#!BPY # flt_export.py is an OpenFlight exporter for blender. # Copyright (C) 2005 Greg MacDonald # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'OpenFlight (.flt)...' Blender: 237 Group: 'Export' Tip: 'Export to OpenFlight v16.0 (.flt)' """ __author__ = "Greg MacDonald" __version__ = "1.2 10/20/05" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "Author's homepage, http://sourceforge.net/projects/blight/") __bpydoc__ = """\ This script exports v16.0 OpenFlight files. OpenFlight is a registered trademark of MultiGen-Paradigm, Inc. Run from "File->Export" menu. Options are available from Blender's "Scripts Config Editor," accessible through the "Scripts->System" menu from the scripts window. Features:
* Heirarchy retained.
* Normals retained.
* First texture exported.
* Diffuse material color is exported as the face color, material color, or both depending on the option settings.
* Double sided faces are exported as two faces.
* Object transforms exported. Things To Be Aware Of:
* Object names are exported, not mesh or data names. * Material indices that don't have a material associated with them will confuse the exporter. If a warning appears about this, correct it by deleting the offending material indices in Blender. What's Not Handled:
* Animations.
* Vetex colors.
""" import Blender from flt_filewalker import FltOut class ExporterOptions: def __init__(self): self.defaults = { 'Diffuse Color To OpenFlight Material': False, 'Diffuse Color To OpenFlight Face': True} d = Blender.Registry.GetKey('flt_export', True) if d == None or d.keys() != self.defaults.keys(): d = self.defaults Blender.Registry.SetKey('flt_export', d, True) self.verbose = 1 self.tolerance = 0.001 self.use_mat_color = d['Diffuse Color To OpenFlight Material'] self.use_face_color = d['Diffuse Color To OpenFlight Face'] options = ExporterOptions() FLOAT_TOLERANCE = options.tolerance identity_matrix = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] def is_identity(m): for i in xrange(4): for j in xrange(4): if abs(m[i][j] - identity_matrix[i][j]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE: return False return True class MaterialDesc: def __init__(self): self.name = 'Blender' # Colors, List of 3 floats. self.diffuse = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.specular = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # Scalars self.ambient = 0.1 # [0.0, 1.0] self.emissive = 0.0 # [0.0, 1.0] self.shininess = 32.0 # Range is [0.0, 128.0] self.alpha = 1.0 # Range is [0.0, 1.0] class VertexDesc: def __init__(self, co=None, no=None, uv=None): if co: self.x, self.y, self.z = tuple(co) else: self.x = self.y = self.z = 0.0 if no: self.nx, self.ny, self.nz = tuple(no) else: self.nx = self.ny = self.nz = 0.0 if uv: self.u, self.v = tuple(uv) else: self.u = self.v = 0.0 class GlobalResourceRepository: def new_face_name(self): self.face_name += 1 return 'f%i' % (self.face_name-1) def vertex_count(self): return len(self.vertex_lst) def request_vertex_desc(self, i): return self.vertex_lst[i] def request_vertex_index(self, desc): match = None for i, v in enumerate(self.vertex_lst): if\ abs(v.x - desc.x) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.y - desc.y) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.z - desc.z) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.nx - desc.nx) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.ny - desc.ny) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.nz - desc.nz) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.u - desc.u) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(v.v - desc.v) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE: pass else: match = i break if match != None: return match else: self.vertex_lst.append(desc) return len(self.vertex_lst) - 1 def request_texture_index(self, filename): match = None for i in xrange(len(self.texture_lst)): if self.texture_lst[i] != filename: continue match = i break if match != None: return match else: self.texture_lst.append(filename) return len(self.texture_lst) - 1 def request_texture_filename(self, index): return self.texture_lst[index] def texture_count(self): return len(self.texture_lst) def request_material_index(self, desc): match = None for i in xrange(len(self.material_lst)): if self.material_lst[i].diffuse != desc.diffuse: continue if self.material_lst[i].specular != desc.specular: continue if self.material_lst[i].ambient != desc.ambient: continue if self.material_lst[i].emissive != desc.emissive: continue if self.material_lst[i].shininess != desc.shininess: continue if self.material_lst[i].alpha != desc.alpha: continue match = i break if match != None: return i else: self.material_lst.append(desc) return len(self.material_lst) - 1 def request_material_desc(self, index): return self.material_lst[index] def material_count(self): return len(self.material_lst) # Returns not actual index but one that includes intensity information. # color_index = 127*intensity + 128*actual_index def request_color_index(self, col): r,g,b = tuple(col) m = max(r, g, b) if m > 0.0: intensity = m / 1.0 r = int(round(r/m * 255.0)) g = int(round(g/m * 255.0)) b = int(round(b/m * 255.0)) brightest = [r, g, b] else: brightest = [255, 255, 255] intensity = 0.0 match = None for i in xrange(len(self.color_lst)): if self.color_lst[i] != brightest: continue match = i break if match != None: index = match else: length = len(self.color_lst) if length <= 1024: self.color_lst.append(brightest) index = length else: if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Warning: Exceeded max color limit.' index = 0 color_index = int(round(127.0*intensity)) + 128*index return color_index # Returns color from actual index. def request_max_color(self, index): return self.color_lst[index] def color_count(self): return len(self.color_lst) def __init__(self): self.vertex_lst = [] self.texture_lst = [] self.material_lst = [] self.color_lst = [[255, 255, 255]] self.face_name = 0 class Node: # Gathers info from blender needed for export. # The =[0] is a trick to emulate c-like static function variables # that are persistant between calls. def blender_export(self, level=[0]): if self.object: if options.verbose >= 2: print '\t' * level[0], self.name, self.object.type level[0] += 1 for child in self.children: child.blender_export() level[0] -= 1 # Exports this node's info to file. def write(self): pass def write_matrix(self): if self.matrix and not is_identity(self.matrix): self.header.fw.write_short(49) # Matrix opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(68) # Length of record for i in xrange(4): for j in xrange(4): self.header.fw.write_float(self.matrix[i][j]) def write_push(self): self.header.fw.write_short(10) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) def write_pop(self): self.header.fw.write_short(11) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) def write_longid(self, name): length = len(name) if length >= 8: self.header.fw.write_short(33) # Long ID opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(length+5) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(name, length+1) # name + zero terminator # Initialization sets up basic tree structure. def __init__(self, parent, header, object, object_lst): self.header = header self.object = object if object: self.name = self.object.name self.matrix = self.object.getMatrix('localspace') else: self.name = 'no name' self.matrix = None self.children = [] self.parent = parent if parent: parent.children.append(self) left_over = object_lst[:] self.child_objects = [] # Add children to child list and remove from left_over list. # Pop is faster then remove i = len(object_lst) while i: i-=1 if object_lst[i].parent == object: self.child_objects.append(left_over.pop(i)) # Spawn children. self.has_object_child = False # For Database class. for child in self.child_objects: if child.type == 'Mesh': BlenderMesh(self, header, child, left_over) self.has_object_child = True else: # Treat all non meshes as emptys BlenderEmpty(self, header, child, left_over) class FaceDesc: def __init__(self): self.vertex_index_lst = [] self.texture_index = -1 self.material_index = -1 self.color_index = 127 class BlenderMesh(Node): def blender_export(self): Node.blender_export(self) mesh = self.object.getData() mesh_hasuv = mesh.hasFaceUV() # Gather materials and textures. tex_index_lst = [] mat_index_lst = [] color_index_lst = [] materials = mesh.getMaterials() if not materials: materials = [Blender.Material.New()] for mat in materials: # Gather Color. if options.use_face_color: color_index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_color_index(mat.getRGBCol())) else: color_index_lst.append(127) # white # Gather Texture. mtex_lst = mat.getTextures() index = -1 mtex = mtex_lst[0] # Not doing multi-texturing at the moment. if mtex != None: tex = mtex_lst[0].tex if tex != None: image = tex.getImage() if image != None: filename = image.getFilename() index = self.header.GRR.request_texture_index(filename) tex_index_lst.append(index) # Gather Material mat_desc = MaterialDesc() mat_desc.name = mat.name mat_desc.alpha = mat.getAlpha() mat_desc.shininess = mat.getSpec() * 64.0 # 2.0 => 128.0 if options.use_mat_color: mat_desc.diffuse = mat.getRGBCol() else: mat_desc.diffuse = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] mat_desc.specular = mat.getSpecCol() amb = mat.getAmb() mat_desc.ambient = [amb, amb, amb] emit = mat.getEmit() mat_desc.emissive = [emit, emit, emit] mat_index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_material_index(mat_desc)) # Faces described as lists of indices into the GRR's vertex_lst. for face in mesh.faces: face_v = face.v # Faster access # Create vertex description list for each face. if mesh_hasuv: vertex_lst = [VertexDesc(v.co, v.no, face.uv[i]) for i, v in enumerate(face_v)] else: vertex_lst = [VertexDesc(v.co, v.no) for i, v in enumerate(face_v)] index_lst = [] for vert_desc in vertex_lst: index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(vert_desc)) face_desc = FaceDesc() face_desc.vertex_index_lst = index_lst if face.materialIndex < len(materials): face_desc.color_index = color_index_lst[face.materialIndex] face_desc.texture_index = tex_index_lst[face.materialIndex] face_desc.material_index = mat_index_lst[face.materialIndex] else: if options.verbose >=1: print 'Warning: Missing material for material index. Materials will not be imported correctly. Fix by deleting abandoned material indices in Blender.' self.face_lst.append(face_desc) # Export double sided face as 2 faces with opposite orientations. if mesh_hasuv and face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['TWOSIDE']: # Create vertex description list for each face. they have a face mode, so we know they have a UV too. vertex_lst = [VertexDesc(v.co, -v.no, face.uv[i]) for i, v in enumerate(face_v)] vertex_lst.reverse() # Reversing flips the face. index_lst = [] for vert_desc in vertex_lst: index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(vert_desc)) face_desc = FaceDesc() face_desc.vertex_index_lst = index_lst if face.materialIndex < len(materials): face_desc.color_index = color_index_lst[face.materialIndex] face_desc.texture_index = tex_index_lst[face.materialIndex] face_desc.material_index = mat_index_lst[face.materialIndex] else: if options.verbose >=1: print 'Error: No material for material index. Delete abandoned material indices in Blender.' self.face_lst.append(face_desc) def write_faces(self): for face_desc in self.face_lst: face_name = self.header.GRR.new_face_name() self.header.fw.write_short(5) # Face opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(80) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(face_name, 8) # ASCII ID self.header.fw.write_int(-1) # IR color code self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Relative priority self.header.fw.write_char(0) # Draw type self.header.fw.write_char(0) # Draw textured white. self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Color name index self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Alt color name index self.header.fw.write_char(0) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_char(1) # Template self.header.fw.write_short(-1) # Detail tex pat index self.header.fw.write_short(face_desc.texture_index) # Tex pattern index self.header.fw.write_short(face_desc.material_index) # material index self.header.fw.write_short(0) # SMC code self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Feature code self.header.fw.write_int(0) # IR material code self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # transparency 0 = opaque self.header.fw.write_uchar(0) # LOD generation control self.header.fw.write_uchar(0) # line style index self.header.fw.write_int(0x00000000) # Flags self.header.fw.write_uchar(2) # Light mode self.header.fw.pad(7) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_uint(-1) # Packed color self.header.fw.write_uint(-1) # Packed alt color self.header.fw.write_short(-1) # Tex map index self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_uint(face_desc.color_index) # Color index self.header.fw.write_uint(127) # Alt color index self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_short(-1) # Shader index self.write_longid(face_name) self.write_push() # Vertex list record self.header.fw.write_short(72) # Vertex list opcode num_verts = len(face_desc.vertex_index_lst) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4*num_verts+4) # Length of record for vert_index in face_desc.vertex_index_lst: # Offset into vertex palette self.header.fw.write_int(vert_index*64+8) self.write_pop() def write(self): if self.open_flight_type == 'Object': self.header.fw.write_short(4) # Object opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(28) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(self.name, 8) # ASCII ID self.header.fw.pad(16) self.write_longid(self.name) self.write_matrix() if self.face_lst != []: self.write_push() self.write_faces() self.write_pop() else: self.header.fw.write_short(2) # Group opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(44) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(self.name, 8) # ASCII ID self.header.fw.pad(32) self.write_longid(self.name) # Because a group can contain faces as well as children. self.write_push() self.write_faces() for child in self.children: child.write() self.write_pop() def __init__(self, parent, header, object, object_lst): Node.__init__(self, parent, header, object, object_lst) self.face_lst = [] if self.children: self.open_flight_type= 'Group' else: # Empty list. self.open_flight_type = 'Object' class BlenderEmpty(Node): def write(self): self.header.fw.write_short(2) # Group opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(44) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(self.name, 8) # ASCII ID self.header.fw.pad(32) self.write_longid(self.name) self.write_matrix() if self.children: # != [] self.write_push() for child in self.children: child.write() self.write_pop() class Database(Node): def write_header(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing header.' self.fw.write_short(1) # Header opcode self.fw.write_ushort(324) # Length of record self.fw.write_string('db', 8) # ASCII ID self.fw.write_int(1600) # Revision Number self.fw.pad(44) self.fw.write_short(1) # Unit