/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * BKE_bad_level_calls function stubs */ /** \file blenderplayer/bad_level_call_stubs/stubs.c * \ingroup blc */ #ifdef WITH_GAMEENGINE #define ASSERT_STUBS 0 #if ASSERT_STUBS # include # define STUB_ASSERT(x) (assert(x)) #else # define STUB_ASSERT(x) #endif struct ARegion; struct ARegionType; struct BMEditMesh; struct Base; struct BoundBox; struct Brush; struct CSG_FaceIteratorDescriptor; struct CSG_VertexIteratorDescriptor; struct ChannelDriver; struct ColorBand; struct Context; struct Curve; struct CurveMapping; struct DerivedMesh; struct EditBone; struct EnvMap; struct FCurve; struct Heap; struct HeapNode; struct ID; struct ImBuf; struct Image; struct ImageUser; struct KeyingSet; struct KeyingSetInfo; struct MCol; struct MTex; struct Main; struct Mask; struct Material; struct MenuType; struct Mesh; struct MetaBall; struct Lattice; struct ModifierData; struct MovieClip; struct MultiresModifierData; struct HookModifierData; struct NodeBlurData; struct Nurb; struct Object; struct PBVHNode; struct PyObject; struct Render; struct RenderEngine; struct RenderEngineType; struct RenderLayer; struct RenderResult; struct Scene; struct Scene; struct ScrArea; struct SculptSession; struct ShadeInput; struct ShadeResult; struct SpaceClip; struct SpaceImage; struct SpaceNode; struct Tex; struct TexResult; struct Text; struct ToolSettings; struct View2D; struct View3D; struct bAction; struct bArmature; struct bConstraint; struct bConstraintOb; struct bConstraintTarget; struct bContextDataResult; struct bNode; struct bNodeType; struct bNodeSocket; struct bNodeSocketType; struct bNodeTree; struct bNodeTreeType; struct bPoseChannel; struct bPythonConstraint; struct bTheme; struct uiLayout; struct wmEvent; struct wmKeyConfig; struct wmKeyMap; struct wmOperator; struct wmOperatorType; struct wmWindow; struct wmWindowManager; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Declarations */ /* may cause troubles... enable for now so args match for certain */ #if 1 #if defined(__GNUC__) # pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wmissing-prototypes" #endif #include "../../intern/cycles/blender/CCL_api.h" #include "../../intern/dualcon/dualcon.h" #include "../../intern/elbeem/extern/elbeem.h" #include "../blender/blenkernel/BKE_modifier.h" #include "../blender/blenkernel/BKE_paint.h" #include "../blender/collada/collada.h" #include "../blender/compositor/COM_compositor.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_armature.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_buttons.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_clip.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_curve.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_fileselect.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_image.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_info.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_keyframes_edit.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_keyframing.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_lattice.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_mball.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_mesh.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_node.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_object.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_particle.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_render.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_screen.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_space_api.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_transform.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/ED_view3d.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/UI_interface.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/UI_interface_icons.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/UI_resources.h" #include "../blender/editors/include/UI_view2d.h" #include "../blender/freestyle/FRS_freestyle.h" #include "../blender/python/BPY_extern.h" #include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_engine.h" #include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_pipeline.h" #include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_render_ext.h" #include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_shader_ext.h" #include "../blender/windowmanager/WM_api.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Externs * (ideally we wouldn't have _any_ but we can't include all directly) */ /* bpy_operator_wrap.h */ extern void macro_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata); extern void operator_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata); /* bpy_rna.h */ extern bool pyrna_id_FromPyObject(struct PyObject *obj, struct ID **id); extern const char *BPY_app_translations_py_pgettext(const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid); extern const char *BPY_app_translations_py_pgettext(const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid); extern struct PyObject *pyrna_id_CreatePyObject(struct ID *id); #endif /* end declarations */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Return Macro's */ #include /* memset */ #define RET_NULL {STUB_ASSERT(0); return (void *) NULL;} #define RET_ZERO {STUB_ASSERT(0); return 0;} #define RET_MINUSONE {STUB_ASSERT(0); return -1;} #define RET_STRUCT(t) {struct t v; STUB_ASSERT(0); memset(&v, 0, sizeof(v)); return v;} #define RET_ARG(arg) {STUB_ASSERT(0); return arg; } #define RET_NONE {STUB_ASSERT(0);} /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Stubs */ /*new render funcs */ void EDBM_selectmode_set(struct BMEditMesh *em) RET_NONE void EDBM_mesh_load(struct Object *ob) RET_NONE void EDBM_mesh_make(struct ToolSettings *ts, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE void EDBM_mesh_normals_update(struct BMEditMesh *em) RET_NONE void *g_system; float *RE_RenderLayerGetPass(struct RenderLayer *rl, int passtype) RET_NULL float RE_filter_value(int type, float x) RET_ZERO struct RenderLayer *RE_GetRenderLayer(struct RenderResult *rr, const char *name) RET_NULL void RE_init_texture_rng() RET_NONE void RE_exit_texture_rng() RET_NONE /* zbuf.c stub */ void antialias_tagbuf(int xsize, int ysize, char *rectmove) RET_NONE void RE_zbuf_accumulate_vecblur(struct NodeBlurData *nbd, int xsize, int ysize, float *newrect, float *imgrect, float *vecbufrect, float *zbufrect) RET_NONE /* imagetexture.c stub */ void ibuf_sample(struct ImBuf *ibuf, float fx, float fy, float dx, float dy, float *result) RET_NONE /* Freestyle */ bool ED_texture_context_check_linestyle(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO void FRS_free_view_map_cache(void) RET_NONE /* texture.c */ int multitex_ext(struct Tex *tex, float texvec[3], float dxt[3], float dyt[3], int osatex, struct TexResult *texres, struct ImagePool *pool, bool scene_color_manage) RET_ZERO int multitex_ext_safe(struct Tex *tex, float texvec[3], struct TexResult *texres, struct ImagePool *pool, bool scene_color_manage) RET_ZERO int multitex_nodes(struct Tex *tex, float texvec[3], float dxt[3], float dyt[3], int osatex, struct TexResult *texres, const short thread, short which_output, struct ShadeInput *shi, struct MTex *mtex, struct ImagePool *pool) RET_ZERO struct Material *RE_init_sample_material(struct Material *orig_mat, struct Scene *scene) RET_NULL void RE_free_sample_material(struct Material *mat) RET_NONE void RE_sample_material_color(struct Material *mat, float color[3], float *alpha, const float volume_co[3], const float surface_co[3], int face_index, short hit_quad, struct DerivedMesh *orcoDm, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE /* nodes */ struct Render *RE_GetRender(const char *name) RET_NULL float RE_lamp_get_data(struct ShadeInput *shi, struct Object *lamp_obj, float col[4], float lv[3], float *dist, float shadow[4]) RET_ZERO /* blenkernel */ bool BKE_paint_proj_mesh_data_check(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, bool *uvs, bool *mat, bool *tex, bool *stencil) RET_ZERO /* render */ void RE_FreeRenderResult(struct RenderResult *res) RET_NONE void RE_FreeAllRenderResults(void) RET_NONE struct RenderResult *RE_MultilayerConvert(void *exrhandle, const char *colorspace, bool predivide, int rectx, int recty) RET_NULL struct Scene *RE_GetScene(struct Render *re) RET_NULL void RE_Database_Free(struct Render *re) RET_NONE void RE_FreeRender(struct Render *re) RET_NONE void RE_DataBase_GetView(struct Render *re, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE int externtex(struct MTex *mtex, const float vec[3], float *tin, float *tr, float *tg, float *tb, float *ta, const int thread, struct ImagePool *poold) RET_ZERO float texture_value_blend(float tex, float out, float fact, float facg, int blendtype) RET_ZERO void texture_rgb_blend(float in[3], const float tex[3], const float out[3], float fact, float facg, int blendtype) RET_NONE const unsigned char stipple_quarttone[128]; double elbeemEstimateMemreq(int res, float sx, float sy, float sz, int refine, char *retstr) RET_ZERO struct Render *RE_NewRender(const char *name) RET_NULL void RE_SwapResult(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult **rr) RET_NONE void RE_BlenderFrame(struct Render *re, struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct SceneRenderLayer *srl, struct Object *camera_override, unsigned int lay_override, int frame, const bool write_still) RET_NONE bool RE_WriteEnvmapResult(struct ReportList *reports, struct Scene *scene, struct EnvMap *env, const char *relpath, const char imtype, float layout[12]) RET_ZERO /* rna */ float *ED_view3d_cursor3d_get(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d) RET_NULL void WM_menutype_free(void) RET_NONE void WM_menutype_freelink(struct MenuType *mt) RET_NONE bool WM_menutype_add(struct MenuType *mt) RET_ZERO int WM_operator_props_dialog_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height) RET_ZERO int WM_operator_confirm(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO struct MenuType *WM_menutype_find(const char *idname, bool quiet) RET_NULL void WM_operator_stack_clear(struct wmWindowManager *wm) RET_NONE void WM_operator_handlers_clear(wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_NONE void WM_autosave_init(wmWindowManager *wm) RET_NONE void WM_jobs_kill_all_except(struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner) RET_NONE char *WM_clipboard_text_get(bool selection, int *r_len) RET_NULL char *WM_clipboard_text_get_firstline(bool selection, int *r_len) RET_NULL