#!/usr/bin/env bash # ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # A shell script installing/building all needed dependencies to build Blender, for some Linux distributions. ##### Args and Help Handling ##### # Parse command line! ARGS=$( \ getopt \ -o s:i:t:h \ --long source:,install:,tmp:,threads:,help,with-all,with-opencollada,all-static,force-all,\ force-python,force-numpy,force-boost,force-ocio,force-oiio,force-llvm,force-osl,force-opencollada,\ force-ffmpeg,skip-python,skip-numpy,skip-boost,skip-ocio,skip-oiio,skip-llvm,skip-osl,skip-ffmpeg,\ skip-opencollada,required-numpy \ -- "$@" \ ) DISTRO="" RPM="" SRC="$HOME/src/blender-deps" INST="/opt/lib" TMP="/tmp" CWD=$PWD # Do not install some optional, potentially conflicting libs by default... WITH_ALL=false # Do not yet enable opencollada, use --with-opencollada (or --with-all) option to try it. WITH_OPENCOLLADA=false # Try to link everything statically. Use this to produce portable versions of blender. ALL_STATIC=false THREADS=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l` if [ -z "$THREADS" ]; then THREADS=1 fi COMMON_INFO="\"Source code of dependencies needed to be compiled will be downloaded and extracted into '\$SRC'. Built libs of dependencies needed to be compiled will be installed into '\$INST'. Please edit \\\$SRC and/or \\\$INST variables at the beginning of this script, or use --source/--install options, if you want to use other paths! Number of threads for building: \$THREADS (automatically detected, use --threads= to override it). Full install: \$WITH_ALL (use --with-all option to enable it). Building OpenCOLLADA: \$WITH_OPENCOLLADA (use --with-opencollada option to enable it). All static linking: \$ALL_STATIC (use --all-static option to enable it). WARNING: Static build works fine with CMake, but with scons it may be tricky to get a valid Blender build! Example: Full install without OpenCOLLADA: --with-all --skip-opencollada Use --help to show all available options!\"" ARGUMENTS_INFO="\"COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS: -h, --help Show this message and exit. -s , --source= Use a specific path where to store downloaded libraries sources (defaults to '\$SRC'). -i , --install= Use a specific path where to install built libraries (defaults to '\$INST'). --tmp= Use a specific temp path (defaults to '\$TMP'). -t n, --threads=n Use a specific number of threads when building the libraries (auto-detected as '\$THREADS'). --with-all By default, a number of optional and not-so-often needed libraries are not installed. This option will try to install them, at the cost of potential conflicts (depending on how your package system is set…). Note this option also implies all other (more specific) --with-foo options below. --with-opencollada Build and install the OpenCOLLADA libraries. --all-static Build libraries as statically as possible, to create static builds of Blender. --force-all Force the rebuild of all built libraries. --force-python Force the rebuild of Python. --force-numpy Force the rebuild of NumPy. --force-boost Force the rebuild of Boost. --force-ocio Force the rebuild of OpenColorIO. --force-openexr Force the rebuild of OpenEXR. --force-oiio Force the rebuild of OpenImageIO. --force-llvm Force the rebuild of LLVM. --force-osl Force the rebuild of OpenShadingLanguage. --force-opencollada Force the rebuild of OpenCOLLADA. --force-ffmpeg Force the rebuild of FFMpeg. Note about the --force-foo options: * They obviously only have an effect if those libraries are built by this script (i.e. if there is no available and satisfactory package)! * If the “force-rebuilt” library is a dependency of others, it will force the rebuild of those libraries too (e.g. --force-boost will also rebuild oiio and osl...). * Do not forget --with-osl if you built it and still want it! --skip-python Unconditionally skip Python installation/building. --skip-numpy Unconditionally skip NumPy installation/building. --skip-boost Unconditionally skip Boost installation/building. --skip-ocio Unconditionally skip OpenColorIO installation/building. --skip-openexr Unconditionally skip OpenEXR installation/building. --skip-oiio Unconditionally skip OpenImageIO installation/building. --skip-llvm Unconditionally skip LLVM installation/building. --skip-osl Unconditionally skip OpenShadingLanguage installation/building. --skip-opencollada Unconditionally skip OpenCOLLADA installation/building. --skip-ffmpeg Unconditionally skip FFMpeg installation/building. --required-numpy Use this in case your distro features a valid python package, but no matching Numpy one. It will force compilation of both python 3.3 and numpy 1.7.\"" ##### Main Vars ##### PYTHON_VERSION="3.3.2" PYTHON_VERSION_MIN="3.3" PYTHON_SOURCE="http://python.org/ftp/python/$PYTHON_VERSION/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.bz2" PYTHON_FORCE_REBUILD=false PYTHON_SKIP=false NUMPY_VERSION="1.7.0" NUMPY_VERSION_MIN="1.7" NUMPY_SOURCE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/$NUMPY_VERSION/numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION.tar.gz" NUMPY_FORCE_REBUILD=false NUMPY_SKIP=false NUMPY_REQUIRED=false BOOST_VERSION="1.51.0" _boost_version_nodots=`echo "$BOOST_VERSION" | sed -r 's/\./_/g'` BOOST_SOURCE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/$BOOST_VERSION/boost_$_boost_version_nodots.tar.bz2/download" BOOST_VERSION_MIN="1.49" BOOST_FORCE_REBUILD=false BOOST_SKIP=false OCIO_VERSION="1.0.7" OCIO_SOURCE="https://github.com/imageworks/OpenColorIO/tarball/v$OCIO_VERSION" OCIO_VERSION_MIN="1.0" OCIO_FORCE_REBUILD=false OCIO_SKIP=false OPENEXR_VERSION="2.0.0" OPENEXR_SOURCE="http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/openexr/openexr-$OPENEXR_VERSION.tar.gz" OPENEXR_VERSION_MIN="2.0" ILMBASE_VERSION="2.0.0" ILMBASE_SOURCE="http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/openexr/ilmbase-$ILMBASE_VERSION.tar.gz" OPENEXR_FORCE_REBUILD=false OPENEXR_SKIP=false _with_built_openexr=false OIIO_VERSION="1.1.10" OIIO_SOURCE="https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio/archive/Release-$OIIO_VERSION.tar.gz" OIIO_VERSION_MIN="1.1" OIIO_FORCE_REBUILD=false OIIO_SKIP=false LLVM_VERSION="3.1" LLVM_VERSION_MIN="3.0" LLVM_VERSION_FOUND="" LLVM_SOURCE="http://llvm.org/releases/$LLVM_VERSION/llvm-$LLVM_VERSION.src.tar.gz" LLVM_CLANG_SOURCE="http://llvm.org/releases/$LLVM_VERSION/clang-$LLVM_VERSION.src.tar.gz" LLVM_FORCE_REBUILD=false LLVM_SKIP=false # OSL needs to be compiled for now! OSL_VERSION="1.3.2" OSL_VERSION_MIN=$OSL_VERSION OSL_SOURCE="https://github.com/imageworks/OpenShadingLanguage/archive/Release-$OSL_VERSION.tar.gz" OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=false OSL_SKIP=false # Version?? OPENCOLLADA_VERSION="1.3" OPENCOLLADA_SOURCE="https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenCOLLADA.git" OPENCOLLADA_REPO_UID="18da7f4109a8eafaa290a33f5550501cc4c8bae8" OPENCOLLADA_FORCE_REBUILD=false OPENCOLLADA_SKIP=false FFMPEG_VERSION="1.0" FFMPEG_SOURCE="http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION.tar.bz2" FFMPEG_VERSION_MIN="0.7.6" FFMPEG_FORCE_REBUILD=false FFMPEG_SKIP=false _ffmpeg_list_sep=";" # FFMPEG optional libs. VORBIS_USE=false VORBIS_DEV="" THEORA_USE=false THEORA_DEV="" XVID_USE=false XVID_DEV="" X264_USE=false X264_DEV="" X264_VERSION_MIN=0.118 VPX_USE=false VPX_VERSION_MIN=0.9.7 VPX_DEV="" MP3LAME_USE=false MP3LAME_DEV="" OPENJPEG_USE=false OPENJPEG_DEV="" # Switch to english language, else some things (like check_package_DEB()) won't work! LANG_BACK=$LANG LANG="" export LANG ##### Generic Helpers ##### _echo() { if [ "X$1" = "X-n" ]; then shift; printf "%s" "$@" else printf "%s\n" "$@" fi } ERROR() { _echo "$@" } INFO() { _echo "$@" } ##### Args Handling ##### # Finish parsing the commandline args. eval set -- "$ARGS" while true; do case $1 in -s|--source) SRC="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -i|--install) INST="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; --tmp) TMP="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -t|--threads) THREADS="$2"; shift; shift; continue ;; -h|--help) INFO "" INFO "USAGE:" INFO "" INFO "`eval _echo "$COMMON_INFO"`" INFO "" INFO "`eval _echo "$ARGUMENTS_INFO"`" INFO "" exit 0 ;; --with-all) WITH_ALL=true; shift; continue ;; --with-opencollada) WITH_OPENCOLLADA=true; shift; continue ;; --all-static) ALL_STATIC=true; shift; continue ;; --force-all) PYTHON_FORCE_REBUILD=true NUMPY_FORCE_REBUILD=true BOOST_FORCE_REBUILD=true OCIO_FORCE_REBUILD=true OIIO_FORCE_REBUILD=true LLVM_FORCE_REBUILD=true OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true OPENCOLLADA_FORCE_REBUILD=true FFMPEG_FORCE_REBUILD=true shift; continue ;; --force-python) PYTHON_FORCE_REBUILD=true NUMPY_FORCE_REBUILD=true shift; continue ;; --force-numpy) NUMPY_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --force-boost) BOOST_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --force-ocio) OCIO_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --force-openexr) OPENEXR_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --force-oiio) OIIO_FORCE_REBUILD=true