#!BPY """ Name: 'Autodesk (.dxf .dwg)' Blender: 247 Group: 'Export' Tooltip: 'Export geometry to Autocad DXF/DWG-r12 (Drawing eXchange Format).' """ __version__ = "v1.29 - 2009.04.11" __author__ = "Remigiusz Fiedler (AKA migius), Alexandros Sigalas (AKA alxarch), Stani Michiels" __license__ = "GPL" __url__ = "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Export/autodesk_dxf" __bpydoc__ ="""The script exports Blender geometry to DXF format r12 version. Version %s Copyright %s License %s extern dependances: dxfLibrary.py See the homepage for documentation. url: %s IDEAs: - correct normals for POLYLINE-POLYFACE via proper point-order - HPGL output for 2d and flattened 3d content TODO: - export dupligroups and dupliverts as blocks ( option for the user to decide ) - optimize back-faces removal (probably needs matrix transform) - optimize POLYFACE routine: remove double-vertices - optimize POLYFACE routine: remove unused vertices - support hierarchies: groups, instances, parented structures - support 210-code (3d orientation vector) - presets for architectural scales - write drawing extends for automatic view positioning in CAD History v1.29 - 2009.04.11 by migius - added DWG support, Stani Michiels idea for binding an extern DXF-DWG-converter v1.28 - 2009.02.05 by alxarch - added option to apply modifiers on exported meshes - added option to also export duplicates (from dupliverts etc) v1.27 - 2008.10.07 by migius - exclude Stani's DXF-Library to extern module v1.26 - 2008.10.05 by migius - add "hidden mode" substitut: back-faces removal - add support for mesh ->POLYFACE - optimized code for "Flat" procedure v1.25 - 2008.09.28 by migius - modif FACE class for r12 - add mesh-polygon -> Bezier-curve converter (Yorik's code) - add support for curves ->POLYLINEs - add "3d-View to Flat" - geometry projection to XY-plane v1.24 - 2008.09.27 by migius - add start UI with preferences - modif POLYLINE class for r12 - changing output format from r9 to r12(AC1009) v1.23 - 2008.09.26 by migius - add finish message-box v1.22 - 2008.09.26 by migius - add support for curves ->LINEs - add support for mesh-edges ->LINEs v1.21 - 2008.06.04 by migius - initial adaptation for Blender v1.1 (20/6/2005) by Stani Michiels www.stani.be/python/sdxf - Python library to generate dxf drawings ______________________________________________________________ """ % (__author__,__version__,__license__,__url__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script copyright (C) 2008 Remigiusz Fiedler (AKA migius) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** import Blender from Blender import Mathutils, Window, Scene, sys, Draw, Mesh import BPyMessages try: import os except: os = None try: import subprocess except: subprocess = None try: import copy except: copy = None #print os.sys.platform #print dir(os.sys.version) #import dxfLibrary #reload(dxfLibrary) if copy and os: from dxfLibrary import * #-------- DWG support ------------------------------------------ extCONV_OK = True extCONV = 'DConvertCon.exe' extCONV_PATH = os.path.join(Blender.Get('scriptsdir'),extCONV) if not os.path.isfile(extCONV_PATH): extCONV_OK = False extCONV_TEXT = 'DWG-Exporter: Abort, nothing done!|\ Copy first %s into Blender script directory.|\ More details in online Help.' %extCONV else: if not os.sys.platform.startswith('win'): # check if Wine installed: if subprocess.Popen(('which', 'winepath'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip(): extCONV_PATH = 'wine %s'%extCONV_PATH else: extCONV_OK = False extCONV_TEXT = 'DWG-Exporter: Abort, nothing done!|\ The external DWG-converter (%s) needs Wine installed on your system.