void WM_clipboard_text_set(const char *buf, bool selection) RET_NONE void WM_cursor_set(struct wmWindow *win, int curor) RET_NONE void WM_cursor_modal_set(struct wmWindow *win, int curor) RET_NONE void WM_cursor_modal_restore(struct wmWindow *win) RET_NONE void WM_cursor_time(struct wmWindow *win, int nr) RET_NONE void WM_cursor_warp(struct wmWindow *win, int x, int y) RET_NONE void WM_uilisttype_init(void) RET_NONE struct uiListType *WM_uilisttype_find(const char *idname, bool quiet) RET_NULL bool WM_uilisttype_add(struct uiListType *ult) RET_ZERO void WM_uilisttype_freelink(struct uiListType *ult) RET_NONE void WM_uilisttype_free(void) RET_NONE struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_keymap_item_find_id(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, int id) RET_NULL int WM_enum_search_invoke(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO void WM_event_add_notifier(const struct bContext *C, unsigned int type, void *reference) RET_NONE void WM_main_add_notifier(unsigned int type, void *reference) RET_NONE void ED_armature_bone_rename(struct bArmature *arm, const char *oldnamep, const char *newnamep) RET_NONE void ED_armature_transform(struct bArmature *arm, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE struct wmEventHandler *WM_event_add_modal_handler(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op) RET_NULL struct wmTimer *WM_event_add_timer(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, int event_type, double timestep) RET_NULL void WM_event_remove_timer(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, struct wmTimer *timer) RET_NONE float WM_event_tablet_data(const struct wmEvent *event, int *pen_flip, float tilt[2]) RET_ZERO bool WM_event_is_tablet(const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO void ED_armature_edit_bone_remove(struct bArmature *arm, struct EditBone *exBone) RET_NONE void object_test_constraints(struct Object *owner) RET_NONE void ED_armature_ebone_to_mat4(struct EditBone *ebone, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE void ED_armature_ebone_from_mat4(EditBone *ebone, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE void ED_object_parent(struct Object *ob, struct Object *par, int type, const char *substr) RET_NONE void ED_object_constraint_set_active(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con) RET_NONE void ED_node_composit_default(const struct bContext *C, struct Scene *scene) RET_NONE void *ED_region_draw_cb_activate(struct ARegionType *art, void(*draw)(const struct bContext *, struct ARegion *, void *), void *custumdata, int type) RET_ZERO /* XXX this one looks weird */ void *ED_region_draw_cb_customdata(void *handle) RET_ZERO /* XXX This one looks wrong also */ void ED_region_draw_cb_exit(struct ARegionType *art, void *handle) RET_NONE void ED_area_headerprint(struct ScrArea *sa, const char *str) RET_NONE void UI_view2d_region_to_view(struct View2D *v2d, float x, float y, float *viewx, float *viewy) RET_NONE bool UI_view2d_view_to_region_clip(struct View2D *v2d, float x, float y, int *regionx, int *regiony) RET_ZERO void UI_view2d_view_to_region(struct View2D *v2d, float x, float y, int *regionx, int *region_y) RET_NONE void UI_view2d_sync(struct bScreen *screen, struct ScrArea *sa, struct View2D *v2dcur, int flag) RET_NONE struct EditBone *ED_armature_bone_get_mirrored(const struct ListBase *edbo, EditBone *ebo) RET_NULL struct EditBone *ED_armature_edit_bone_add(struct bArmature *arm, const char *name) RET_NULL struct ListBase *get_active_constraints (struct Object *ob) RET_NULL struct ListBase *get_constraint_lb(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con, struct bPoseChannel **r_pchan) RET_NULL bool ED_space_image_show_uvedit(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Object *obedit) RET_ZERO bool ED_space_image_show_render(struct SpaceImage *sima) RET_ZERO bool ED_space_image_show_paint(struct SpaceImage *sima) RET_ZERO void ED_space_image_paint_update(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct ToolSettings *settings) RET_NONE void ED_space_image_set(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *obedit, struct Image *ima) RET_NONE void ED_space_image_uv_sculpt_update(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct ToolSettings *settings) RET_NONE void ED_screen_set_scene(struct bContext *C, struct bScreen *screen, struct Scene *scene) RET_NONE struct MovieClip *ED_space_clip_get_clip(struct SpaceClip *sc) RET_NULL void ED_space_clip_set_clip(struct bContext *C, struct bScreen *screen, struct SpaceClip *sc, struct MovieClip *clip) RET_NONE void ED_space_clip_set_mask(struct bContext *C, struct SpaceClip *sc, struct Mask *mask) RET_NONE void ED_space_image_set_mask(struct bContext *C, struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Mask *mask) RET_NONE void ED_area_tag_redraw_regiontype(struct ScrArea *sa, int regiontype) RET_NONE void ED_render_engine_changed(struct Main *bmain) RET_NONE void ED_file_read_bookmarks(void) RET_NONE struct PTCacheEdit *PE_get_current(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob) RET_NULL void PE_current_changed(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE /* rna keymap */ struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_active(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmKeyMap *keymap) RET_NULL struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_find(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf, const char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid) RET_NULL struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_keymap_add_item(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, const char *idname, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier) RET_NULL struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_list_find(ListBase *lb, const char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid) RET_NULL struct wmKeyConfig *WM_keyconfig_new(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) RET_NULL struct wmKeyConfig *WM_keyconfig_new_user(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) RET_NULL bool WM_keyconfig_remove(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf) RET_ZERO bool WM_keymap_remove(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconfig, struct wmKeyMap *keymap) RET_ZERO void WM_keyconfig_set_active(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) RET_NONE bool WM_keymap_remove_item(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_ZERO void WM_keymap_restore_to_default(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void WM_keymap_restore_item_to_default(struct bContext *C, struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_NONE void WM_keymap_properties_reset(struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi, struct IDProperty *properties) RET_NONE void WM_keyconfig_update_tag(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_NONE int WM_keymap_item_compare(struct wmKeyMapItem *k1, struct wmKeyMapItem *k2) RET_ZERO int WM_keymap_map_type_get(struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_ZERO /* rna editors */ struct EditMesh; struct FCurve *verify_fcurve(struct bAction *act, const char group[], struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char rna_path[], const int array_index, short add) RET_NULL int insert_vert_fcurve(struct FCurve *fcu, float x, float y, short flag) RET_ZERO void delete_fcurve_key(struct FCurve *fcu, int index, bool do_recalc) RET_NONE struct KeyingSetInfo *ANIM_keyingset_info_find_name (const char name[]) RET_NULL struct KeyingSet *ANIM_scene_get_active_keyingset (struct Scene *scene) RET_NULL int ANIM_scene_get_keyingset_index(struct Scene *scene, struct KeyingSet *ks) RET_ZERO struct ListBase builtin_keyingsets; void ANIM_keyingset_info_register(struct KeyingSetInfo *ksi) RET_NONE void ANIM_keyingset_info_unregister(struct Main *bmain, KeyingSetInfo *ksi) RET_NONE short ANIM_validate_keyingset(struct bContext *C, struct ListBase *dsources, struct KeyingSet *ks) RET_ZERO int ANIM_add_driver(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag, int type) RET_ZERO bool ANIM_remove_driver(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag) RET_ZERO void ED_space_image_release_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct ImBuf *ibuf, void *lock) RET_NONE struct ImBuf *ED_space_image_acquire_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima, void **lock_r) RET_NULL void ED_space_image_get_zoom(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct ARegion *ar, float *zoomx, float *zoomy) RET_NONE const char *ED_info_stats_string(struct Scene *scene) RET_NULL void ED_area_tag_redraw(struct ScrArea *sa) RET_NONE void ED_area_tag_refresh(struct ScrArea *sa) RET_NONE void ED_area_newspace(struct bContext *C, struct ScrArea *sa, int type) RET_NONE void ED_region_tag_redraw(struct ARegion *ar) RET_NONE void WM_event_add_fileselect(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op) RET_NONE void WM_cursor_wait(bool val) RET_NONE void ED_node_texture_default(const struct bContext *C, struct Tex *tex) RET_NONE void ED_node_tag_update_id(struct ID *id) RET_NONE void ED_node_tag_update_nodetree(struct Main *bmain, struct bNodeTree *ntree) RET_NONE void ED_node_tree_update(const struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void ED_node_set_tree_type(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct bNodeTreeType *typeinfo){} void ED_init_custom_node_type(struct bNodeType *ntype){} void ED_init_custom_node_socket_type(struct bNodeSocketType *stype){} void ED_init_standard_node_socket_type(struct bNodeSocketType *stype) RET_NONE void ED_init_node_socket_type_virtual(struct bNodeSocketType *stype) RET_NONE int ED_node_tree_path_length(struct SpaceNode *snode){return 0;} void ED_node_tree_path_get(struct SpaceNode *snode, char *value){} void ED_node_tree_path_get_fixedbuf(struct SpaceNode *snode, char *value, int max_length){} void ED_node_tree_start(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct ID *id, struct ID *from){} void ED_node_tree_push(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *gnode){} void ED_node_tree_pop(struct SpaceNode *snode){} int ED_view3d_scene_layer_set(int lay, const int *values, int *active) RET_ZERO void ED_view3d_quadview_update(struct ScrArea *sa, struct ARegion *ar, bool do_clip) RET_NONE void ED_view3d_from_m4(float mat[4][4], float ofs[3], float quat[4], float *dist) RET_NONE struct BGpic *ED_view3D_background_image_new(struct View3D *v3d) RET_NULL