shift; continue ;; --force-llvm) LLVM_FORCE_REBUILD=true OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true shift; continue ;; --force-osl) OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --force-opencollada) OPENCOLLADA_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --force-ffmpeg) FFMPEG_FORCE_REBUILD=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-python) PYTHON_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-numpy) NUMPY_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-boost) BOOST_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-ocio) OCIO_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-openexr) OPENEXR_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-oiio) OIIO_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-llvm) LLVM_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-osl) OSL_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-opencollada) OPENCOLLADA_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --skip-ffmpeg) FFMPEG_SKIP=true; shift; continue ;; --required-numpy) NUMPY_REQUIRED=true; shift; continue ;; --) # no more arguments to parse break ;; *) INFO "" INFO "Wrong parameter! Usage:" INFO "" INFO "`eval _echo "$COMMON_INFO"`" INFO "" exit 1 ;; esac done if $WITH_ALL; then WITH_OPENCOLLADA=true fi ##### Generic Helpers ##### # Return 0 if $1 = $2 (i.e. 1.01.0 = 1.1, but 1.1.1 != 1.1), else 1. # $1 and $2 should be version numbers made of numbers only. version_eq() { backIFS=$IFS IFS='.' # Split both version numbers into their numeric elements. arr1=( $1 ) arr2=( $2 ) ret=1 count1=${#arr1[@]} count2=${#arr2[@]} if [ $count2 -ge $count1 ]; then _t=$count1 count1=$count2 count2=$_t arr1=( $2 ) arr2=( $1 ) fi ret=0 for (( i=0; $i < $count2; i++ )) do if [ $(( 10#${arr1[$i]} )) -ne $(( 10#${arr2[$i]} )) ]; then ret=1 break fi done for (( i=$count2; $i < $count1; i++ )) do if [ $(( 10#${arr1[$i]} )) -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 break fi done IFS=$backIFS return $ret } # Return 0 if $1 >= $2, else 1. # $1 and $2 should be version numbers made of numbers only. version_ge() { version_eq $1 $2 if [ $? -eq 1 -a $(_echo "$1" "$2" | sort --version-sort | head --lines=1) = "$1" ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } # Return 0 if $1 is into $2 (e.g. 3.3.2 is into 3.3, but not 3.3.0 or 3.3.5), else 1. # $1 and $2 should be version numbers made of numbers only. # $1 should be at least as long as $2! version_match() { backIFS=$IFS IFS='.' # Split both version numbers into their numeric elements. arr1=( $1 ) arr2=( $2 ) ret=1 count1=${#arr1[@]} count2=${#arr2[@]} if [ $count1 -ge $count2 ]; then ret=0 for (( i=0; $i < $count2; i++ )) do if [ $(( 10#${arr1[$i]} )) -ne $(( 10#${arr2[$i]} )) ]; then ret=1 break fi done fi IFS=$backIFS return $ret } ##### Generic compile helpers ##### prepare_opt() { INFO "Ensuring $INST exists and is writable by us" if [ ! -d $INST ]; then sudo mkdir -p $INST fi if [ ! -w $INST ]; then sudo chown $USER $INST sudo chmod 775 $INST fi } # Check whether the current package needs to be recompiled, based on a dummy file containing a magic number in its name... magic_compile_check() { if [ -f $INST/.$1-magiccheck-$2 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } magic_compile_set() { rm -f $INST/.$1-magiccheck-* touch $INST/.$1-magiccheck-$2 } # Note: should clean nicely in $INST, but not in $SRC, when we switch to a new version of a lib... _clean() { rm -rf `readlink -f $_inst_shortcut` rm -rf $_src rm -rf $_inst rm -rf $_inst_shortcut } _create_inst_shortcut() { rm -f $_inst_shortcut ln -s $_inst $_inst_shortcut } # ldconfig run_ldconfig() { _lib_path="$INST/$1/lib" _ldonf_path="/etc/ld.so.conf.d/$1.conf" INFO "" INFO "Running ldconfig for $1..." sudo sh -c "echo \"$INST/boost/lib\" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/boost.conf" sudo /sbin/ldconfig # XXX OpenSuse does not include sbin in command path with sudo!!! INFO "" } #### Build Python #### _init_python() { _src=$SRC/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION _inst=$INST/python-$PYTHON_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/python-3.3 } clean_Python() { clean_Numpy _init_python _clean } compile_Python() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! py_magic=1 _init_python # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check python-$PYTHON_VERSION $py_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $PYTHON_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_Python fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building Python-$PYTHON_VERSION" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $PYTHON_SOURCE -O $_src.tar.bz2 INFO "Unpacking Python-$PYTHON_VERSION" tar -C $SRC -xf $_src.tar.bz2 fi cd $_src ./configure --prefix=$_inst --libdir=$_inst/lib --enable-ipv6 \ --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --with-dbmliborder=bdb \ --with-computed-gotos --with-pymalloc make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "Python--$PYTHON_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set python-$PYTHON_VERSION $py_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling Python-$PYTHON_VERSION!" else INFO "Own Python-$PYTHON_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-python option." fi } ##### Build Numpy ##### _init_numpy() { _src=$SRC/numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION _inst=$INST/numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION _python=$INST/python-$PYTHON_VERSION _site=lib/python3.3/site-packages _inst_shortcut=$_python/$_site/numpy } clean_Numpy() { _init_numpy _clean } compile_Numpy() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! numpy_magic=0 _init_numpy # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION $numpy_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $NUMPY_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_Numpy fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building Numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $NUMPY_SOURCE -O $_src.tar.gz INFO "Unpacking Numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION" tar -C $SRC -xf $_src.tar.gz fi cd $_src $_python/bin/python3 setup.py install --prefix=$_inst if [ -d $_inst ]; then # Can't use _create_inst_shortcut here... rm -f $_inst_shortcut ln -s $_inst/$_site/numpy $_inst_shortcut else ERROR "Numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION $numpy_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling Numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION!" else INFO "Own Numpy-$NUMPY_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-numpy option." fi } #### Build Boost #### _init_boost() { _src=$SRC/boost-$BOOST_VERSION _inst=$INST/boost-$BOOST_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/boost } clean_Boost() { _init_boost _clean } compile_Boost() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! boost_magic=7 _init_boost # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check boost-$BOOST_VERSION $boost_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $BOOST_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_Boost fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building Boost-$BOOST_VERSION" # Rebuild dependecies as well! OIIO_FORCE_REBUILD=true OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then INFO "Downloading Boost-$BOOST_VERSION" mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $BOOST_SOURCE -O $_src.tar.bz2 tar -C $SRC --transform "s,(.*/?)boost_1_[^/]+(.*),\1boost-$BOOST_VERSION\2,x" -xf $_src.tar.bz2 fi cd $_src if [ ! -f $_src/b2 ]; then ./bootstrap.sh fi ./b2 -j$THREADS -a --with-system --with-filesystem --with-thread --with-regex --with-locale --with-date_time \ --prefix=$_inst --disable-icu boost.locale.icu=off install ./b2 --clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "Boost-$BOOST_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set boost-$BOOST_VERSION $boost_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling Boost-$BOOST_VERSION!" else INFO "Own Boost-$BOOST_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-boost option." fi # Just always run it, much simpler this way! run_ldconfig "boost" } #### Build OCIO #### _init_ocio() { _src=$SRC/OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION _inst=$INST/ocio-$OCIO_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/ocio } clean_OCIO() { _init_ocio _clean } compile_OCIO() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! ocio_magic=1 _init_ocio # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check ocio-$OCIO_VERSION $ocio_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $OCIO_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_OCIO fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then INFO "Downloading OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION" mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $OCIO_SOURCE -O $_src.tar.gz INFO "Unpacking OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION" tar -C $SRC --transform "s,(.