|\ More details in online Help.' %extCONV #print 'extCONV_PATH = ', extCONV_PATH #----------------------------------------------------- def dupTest(object): """ Checks objects for duplicates enabled (any type) object: Blender Object. Returns: Boolean - True if object has any kind of duplicates enabled. """ if (object.enableDupFrames or \ object.enableDupGroup or \ object.enableDupVerts): return True else: return False def getObjectsAndDuplis(oblist,MATRICES=False,HACK=False): """ Return a list of real objects and duplicates and optionally their matrices oblist: List of Blender Objects MATRICES: Boolean - Check to also get the objects matrices default=False HACK: Boolean - See note default=False Returns: List of objects or List of tuples of the form:(ob,matrix) if MATRICES is set to True NOTE: There is an ugly hack here that excludes all objects whose name starts with "dpl_" to exclude objects that are parented to a duplicating object, User must name objects properly if hack is used. """ result = [] for ob in oblist: if dupTest(ob): dup_obs=ob.DupObjects if len(dup_obs): for dup_ob, dup_mx in dup_obs: if MATRICES: result.append((dup_ob,dup_mx)) else: result.append(dup_ob) else: if HACK: if ob.getName()[0:4] != "dpl_": if MATRICES: mx = ob.mat result.append((ob,mx)) else: result.append(ob) else: if MATRICES: mx = ob.mat result.append((ob,mx)) else: result.append(ob) return result #----------------------------------------------------- def hidden_status(faces, mx_n): #print 'HIDDEN_MODE: caution! not full implemented yet' ok_faces = [] ok_edges = [] #sort out back-faces = with normals pointed away from camera for f in faces: #print 'deb: face=', f #--------- # get its normal-vector in localCS vec_normal = f.no.copy() #print 'deb: vec_normal=', vec_normal #------------------ #must be transfered to camera/view-CS vec_normal *= mx_n #vec_normal *= mb.rotationPart() #print 'deb:2vec_normal=', vec_normal #------------------ #vec_normal *= mw0.rotationPart() #print 'deb:3vec_normal=', vec_normal, '\n' #------------------ # normal must point the Z direction-hemisphere if vec_normal[2] > 0.0 : ok_faces.append(f.index) for key in f.edge_keys: #this test can be done faster with set() if key not in ok_edges: ok_edges.append(key) #print 'deb: amount of visible faces=', len(ok_faces) #--------- #print 'deb: visible faces=', ok_faces #--------- #print 'deb: amount of visible edges=', len(ok_edges) #--------- #print 'deb: visible edges=', ok_edges #--------- return ok_faces, ok_edges #----------------------------------------------------- def projected_co(vec, mw): # convert the world coordinates of vector to screen coordinates #co = vec.co.copy().resize4D() co = vec.copy().resize4D() co[3] = 1.0 sc = co * mw #print 'deb: viewprojection=', sc #--------- return [sc[0],sc[1],0.0] #--------not used--------------------------------------------- def flatten(points, mw): for i,v in enumerate(points): v = projected_co(v, mw) points[i]=v #print 'deb: flatten points=', points #--------- return points #----------------------------------------------------- def exportMesh(ob, mx, mx_n,me=None): entities = [] global APPLY_MODIFIERS if me is None: me = ob.getData(mesh=1) else: me.getFromObject(ob) #me.transform(mx) # above is eventualy faster, but bad, cause # directly transforms origin geometry and write back rounding errors me_verts = me.verts[:] #we dont want manipulate origin data #print 'deb: me_verts=', me_verts #--------- #me.transform(mx_inv) #counterpart to - back to the origin state for v in me_verts: v.co *= mx faces=[] edges=[] if HIDDEN_MODE: ok_faces, ok_edges = hidden_status(me.faces, mx_n) #if (not FLATTEN) and len(me.faces)>0 and ONLYFACES: if ONLYFACES: if POLYFACES: #export 3D as POLYFACEs allpoints = [] allfaces = [] allpoints = [v.co[:3] for v in me_verts] for f in me.faces: #print 'deb: face=', f #--------- if not HIDDEN_MODE or \ (HIDDEN_MODE and f.index in ok_faces): if 1: points = f.verts face = [p.index+1 for p in points] #print 'deb: face=', face #--------- allfaces.append(face) else: #bad, cause create multiple vertex instances points = f.verts points = [ me_verts[p.index].co[:3] for p in points] #points = [p.co[:3] for p in points] #print 'deb: points=', points #--------- index = len(allpoints)+1 