void ED_view3D_background_image_remove(struct View3D *v3d, struct BGpic *bgpic) RET_NONE void ED_view3D_background_image_clear(struct View3D *v3d) RET_NONE void ED_view3d_update_viewmat(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct ARegion *ar, float viewmat[4][4], float winmat[4][4]) RET_NONE float ED_view3d_grid_scale(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, const char **grid_unit) RET_ZERO void ED_view3d_shade_update(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct ScrArea *sa) RET_NONE void ED_node_shader_default(const struct bContext *C, struct ID *id) RET_NONE void ED_screen_animation_timer_update(struct bScreen *screen, int redraws, int refresh) RET_NONE struct bScreen *ED_screen_animation_playing(const struct wmWindowManager *wm) RET_NULL void ED_base_object_select(struct Base *base, short mode) RET_NONE bool ED_object_modifier_remove(struct ReportList *reports, struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob, struct ModifierData *md) RET_ZERO struct ModifierData *ED_object_modifier_add(struct ReportList *reports, struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, const char *name, int type) RET_ZERO void ED_object_modifier_clear(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE void ED_object_editmode_enter(struct bContext *C, int flag) RET_NONE void ED_object_editmode_exit(struct bContext *C, int flag) RET_NONE bool ED_object_editmode_load(struct Object *obedit) RET_ZERO void ED_object_check_force_modifiers(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object) RET_NONE bool uiLayoutGetActive(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO int uiLayoutGetOperatorContext(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO int uiLayoutGetAlignment(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO bool uiLayoutGetEnabled(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO float uiLayoutGetScaleX(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO float uiLayoutGetScaleY(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO void uiLayoutSetActive(struct uiLayout *layout, bool active) RET_NONE void uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(struct uiLayout *layout, int opcontext) RET_NONE void uiLayoutSetEnabled(uiLayout *layout, bool enabled) RET_NONE void uiLayoutSetAlignment(uiLayout *layout, char alignment) RET_NONE void uiLayoutSetScaleX(struct uiLayout *layout, float scale) RET_NONE void uiLayoutSetScaleY(struct uiLayout *layout, float scale) RET_NONE void uiTemplateIconView(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct Base *base) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_update(struct Mesh *mesh, struct bContext *C, int calc_edges, int calc_tessface) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_vertices_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_edges_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_tessfaces_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_loops_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_polys_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_vertices_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_edges_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE void ED_mesh_faces_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE int ED_mesh_color_add(struct Mesh *me, const char *name, const bool active_set) RET_MINUSONE int ED_mesh_uv_texture_add(struct Mesh *me, const char *name, const bool active_set) RET_MINUSONE bool ED_mesh_color_remove_named(struct Mesh *me, const char *name) RET_ZERO bool ED_mesh_uv_texture_remove_named(struct Mesh *me, const char *name) RET_ZERO void ED_object_constraint_dependency_update(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE void ED_object_constraint_update(struct Object *ob) RET_NONE struct bDeformGroup *ED_vgroup_add_name(struct Object *ob, const char *name) RET_NULL void ED_vgroup_vert_add(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum, float weight, int assignmode) RET_NONE void ED_vgroup_vert_remove(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum) RET_NONE float ED_vgroup_vert_weight(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum) RET_ZERO void ED_vgroup_delete(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *defgroup) RET_NONE void ED_vgroup_clear(struct Object *ob) RET_NONE bool ED_vgroup_object_is_edit_mode(struct Object *ob) RET_ZERO int ED_mesh_mirror_topo_table(struct Object *ob, char mode) RET_ZERO int ED_mesh_mirror_spatial_table(struct Object *ob, struct BMEditMesh *em, const float co[3], char mode) RET_ZERO float ED_rollBoneToVector(EditBone *bone, const float new_up_axis[3], const bool axis_only) RET_ZERO void ED_space_image_get_size(struct SpaceImage *sima, int *width, int *height) RET_NONE bool ED_space_image_check_show_maskedit(struct Scene *scene, struct SpaceImage *sima) RET_ZERO bool ED_texture_context_check_world(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO bool ED_texture_context_check_material(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO bool ED_texture_context_check_lamp(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO bool ED_texture_context_check_particles(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO bool ED_texture_context_check_others(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO bool snapObjectsRayEx(struct Scene *scene, struct Base *base_act, struct View3D *v3d, struct ARegion *ar, struct Object *obedit, short snap_mode, struct Object **r_ob, float r_obmat[4][4], const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3], float *r_ray_dist, const float mval[2], float *r_dist_px, float r_loc[3], float r_no[3], SnapMode mode) RET_ZERO void make_editLatt(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE void load_editLatt(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE void load_editNurb(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE void make_editNurb(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE void uiItemR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int flag, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE struct PointerRNA uiItemFullO(uiLayout *layout, const char *idname, const char *name, int icon, struct IDProperty *properties, int context, int flag) RET_STRUCT(PointerRNA) PointerRNA uiItemFullO_ptr(struct uiLayout *layout, struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *name, int icon, struct IDProperty *properties, int context, int flag) RET_STRUCT(PointerRNA) struct uiLayout *uiLayoutRow(uiLayout *layout, int align) RET_NULL struct uiLayout *uiLayoutColumn(uiLayout *layout, int align) RET_NULL struct uiLayout *uiLayoutColumnFlow(uiLayout *layout, int number, int align) RET_NULL struct uiLayout *uiLayoutBox(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NULL struct uiLayout *uiLayoutSplit(uiLayout *layout, float percentage, int align) RET_NULL bool uiLayoutGetRedAlert(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO void uiLayoutSetRedAlert(uiLayout *layout, bool redalert) RET_NONE void uiItemsEnumR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiItemMenuEnumR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiItemEnumR_string(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *value, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiItemPointerR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *searchptr, const char *searchpropname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiItemsEnumO(uiLayout *layout, const char *opname, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiItemEnumO_string(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, const char *value) RET_NONE void uiItemMenuEnumO(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, const char *opname, const char *propname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiItemBooleanO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, int value) RET_NONE void uiItemIntO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, int value) RET_NONE void uiItemFloatO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, float value) RET_NONE void uiItemStringO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, const char *value) RET_NONE void uiItemL(struct uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiItemM(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, const char *menuname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiItemS(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NONE void uiItemFullR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop, int index, int value, int flag, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE void uiLayoutSetContextPointer(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE const char *uiLayoutIntrospect(uiLayout *layout) RET_NULL void UI_reinit_font(void) RET_NONE int UI_rnaptr_icon_get(struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, int rnaicon, const bool big) RET_ZERO struct bTheme *UI_GetTheme(void) RET_NULL /* rna template */ void uiTemplateAnyID(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *proptypename, const char *text) RET_NONE void uiTemplatePathBuilder(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *root_ptr, const char *text) RET_NONE void uiTemplateHeader(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void uiTemplateID(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *newop, const char *openop, const char *unlinkop) RET_NONE struct uiLayout *uiTemplateModifier(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NULL struct uiLayout *uiTemplateConstraint(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NULL void uiTemplatePreview(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct ID *id, int show_buttons, struct ID *parent, struct MTex *slot, const char *preview_id) RET_NONE void uiTemplateIDPreview(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *newop, const char *openop, const char *unlinkop, int rows, int cols) RET_NONE void uiTemplateCurveMapping(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int type, int levels, int brush, int neg_slope) RET_NONE void uiTemplateColorRamp(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int expand) RET_NONE void uiTemplateLayers(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *used_ptr, const char *used_propname, int active_layer) RET_NONE void uiTemplateImageLayers(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct Image *ima, struct ImageUser *iuser) RET_NONE void uiTemplateList(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, const char *listtype_name, const