*/?)imageworks-OpenColorIO[^/]*(.*),\1OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION\2,x" \ -xf $_src.tar.gz fi cd $_src # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then cflags="-fPIC -m32 -march=i686" else cflags="-fPIC" fi cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$_inst \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst \ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$cflags" \ -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lgcc_s -lgcc" \ -D OCIO_BUILD_APPS=OFF \ -D OCIO_BUILD_PYGLUE=OFF \ .. make -j$THREADS && make install # Force linking against static libs rm -f $_inst/lib/*.so* # Additional depencencies cp ext/dist/lib/libtinyxml.a $_inst/lib cp ext/dist/lib/libyaml-cpp.a $_inst/lib make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set ocio-$OCIO_VERSION $ocio_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION!" else INFO "Own OpenColorIO-$OCIO_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-ocio option." fi } #### Build ILMBase #### _init_ilmbase() { _src=$SRC/ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION _inst=$TMP/ilmbase-$ILMBASE_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$TMP/ilmbase } clean_ILMBASE() { _init_ilmbase _clean } compile_ILMBASE() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! ilmbase_magic=5 _init_ilmbase # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check ilmbase-$ILMBASE_VERSION $ilmbase_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $OPENEXR_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_ILMBASE rm -rf $_openexr_inst fi if [ ! -d $_openexr_inst ]; then INFO "Building ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION" # Rebuild dependecies as well! OPENEXR_FORCE_REBUILD=true prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then INFO "Downloading ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION" mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $ILMBASE_SOURCE -O $_src.tar.gz INFO "Unpacking ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION" tar -C $SRC --transform "s,(.*/?)ilmbase-[^/]*(.*),\1ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION\2,x" \ -xf $_src.tar.gz cd $_src # XXX Ugly patching hack! cat << EOF | patch -p1 --- a/Half/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/Half/CMakeLists.txt @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ INSTALL ( FILES half.h + halfExport.h halfFunction.h halfLimits.h DESTINATION EOF cd $CWD fi cd $_src # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake_d="-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst" if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then cflags="-fPIC -m32 -march=i686" else cflags="-fPIC" fi cmake $cmake_d -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$cflags" -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lgcc_s -lgcc" .. make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION!" else INFO "Own ILMBase-$ILMBASE_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib (and openexr), use the --force-openexr option." fi magic_compile_set ilmbase-$ILMBASE_VERSION $ilmbase_magic } #### Build OpenEXR #### _init_openexr() { _src=$SRC/OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION _inst=$_openexr_inst _inst_shortcut=$INST/openexr } clean_OPENEXR() { clean_ILMBASE _init_openexr _clean } compile_OPENEXR() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! openexr_magic=10 # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check openexr-$OPENEXR_VERSION $openexr_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $OPENEXR_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_OPENEXR fi _openexr_inst=$INST/openexr-$OPENEXR_VERSION compile_ILMBASE _ilmbase_inst=$_inst_shortcut _init_openexr if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION" # Rebuild dependecies as well! OIIO_FORCE_REBUILD=true OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then INFO "Downloading OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION" mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $OPENEXR_SOURCE -O $_src.tar.gz INFO "Unpacking OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION" tar -C $SRC --transform "s,(.*/?)openexr[^/]*(.*),\1OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION\2,x" \ -xf $_src.tar.gz cd $_src # XXX Ugly patching hack! cat << EOF | patch -p1 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( exrmakepreview ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( exrenvmap ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( exrmultiview ) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( exr2aces ) +#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( exr2aces ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( exrmultipart ) ########################## @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ # Documentation INSTALL ( FILES doc/TechnicalIntroduction.pdf - doc/TechnicalIntroduction_2.0.pdf +# doc/TechnicalIntroduction_2.0.pdf doc/ReadingAndWritingImageFiles.pdf doc/OpenEXRFileLayout.pdf - doc/OpenEXRFileLayout_2.0.pdf - doc/ReadingAndWritingImageFiles_2.0.pdf +# doc/OpenEXRFileLayout_2.0.pdf +# doc/ReadingAndWritingImageFiles_2.0.pdf doc/MultiViewOpenEXR.pdf DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/OpenEXR-2.0.0 --- a/IlmImfFuzzTest/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/IlmImfFuzzTest/CMakeLists.txt @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ fuzzFile.cpp main.cpp testFuzzScanLines.cpp + testFuzzDeepScanLines.cpp testFuzzTiles.cpp + testFuzzDeepTiles.cpp ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( IlmImfFuzzTest IlmImf Iex Imath Half IlmThread ${PTHREAD_LIB} ${Z_LIB}) --- a/IlmImfTest/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/IlmImfTest/CMakeLists.txt @@ -19,22 +19,26 @@ testCustomAttributes.cpp testDeepScanLineBasic.cpp testDeepScanLineHuge.cpp + testDeepScanLineMultipleRead.cpp testDeepTiledBasic.cpp testExistingStreams.cpp + testFutureProofing.cpp testHuf.cpp testInputPart.cpp testIsComplete.cpp testLineOrder.cpp testLut.cpp testMagic.cpp testMultiPartApi.cpp testMultiPartFileMixingBasic.cpp testMultiPartSharedAttributes.cpp testMultiPartThreading.cpp testMultiScanlinePartThreading.cpp testMultiTiledPartThreading.cpp testMultiView.cpp testNativeFormat.cpp + testOptimized.cpp + testPartHelper.cpp testPreviewImage.cpp testRgba.cpp testRgbaThreading.cpp --- a/IlmImf/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/IlmImf/CMakeLists.txt @@ -153,18 +153,18 @@ ImfCompositeDeepScanLine.cpp ) -ADD_LIBRARY ( IlmImf STATIC - \${ILMIMF_SRCS} -) - -# TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( IlmImf) - -ADD_DEPENDENCIES ( IlmImf b44ExpLogTable ) +ADD_LIBRARY ( IlmImf STATIC \${ILMIMF_SRCS} ) +ADD_DEPENDENCIES ( IlmImf b44ExpLogTable ) + +ADD_LIBRARY ( IlmImf_dyn SHARED \${ILMIMF_SRCS} ) +SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES ( IlmImf_dyn PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME IlmImf) +ADD_DEPENDENCIES ( IlmImf_dyn b44ExpLogTable ) +TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( IlmImf_dyn Iex Imath Half IlmThread \${Z_LIB} \${PTHREAD_LIB} ) # Libraries INSTALL ( TARGETS - IlmImf + IlmImf IlmImf_dyn DESTINATION \${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ) @@ -168,6 +167,7 @@ INSTALL ( FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/config/OpenEXRConfig.h ImfForward.h + ImfNamespace.h ImfExport.h ImfAttribute.h ImfBoxAttribute.h EOF cd $CWD fi cd $_src # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake_d="-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D ILMBASE_PACKAGE_PREFIX=$_ilmbase_inst" if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then cflags="-fPIC -m32 -march=i686" else cflags="-fPIC" fi cmake $cmake_d -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$cflags" -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lgcc_s -lgcc" .. make -j$THREADS && make install # Force linking against static libs # rm -f $_inst/lib/*.so* make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut # Copy ilmbase files here (blender expects same dir for ilmbase and openexr :/). cp -Lrn $_ilmbase_inst/* $_inst_shortcut else ERROR "OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set openexr-$OPENEXR_VERSION $openexr_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION!" else INFO "Own OpenEXR-$OPENEXR_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-openexr option." fi _with_built_openexr=true # Just always run it, much simpler this way! run_ldconfig "openexr" } #### Build OIIO #### _init_oiio() { _src=$SRC/OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION _inst=$INST/oiio-$OIIO_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/oiio } clean_OIIO() { _init_oiio _clean } compile_OIIO() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! oiio_magic=12 _init_oiio # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check oiio-$OIIO_VERSION $oiio_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $OIIO_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_OIIO fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION" # Rebuild dependecies as well! OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $OIIO_SOURCE -O "$_src.tar.gz" INFO "Unpacking OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION" tar -C $SRC --transform "s,(.