/* * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * General KX game object. */ #ifndef __KX_GAMEOBJECT #define __KX_GAMEOBJECT #ifdef WIN32 // get rid of this stupid "warning 'this' used in initialiser list", generated by VC when including Solid/Sumo #pragma warning (disable : 4355) #endif #include "ListValue.h" #include "SCA_IObject.h" #include "SG_Node.h" #include "MT_Transform.h" #include "MT_CmMatrix4x4.h" #include "GEN_Map.h" #include "GEN_HashedPtr.h" #include "KX_Scene.h" #include "KX_KetsjiEngine.h" /* for m_anim_framerate */ #include "KX_IPhysicsController.h" /* for suspend/resume */ #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "SCA_LogicManager.h" /* for ConvertPythonToGameObject to search object names */ #define KX_OB_DYNAMIC 1 //Forward declarations. struct KX_ClientObjectInfo; class KX_RayCast; class RAS_MeshObject; class KX_IPhysicsController; class PHY_IGraphicController; class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment; struct Object; /** * KX_GameObject is the main class for dynamic objects. */ class KX_GameObject : public SCA_IObject { Py_Header; protected: bool m_bDyna; KX_ClientObjectInfo* m_pClient_info; STR_String m_name; STR_String m_text; int m_layer; std::vector m_meshes; struct Object* m_pBlenderObject; struct Object* m_pBlenderGroupObject; bool m_bSuspendDynamics; bool m_bUseObjectColor; bool m_bIsNegativeScaling; MT_Vector4 m_objectColor; // visible = user setting // culled = while rendering, depending on camera bool m_bVisible; bool m_bCulled; KX_IPhysicsController* m_pPhysicsController1; PHY_IGraphicController* m_pGraphicController; // used for ray casting PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* m_pPhysicsEnvironment; STR_String m_testPropName; bool m_xray; KX_GameObject* m_pHitObject; SG_Node* m_pSGNode; MT_CmMatrix4x4 m_OpenGL_4x4Matrix; public: bool m_isDeformable; // Python attributes that wont convert into CValue // // there are 2 places attributes can be stored, in the CValue, // where attributes are converted into BGE's CValue types // these can be used with property actuators // // For the python API, For types that cannot be converted into CValues (lists, dicts, GameObjects) // these will be put into "m_attrlist", logic bricks cannot access them. // // rules for setting attributes. // // * there should NEVER be a CValue and a m_attrlist attribute with matching names. get/sets make sure of this. // * if CValue conversion fails, use a PyObject in "m_attrlist" // * when assigning a value, first see if it can be a CValue, if it can remove the "m_attrlist" and set the CValue // PyObject* m_attrlist; virtual void /* This function should be virtual - derived classed override it */ Relink( GEN_Map *map ); /** * Compute an OpenGl compatable 4x4 matrix. Has the * side effect of storing the result internally. The * memory for the matrix remains the property of this class. */ double* GetOpenGLMatrix( ); /** * Return a pointer to a MT_CmMatrix4x4 storing the * opengl transformation for this object. This is updated * by a call to GetOpenGLMatrix(). This class owns the * memory for the returned matrix. */ MT_CmMatrix4x4* GetOpenGLMatrixPtr( ) { return &m_OpenGL_4x4Matrix; }; /** * Get a pointer to the game object that is the parent of * this object. Or NULL if there is no parent. The returned * object is part of a reference counting scheme. Calling * this function ups the reference count on the returned * object. It is the responsibility of the caller to decrement * the reference count when you have finished with it. */ KX_GameObject* GetParent( ); /** * Sets the parent of this object to a game object */ void SetParent(KX_Scene *scene, KX_GameObject *obj); /** * Removes the parent of this object to a game object */ void RemoveParent(KX_Scene *scene); /** * Construct a game object. This class also inherits the * default constructors - use those with care! */ KX_GameObject( void* sgReplicationInfo, SG_Callbacks callbacks, PyTypeObject* T=&Type ); virtual ~KX_GameObject( ); CValue* AddRef() { /* temporarily to find memleaks */ return CValue::AddRef(); } /** * @section Stuff which is here due to poor design. * Inherited from CValue and needs an implementation. * Do not expect these functions do to anything sensible. */ /** * Inherited from CValue -- does nothing! */ CValue* Calc( VALUE_OPERATOR op, CValue *val ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- does nothing! */ CValue* CalcFinal( VALUE_DATA_TYPE dtype, VALUE_OPERATOR op, CValue *val ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- does nothing! */ const STR_String & GetText( ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- does nothing! */ double GetNumber( ); /** * @section Inherited from CValue. These are the useful * part of the CValue interface that this class implements. */ /** * Inherited from CValue -- returns the name of this object. */ STR_String GetName( ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- set the name of this object. */ void SetName( STR_String name ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- does nothing. */ void ReplicaSetName( STR_String name ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- return a new copy of this * instance allocated on the heap. Ownership of the new * object belongs with the caller. */ virtual CValue* GetReplica( ); /** * Inherited from