#!BPY """ Name: 'Auto Image Layout' Blender: 241 Group: 'Image' Tooltip: 'Pack all texture images into 1 image and remap faces.' """ __author__ = "Campbell Barton" __url__ = ("blender", "blenderartists.org") __version__ = "1.0 2005/05/20" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script makes a new image from the used areas of all the images mapped to the selected mesh objects. Image are packed into 1 new image that is assigned to the original faces. This is usefull for game models where 1 image is faster then many, and saves the labour of manual texture layout in an image editor. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Auto Texture Layout v1.0 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # f # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function to find all the images we use import Blender as B import boxpack2d from Blender.Mathutils import Vector, RotationMatrix from Blender.Scene import Render import BPyMathutils BIGNUM= 1<<30 def pointBounds(points): ''' Takes a list of points and returns the area, center, bounds ''' ymax= xmax= -BIGNUM ymin= xmin= BIGNUM for p in points: x= p.x y= p.y if x>xmax: xmax=x if y>ymax: ymax=y if x 0.1: mat_pos= RotationMatrix( rot_angle, 2) mat_neg= RotationMatrix( -rot_angle, 2) new_points_pos= [v*mat_pos for v in current_points] area_pos, cent_pos, bounds_pos= pointBounds(new_points_pos) # 45d rotations only need to be tested in 1 direction. if rot_angle == 45: area_neg= area_pos else: new_points_neg= [v*mat_neg for v in current_points] area_neg, cent_neg, bounds_neg= pointBounds(new_points_neg) # Works! #print 'Testing angle', rot_angle, current_area, area_pos, area_neg best_area= min(area_pos, area_neg, current_area) if area_pos == best_area: current_area= area_pos cent= cent_pos bounds= bounds_pos current_points= new_points_pos total_rot_angle+= rot_angle elif rot_angle != 45 and area_neg == best_area: current_area= area_neg cent= cent_neg bounds= bounds_neg current_points= new_points_neg total_rot_angle-= rot_angle rot_angle *= 0.5 # Return the optimal rotation. return total_rot_angle class faceGroup(object): ''' A Group of faces that all use the same image, each group has its UVs packed into a square. ''' __slots__= 'xmax', 'ymax', 'xmin', 'ymin',\ 'image', 'faces', 'box_pack', 'size', 'ang', 'rot_mat', 'cent'\ def __init__(self, mesh_list, image, size, PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN): self.image= image self.size= size self.faces= [f for me in mesh_list for f in me.faces if f.image == image] # Find the best rotation. all_points= [uv for f in self.faces for uv in f.uv] bountry_indicies= BPyMathutils.convexHull(all_points) bountry_points= [all_points[i] for i in bountry_indicies] # Pre Rotation bounds self.cent= pointBounds(bountry_points)[1] # Get the optimal rotation angle self.ang= bestBoundsRotation(bountry_points) self.rot_mat= RotationMatrix(self.ang, 2), RotationMatrix(-self.ang, 2) # Post rotation bounds bounds= pointBounds([\ ((uv-self.cent) * self.rot_mat[0]) + self.cent\ for uv in bountry_points])[2] # Break the bounds into useable values. xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax= bounds # Store the bounds, include the margin. # The bounds rect will need to be rotated to the rotation angle. self.xmax= xmax + (PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN/size[0]) self.xmin= xmin - (PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN/size[0]) self.ymax= ymax + (PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN/size[1]) self.ymin= ymin - (PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN/size[1]) self.box_pack=[\ image.name,\ size[0]*(self.xmax - self.xmin),\ size[1]*(self.ymax - self.ymin)] ''' # default. self.scale= 1.0 def set_worldspace_scale(self): scale_uv= 0.0 scale_3d= 0.0 for f in self.faces: for i in