*/?)oiio-Release-[^/]*(.*),\1OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION\2,x" \ -xf $_src.tar.gz cd $_src # XXX Ugly patching hack! cat << EOF | patch -p1 --- a/src/libOpenImageIO/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/libOpenImageIO/CMakeLists.txt @@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ add_executable (imagebuf_test imagebuf_test.cpp) -link_ilmbase (imagebuf_test) target_link_libraries (imagebuf_test OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (imagebuf_test) add_test (unit_imagebuf imagebuf_test) add_executable (imagebufalgo_test imagebufalgo_test.cpp) -link_ilmbase (imagebufalgo_test) target_link_libraries (imagebufalgo_test OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (imagebufalgo_test) add_test (unit_imagebufalgo imagebufalgo_test) @@ -340,5 +340,6 @@ add_executable (imagespeed_test imagespeed_test.cpp) target_link_libraries (imagespeed_test OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (imagespeed_test) #add_test (unit_hash hash_test) --- a/src/iconvert/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/iconvert/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ set (iconvert_srcs iconvert.cpp) add_executable (iconvert \${iconvert_srcs}) -link_ilmbase (iconvert) target_link_libraries (iconvert OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (iconvert) oiio_install_targets (iconvert) --- a/src/idiff/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/idiff/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ set (idiff_srcs idiff.cpp) add_executable (idiff \${idiff_srcs}) -link_ilmbase (idiff) target_link_libraries (idiff OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (idiff) oiio_install_targets (idiff) --- a/src/igrep/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/igrep/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ set (igrep_srcs igrep.cpp) add_executable (igrep \${igrep_srcs}) -link_ilmbase (igrep) target_link_libraries (igrep OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (igrep) oiio_install_targets (igrep) --- a/src/iinfo/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/iinfo/CMakeLists.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if (MSVC) set_target_properties (OpenImageIO PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS psapi.lib) endif (MSVC) -link_ilmbase (iinfo) target_link_libraries (iinfo OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (iinfo) oiio_install_targets (iinfo) --- a/src/maketx/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/maketx/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ set (maketx_srcs maketx.cpp) add_executable (maketx \${maketx_srcs}) -link_ilmbase (maketx) target_link_libraries (maketx OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (maketx) oiio_install_targets (maketx) --- a/src/oiiotool/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/oiiotool/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ set (oiiotool_srcs oiiotool.cpp diff.cpp imagerec.cpp printinfo.cpp) add_executable (oiiotool \${oiiotool_srcs}) -link_ilmbase (oiiotool) target_link_libraries (oiiotool OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (oiiotool) oiio_install_targets (oiiotool) --- a/src/testtex/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/testtex/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ set (testtex_srcs testtex.cpp) add_executable (testtex \${testtex_srcs}) -link_ilmbase (testtex) target_link_libraries (testtex OpenImageIO \${Boost_LIBRARIES} \${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +link_ilmbase (testtex) --- a/src/cmake/modules/FindIlmBase.cmake +++ b/src/cmake/modules/FindIlmBase.cmake @@ -109,11 +109,13 @@ # Generic search paths set (IlmBase_generic_include_paths /usr/include + /usr/include/\${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} /usr/local/include /sw/include /opt/local/include) set (IlmBase_generic_library_paths /usr/lib + /usr/lib/\${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} /usr/local/lib /sw/lib /opt/local/lib) --- a/src/cmake/modules/FindOpenEXR.cmake +++ b/src/cmake/modules/FindOpenEXR.cmake @@ -105,11 +105,13 @@ # Generic search paths set (OpenEXR_generic_include_paths /usr/include + /usr/include/\${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} /usr/local/include /sw/include /opt/local/include) set (OpenEXR_generic_library_paths /usr/lib + /usr/lib/\${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} /usr/local/lib /sw/lib /opt/local/lib) --- a/src/libutil/tbb_misc.cpp +++ b/src/libutil/tbb_misc.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ using namespace std; -#include "tbb/tbb_machine.h" +//#include "tbb/tbb_machine.h" +#include "tbb/tbb_assert_impl.h" namespace tbb { EOF cd $CWD fi cd $_src # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake_d="-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D BUILDSTATIC=OFF" if [ $_with_built_openexr == true ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D ILMBASE_HOME=$INST/openexr" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D ILMBASE_VERSION=$ILMBASE_VERSION" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D OPENEXR_HOME=$INST/openexr" fi # Optional tests and cmd tools cmake_d="$cmake_d -D USE_QT=OFF" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D USE_PYTHON=OFF" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D BUILD_TESTING=OFF" #cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON" #cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON" # linking statically could give issues on Debian/Ubuntu (and probably other distros # which doesn't like static linking) when linking shared oiio library due to missing # text symbols (static libs should be compiled with -fPIC) # cmake_d="$cmake_d -D LINKSTATIC=ON" if [ -d $INST/boost ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D BOOST_ROOT=$INST/boost -D Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON" # XXX Does not work (looks like static boost are built without fPIC :/ ). #if $ALL_STATIC; then #cmake_d="$cmake_d -D Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON" #fi fi # Looks like we do not need ocio in oiio for now... # if [ -d $INST/ocio ]; then # cmake_d="$cmake_d -D OCIO_PATH=$INST/ocio" # fi cmake_d="$cmake_d -D USE_OCIO=OFF" if file /bin/cp | grep -q '32-bit'; then cflags="-fPIC -m32 -march=i686" else cflags="-fPIC" fi cmake $cmake_d -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$cflags" -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lgcc_s -lgcc" ../src make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set oiio-$OIIO_VERSION $oiio_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION!" else INFO "Own OpenImageIO-$OIIO_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-oiio option." fi # Just always run it, much simpler this way! run_ldconfig "oiio" } #### Build LLVM #### _init_llvm() { _src=$SRC/LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION _src_clang=$SRC/CLANG-$LLVM_VERSION _inst=$INST/llvm-$LLVM_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/llvm } clean_LLVM() { _init_llvm _clean } compile_LLVM() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! llvm_magic=2 _init_llvm # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check llvm-$LLVM_VERSION $llvm_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $LLVM_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_LLVM fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION (CLANG included!)" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src -o true ]; then mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $LLVM_SOURCE -O "$_src.tar.gz" wget -c $LLVM_CLANG_SOURCE -O "$_src_clang.tar.gz" INFO "Unpacking LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION" tar -C $SRC --transform "s,([^/]*/?)llvm-[^/]*(.*),\1LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION\2,x" \ -xf $_src.tar.gz INFO "Unpacking CLANG-$LLVM_VERSION to $_src/tools/clang" tar -C $_src/tools \ --transform "s,([^/]*/?)clang-[^/]*(.*),\1clang\2,x" \ -xf $_src_clang.tar.gz cd $_src # XXX Ugly patching hack! cat << EOF | patch -p1 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ set(LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR 3) set(LLVM_VERSION_MINOR 1) -set(PACKAGE_VERSION "\${LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR}.\${LLVM_VERSION_MINOR}svn") +set(PACKAGE_VERSION "\${LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR}.