char *list_id, PointerRNA *dataptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *active_dataptr, const char *active_propname, int rows, int maxrows, int layout_type, int columns) RET_NONE void uiTemplateRunningJobs(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void uiTemplateOperatorSearch(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NONE void uiTemplateHeader3D(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void uiTemplateEditModeSelection(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void uiTemplateImage(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *userptr, int compact) RET_NONE void uiTemplateColorPicker(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int value_slider, int lock, int lock_luminosity, int cubic) RET_NONE void uiTemplateHistogram(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiTemplateReportsBanner(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void uiTemplateWaveform(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiTemplateVectorscope(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiTemplateNodeLink(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node, struct bNodeSocket *input) RET_NONE void uiTemplateNodeView(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node, struct bNodeSocket *input) RET_NONE void uiTemplateTextureUser(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE void uiTemplateTextureShow(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop) RET_NONE void uiTemplateKeymapItemProperties(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE void uiTemplateMovieClip(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int compact) RET_NONE void uiTemplateMovieclipInformation(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *userptr) RET_NONE void uiTemplateTrack(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiTemplateMarker(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, PointerRNA *trackptr, int compact) RET_NONE void uiTemplateImageSettings(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *imfptr, int color_management) RET_NONE void uiTemplateColorspaceSettings(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiTemplateColormanagedViewSettings(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE void uiTemplateComponentMenu(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *name) RET_NONE void uiTemplateNodeSocket(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, float *color) RET_NONE void uiTemplatePalette(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int color) RET_NONE /* rna render */ struct RenderResult *RE_engine_begin_result(RenderEngine *engine, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *layername) RET_NULL struct RenderResult *RE_AcquireResultRead(struct Render *re) RET_NULL struct RenderResult *RE_AcquireResultWrite(struct Render *re) RET_NULL struct RenderStats *RE_GetStats(struct Render *re) RET_NULL struct RenderData *RE_engine_get_render_data(struct Render *re) RET_NULL void RE_engine_update_result(struct RenderEngine *engine, struct RenderResult *result) RET_NONE void RE_engine_update_progress(struct RenderEngine *engine, float progress) RET_NONE void RE_engine_end_result(RenderEngine *engine, struct RenderResult *result, int cancel, int merge_results) RET_NONE void RE_engine_update_stats(RenderEngine *engine, const char *stats, const char *info) RET_NONE void RE_layer_load_from_file(struct RenderLayer *layer, struct ReportList *reports, const char *filename, int x, int y) RET_NONE void RE_result_load_from_file(struct RenderResult *result, struct ReportList *reports, const char *filename) RET_NONE void RE_AcquireResultImage(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult *rr) RET_NONE void RE_ReleaseResult(struct Render *re) RET_NONE void RE_ReleaseResultImage(struct Render *re) RET_NONE int RE_engine_test_break(struct RenderEngine *engine) RET_ZERO void RE_engines_init() RET_NONE void RE_engines_exit() RET_NONE void RE_engine_report(struct RenderEngine *engine, int type, const char *msg) RET_NONE ListBase R_engines = {NULL, NULL}; void RE_engine_free(struct RenderEngine *engine) RET_NONE struct RenderEngineType *RE_engines_find(const char *idname) RET_NULL void RE_engine_update_memory_stats(struct RenderEngine *engine, float mem_used, float mem_peak) RET_NONE struct RenderEngine *RE_engine_create(struct RenderEngineType *type) RET_NULL void RE_engine_frame_set(struct RenderEngine *engine, int frame, float subframe) RET_NONE void RE_FreePersistentData(void) RET_NONE /* python */ struct wmOperatorType *WM_operatortype_find(const char *idname, bool quiet) RET_NULL void WM_operatortype_iter(struct GHashIterator *ghi) RET_NONE struct wmOperatorTypeMacro *WM_operatortype_macro_define(struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *idname) RET_NULL int WM_operator_call_py(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, short context, struct PointerRNA *properties, struct ReportList *reports, const bool is_undo) RET_ZERO void WM_operatortype_remove_ptr(struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_NONE bool WM_operatortype_remove(const char *idname) RET_ZERO int WM_operator_poll(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_ZERO int