face = [index+i for i in range(len(points))] allpoints.extend(points) allfaces.append(face) if allpoints and allfaces: #print 'deb: allpoints=', allpoints #--------- #print 'deb: allfaces=', allfaces #--------- dxfPOLYFACE = PolyLine([allpoints, allfaces], flag=64) entities.append(dxfPOLYFACE) else: #export 3D as 3DFACEs for f in me.faces: #print 'deb: face=', f #--------- if not HIDDEN_MODE or \ (HIDDEN_MODE and f.index in ok_faces): points = f.verts points = [ me_verts[p.index].co[:3] for p in points] #points = [p.co[:3] for p in points] #print 'deb: points=', points #--------- dxfFACE = Face(points) entities.append(dxfFACE) else: #export 3D as LINEs if HIDDEN_MODE and len(me.faces)!=0: for e in ok_edges: points = [ me_verts[key].co[:3] for key in e] dxfLINE = Line(points) entities.append(dxfLINE) else: for e in me.edges: #print 'deb: edge=', e #--------- points=[] #points = [e.v1.co*mx, e.v2.co*mx] points = [ me_verts[key].co[:3] for key in e.key] #print 'deb: points=', points #--------- dxfLINE = Line(points) entities.append(dxfLINE) return entities #----------------------------------------------------- def exportCurve(ob, mx): entities = [] curve = ob.getData() for cur in curve: #print 'deb: START cur=', cur #-------------- if 1: #not cur.isNurb(): #print 'deb: START points' #-------------- points = [] org_point = [0.0,0.0,0.0] for point in cur: #print 'deb: point=', point #--------- if cur.isNurb(): vec = point[0:3] else: point = point.getTriple() #print 'deb: point=', point #--------- vec = point[1] #print 'deb: vec=', vec #--------- pkt = Mathutils.Vector(vec) * mx #print 'deb: pkt=', pkt #--------- #pkt *= SCALE_FACTOR if 0: #FLATTEN: pkt = projected_co(pkt, mw) points.append(pkt) if cur.isCyclic(): closed = 1 else: closed = 0 if len(points)>1: #print 'deb: points', points #-------------- if POLYLINES: dxfPLINE = PolyLine(points,org_point,closed) else: dxfPLINE = LineList(points,org_point,closed) entities.append(dxfPLINE) return entities #----------------------------------------------------- def do_export(export_list, filepath): Window.WaitCursor(1) t = sys.time() #init Drawing --------------------- d=Drawing() #add Tables ----------------- #d.blocks.append(b) #table blocks d.styles.append(Style()) #table styles d.views.append(View('Normal')) #table view d.views.append(ViewByWindow('Window',leftBottom=(1,0),rightTop=(2,1))) #idem #add Entities -------------------- something_ready = False #ViewVector = Mathutils.Vector(Window.GetViewVector()) #print 'deb: ViewVector=', ViewVector #------------------ mw0 = Window.GetViewMatrix() #mw0 = Window.GetPerspMatrix() #TODO: how get it working? mw = mw0.copy() if FLATTEN: m0 = Mathutils.Matrix() m0[2][2]=0.0 mw *= m0 #flatten ViewMatrix if APPLY_MODIFIERS: tmp_me = Mesh.New('tmp') else: tmp_me = None for ob,mx in export_list: entities = [] #mx = ob.matrix.copy() mb = mx.copy() #print 'deb: mb =\n', mb #--------- #print 'deb: mw0 =\n', mw0 #--------- mx_n = mx.rotationPart() * mw0.rotationPart() #trans-matrix for normal_vectors if SCALE_FACTOR!=1.0: mx *= SCALE_FACTOR if FLATTEN: mx *= mw #mx_inv = mx.copy().invert() #print 'deb: mx =\n', mx #--------- #print 'deb: mx_inv=\n', mx_inv #--------- if (ob.type == 'Mesh'): entities = exportMesh(ob, mx, mx_n,tmp_me) elif (ob.type == 'Curve'): entities = exportCurve(ob, mx) for e in entities: d.append(e) something_ready = True if something_ready: if not OUTPUT_DWG: print 'exporting to %s' % filepath d.saveas(filepath) Window.WaitCursor(0) #Draw.PupMenu('DXF Exporter: job finished') print ' finished in %.2f seconds. -----DONE-----' % (sys.time()-t) else: if not extCONV_OK: Draw.PupMenu(extCONV_TEXT) Window.WaitCursor(False) else: print 'temp. exporting to %s' % filepath d.saveas(filepath) #Draw.PupMenu('DXF Exporter: job finished') #print 'exported to %s' % filepath #print 'finished in %.2f seconds' % (sys.time()-t) filedwg = filepath[:-3]+'dwg' print 'exporting to %s' % filedwg os.system('%s %s -acad13 -dwg' %(extCONV_PATH,filepath)) #os.chdir(cwd) os.remove(filepath) Window.WaitCursor(0) print ' finished in %.2f seconds. -----DONE-----' % (sys.time()-t) else: Window.WaitCursor(0) print "Abort: selected objects dont mach choosen export option, nothing exported!" Draw.PupMenu('DXF Exporter: nothing exported!