data_path = free_driver_path # Eye set's constraints for eye in eye_sets: # Org copies transforms of control con = pb[eye[0]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.target = obj con.subtarget = eye[2] # Copy copies rotation of mind's eye con = pb[eye[1]].constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION') con.target = obj con.subtarget = minds_eye # Control gets action constraint for eye spread con = pb[eye[2]].constraints.new('ACTION') con.target = obj con.subtarget = target_ctrl con.action = spread_action con.transform_channel = 'SCALE_X' con.frame_start = -20 con.frame_end = 20 con.minimum = 0.0 con.maximum = 2.0 con.target_space = 'LOCAL' # Get/create the shape keys and drivers for pupil dilation shape_names = ["PUPILS-dilate_wide", "PUPILS-dilate_narrow"] slider_name = "pupil_dilate" # Set up the custom property on the bone prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[target_ctrl], slider_name, create=True) pb[target_ctrl][slider_name] = 0.0 prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["max"] = 1.0 prop["soft_min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = 1.0 if len(shape_names) > 1: prop["min"] = -1.0 prop["soft_min"] = -1.0 # Add the shape drivers # Positive if shape_names[0] != "": # Set up the variables for creating the shape key driver shape_name = shape_names[0] var_name = slider_name.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_") var_path = '["' + slider_name + '"]' if slider_name + "_fac" in options: fac = options[slider_name + "_fac"] else: fac = 1.0 expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac) # Create the shape key driver create_shape_and_driver(obj, target_ctrl, pupil_meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression) # Negative if shape_names[0] != "" and len(shape_names) > 1: # Set up the variables for creating the shape key driver shape_name = shape_names[1] var_name = slider_name.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_") var_path = '["' + slider_name + '"]' if slider_name + "_fac" in options: fac = options[slider_name + "_fac"] else: fac = 1.0 expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac) + " * -1" # Create the shape key driver create_shape_and_driver(obj, target_ctrl, pupil_meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression) # Set layers #layer = list(bb[definitions[2]].layer) #bb[lid1].layer = layer #bb[lid2].layer = layer #bb[lid3].layer = layer #bb[lid4].layer = layer #bb[lid5].layer = layer #bb[lid6].layer = layer #bb[lid7].layer = layer #bb[lid8].layer = layer return (None,) def main(obj, bone_definition, base_names, options): # Create control rig control(obj, bone_definition, base_names, options) # Create deform rig deform(obj, bone_definition, base_names, options) return (None,)