\${LLVM_VERSION_MINOR}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) EOF cd $CWD fi cd $_src # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake_d="-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D LLVM_ENABLE_FFI=ON" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86" if [ -d $_FFI_INCLUDE_DIR ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D FFI_INCLUDE_DIR=$_FFI_INCLUDE_DIR" fi cmake $cmake_d .. make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set llvm-$LLVM_VERSION $llvm_magic # Rebuild dependecies as well! OSL_FORCE_REBUILD=true cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION (CLANG included)!" else INFO "Own LLVM-$LLVM_VERSION (CLANG included) is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-llvm option." fi } #### Build OSL #### _init_osl() { _src=$SRC/OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION _inst=$INST/osl-$OSL_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/osl } clean_OSL() { _init_osl _clean } compile_OSL() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! osl_magic=11 _init_osl # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check osl-$OSL_VERSION $osl_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $OSL_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_OSL fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $OSL_SOURCE -O "$_src.tar.gz" INFO "Unpacking OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION" tar -C $SRC --transform "s,(.*/?)OpenShadingLanguage-[^/]*(.*),\1OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION\2,x" \ -xf $_src.tar.gz cd $_src #git checkout blender-fixes cd $CWD fi cd $_src # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake_d="-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D BUILDSTATIC=ON" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D BUILD_TESTING=OFF" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D STOP_ON_WARNING=OFF" if [ $_with_built_openexr == true ]; then #cmake_d="$cmake_d -D OPENEXR_HOME=$INST/openexr" # XXX Not used! cmake_d="$cmake_d -D ILMBASE_HOME=$INST/openexr" fi if [ -d $INST/boost ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D BOOST_ROOT=$INST/boost -D Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON" if $ALL_STATIC; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON" fi fi if [ -d $INST/oiio ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D OPENIMAGEIOHOME=$INST/oiio" fi INFO "$LLVM_VERSION_FOUND" if [ ! -z $LLVM_VERSION_FOUND ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D LLVM_VERSION=$LLVM_VERSION_FOUND" if [ -d $INST/llvm ]; then cmake_d="$cmake_d -D LLVM_DIRECTORY=$INST/llvm" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D LLVM_STATIC=ON" fi fi cmake $cmake_d ../src make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set osl-$OSL_VERSION $osl_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION!" else INFO "Own OpenShadingLanguage-$OSL_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-osl option." fi } #### Build OpenCOLLADA #### _init_opencollada() { _src=$SRC/OpenCOLLADA-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION _inst=$INST/opencollada-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/opencollada } clean_OpenCOLLADA() { _init_opencollada _clean } compile_OpenCOLLADA() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled results! opencollada_magic=8 _init_opencollada # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check opencollada-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION $opencollada_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $OPENCOLLADA_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_OpenCOLLADA fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building OpenCOLLADA-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then mkdir -p $SRC git clone $OPENCOLLADA_SOURCE $_src fi cd $_src # XXX For now, always update from latest repo... git pull origin master # Stick to same rev as windows' libs... git checkout $OPENCOLLADA_REPO_UID git reset --hard # Always refresh the whole build! if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake_d="-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$_inst" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D USE_EXPAT=OFF" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D USE_LIBXML=ON" cmake_d="$cmake_d -D USE_STATIC=ON" cmake $cmake_d ../ make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "OpenCOLLADA-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set opencollada-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION $opencollada_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling OpenCOLLADA-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION!" else INFO "Own OpenCOLLADA-$OPENCOLLADA_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-opencollada option." fi } #### Build FFMPEG #### _init_ffmpeg() { _src=$SRC/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION _inst=$INST/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION _inst_shortcut=$INST/ffmpeg } clean_FFmpeg() { _init_ffmpeg _clean } compile_FFmpeg() { # To be changed each time we make edits that would modify the compiled result! ffmpeg_magic=3 _init_ffmpeg # Clean install if needed! magic_compile_check ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION $ffmpeg_magic if [ $? -eq 1 -o $FFMPEG_FORCE_REBUILD == true ]; then clean_FFmpeg fi if [ ! -d $_inst ]; then INFO "Building ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION" prepare_opt if [ ! -d $_src ]; then INFO "Downloading ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION" mkdir -p $SRC wget -c $FFMPEG_SOURCE -O "$_src.tar.bz2" INFO "Unpacking ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION" tar -C $SRC -xf $_src.tar.bz2 fi cd $_src extra="" if $VORBIS_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libvorbis" fi if $THEORA_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libtheora" fi if $XVID_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libxvid" fi if $X264_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libx264" fi if $VPX_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libvpx" fi if $MP3LAME_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libmp3lame" fi if $OPENJPEG_USE; then extra="$extra --enable-libopenjpeg" fi ./configure --cc="gcc -Wl,--as-needed" \ --extra-ldflags="-pthread -static-libgcc" \ --prefix=$_inst --enable-static \ --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --disable-doc \ --enable-gray \ --enable-avfilter --disable-vdpau \ --disable-bzlib --disable-libgsm --disable-libspeex \ --enable-pthreads --enable-zlib --enable-stripping --enable-runtime-cpudetect \ --disable-vaapi --disable-libfaac --disable-nonfree --enable-gpl \ --disable-postproc --disable-x11grab --disable-librtmp --disable-libopencore-amrnb \ --disable-libopencore-amrwb --disable-libdc1394 --disable-version3 --disable-outdev=sdl \ --disable-outdev=alsa --disable-indev=sdl --disable-indev=alsa --disable-indev=jack \ --disable-indev=lavfi $extra make -j$THREADS && make install make clean if [ -d $_inst ]; then _create_inst_shortcut else ERROR "FFmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION failed to compile, exiting" exit 1 fi magic_compile_set ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION $ffmpeg_magic cd $CWD INFO "Done compiling ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION!" else INFO "Own ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION is up to date, nothing to do!" INFO "If you want to force rebuild of this lib, use the --force-ffmpeg option." fi } #### Install on DEB-like #### get_package_version_DEB() { dpkg-query -W -f '${Version}' $1 | sed -r 's/.*:\s*([0-9]+:)(([0-9]+\.?)+).*/\2/' } check_package_DEB() { r=`apt-cache show $1 | grep -c 'Package:'` if [ $r -ge 1 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } check_package_version_match_DEB() { v=`apt-cache policy $1 | grep 'Candidate:' | sed -r 's/.*:\s*([0-9]+:)(([0-9]+\.?)+).*/\2/'` if [ -z "$v" ]; then return 1 fi version_match $v $2 return $? } check_package_version_ge_DEB() { v=`apt-cache policy $1 | grep 'Candidate:' | sed -r 's/.*:\s*([0-9]+:)?(([0-9]+\.?)+).