xrange(len(f.v)): scale_uv+= (f.uv[i]-f.uv[i-1]).length * 0.1 scale_3d+= (f.v[i].co-f.v[i-1].co).length * 0.1 self.scale= scale_3d/scale_uv ''' def move2packed(self, width, height): ''' Moves the UV coords to their packed location using self.box_pack as the offset, scaler. box_pack must be set to its packed location. width and weight are the w/h of the overall packed area's bounds. ''' # packedLs is a list of [(anyUniqueID, left, bottom, width, height)...] # Width and height in float pixel space. # X Is flipped :/ #offset_x= (1-(self.box_pack[1]/d)) - (((self.xmax-self.xmin) * self.image.size[0])/d) offset_x= self.box_pack[1]/width offset_y= self.box_pack[2]/height for f in self.faces: for uv in f.uv: uv_rot= ((uv-self.cent) * self.rot_mat[0]) + self.cent uv.x= offset_x+ (((uv_rot.x-self.xmin) * self.size[0])/width) uv.y= offset_y+ (((uv_rot.y-self.ymin) * self.size[1])/height) def auto_layout_tex(mesh_list, scn, PREF_IMAGE_PATH, PREF_IMAGE_SIZE, PREF_KEEP_ASPECT, PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN): #, PREF_SIZE_FROM_UV=True): '''Main packing function''' face_groups= {} for me in mesh_list: for f in me.faces: image= f.image if image: try: face_groups[image.name] # will fail if teh groups not added. except: try: size= image.size except: B.Draw.PupMenu('Aborting: Image cold not be loaded|' + image.name) return face_groups[image.name]= faceGroup(mesh_list, image, size, PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN) if not face_groups: B.Draw.PupMenu('No Images found in mesh. aborting.') return if len(face_groups)<2: B.Draw.PupMenu('Only 1 image found|Select a mesh using 2 or more images.') return ''' if PREF_SIZE_FROM_UV: for fg in face_groups.itervalues(): fg.set_worldspace_scale() ''' # RENDER THE FACES. render_scn= B.Scene.New() render_scn.makeCurrent() render_context= render_scn.getRenderingContext() render_context.setRenderPath('') # so we can ignore any existing path and save to the abs path. PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND= B.sys.expandpath(PREF_IMAGE_PATH) + '.png' # TEST THE FILE WRITING. try: # Can we write to this file??? f= open(PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND, 'w') f.close() except: B.Draw.PupMenu('Error: Could not write to path|' + PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND) return render_context.imageSizeX(PREF_IMAGE_SIZE) render_context.imageSizeY(PREF_IMAGE_SIZE) render_context.enableOversampling(True) render_context.setOversamplingLevel(16) render_context.setRenderWinSize(100) render_context.setImageType(Render.PNG) render_context.enableExtensions(True) render_context.enableSky() # No alpha needed. render_context.enableRGBColor() #Render.EnableDispView() # Broken?? # New Mesh and Object render_mat= B.Material.New() render_mat.mode |= B.Material.Modes.SHADELESS render_mat.mode |= B.Material.Modes.TEXFACE render_me= B.Mesh.New() render_me.verts.extend([Vector(0,0,0)]) # Stupid, dummy vert, preverts errors. when assigning UV's/ render_ob= B.Object.New('Mesh') render_ob.link(render_me) render_scn.link(render_ob) render_me.materials= [render_mat] # New camera and object render_cam_data= B.Camera.New('ortho') render_cam_ob= B.Object.New('Camera') render_cam_ob.link(render_cam_data) render_scn.link(render_cam_ob) render_scn.setCurrentCamera(render_cam_ob) render_cam_data.type= 1 # ortho render_cam_data.scale= 1.0 # Position the camera render_cam_ob.LocZ= 1.0 render_cam_ob.LocX= 0.5 render_cam_ob.LocY= 0.5 # List to send to to boxpack function. boxes2Pack= [ fg.box_pack for fg in face_groups.itervalues()] packWidth, packHeight, packedLs = boxpack2d.boxPackIter(boxes2Pack) if PREF_KEEP_ASPECT: packWidth= packHeight= max(packWidth, packHeight) # packedLs is a list of [(anyUniqueID, left, bottom, width, height)...] # Re assign the face groups boxes to the face_group. for