CValue -- Makes sure any internal * data owned by this class is deep copied. Called internally */ virtual void ProcessReplica( KX_GameObject* replica ); /** * Return the linear velocity of the game object. */ MT_Vector3 GetLinearVelocity( bool local=false ); /** * Return the linear velocity of a given point in world coordinate * but relative to center of object ([0,0,0]=center of object) */ MT_Vector3 GetVelocity( const MT_Point3& position ); /** * Return the mass of the object */ MT_Scalar GetMass(); /** * Return the local inertia vector of the object */ MT_Vector3 GetLocalInertia(); /** * Return the angular velocity of the game object. */ MT_Vector3 GetAngularVelocity( bool local=false ); /** * Align the object to a given normal. */ void AlignAxisToVect( const MT_Vector3& vect, int axis = 2, float fac = 1.0 ); /** * Quick'n'dirty obcolor ipo stuff */ void SetObjectColor( const MT_Vector4& rgbavec ); void ResolveCombinedVelocities( const MT_Vector3 & lin_vel, const MT_Vector3 & ang_vel, bool lin_vel_local, bool ang_vel_local ); /** * @return a pointer to the physics environment in use during the game, for rayCasting */ PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* GetPhysicsEnvironment() { return m_pPhysicsEnvironment; } void SetPhysicsEnvironment(PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* physicsEnvironment) { m_pPhysicsEnvironment = physicsEnvironment; } /** * @return a pointer to the physics controller owned by this class. */ KX_IPhysicsController* GetPhysicsController() ; void SetPhysicsController(KX_IPhysicsController* physicscontroller,bool isDynamic) { m_bDyna = isDynamic; m_pPhysicsController1 = physicscontroller; } virtual class RAS_Deformer* GetDeformer() { return 0; } virtual void SetDeformer(class RAS_Deformer* deformer) { } /** * @return a pointer to the graphic controller owner by this class */ PHY_IGraphicController* GetGraphicController() { return m_pGraphicController; } void SetGraphicController(PHY_IGraphicController* graphiccontroller) { m_pGraphicController = graphiccontroller; } /** * @section Coordinate system manipulation functions */ void NodeSetLocalPosition(const MT_Point3& trans ); void NodeSetLocalOrientation(const MT_Matrix3x3& rot ); void NodeSetLocalScale( const MT_Vector3& scale ); void NodeSetRelativeScale( const MT_Vector3& scale ); // adapt local position so that world position is set to desired position void NodeSetWorldPosition(const MT_Point3& trans); void NodeUpdateGS( double time ); const MT_Matrix3x3& NodeGetWorldOrientation( ) const; const MT_Vector3& NodeGetWorldScaling( ) const; const MT_Point3& NodeGetWorldPosition( ) const; /** * @section scene graph node accessor functions. */ SG_Node* GetSGNode( ) { return m_pSGNode; } const SG_Node* GetSGNode( ) const { return m_pSGNode; } /** * @section blender object accessor functions. */ struct Object* GetBlenderObject( ) { return m_pBlenderObject; } void SetBlenderObject( struct Object* obj) { m_pBlenderObject = obj; } struct Object* GetBlenderGroupObject( ) { return m_pBlenderGroupObject; } void SetBlenderGroupObject( struct Object* obj) { m_pBlenderGroupObject = obj; } bool IsDupliGroup() { return (m_pBlenderObject && (m_pBlenderObject->transflag & OB_DUPLIGROUP) && m_pBlenderObject->dup_group != NULL) ? true : false; } /** * Set the Scene graph node for this game object. * warning - it is your responsibility to make sure * all controllers look at this new node. You must * also take care of the memory associated with the * old node. This class takes ownership of the new * node. */ void SetSGNode(SG_Node* node ) { m_pSGNode = node; } //Is it a dynamic/physics object ? bool IsDynamic() const { return m_bDyna; } /** * Check if this object has a vertex parent relationship */ bool IsVertexParent( ) { return (m_pSGNode && m_pSGNode->GetSGParent() && m_pSGNode->GetSGParent()->IsVertexParent()); } bool RayHit(KX_ClientObjectInfo* client, KX_RayCast* result, void * const data); bool NeedRayCast(KX_ClientObjectInfo* client); /** * @section Physics accessors for this node. * * All these calls get passed directly to the physics controller * owned by this object. * This is real interface bloat. Why not just use the physics controller * directly? I think this is because the python interface is in the wrong * place. */ void ApplyForce( const MT_Vector3& force, bool local ); void ApplyTorque( const MT_Vector3& torque, bool local ); void ApplyRotation( const MT_Vector3& drot, bool local ); void ApplyMovement( const MT_Vector3& dloc, bool local ); void addLinearVelocity( const MT_Vector3& lin_vel, bool local ); void setLinearVelocity( const MT_Vector3& lin_vel, bool local ); void setAngularVelocity( const MT_Vector3& ang_vel, bool local ); /** * Update the physics object transform based upon the current SG_Node * position. */ void UpdateTransform( ); static void UpdateTransformFunc(SG_IObject* node, void* gameobj, void* scene); /** * Function to set IPO option at start of IPO */ void InitIPO( bool ipo_as_force, bool ipo_add, bool ipo_local ); /** * Odd function to update an ipo. ??? */ void UpdateIPO( float curframetime, bool recurse ); /** * Updates Material Ipo data */ void UpdateMaterialData( dword matname_hash, MT_Vector4 rgba, MT_Vector3 specrgb, MT_Scalar hard, MT_Scalar spec, MT_Scalar ref, MT_Scalar emit, MT_Scalar alpha ); /** * @section Mesh accessor