*/\2/'` if [ -z "$v" ]; then return 1 fi version_ge $v $2 return $? } install_packages_DEB() { sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes $@ if [ $? -ge 1 ]; then ERROR "apt-get failed to install requested packages, exiting." exit 1 fi } install_DEB() { INFO "" INFO "Installing dependencies for DEB-based distribution" INFO "" INFO "`eval _echo "$COMMON_INFO"`" INFO "" read -p "Do you want to continue (Y/n)?" [ "$(echo ${REPLY:=Y} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" != "y" ] && exit if [ ! -z "`cat /etc/debian_version | grep ^6`" ]; then if [ -z "`cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep backports.debian.org`" ]; then INFO "Looks like you're using Debian Squeeze which does have broken CMake" INFO "It is highly recommended to install cmake from backports, otherwise" INFO "compilation of some libraries could fail" INFO "" INFO "You could install newer CMake from debian-backports repository" INFO "Add this this line to your /etc/apt/sources.lixt:" INFO "" INFO "deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main" INFO "" INFO "and then run:" INFO "" INFO "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake=2.8.7-4~bpo60+1 sudo apt-get install cmake=2.8.7-4~bpo60+1" INFO "" INFO "(you could also add this reporisotry using GUI like synaptic)" INFO "" INFO "Hit Enter to continue running the script, or hit Ctrl-C to abort the script" read INFO "" fi fi sudo apt-get update # These libs should always be available in debian/ubuntu official repository... OPENJPEG_DEV="libopenjpeg-dev" VORBIS_DEV="libvorbis-dev" THEORA_DEV="libtheora-dev" _packages="gawk cmake cmake-curses-gui scons build-essential libjpeg-dev libpng-dev \ libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libxi-dev wget libsqlite3-dev libbz2-dev \ libncurses5-dev libssl-dev liblzma-dev libreadline-dev $OPENJPEG_DEV \ libopenal-dev libglew-dev yasm $THEORA_DEV $VORBIS_DEV \ libsdl1.2-dev libfftw3-dev patch bzip2" OPENJPEG_USE=true VORBIS_USE=true THEORA_USE=true # Install newest libtiff-dev in debian/ubuntu. TIFF="libtiff" check_package_DEB $TIFF if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _packages="$_packages $TIFF-dev" else TIFF="libtiff5" check_package_DEB $TIFF if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _packages="$_packages $TIFF-dev" else TIFF="libtiff4" # Some old distro, like e.g. ubuntu 10.04 :/ check_package_DEB $TIFF if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _packages="$_packages $TIFF-dev" fi fi fi GIT="git" check_package_DEB $GIT if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then INFO $GIT _packages="$_packages $GIT" else GIT="git-core" # Some old distro, like e.g. ubuntu 10.04 :/ check_package_DEB $GIT if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then INFO $GIT _packages="$_packages $GIT" fi fi if $WITH_ALL; then _packages="$_packages libspnav-dev libjack-dev" fi INFO "" install_packages_DEB $_packages INFO "" X264_DEV="libx264-dev" check_package_version_ge_DEB $X264_DEV $X264_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB $X264_DEV X264_USE=true fi if $WITH_ALL; then INFO "" # Grmpf, debian is libxvidcore-dev and ubuntu libxvidcore4-dev! # Note: not since ubuntu 10.04 XVID_DEV="libxvidcore-dev" check_package_DEB $XVID_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB $XVID_DEV XVID_USE=true else XVID_DEV="libxvidcore4-dev" check_package_DEB $XVID_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB $XVID_DEV XVID_USE=true fi fi INFO "" MP3LAME_DEV="libmp3lame-dev" check_package_DEB $MP3LAME_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB $MP3LAME_DEV MP3LAME_USE=true fi INFO "" VPX_DEV="libvpx-dev" check_package_version_ge_DEB $VPX_DEV $VPX_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB $VPX_DEV VPX_USE=true fi fi INFO "" if $PYTHON_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping Python installation, as requested..." else _do_compile=false check_package_DEB python$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN-dev if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB python$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN-dev INFO "" if $NUMPY_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping NumPy installation, as requested..." else check_package_DEB python$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN-numpy if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB python$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN-numpy elif $NUMPY_REQUIRED; then INFO "WARNING! Valid python package but no valid numpy package!" INFO " Building both Python and Numpy from sources!" _do_compile=true else INFO "WARNING! Sorry, using python package but no valid numpy package available!" INFO " Use --required-numpy to force building of both Python and numpy." fi fi else _do_compile=true fi if $_do_compile; then compile_Python INFO "" if $NUMPY_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping NumPy installation, as requested..." else compile_Numpy fi else clean_Python fi fi INFO "" if $BOOST_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping Boost installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_DEB libboost-dev $BOOST_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB libboost-dev boost_version=$(echo `get_package_version_DEB libboost-dev` | sed -r 's/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/') check_package_DEB libboost-locale$boost_version-dev if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB libboost-locale$boost_version-dev libboost-filesystem$boost_version-dev \ libboost-regex$boost_version-dev libboost-system$boost_version-dev \ libboost-thread$boost_version-dev clean_Boost else compile_Boost fi else compile_Boost fi fi INFO "" if $OCIO_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenColorIO installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_DEB libopencolorio-dev $OCIO_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB libopencolorio-dev clean_OCIO else compile_OCIO fi fi INFO "" if $OPENEXR_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenEXR installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_DEB libopenexr-dev $OPENEXR_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB libopenexr-dev clean_OPENEXR else compile_OPENEXR fi fi INFO "" if $OIIO_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenImageIO installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_DEB libopenimageio-dev $OIIO_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 -a $_with_built_openexr == false ]; then install_packages_DEB libopenimageio-dev clean_OIIO else compile_OIIO fi fi have_llvm=false if $LLVM_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping LLVM installation, as requested (this also implies skipping OSL!)..." else INFO "" check_package_version_ge_DEB llvm-dev $LLVM_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_DEB llvm-dev clang have_llvm=true LLVM_VERSION_FOUND="" # Using default one, no need to specify it! clean_LLVM else install_packages_DEB libffi-dev # LLVM can't find the debian ffi header dir _FFI_INCLUDE_DIR=`dpkg -L libffi-dev | grep -e ".*/ffi.h" | sed -r 's/(.*)\/ffi.h/\1/'` INFO "" compile_LLVM have_llvm=true LLVM_VERSION_FOUND=$LLVM_VERSION fi fi if $OSL_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenShadingLanguage installation, as requested..." else if $have_llvm; then INFO "" install_packages_DEB flex bison libtbb-dev # No package currently! INFO "" compile_OSL fi fi if $WITH_OPENCOLLADA; then if $OPENCOLLADA_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenCOLLADA installation, as requested..." else INFO "" install_packages_DEB libpcre3-dev libxml2-dev # Find path to libxml shared lib... _XML2_LIB=`dpkg -L libxml2-dev | grep -e ".*/libxml2.so"` # No package INFO "" compile_OpenCOLLADA fi fi INFO "" if $FFMPEG_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping FFMpeg installation, as requested..." else # XXX Debian features libav packages as ffmpeg, those are not really compatible with blender code currently :/ # So for now, always build our own ffmpeg. # check_package_DEB ffmpeg # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # install_packages_DEB ffmpeg # ffmpeg_version=`get_package_version_DEB ffmpeg` # INFO "ffmpeg version: $ffmpeg_version" # if [ ! -z "$ffmpeg_version" ]; then # if dpkg --compare-versions $ffmpeg_version gt 0.7.2; then # install_packages_DEB libavfilter-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev # clean_FFmpeg # else # compile_FFmpeg # fi # fi # fi compile_FFmpeg fi } #### Install on RPM-like #### rpm_flavour() { if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then if [ "`grep '6\.' /etc/redhat-release`" ]; then RPM="RHEL" else RPM="FEDORA" fi elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then RPM="SUSE" fi } get_package_version_RPM() { rpm_flavour if [ $RPM = "FEDORA" -o $RPM = "RHEL" ]; then yum info $1 | grep Version | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/.*:\s+(([0-9]+\.?)+).*/\1/' elif [ $RPM = "SUSE" ]; then zypper info $1 | grep Version | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/.*:\s+(([0-9]+\.?)+).