box in packedLs: face_groups[ box[0] ].box_pack= box # box[0] is the ID (image name) # Add geometry to the mesh for fg in face_groups.itervalues(): # Add verts clockwise from the bottom left. _x= fg.box_pack[1] / packWidth _y= fg.box_pack[2] / packHeight _w= fg.box_pack[3] / packWidth _h= fg.box_pack[4] / packHeight render_me.verts.extend([\ Vector(_x, _y, 0),\ Vector(_x, _y +_h, 0),\ Vector(_x + _w, _y +_h, 0),\ Vector(_x + _w, _y, 0),\ ]) render_me.faces.extend([\ render_me.verts[-1],\ render_me.verts[-2],\ render_me.verts[-3],\ render_me.verts[-4],\ ]) target_face= render_me.faces[-1] target_face.image= fg.image target_face.mode |= B.Mesh.FaceModes.TEX # Set the UV's, we need to flip them HOZ? target_face.uv[0].x= target_face.uv[1].x= fg.xmax target_face.uv[2].x= target_face.uv[3].x= fg.xmin target_face.uv[0].y= target_face.uv[3].y= fg.ymin target_face.uv[1].y= target_face.uv[2].y= fg.ymax for uv in target_face.uv: uv_rot= ((uv-fg.cent) * fg.rot_mat[1]) + fg.cent uv.x= uv_rot.x uv.y= uv_rot.y # VCOLS # Set them white. for c in target_face.col: c.r= c.g= c.b= 255 render_context.render() Render.CloseRenderWindow() render_context.saveRenderedImage(PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND) #if not B.sys.exists(PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND): # raise 'Error!!!' # NOW APPLY THE SAVED IMAGE TO THE FACES! #print PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND try: target_image= B.Image.Load(PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND) except: B.Draw.PupMenu('Error: Could not render or load the image at path|' + PREF_IMAGE_PATH_EXPAND) return # Set to the 1 image. for me in mesh_list: for f in me.faces: if f.image: f.image= target_image for fg in face_groups.itervalues(): fg.move2packed(packWidth, packHeight) scn.makeCurrent() B.Scene.Unlink(render_scn) render_me.verts= None # free a tiny amount of memory. def main(): scn= B.Scene.GetCurrent() ob= scn.getActiveObject() if not ob or ob.getType() != 'Mesh': B.Draw.PupMenu('Error, no active mesh object, aborting.') return # Create the variables. # Filename without path or extension. newpath= B.Get('filename').split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1].replace('.blend', '') PREF_IMAGE_PATH = B.Draw.Create('//%s_grp' % newpath) PREF_IMAGE_SIZE = B.Draw.Create(1024) PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN = B.Draw.Create(6) PREF_KEEP_ASPECT = B.Draw.Create(0) PREF_ALL_SEL_OBS = B.Draw.Create(0) pup_block = [\ 'Image Path: (no ext)',\ ('', PREF_IMAGE_PATH, 3, 100, 'Path to new Image. "//" for curent blend dir.'),\ 'Image Options', ('Pixel Size:', PREF_IMAGE_SIZE, 64, 4096, 'Image Width and Height.'),\ ('Pixel Margin:', PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN, 0, 64, 'Image Width and Height.'),\ ('Keep Image Aspect', PREF_KEEP_ASPECT, 'If disabled, will stretch the images to the bounds of the texture'),\ 'Texture Source',\ ('All Sel Objects', PREF_ALL_SEL_OBS, 'Combine and replace textures from all objects into 1 texture.'),\ ] if not B.Draw.PupBlock('Auto Texture Layout', pup_block): return PREF_IMAGE_PATH= PREF_IMAGE_PATH.val PREF_IMAGE_SIZE= PREF_IMAGE_SIZE.val PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN= PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN.val PREF_KEEP_ASPECT= PREF_KEEP_ASPECT.val PREF_ALL_SEL_OBS= PREF_ALL_SEL_OBS.val if PREF_ALL_SEL_OBS: mesh_list= [ob.getData(mesh=1) for ob in B.Object.GetSelected() if ob.getType()=='Mesh'] # Make sure we have no doubles- dict by name, then get the values back. mesh_list= dict([(me.name, me) for me in mesh_list]) mesh_list= mesh_list.values() else: mesh_list= [ob.getData(mesh=1)] auto_layout_tex(mesh_list, scn, PREF_IMAGE_PATH, PREF_IMAGE_SIZE, PREF_KEEP_ASPECT, PREF_IMAGE_MARGIN) B.Window.RedrawAll() if __name__=='__main__': main()