|selected objects dont mach choosen export option!') #----globals------------------------------------------ ONLYSELECTED = True POLYLINES = True ONLYFACES = False POLYFACES = 1 FLATTEN = 0 HIDDEN_MODE = False #filter out hidden lines SCALE_FACTOR = 1.0 #optional, can be done later in CAD too APPLY_MODIFIERS = True INCLUDE_DUPLIS = False OUTPUT_DWG = False #optional save to DWG with extern converter #----------------------------------------------------- def dxf_export_ui(filepath): global ONLYSELECTED,\ POLYLINES,\ ONLYFACES,\ POLYFACES,\ FLATTEN,\ HIDDEN_MODE,\ SCALE_FACTOR,\ APPLY_MODIFIERS,\ OUTPUT_DWG,\ INCLUDE_DUPLIS print '\n\nDXF-Export %s -----------START-----------' %__version__ #filepath = 'blend_test.dxf' # Dont overwrite if not BPyMessages.Warning_SaveOver(filepath): print 'Aborted by user: nothing exported' return #test():return PREF_ONLYSELECTED= Draw.Create(ONLYSELECTED) PREF_POLYLINES= Draw.Create(POLYLINES) PREF_ONLYFACES= Draw.Create(ONLYFACES) PREF_POLYFACES= Draw.Create(POLYFACES) PREF_FLATTEN= Draw.Create(FLATTEN) PREF_HIDDEN_MODE= Draw.Create(HIDDEN_MODE) PREF_SCALE_FACTOR= Draw.Create(SCALE_FACTOR) PREF_APPLY_MODIFIERS= Draw.Create(APPLY_MODIFIERS) PREF_INCLUDE_DUPLIS= Draw.Create(INCLUDE_DUPLIS) PREF_HELP= Draw.Create(0) PREF_DWG= Draw.Create(OUTPUT_DWG) block = [\ ("only selected", PREF_ONLYSELECTED, "export only selected geometry"),\ ("Apply Modifiers", PREF_APPLY_MODIFIERS, "Apply modifier stack to mesh objects before export"),\ ("Include Duplis", PREF_INCLUDE_DUPLIS, "Export also Duplicates (dupliverts, dupliframes etc)"),\ ("global Scale:", PREF_SCALE_FACTOR, 0.001, 1000, "set global Scale factor for exporting geometry"),\ (''),\ ("export to 3DFaces", PREF_ONLYFACES, "from mesh-objects export only faces, otherwise only edges"),\ ("mesh to POLYFACE", PREF_POLYFACES, "export mesh to POLYFACE, otherwise to 3DFACEs"),\ ("curves to POLYLINEs", PREF_POLYLINES, "export curve to POLYLINE, otherwise to LINEs"),\ ("3D-View to Flat", PREF_FLATTEN, "flatten geometry according current 3d-View"),\ ("Hidden Mode", PREF_HIDDEN_MODE, "filter out hidden lines"),\ ("online Help", PREF_HELP, "calls DXF-Exporter Manual Page on Wiki.Blender.org"),\ (''),\ ("DXF->DWG", PREF_DWG, "writes DWG with extern converter"),\ ] if not Draw.PupBlock("DXF-Exporter %s" %__version__[:10], block): return if PREF_HELP.val!=0: try: import webbrowser webbrowser.open('http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Scripts/Manual/Export/autodesk_dxf') except: Draw.PupMenu('DXF Exporter: %t|no connection to manual-page on Blender-Wiki! try:|\ http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Scripts/Manual/Export/autodesk_dxf') return ONLYSELECTED = PREF_ONLYSELECTED.val POLYLINES = PREF_POLYLINES.val ONLYFACES = PREF_ONLYFACES.val POLYFACES = PREF_POLYFACES.val FLATTEN = PREF_FLATTEN.val HIDDEN_MODE = PREF_HIDDEN_MODE.val SCALE_FACTOR = PREF_SCALE_FACTOR.val OUTPUT_DWG = PREF_DWG.val sce = Scene.GetCurrent() if ONLYSELECTED: sel_group = sce.objects.selected else: sel_group = sce.objects export_list = getObjectsAndDuplis(sel_group,MATRICES=True) if export_list: do_export(export_list, filepath) else: print "Abort: selection was empty, no object to export!" Draw.PupMenu('DXF Exporter: nothing exported!|empty selection!') # Timing the script is a good way to be aware on any speed hits when scripting #----------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': #main() if copy and os and subprocess: Window.FileSelector(dxf_export_ui, 'EXPORT DXF', sys.makename(ext='.dxf')) else: Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|This script requires a full python install')