*/\1/' fi } check_package_RPM() { rpm_flavour if [ $RPM = "FEDORA" -o $RPM = "RHEL" ]; then r=`yum info $1 | grep -c 'Summary'` elif [ $RPM = "SUSE" ]; then r=`zypper info $1 | grep -c 'Summary'` fi if [ $r -ge 1 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } check_package_version_match_RPM() { v=`get_package_version_RPM $1` if [ -z "$v" ]; then return 1 fi version_match $v $2 return $? } check_package_version_ge_RPM() { v=`get_package_version_RPM $1` if [ -z "$v" ]; then return 1 fi version_ge $v $2 return $? } install_packages_RPM() { rpm_flavour if [ $RPM = "FEDORA" -o $RPM = "RHEL" ]; then sudo yum install -y $@ if [ $? -ge 1 ]; then ERROR "yum failed to install requested packages, exiting." exit 1 fi elif [ $RPM = "SUSE" ]; then sudo zypper --non-interactive install --auto-agree-with-licenses $@ if [ $? -ge 1 ]; then ERROR "zypper failed to install requested packages, exiting." exit 1 fi fi } install_RPM() { INFO "" INFO "Installing dependencies for RPM-based distribution" INFO "" INFO "`eval _echo "$COMMON_INFO"`" INFO "" read -p "Do you want to continue (Y/n)?" [ "$(echo ${REPLY:=Y} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" != "y" ] && exit # Enable non-free repositories for all flavours rpm_flavour if [ $RPM = "FEDORA" ]; then _fedora_rel="`egrep "[0-9]{1,}" /etc/fedora-release -o`" sudo yum -y localinstall --nogpgcheck \ http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$_fedora_rel.noarch.rpm \ http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$_fedora_rel.noarch.rpm sudo yum -y update # Install cmake now because of difference with RHEL sudo yum -y install cmake elif [ $RPM = "RHEL" ]; then sudo yum -y localinstall --nogpgcheck \ http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/$(uname -i)/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm \ http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/updates/6/$(uname -i)/rpmfusion-free-release-6-1.noarch.rpm \ http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/el/updates/6/$(uname -i)/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-6-1.noarch.rpm sudo yum -y update # Install cmake 2.8 from other repo mkdir -p $SRC if [ -f $SRC/cmake-2.8.8-4.el6.$(uname -m).rpm ]; then INFO "" INFO "Special cmake already installed" else curl -O ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/atrpms.net/el6-$(uname -i)/atrpms/testing/cmake-2.8.8-4.el6.$(uname -m).rpm mv cmake-2.8.8-4.el6.$(uname -m).rpm $SRC/ sudo rpm -ihv $SRC/cmake-2.8.8-4.el6.$(uname -m).rpm fi elif [ $RPM = "SUSE" ]; then # Install this now to avoid using the version from packman repository... if $WITH_ALL; then install_packages_RPM libjack-devel fi _suse_rel="`grep VERSION /etc/SuSE-release | gawk '{print $3}'`" INFO "" INFO "About to add 'packman' repository from http://packman.inode.at/suse/openSUSE_$_suse_rel/" INFO "This is only needed if you do not already have a packman repository enabled..." read -p "Do you want to add this repo (Y/n)?" if [ "$(echo ${REPLY:=Y} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" == "y" ]; then INFO " Installing packman..." sudo zypper ar --refresh --name 'Packman Repository' http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/packman/suse/openSUSE_$_suse_rel/ ftp.gwdg.de-suse INFO " Done." else INFO " Skipping packman installation." fi sudo zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys update --auto-agree-with-licenses fi # These libs should always be available in fedora/suse official repository... OPENJPEG_DEV="openjpeg-devel" VORBIS_DEV="libvorbis-devel" THEORA_DEV="libtheora-devel" _packages="gcc gcc-c++ make scons libtiff-devel freetype-devel libjpeg-devel\ libpng-devel libX11-devel libXi-devel wget ncurses-devel \ readline-devel $OPENJPEG_DEV openal-soft-devel \ glew-devel yasm $THEORA_DEV $VORBIS_DEV patch" OPENJPEG_USE=true VORBIS_USE=true THEORA_USE=true if [ $RPM = "FEDORA" -o $RPM = "RHEL" ]; then OPENEXR_DEV="openexr-devel" _packages="$_packages libsqlite3x-devel fftw-devel SDL-devel" if $WITH_ALL; then _packages="$_packages jack-audio-connection-kit-devel" fi INFO "" install_packages_RPM $_packages INFO "" X264_DEV="x264-devel" check_package_version_ge_RPM $X264_DEV $X264_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $X264_DEV X264_USE=true fi if $WITH_ALL; then INFO "" XVID_DEV="xvidcore-devel" check_package_RPM $XVID_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $XVID_DEV XVID_USE=true fi INFO "" MP3LAME_DEV="lame-devel" check_package_RPM $MP3LAME_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $MP3LAME_DEV MP3LAME_USE=true fi fi elif [ $RPM = "SUSE" ]; then OPENEXR_DEV="libopenexr-devel" _packages="$_packages cmake sqlite3-devel fftw3-devel libSDL-devel" INFO "" install_packages_RPM $_packages INFO "" X264_DEV="libx264-devel" check_package_version_ge_RPM $X264_DEV $X264_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $X264_DEV X264_USE=true fi if $WITH_ALL; then INFO "" XVID_DEV="libxvidcore-devel" check_package_RPM $XVID_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $XVID_DEV XVID_USE=true fi INFO "" MP3LAME_DEV="libmp3lame-devel" check_package_RPM $MP3LAME_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $MP3LAME_DEV MP3LAME_USE=true fi fi fi if $WITH_ALL; then INFO "" VPX_DEV="libvpx-devel" check_package_version_ge_RPM $VPX_DEV $VPX_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $VPX_DEV VPX_USE=true fi INFO "" install_packages_RPM libspnav-devel fi INFO "" if $PYTHON_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping Python installation, as requested..." else _do_compile=false check_package_version_match_RPM python3-devel $PYTHON_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM python3-devel INFO "" if $NUMPY_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping NumPy installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_match_RPM python3-numpy $NUMPY_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM python3-numpy elif $NUMPY_REQUIRED; then INFO "WARNING! Valid python package but no valid numpy package!" INFO " Building both Python and Numpy from sources!" _do_compile=true else INFO "WARNING! Sorry, using python package but no valid numpy package available!" INFO " Use --required-numpy to force building of both Python and numpy." fi fi else _do_compile=true fi if $_do_compile; then compile_Python INFO "" if $NUMPY_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping NumPy installation, as requested..." else compile_Numpy fi else clean_Python fi fi INFO "" if $BOOST_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping Boost installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_RPM boost-devel $BOOST_VERSION if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM boost-devel clean_Boost else compile_Boost fi fi INFO "" if $OCIO_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenColorIO installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_RPM OpenColorIO-devel $OCIO_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM OpenColorIO-devel clean_OCIO else compile_OCIO fi fi INFO "" if $OPENEXR_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenEXR installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_RPM $OPENEXR_DEV $OPENEXR_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM $OPENEXR_DEV clean_OPENEXR else compile_OPENEXR fi fi INFO "" if $OIIO_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenImageIO installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_RPM OpenImageIO-devel $OIIO_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 -a $_with_built_openexr == false ]; then install_packages_RPM OpenImageIO-devel clean_OIIO else compile_OIIO fi fi have_llvm=false INFO "" if $LLVM_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping LLVM installation, as requested (this also implies skipping OSL!)..." else # Problem compiling with LLVM 3.2 so match version 3.1 ... check_package_version_match_RPM llvm $LLVM_VERSION if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $RPM = "SUSE" ]; then install_packages_RPM llvm-devel llvm-clang-devel else install_packages_RPM llvm-devel clang-devel fi have_llvm=true LLVM_VERSION_FOUND=$LLVM_VERSION clean_LLVM else # # Better to compile it than use minimum version from repo... # install_packages_RPM libffi-devel # LLVM can't find the fedora ffi header dir... _FFI_INCLUDE_DIR=`rpm -ql libffi-devel | grep -e ".*/ffi.h" | sed -r 's/(.*)\/ffi.h/\1/'` INFO "" compile_LLVM have_llvm=true LLVM_VERSION_FOUND=$LLVM_VERSION fi fi if $OSL_SKIP; then INFO "" INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenShadingLanguage installation, as requested..." else if $have_llvm; then # No package currently! INFO "" install_packages_RPM flex bison git if [ $RPM = "FEDORA" -o $RPM = "RHEL" ]; then install_packages_RPM tbb-devel fi INFO "" compile_OSL fi fi if $WITH_OPENCOLLADA; then if $OPENCOLLADA_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenCOLLADA installation, as requested..." else INFO "" install_packages_RPM pcre-devel libxml2-devel git # Find path to libxml shared lib... _XML2_LIB=`rpm -ql libxml2-devel | grep -e ".*/libxml2.so"` # No package... INFO "" compile_OpenCOLLADA fi fi if $FFMPEG_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping FFMpeg installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_RPM ffmpeg $FFMPEG_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_RPM ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel clean_FFmpeg else INFO "" compile_FFmpeg fi fi } #### Install on ARCH-like #### get_package_version_ARCH() { pacman -Si $1 | grep Version | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/.*:\s+(([0-9]+\.?)+).