functions. */ /** * Update buckets to indicate that there is a new * user of this object's meshes. */ void AddMeshUser( ); /** * Update buckets with data about the mesh after * creating or duplicating the object, changing * visibility, object color, .. . */ void UpdateBuckets( bool recursive ); /** * Clear the meshes associated with this class * and remove from the bucketing system. * Don't think this actually deletes any of the meshes. */ void RemoveMeshes( ); /** * Add a mesh to the set of meshes associated with this * node. Meshes added in this way are not deleted by this class. * Make sure you call RemoveMeshes() before deleting the * mesh though, */ void AddMesh( RAS_MeshObject* mesh ){ m_meshes.push_back(mesh); } /** * Pick out a mesh associated with the integer 'num'. */ RAS_MeshObject* GetMesh( int num ) const { return m_meshes[num]; } /** * Return the number of meshes currently associated with this * game object. */ int GetMeshCount( ) const { return m_meshes.size(); } /** * Set the debug color of the meshes associated with this * class. Does this still work? */ void SetDebugColor( unsigned int bgra ); /** * Reset the debug color of meshes associated with this class. */ void ResetDebugColor( ); /** * Was this object marked visible? (only for the explicit * visibility system). */ bool GetVisible( void ); /** * Set visibility flag of this object */ void SetVisible( bool b, bool recursive ); /** * Was this object culled? */ bool GetCulled( void ); /** * Set culled flag of this object */ void SetCulled( bool c ); /** * Change the layer of the object (when it is added in another layer * than the original layer) */ void SetLayer( int l ); /** * Get the object layer */ int GetLayer( void ); /** * Get the negative scaling state */ bool IsNegativeScaling( void ) { return m_bIsNegativeScaling; } /** * Is this a light? */ virtual bool IsLight( void ) { return false; } /** * @section Logic bubbling methods. */ /** * Stop making progress */ void Suspend(void); /** * Resume making progress */ void Resume(void); void SuspendDynamics(void) { if (m_bSuspendDynamics) { return; } if (m_pPhysicsController1) { m_pPhysicsController1->SuspendDynamics(); } m_bSuspendDynamics = true; } void RestoreDynamics(void) { if (!m_bSuspendDynamics) { return; } if (m_pPhysicsController1) { m_pPhysicsController1->RestoreDynamics(); } m_bSuspendDynamics = false; } KX_ClientObjectInfo* getClientInfo() { return m_pClient_info; } /** * @section Python interface functions. */ virtual PyObject* py_getattro(PyObject *attr); virtual int py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *value); // py_setattro method virtual PyObject* py_repr(void) { return PyString_FromString(GetName().ReadPtr()); } /* we need our own getattr and setattr types */ /* See m_attrlist definition for rules on how this works */ static PyObject *py_base_getattro_gameobject(PyObject * self, PyObject *attr) { PyObject *object= ((KX_GameObject *) self)->py_getattro(attr); if (object==NULL && ((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist) { /* backup the exception incase the attr doesnt exist in the dict either */ PyObject *err_type, *err_value, *err_tb; PyErr_Fetch(&err_type, &err_value, &err_tb); object= PyDict_GetItem(((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist, attr); if (object) { Py_INCREF(object); PyErr_Clear(); Py_XDECREF( err_type ); Py_XDECREF( err_value ); Py_XDECREF( err_tb ); } else { PyErr_Restore(err_type, err_value, err_tb); /* use the error from the parent function */ } } return object; } static int py_base_setattro_gameobject(PyObject * self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *value) { int ret; /* Delete the item */ if (value==NULL) { ret= ((PyObjectPlus*) self)->py_delattro(attr); if (ret != 0) /* CValue attribute failed, try KX_GameObject m_attrlist dict */ { if (((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist) { /* backup the exception incase the attr doesnt exist in the dict either */ PyObject *err_type, *err_value, *err_tb; PyErr_Fetch(&err_type, &err_value, &err_tb); if (PyDict_DelItem(((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist, attr) == 0) { ret= 0; PyErr_Clear(); Py_XDECREF( err_type ); Py_XDECREF( err_value ); Py_XDECREF( err_tb ); } else { PyErr_Restore(err_type, err_value, err_tb); /* use the error from the parent function */ } } } return ret; } ret= ((PyObjectPlus*) self)->py_setattro(attr, value); if (ret==PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS) { /* remove attribute in our own dict to avoid double ups */ if (((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist) { if (PyDict_DelItem(((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist, attr) != 0) PyErr_Clear(); } } if (ret==PY_SET_ATTR_COERCE_FAIL) { /* CValue attribute exists, remove and add dict value */ ((KX_GameObject *) self)->RemoveProperty(STR_String(PyString_AsString(attr))); ret= PY_SET_ATTR_MISSING; } if (ret==PY_SET_ATTR_MISSING) { /* Lazy initialization */ if (((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist==NULL) ((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist = PyDict_New(); if (PyDict_SetItem(((KX_GameObject *) self)->m_attrlist, attr, value)==0) { PyErr_Clear(); ret= PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "failed assigning value to KX_GameObject internal