import bpy class BoneButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): __space_type__ = 'PROPERTIES' __region_type__ = 'WINDOW' __context__ = "bone" def poll(self, context): return (context.bone or context.edit_bone) class BONE_PT_context_bone(BoneButtonsPanel): __show_header__ = False def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout bone = context.bone if not bone: bone = context.edit_bone row = layout.row() row.itemL(text="", icon='ICON_BONE_DATA') row.itemR(bone, "name", text="") class BONE_PT_transform(BoneButtonsPanel): __label__ = "Transform" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object bone = context.bone if not bone: bone = context.edit_bone row = layout.row() row.column().itemR(bone, "head") row.column().itemR(bone, "tail") col = row.column() sub = col.column(align=True) sub.itemL(text="Roll:") sub.itemR(bone, "roll", text="") sub.itemL() sub.itemR(bone, "locked") else: pchan = ob.pose.pose_channels[] layout.itemR(pchan, "rotation_mode") row = layout.row() col = row.column() col.itemR(pchan, "location") = not (bone.parent and bone.connected) col = row.column() if pchan.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': col.itemR(pchan, "rotation", text="Rotation") else: col.itemR(pchan, "euler_rotation", text="Rotation") row.column().itemR(pchan, "scale") if pchan.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': col = layout.column(align=True) col.itemL(text="Euler:") col.row().itemR(pchan, "euler_rotation", text="") class BONE_PT_bone(BoneButtonsPanel): __label__ = "Bone" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object bone = context.bone arm = context.armature if not bone: bone = context.edit_bone else: pchan = ob.pose.pose_channels[] split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.itemL(text="Parent:") if context.bone: col.itemR(bone, "parent", text="") else: col.item_pointerR(bone, "parent", arm, "edit_bones", text="") row = col.row() = bone.parent != None row.itemR(bone, "connected") col.itemL(text="Layers:") col.template_layers(bone, "layer") col = split.column() col.itemL(text="Inherit:") col.itemR(bone, "hinge", text="Rotation") col.itemR(bone, "inherit_scale", text="Scale") col.itemL(text="Display:") col.itemR(bone, "draw_wire", text="Wireframe") col.itemR(bone, "hidden", text="Hide") if ob and pchan: split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.itemL(text="Bone Group:") col.item_pointerR(pchan, "bone_group", ob.pose, "bone_groups", text="") col = split.column() col.itemL(text="Custom Shape:") col.itemR(pchan, "custom_shape", text="") class BONE_PT_inverse_kinematics(BoneButtonsPanel): __label__ = "Inverse Kinematics" __default_closed__ = True def poll(self, context): ob = context.object bone = context.bone if ob and context.bone: pchan = ob.pose.pose_channels[] return pchan.has_ik return False def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object bone = context.bone pchan = ob.pose.pose_channels[] split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) split.itemR(pchan, "ik_dof_x", text="X") row = split.row() row.itemR(pchan, "ik_stiffness_x", text="Stiffness") = pchan.ik_dof_x split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) row = split.row() row.itemR(pchan, "ik_limit_x", text="Limit") = pchan.ik_dof_x row = split.row(align=True) row.itemR(pchan, "ik_min_x", text="") row.itemR(pchan, "ik_max_x", text="") = pchan.ik_dof_x and pchan.ik_limit_x split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) split.itemR(pchan, "ik_dof_y", text="Y") row = split.row() row.itemR(pchan, "ik_stiffness_y", text="Stiffness") = pchan.ik_dof_y split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) row = split.row() row.itemR(pchan, "ik_limit_y", text="Limit") = pchan.ik_dof_y row = split.row(align=True) row.itemR(pchan, "ik_min_y", text="") row.itemR(pchan, "ik_max_y", text="") = pchan.ik_dof_y and pchan.ik_limit_y split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) split.itemR(pchan, "ik_dof_z", text="Z") row = split.row() row.itemR(pchan, "ik_stiffness_z", text="Stiffness") = pchan.ik_dof_z split = layout.split(percentage=0.25) row = split.row() row.itemR(pchan, "ik_limit_z", text="Limit") = pchan.ik_dof_z row = split.row(align=True) row.itemR(pchan, "ik_min_z", text="") row.itemR(pchan, "ik_max_z", text="") = pchan.ik_dof_z and pchan.ik_limit_z split = layout.split() split.itemR(pchan, "ik_stretch", text="Stretch") split.itemL() class BONE_PT_deform(BoneButtonsPanel): __label__ = "Deform" __default_closed__ = True def draw_header(self, context): layout = self.layout bone = context.bone if not bone: bone = context.edit_bone layout.itemR(bone, "deform", text="") def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout bone = context.bone if not bone: bone = context.edit_bone = bone.deform split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.itemL(text="Envelope:") sub = col.column(align=True) sub.itemR(bone, "envelope_distance", text="Distance") sub.itemR(bone, "envelope_weight", text="Weight") col.itemR(bone, "multiply_vertexgroup_with_envelope", text="Multiply") sub = col.column(align=True) sub.itemL(text="Radius:") sub.itemR(bone, "head_radius", text="Head") sub.itemR(bone, "tail_radius", text="Tail") col = split.column() col.itemL(text="Curved Bones:") sub = col.column(align=True) sub.itemR(bone, "bbone_segments", text="Segments") sub.itemR(bone, "bbone_in", text="Ease In") sub.itemR(bone, "bbone_out", text="Ease Out") col.itemL(text="Offset:") col.itemR(bone, "cyclic_offset") bpy.types.register(BONE_PT_context_bone) bpy.types.register(BONE_PT_transform) bpy.types.register(BONE_PT_bone) bpy.types.register(BONE_PT_deform) bpy.types.register(BONE_PT_inverse_kinematics)