multiplier. self.fw.write_char(0) # Units, 0 = meters self.fw.write_char(0) # texwhite on new faces 0 = false self.fw.write_uint(0x80000000) # misc flags set to saving vertex normals self.fw.pad(24) self.fw.write_int(0) # projection type, 0 = flat earth self.fw.pad(30) self.fw.write_short(1) # double precision self.fw.pad(140) self.fw.write_int(0) # ellipsoid model, 0 = WSG 1984 self.fw.pad(52) def write_vert_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing vertex palette.' # Write record for vertex palette self.fw.write_short(67) # Vertex palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(8) # Length of record self.fw.write_int(self.GRR.vertex_count() * 64 + 8) # Length of everything. # Write records for individual vertices. for i in xrange(self.GRR.vertex_count()): desc = self.GRR.request_vertex_desc(i) self.fw.write_short(70) # Vertex with color normal and uv opcode. self.fw.write_ushort(64) # Length of record self.fw.write_ushort(0) # Color name index self.fw.write_short(0x2000) # Flags set to no color self.fw.write_double(desc.x) self.fw.write_double(desc.y) self.fw.write_double(desc.z) self.fw.write_float(desc.nx) self.fw.write_float(desc.ny) self.fw.write_float(desc.nz) self.fw.write_float(desc.u) self.fw.write_float(desc.v) self.fw.pad(12) def write_tex_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing texture palette.' # Write record for texture palette for i in xrange(self.GRR.texture_count()): self.fw.write_short(64) # Texture palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(216) # Length of record self.fw.write_string(self.GRR.request_texture_filename(i), 200) # Filename self.fw.write_int(i) # Texture index self.fw.write_int(0) # X self.fw.write_int(0) # Y def write_mat_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing material palette.' for i in xrange(self.GRR.material_count()): desc = self.GRR.request_material_desc(i) self.fw.write_short(113) # Material palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(84) # Length of record self.fw.write_int(i) # Material index self.fw.write_string(desc.name, 12) # Material name self.fw.write_uint(0x80000000) # Flags self.fw.write_float(desc.ambient[0]) # Ambient color. self.fw.write_float(desc.ambient[1]) # Ambient color. self.fw.write_float(desc.ambient[2]) # Ambient color. self.fw.write_float(desc.diffuse[0]) # Diffuse color. self.fw.write_float(desc.diffuse[1]) # Diffuse color. self.fw.write_float(desc.diffuse[2]) # Diffuse color. self.fw.write_float(desc.specular[0]) # Specular color. self.fw.write_float(desc.specular[1]) # Specular color. self.fw.write_float(desc.specular[2]) # Specular color. self.fw.write_float(desc.emissive[0]) # Emissive color. self.fw.write_float(desc.emissive[1]) # Emissive color. self.fw.write_float(desc.emissive[2]) # Emissive color. self.fw.write_float(desc.shininess) self.fw.write_float(desc.alpha) self.fw.write_int(0) # Reserved def write_col_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing color palette.' self.fw.write_short(32) # Color palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(4228) # Length of record self.fw.pad(128) count = self.GRR.color_count() for i in xrange(count): col = self.GRR.request_max_color(i) self.fw.write_uchar(255) # alpha self.fw.write_uchar(col[2]) # b self.fw.write_uchar(col[1]) # g self.fw.write_uchar(col[0]) # r self.fw.pad(max(4096-count*4, 0)) def write(self): self.write_header() self.write_vert_pal() self.write_tex_pal() self.write_mat_pal() self.write_col_pal() # Wrap everything in a group if it has an object child. if self.has_object_child: self.header.fw.write_short(2) # Group opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(44) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string('g1', 8) # ASCII ID self.header.fw.pad(32) self.write_push() for child in self.children: child.write() self.write_pop() def __init__(self, scene, fw): self.fw = fw self.scene = scene self.all_objects = list(scene.objects) self.GRR = GlobalResourceRepository() Node.__init__(self, None, self, None, self.all_objects) def fs_callback(filename): Blender.Window.WaitCursor(True) if Blender.sys.exists(filename): r = Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Overwrite ' + filename + '?%t|Yes|No') if r != 1: if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Export cancelled.' return time1 = Blender.sys.time() # Start timing fw = FltOut(filename) db = Database(Blender.Scene.GetCurrent(), fw) if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Pass 1: Exporting from Blender.\n' db.blender_export() if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Pass 2: Writing %s\n' % filename db.write() fw.close_file() if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Done in %.4f sec.\n' % (Blender.sys.time() - time1) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(False) if options.verbose >= 1: print '\nOpenFlight Exporter' print 'Version:', __version__ print 'Author: Greg MacDonald' print __url__[2] print fname = Blender.sys.makename(ext=".flt") Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Export OpenFlight v16.0", fname)