dictionary"); ret= PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } } return ret; } KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetPosition); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,SetPosition); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,SetWorldPosition); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject, ApplyForce); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject, ApplyTorque); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject, ApplyRotation); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject, ApplyMovement); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,GetLinearVelocity); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,SetLinearVelocity); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,GetAngularVelocity); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,SetAngularVelocity); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,GetVelocity); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetMass); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetReactionForce); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetOrientation); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,SetOrientation); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetVisible); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,SetVisible); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetState); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,SetState); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,AlignAxisToVect); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,GetAxisVect); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,SuspendDynamics); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,RestoreDynamics); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,EnableRigidBody); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,DisableRigidBody); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,ApplyImpulse); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,SetCollisionMargin); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetParent); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,SetParent); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,RemoveParent); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetChildren); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetChildrenRecursive); KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(KX_GameObject,GetMesh); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetPhysicsId); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,GetPropertyNames); KX_PYMETHOD_O(KX_GameObject,ReplaceMesh); KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(KX_GameObject,EndObject); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_GameObject,rayCastTo); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_GameObject,rayCast); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_O(KX_GameObject,getDistanceTo); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_O(KX_GameObject,getVectTo); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_VARARGS(KX_GameObject, sendMessage); /* attributes */ static PyObject* pyattr_get_name(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_parent(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_mass(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_mass(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_visible(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_visible(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_position(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_position(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_localInertia(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_localInertia(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_orientation(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_orientation(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_scaling(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_scaling(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_timeOffset(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_timeOffset(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_state(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_state(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_meshes(void* self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); /* for dir(), python3 uses __dir__() */ static PyObject* pyattr_get_dir_dict(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); /* Experemental! */ static PyObject* pyattr_get_sensors(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_controllers(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static PyObject* pyattr_get_actuators(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); /* getitem/setitem */ static Py_ssize_t Map_Len(PyObject* self); static PyMappingMethods Mapping; static PyObject* Map_GetItem(PyObject *self_v, PyObject *item); static int Map_SetItem(PyObject *self_v, PyObject *key, PyObject *val); private : /** * Random internal function to convert python function arguments * to 2 vectors. * @return true if conversion was possible. */ bool ConvertPythonVectorArgs( PyObject* args, MT_Vector3& pos, MT_Vector3& pos2 ); }; /* utility conversion function */ bool ConvertPythonToGameObject(PyObject * value, KX_GameObject **object, bool py_none_ok); #endif //__KX_GAMEOBJECT