WM_operator_poll_context(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, short context) RET_ZERO int WM_operator_props_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO void WM_operator_properties_free(struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE void WM_operator_properties_create(struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *opstring) RET_NONE void WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_NONE void WM_operator_properties_sanitize(struct PointerRNA *ptr, const bool no_context) RET_NONE void WM_operatortype_append_ptr(void (*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *), void *userdata) RET_NONE void WM_operatortype_append_macro_ptr(void (*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *), void *userdata) RET_NONE void WM_operator_bl_idname(char *to, const char *from) RET_NONE void WM_operator_py_idname(char *to, const char *from) RET_NONE int WM_operator_ui_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height) RET_ZERO void update_autoflags_fcurve(struct FCurve *fcu, struct bContext *C, struct ReportList *reports, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE short insert_keyframe(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag) RET_ZERO short delete_keyframe(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag) RET_ZERO char *WM_operator_pystring_ex(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const bool all_args, const bool macro_args, struct wmOperatorType *ot, struct PointerRNA *opptr) RET_NULL char *WM_operator_pystring(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const bool all_args, const bool macro_args) RET_NULL struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_modalkeymap_add_item(struct wmKeyMap *km, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier, int value) RET_NULL struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_modalkeymap_add_item_str(struct wmKeyMap *km, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier, const char *value) RET_NULL struct wmKeyMap *WM_modalkeymap_add(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf, const char *idname, struct EnumPropertyItem *items) RET_NULL struct uiPopupMenu *uiPupMenuBegin(struct bContext *C, const char *title, int icon) RET_NULL void uiPupMenuEnd(struct bContext *C, struct uiPopupMenu *head) RET_NONE struct uiLayout *uiPupMenuLayout(struct uiPopupMenu *head) RET_NULL struct uiLayout *uiPieMenuLayout(struct uiPieMenu *pie) RET_NULL int uiPieMenuInvoke(struct bContext *C, const char *idname, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO struct uiPieMenu *uiPieMenuBegin(struct bContext *C, const char *title, int icon, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_NULL void uiPieMenuEnd(struct bContext *C, uiPieMenu *pie) RET_NONE struct uiLayout *uiLayoutRadial(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NULL int uiPieOperatorEnumInvoke(struct bContext *C, const char *title, const char *opname, const char *propname, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO /* RNA COLLADA dependency */ int collada_export(struct Scene *sce, const char *filepath, int apply_modifiers, BC_export_mesh_type export_mesh_type, int selected, int include_children, int include_armatures, int include_shapekeys, int deform_bones_only, int active_uv_only, int include_uv_textures, int include_material_textures, int use_texture_copies, int triangulate, int use_object_instantiation, int sort_by_name, BC_export_transformation_type export_transformation_type, int open_sim) RET_ZERO void ED_mesh_calc_tessface(struct Mesh *mesh) RET_NONE /* bpy/python internal api */ void operator_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata) RET_NONE void BPY_text_free_code(struct Text *text) RET_NONE void BPY_id_release(struct ID *id) RET_NONE int BPY_context_member_get(struct bContext *C, const char *member, struct bContextDataResult *result) RET_ZERO void BPY_pyconstraint_target(struct bPythonConstraint *con, struct bConstraintTarget *ct) RET_NONE float BPY_driver_exec(struct ChannelDriver *driver, const float evaltime) RET_ZERO /* might need this one! */ void BPY_DECREF(void *pyob_ptr) RET_NONE void BPY_pyconstraint_exec(struct bPythonConstraint *con, struct bConstraintOb *cob, struct ListBase *targets) RET_NONE void macro_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata) RET_NONE bool pyrna_id_FromPyObject(struct PyObject *obj, struct ID **id) RET_ZERO struct PyObject *pyrna_id_CreatePyObject(struct ID *id) RET_NULL void BPY_context_update(struct bContext *C) RET_NONE; const char *BPY_app_translations_py_pgettext(const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid) RET_ARG(msgid) /* intern/dualcon */ void *dualcon(const DualConInput *input_mesh, /* callbacks for output */ DualConAllocOutput alloc_output, DualConAddVert add_vert, DualConAddQuad add_quad, DualConFlags flags, DualConMode mode, float threshold, float hermite_num, float scale, int depth) RET_ZERO /* intern/cycles */ struct CCLDeviceInfo; struct CCLDeviceInfo *CCL_compute_device_list(int opencl) RET_NULL /* compositor */ void COM_execute(RenderData *rd, Scene *scene, bNodeTree *editingtree, int rendering, const ColorManagedViewSettings *viewSettings, const ColorManagedDisplaySettings *displaySettings) RET_NONE #endif // WITH_GAMEENGINE