# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # Script copyright (C) Campbell Barton import math from math import radians import bpy import mathutils from mathutils import Vector, Euler, Matrix class bvh_node_class(object): __slots__ = ( 'name',# bvh joint name 'parent',# bvh_node_class type or None for no parent 'children',# a list of children of this type. 'rest_head_world',# worldspace rest location for the head of this node 'rest_head_local',# localspace rest location for the head of this node 'rest_tail_world',# # worldspace rest location for the tail of this node 'rest_tail_local',# # worldspace rest location for the tail of this node 'channels',# list of 6 ints, -1 for an unused channel, otherwise an index for the BVH motion data lines, lock triple then rot triple 'rot_order',# a triple of indicies as to the order rotation is applied. [0,1,2] is x/y/z - [None, None, None] if no rotation. 'anim_data',# a list one tuple's one for each frame. (locx, locy, locz, rotx, roty, rotz) 'has_loc',# Conveinience function, bool, same as (channels[0]!=-1 or channels[1]!=-1 channels[2]!=-1) 'has_rot',# Conveinience function, bool, same as (channels[3]!=-1 or channels[4]!=-1 channels[5]!=-1) 'temp')# use this for whatever you want def __init__(self, name, rest_head_world, rest_head_local, parent, channels, rot_order): self.name = name self.rest_head_world = rest_head_world self.rest_head_local = rest_head_local self.rest_tail_world = None self.rest_tail_local = None self.parent = parent self.channels = channels self.rot_order = rot_order # convenience functions self.has_loc = channels[0] != -1 or channels[1] != -1 or channels[2] != -1 self.has_rot = channels[3] != -1 or channels[4] != -1 or channels[5] != -1 self.children = [] # list of 6 length tuples: (lx,ly,lz, rx,ry,rz) # even if the channels arnt used they will just be zero # self.anim_data = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)] def __repr__(self): return 'BVH name:"%s", rest_loc:(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f), rest_tail:(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)' %\ (self.name,\ self.rest_head_world.x, self.rest_head_world.y, self.rest_head_world.z,\ self.rest_head_world.x, self.rest_head_world.y, self.rest_head_world.z) # Change the order rotation is applied. MATRIX_IDENTITY_3x3 = Matrix([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) MATRIX_IDENTITY_4x4 = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) def eulerRotate(x, y, z, rot_order): # Clamp all values between 0 and 360, values outside this raise an error. mats = [Matrix.Rotation(x, 3, 'X'), Matrix.Rotation(y, 3, 'Y'), Matrix.Rotation(z, 3, 'Z')] return (MATRIX_IDENTITY_3x3 * mats[rot_order[0]] * (mats[rot_order[1]] * (mats[rot_order[2]]))).to_euler() # Should work but doesnt! ''' eul = Euler((x, y, z)) eul.order = "XYZ"[rot_order[0]] + "XYZ"[rot_order[1]] + "XYZ"[rot_order[2]] return tuple(eul.to_matrix().to_euler()) ''' def read_bvh(context, file_path, ROT_MODE='XYZ', GLOBAL_SCALE=1.0): # File loading stuff # Open the file for importing file = open(file_path, 'rU') # Seperate into a list of lists, each line a list of words. file_lines = file.readlines() # Non standard carrage returns? if len(file_lines) == 1: file_lines = file_lines[0].split('\r') # Split by whitespace. file_lines = [ll for ll in [l.split() for l in file_lines] if ll] # Create Hirachy as empties if file_lines[0][0].lower() == 'hierarchy': #print 'Importing the BVH Hierarchy for:', file_path pass else: raise 'ERROR: This is not a BVH file' bvh_nodes = {None: None} bvh_nodes_serial = [None] channelIndex = -1 lineIdx = 0 # An index for the file. while lineIdx < len(file_lines) -1: #... if file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'root' or file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'joint': # Join spaces into 1 word with underscores joining it. if len(file_lines[lineIdx]) > 2: file_lines[lineIdx][1] = '_'.join(file_lines[lineIdx][1:]) file_lines[lineIdx] = file_lines[lineIdx][:2] # MAY NEED TO SUPPORT MULTIPLE ROOT's HERE!!!, Still unsure weather multiple roots are possible.?? # Make sure the names are unique- Object names will match joint names exactly and both will be unique. name = file_lines[lineIdx][1] #print '%snode: %s, parent: %s' % (len(bvh_nodes_serial) * ' ', name, bvh_nodes_serial[-1]) lineIdx += 2 # Incriment to the next line (Offset) rest_head_local = Vector((float(file_lines[lineIdx][1]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][2]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][3]))) * GLOBAL_SCALE lineIdx += 1 # Incriment to the next line (Channels) # newChannel[Xposition, Yposition, Zposition, Xrotation, Yrotation, Zrotation] # newChannel references indecies to the motiondata, # if not assigned then -1 refers to the last value that will be added on loading at a value of zero, this is appended # We'll add a zero value onto the end of the MotionDATA so this is always refers to a value. my_channel = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] my_rot_order = [None, None, None] rot_count = 0 for channel in file_lines[lineIdx][2:]: channel = channel.lower() channelIndex += 1 # So the index points to the right channel if channel == 'xposition': my_channel[0] = channelIndex elif channel == 'yposition': my_channel[1] = channelIndex elif channel == 'zposition': my_channel[2] = channelIndex elif channel == 'xrotation': my_channel[3] = channelIndex my_rot_order[rot_count] = 0 rot_count += 1 elif channel == 'yrotation': my_channel[4] = channelIndex my_rot_order[rot_count] = 1 rot_count += 1 elif channel == 'zrotation': my_channel[5] = channelIndex my_rot_order[rot_count] = 2 rot_count += 1 channels = file_lines[lineIdx][2:] my_parent = bvh_nodes_serial[-1] # account for none # Apply the parents offset accumletivly if my_parent == None: rest_head_world = Vector(rest_head_local) else: rest_head_world = my_parent.rest_head_world + rest_head_local bvh_node = bvh_nodes[name] = bvh_node_class(name, rest_head_world, rest_head_local, my_parent, my_channel, my_rot_order) # If we have another child then we can call ourselves a parent, else bvh_nodes_serial.append(bvh_node) # Account for an end node if file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'end' and file_lines[lineIdx][1].lower() == 'site': # There is somtimes a name after 'End Site' but we will ignore it. lineIdx += 2 # Incriment to the next line (Offset) rest_tail = Vector((float(file_lines[lineIdx][1]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][2]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][3]))) * GLOBAL_SCALE bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_tail_world = bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_head_world + rest_tail bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_tail_local = bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_head_local + rest_tail # Just so we can remove the Parents in a uniform way- End end never has kids # so this is a placeholder bvh_nodes_serial.append(None) if len(file_lines[lineIdx]) == 1 and file_lines[lineIdx][0] == '}': # == ['}'] bvh_nodes_serial.pop() # Remove the last item if len(file_lines[lineIdx]) == 1 and file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'motion': #print '\nImporting motion data' lineIdx += 3 # Set the cursor to the first frame break lineIdx += 1 # Remove the None value used for easy parent reference del bvh_nodes[None] # Dont use anymore del bvh_nodes_serial bvh_nodes_list = bvh_nodes.values() while lineIdx < len(file_lines): line = file_lines[lineIdx] for bvh_node in bvh_nodes_list: #for bvh_node in bvh_nodes_serial: lx = ly = lz = rx = ry = rz = 0.0 channels = bvh_node.channels anim_data = bvh_node.anim_data if channels[0] != -1: lx = GLOBAL_SCALE * float(line[channels[0]]) if channels[1] != -1: ly = GLOBAL_SCALE * float(line[channels[1]]) if channels[2] != -1: lz = GLOBAL_SCALE * float(line[channels[2]]) if channels[3] != -1 or channels[4] != -1 or channels[5] != -1: rx, ry, rz = float(line[channels[3]]), float(line[channels[4]]), float(line[channels[5]]) if ROT_MODE != 'NATIVE': rx, ry, rz = eulerRotate(radians(rx), radians(ry), radians(rz), bvh_node.rot_order) else: rx, ry, rz = radians(rx), radians(ry), radians(rz) # Done importing motion data # anim_data.append((lx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz)) lineIdx += 1 # Assign children for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): bvh_node_parent = bvh_node.parent if bvh_node_parent: bvh_node_parent.children.append(bvh_node) # Now set the tip of each bvh_node for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): if not bvh_node.rest_tail_world: if len(bvh_node.children) == 0: # could just fail here, but rare BVH files have childless nodes bvh_node.rest_tail_world = Vector(bvh_node.rest_head_world) bvh_node.rest_tail_local = Vector(bvh_node.rest_head_local) elif len(bvh_node.children) == 1: bvh_node.rest_tail_world = Vector(bvh_node.children[0].rest_head_world) bvh_node.rest_tail_local = bvh_node.rest_head_local + bvh_node.children[0].rest_head_local else: # allow this, see above #if not bvh_node.children: # raise 'error, bvh node has no end and no children. bad file' # Removed temp for now rest_tail_world = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) rest_tail_local = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) for bvh_node_child in bvh_node.children: rest_tail_world += bvh_node_child.rest_head_world rest_tail_local += bvh_node_child.rest_head_local bvh_node.rest_tail_world = rest_tail_world * (1.0 / len(bvh_node.children)) bvh_node.rest_tail_local = rest_tail_local * (1.0 / len(bvh_node.children)) # Make sure tail isnt the same location as the head. if (bvh_node.rest_tail_local - bvh_node.rest_head_local).length <= 0.001 * GLOBAL_SCALE: bvh_node.rest_tail_local.y = bvh_node.rest_tail_local.y + GLOBAL_SCALE / 10 bvh_node.rest_tail_world.y = bvh_node.rest_tail_world.y + GLOBAL_SCALE / 10 return bvh_nodes def bvh_node_dict2objects(context, bvh_nodes, IMPORT_START_FRAME=1, IMPORT_LOOP=False): if IMPORT_START_FRAME < 1: IMPORT_START_FRAME = 1 scn = context.scene scn.objects.selected = [] objects = [] def add_ob(name): ob = scn.objects.new('Empty', None) objects.append(ob) return ob # Add objects for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items(): bvh_node.temp = add_ob(name) # Parent the objects for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): bvh_node.temp.makeParent([bvh_node_child.temp for bvh_node_child in bvh_node.children], 1, 0) # ojbs, noninverse, 1 = not fast. # Offset for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): # Make relative to parents offset bvh_node.temp.loc = bvh_node.rest_head_local # Add tail objects for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items(): if not bvh_node.children: ob_end = add_ob(name + '_end') bvh_node.temp.makeParent([ob_end], 1, 0) # ojbs, noninverse, 1 = not fast. ob_end.loc = bvh_node.rest_tail_local # Animate the data, the last used bvh_node will do since they all have the same number of frames for frame_current in range(len(bvh_node.anim_data)): Blender.Set('curframe', frame_current + IMPORT_START_FRAME) for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): lx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz = bvh_node.anim_data[frame_current] rest_head_local = bvh_node.rest_head_local bvh_node.temp.loc = rest_head_local + Vector((lx, ly, lz)) bvh_node.temp.rot = rx, ry, rz bvh_node.temp.insertIpoKey(Blender.Object.IpoKeyTypes.LOCROT) # XXX invalid scn.update(1) return objects def bvh_node_dict2armature(context, bvh_nodes, ROT_MODE='XYZ', IMPORT_START_FRAME=1, IMPORT_LOOP=False): if IMPORT_START_FRAME < 1: IMPORT_START_FRAME = 1 # Add the new armature, scn = context.scene #XXX scn.objects.selected = [] for ob in scn.objects: ob.select = False scn.set_frame(IMPORT_START_FRAME) arm_data = bpy.data.armatures.new("MyBVH") arm_ob = bpy.data.objects.new("MyBVH", arm_data) scn.objects.link(arm_ob) arm_ob.select = True scn.objects.active = arm_ob print(scn.objects.active) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False) # Get the average bone length for zero length bones, we may not use this. average_bone_length = 0.0 nonzero_count = 0 for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): l = (bvh_node.rest_head_local - bvh_node.rest_tail_local).length if l: average_bone_length += l nonzero_count += 1 # Very rare cases all bones couldbe zero length??? if not average_bone_length: average_bone_length = 0.1 else: # Normal operation average_bone_length = average_bone_length / nonzero_count #XXX - sloppy operator code bpy.ops.armature.delete() bpy.ops.armature.select_all() bpy.ops.armature.delete() ZERO_AREA_BONES = [] for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items(): # New editbone bpy.ops.armature.bone_primitive_add(name="Bone") bone = bvh_node.temp = arm_data.edit_bones[-1] bone.name = name # arm_data.bones[name]= bone bone.head = bvh_node.rest_head_world bone.tail = bvh_node.rest_tail_world # ZERO AREA BONES. if (bone.head - bone.tail).length < 0.001: if bvh_node.parent: ofs = bvh_node.parent.rest_head_local - bvh_node.parent.rest_tail_local if ofs.length: # is our parent zero length also?? unlikely bone.tail = bone.tail + ofs else: bone.tail.y = bone.tail.y + average_bone_length else: bone.tail.y = bone.tail.y + average_bone_length ZERO_AREA_BONES.append(bone.name) for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): if bvh_node.parent: # bvh_node.temp is the Editbone # Set the bone parent bvh_node.temp.parent = bvh_node.parent.temp # Set the connection state if not bvh_node.has_loc and\ bvh_node.parent and\ bvh_node.parent.temp.name not in ZERO_AREA_BONES and\ bvh_node.parent.rest_tail_local == bvh_node.rest_head_local: bvh_node.temp.use_connect = True # Replace the editbone with the editbone name, # to avoid memory errors accessing the editbone outside editmode for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): bvh_node.temp = bvh_node.temp.name #XXX arm_data.update() # Now Apply the animation to the armature # Get armature animation data bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE', toggle=False) pose = arm_ob.pose pose_bones = pose.bones if ROT_MODE == 'NATIVE': eul_order_lookup = {\ (0, 1, 2): 'XYZ', (0, 2, 1): 'XZY', (1, 0, 2): 'YXZ', (1, 2, 0): 'YZX', (2, 0, 1): 'ZXY', (2, 1, 0): 'ZYX'} for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): bone_name = bvh_node.temp # may not be the same name as the bvh_node, could have been shortened. pose_bone = pose_bones[bone_name] pose_bone.rotation_mode = eul_order_lookup[tuple(bvh_node.rot_order)] elif ROT_MODE != 'QUATERNION': for pose_bone in pose_bones: pose_bone.rotation_mode = ROT_MODE else: # Quats default pass context.scene.update() bpy.ops.pose.select_all() # set bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type=-4) # XXX - -4 ??? #XXX action = Blender.Armature.NLA.NewAction("Action") #XXX action.setActive(arm_ob) #bpy.ops.action.new() #action = bpy.data.actions[-1] # arm_ob.animation_data.action = action action = arm_ob.animation_data.action # Replace the bvh_node.temp (currently an editbone) # With a tuple (pose_bone, armature_bone, bone_rest_matrix, bone_rest_matrix_inv) for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values(): bone_name = bvh_node.temp # may not be the same name as the bvh_node, could have been shortened. pose_bone = pose_bones[bone_name] rest_bone = arm_data.bones[bone_name] bone_rest_matrix = rest_bone.matrix_local.rotation_part() bone_rest_matrix_inv = Matrix(bone_rest_matrix) bone_rest_matrix_inv.invert() bone_rest_matrix_inv.resize4x4() bone_rest_matrix.resize4x4() bvh_node.temp = (pose_bone, bone, bone_rest_matrix, bone_rest_matrix_inv) # Make a dict for fast access without rebuilding a list all the time. # KEYFRAME METHOD, SLOW, USE IPOS DIRECT # TODO: use f-point samples instead (Aligorith) if ROT_MODE != 'QUATERNION': prev_euler = [Euler() for i in range(len(bvh_nodes))] # Animate the data, the last used bvh_node will do since they all have the same number of frames for frame_current in range(len(bvh_node.anim_data)-1): # skip the first frame (rest frame) # print frame_current # if frame_current==40: # debugging # break # Dont neet to set the current frame for i, bvh_node in enumerate(bvh_nodes.values()): pose_bone, bone, bone_rest_matrix, bone_rest_matrix_inv = bvh_node.temp lx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz = bvh_node.anim_data[frame_current + 1] if bvh_node.has_rot: bone_rotation_matrix = Euler((rx, ry, rz)).to_matrix().resize4x4() bone_rotation_matrix = bone_rest_matrix_inv * bone_rotation_matrix * bone_rest_matrix if ROT_MODE == 'QUATERNION': pose_bone.rotation_quaternion = bone_rotation_matrix.to_quat() else: euler = bone_rotation_matrix.to_euler(pose_bone.rotation_mode, prev_euler[i]) pose_bone.rotation_euler = euler prev_euler[i] = euler if bvh_node.has_loc: pose_bone.location = (bone_rest_matrix_inv * Matrix.Translation(Vector((lx, ly, lz)) - bvh_node.rest_head_local)).translation_part() if bvh_node.has_loc: pose_bone.keyframe_insert("location") if bvh_node.has_rot: if ROT_MODE == 'QUATERNION': pose_bone.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion") else: pose_bone.keyframe_insert("rotation_euler") # bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type=-4) # XXX - -4 ??? bpy.ops.screen.frame_offset(delta=1) for cu in action.fcurves: if IMPORT_LOOP: pass # 2.5 doenst have cyclic now? for bez in cu.keyframe_points: bez.interpolation = 'LINEAR' return arm_ob from bpy.props import * from io_utils import ImportHelper class BvhImporter(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper): '''Load a OBJ Motion Capture File''' bl_idname = "import_anim.bvh" bl_label = "Import BVH" filename_ext = ".bvh" scale = FloatProperty(name="Scale", description="Scale the BVH by this value", min=0.0001, max=1000000.0, soft_min=0.001, soft_max=100.0, default=0.1) frame_start = IntProperty(name="Start Frame", description="Starting frame for the animation", default=1) loop = BoolProperty(name="Loop", description="Loop the animation playback", default=False) rotate_mode = EnumProperty(items=( ('QUATERNION', "Quaternion", "Convert rotations to quaternions"), ('NATIVE', "Euler (Native)", "Use the rotation order defined in the BVH file"), ('XYZ', "Euler (XYZ)", "Convert rotations to euler XYZ"), ('XZY', "Euler (XZY)", "Convert rotations to euler XZY"), ('YXZ', "Euler (YXZ)", "Convert rotations to euler YXZ"), ('YZX', "Euler (YZX)", "Convert rotations to euler YZX"), ('ZXY', "Euler (ZXY)", "Convert rotations to euler ZXY"), ('ZYX', "Euler (ZYX)", "Convert rotations to euler ZYX"), ), name="Rotation", description="Rotation conversion.", default='NATIVE') def execute(self, context): # print("Selected: " + context.active_object.name) import time t1 = time.time() print('\tparsing bvh...', end="") bvh_nodes = read_bvh(context, self.properties.filepath, ROT_MODE=self.properties.rotate_mode, GLOBAL_SCALE=self.properties.scale) print('%.4f' % (time.time() - t1)) t1 = time.time() print('\timporting to blender...', end="") bvh_node_dict2armature(context, bvh_nodes, ROT_MODE=self.properties.rotate_mode, IMPORT_START_FRAME=self.properties.frame_start, IMPORT_LOOP=self.properties.loop) print('Done in %.4f\n' % (time.time() - t1)) return {'FINISHED'} def menu_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(BvhImporter.bl_idname, text="Motion Capture (.bvh)") def register(): bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(menu_func) if __name__ == "__main__": register()