*/\1/' } check_package_ARCH() { r=`pacman -Si $1 | grep -c 'Description'` if [ $r -ge 1 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } check_package_version_match_ARCH() { v=`get_package_version_ARCH $1` if [ -z "$v" ]; then return 1 fi version_match $v $2 return $? } check_package_version_ge_ARCH() { v=`get_package_version_ARCH $1` if [ -z "$v" ]; then return 1 fi version_ge $v $2 return $? } install_packages_ARCH() { sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm $@ if [ $? -ge 1 ]; then ERROR "pacman failed to install requested packages, exiting." exit 1 fi } install_ARCH() { INFO "" INFO "Installing dependencies for ARCH-based distribution" INFO "" INFO "`eval _echo "$COMMON_INFO"`" INFO "" read -p "Do you want to continue (Y/n)?" [ "$(echo ${REPLY:=Y} | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" != "y" ] && exit # Check for sudo... if [ ! -x "/usr/bin/sudo" ]; then INFO "" INFO "This script requires sudo but it is not installed." INFO "Please setup sudo according to:" INFO "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sudo" INFO "and try again." INFO "" exit fi sudo pacman -Sy # These libs should always be available in arch official repository... OPENJPEG_DEV="openjpeg" VORBIS_DEV="libvorbis" THEORA_DEV="libtheora" _packages="base-devel scons cmake libxi glew libpng libtiff wget openal \ $OPENJPEG_DEV $VORBIS_DEV $THEORA_DEV yasm sdl fftw" OPENJPEG_USE=true VORBIS_USE=true THEORA_USE=true if $WITH_ALL; then # No libspacenav in official arch repos... _packages="$_packages jack" fi INFO "" install_packages_ARCH $_packages INFO "" X264_DEV="x264" check_package_version_ge_ARCH $X264_DEV $X264_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH $X264_DEV X264_USE=true fi if $WITH_ALL; then INFO "" XVID_DEV="xvidcore" check_package_ARCH $XVID_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH $XVID_DEV XVID_USE=true fi INFO "" MP3LAME_DEV="lame" check_package_ARCH $MP3LAME_DEV if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH $MP3LAME_DEV MP3LAME_USE=true fi INFO "" VPX_DEV="libvpx" check_package_version_ge_ARCH $VPX_DEV $VPX_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH $VPX_DEV VPX_USE=true fi fi INFO "" if $PYTHON_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping Python installation, as requested..." else _do_compile=false check_package_version_ge_ARCH python $PYTHON_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH python INFO "" if $WITH_NUMPY; then if $NUMPY_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping NumPy installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH python-numpy $NUMPY_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH python-numpy elif $NUMPY_REQUIRED; then INFO "WARNING! Valid python package but no valid numpy package!" INFO " Building both Python and Numpy from sources!" _do_compile=true else INFO "WARNING! Sorry, using python package but no valid numpy package available!" INFO " Use --required-numpy to force building of both Python and numpy." fi fi fi else _do_compile=true fi if $_do_compile; then compile_Python INFO "" if $NUMPY_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping NumPy installation, as requested..." else compile_Numpy fi else clean_Python fi fi INFO "" if $BOOST_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping Boost installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH boost $BOOST_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH boost clean_Boost else compile_Boost fi fi INFO "" if $OCIO_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenColorIO installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH opencolorio $OCIO_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH opencolorio yaml-cpp tinyxml clean_OCIO else install_packages_ARCH yaml-cpp tinyxml compile_OCIO fi fi INFO "" if $OPENEXR_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenEXR installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH openexr $OPENEXR_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH openexr clean_OPENEXR else compile_OPENEXR fi fi INFO "" if $OIIO_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenImageIO installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH openimageio $OIIO_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH openimageio clean_OIIO else compile_OIIO fi fi have_llvm=false INFO "" if $LLVM_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping LLVM installation, as requested (this also implies skipping OSL!)..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH llvm $LLVM_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH llvm clang have_llvm=true LLVM_VERSION=`check_package_version_ge_ARCH llvm $LLVM_VERSION_MIN` LLVM_VERSION_FOUND=$LLVM_VERSION clean_LLVM else install_packages_ARCH libffi # LLVM can't find the arch ffi header dir... _FFI_INCLUDE_DIR=`pacman -Ql libffi | grep -e ".*/ffi.h" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/(.*)\/ffi.h/\1/'` # LLVM 3.1 needs python2 to build and arch defaults to python3 _PYTHON2_BIN="/usr/bin/python2" INFO "" compile_LLVM have_llvm=true LLVM_VERSION_FOUND=$LLVM_VERSION fi fi if $OSL_SKIP; then INFO "" INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenShadingLanguage installation, as requested..." else if $have_llvm; then check_package_version_ge_ARCH openshadinglanguage $OSL_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH openshadinglanguage clean_OSL else #XXX Note: will fail to build with LLVM 3.2! INFO "" install_packages_ARCH git intel-tbb INFO "" compile_OSL fi fi fi INFO "" if $WITH_OPENCOLLADA; then if $OPENCOLLADA_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping OpenCOLLADA installation, as requested..." else INFO "" check_package_ARCH opencollada if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH opencollada clean_OpenCOLLADA else install_packages_ARCH pcre git INFO "" compile_OpenCOLLADA fi # Find path to libxml shared lib... _XML2_LIB=`pacman -Ql libxml2 | grep -e ".*/libxml2.so$" | gawk '{print $2}'` fi fi INFO "" if $FFMPEG_SKIP; then INFO "WARNING! Skipping FFMpeg installation, as requested..." else check_package_version_ge_ARCH ffmpeg $FFMPEG_VERSION_MIN if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then install_packages_ARCH ffmpeg clean_FFmpeg else compile_FFmpeg fi fi } #### Printing User Info #### print_info_ffmpeglink_DEB() { if $ALL_STATIC; then dpkg -L $_packages | grep -e ".*\/lib[^\/]\+\.a" | gawk '{ printf(nlines ? "'"$_ffmpeg_list_sep"'%s" : "%s", $0); nlines++ }' else dpkg -L $_packages | grep -e ".*\/lib[^\/]\+\.so" | gawk '{ printf(nlines ? "'"$_ffmpeg_list_sep"'%s" : "%s", gensub(/.*lib([^\/]+)\.so/, "\\1", "g", $0)); nlines++ }' fi } print_info_ffmpeglink_RPM() { # # XXX No static libs... # if $ALL_STATIC; then # rpm -ql $_packages | grep -e ".*\/lib[^\/]\+\.a" | gawk '{ printf(nlines ? "'"$_ffmpeg_list_sep"'%s" : "%s", $0); nlines++ }' # else rpm -ql $_packages | grep -e ".*\/lib[^\/]\+\.so" | gawk '{ printf(nlines ? "'"$_ffmpeg_list_sep"'%s" : "%s", gensub(/.*lib([^\/]+)\.so/, "\\1", "g", $0)); nlines++ }' # fi } print_info_ffmpeglink_ARCH() { # No static libs... pacman -Ql $_packages | grep -e ".*\/lib[^\/]\+\.so$" | gawk '{ printf(nlines ? "'"$_ffmpeg_list_sep"'%s" : "%s", gensub(/.*lib([^\/]+)\.so/, "\\1", $0)); nlines++ }' } print_info_ffmpeglink() { # This func must only print a ';'-separated list of libs... if [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then ERROR "Failed to detect distribution type" exit 1 fi # Create list of packages from which to get libs names... _packages="" if $THEORA_USE; then _packages="$_packages $THEORA_DEV" fi if $VORBIS_USE; then _packages="$_packages $VORBIS_DEV" fi if $XVID_USE; then _packages="$_packages $XVID_DEV" fi if $VPX_USE; then _packages="$_packages $VPX_DEV" fi if $MP3LAME_USE; then _packages="$_packages $MP3LAME_DEV" fi if $X264_USE; then _packages="$_packages $X264_DEV" fi if $OPENJPEG_USE; then _packages="$_packages $OPENJPEG_DEV" fi if [ "$DISTRO" = "DEB" ]; then print_info_ffmpeglink_DEB elif [ "$DISTRO" = "RPM" ]; then print_info_ffmpeglink_RPM elif [ "$DISTRO" = "ARCH" ]; then print_info_ffmpeglink_ARCH # XXX TODO! else INFO "" fi } print_info() { INFO "" INFO "" INFO "****WARNING****" INFO "If you are experiencing issues building Blender, _*TRY A FRESH, CLEAN BUILD FIRST*_!" INFO "The same goes for install_deps itself, if you encounter issues, please first erase everything in $SRC and $INST" INFO "(provided obviously you did not add anything yourself in those dirs!), and run install_deps.sh again!" INFO "Often, changes in the libs built by this script, or in your distro package, cannot be handled simply, so..." INFO "" INFO "" INFO "If you're using CMake add this to your configuration flags:" _buildargs="" if $ALL_STATIC; then _1="-D WITH_STATIC_LIBS=ON" # XXX Force linking with shared SDL lib! _2="-D SDL_LIBRARY='libSDL.so;-lpthread'" INFO " $_1" INFO " $_2" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1 $_2" # XXX Arch linux needs to link freetype dynamically... if [ "$DISTRO" = "ARCH" ]; then _1="-D FREETYPE_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libfreetype.so" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" fi fi if [ -d $INST/python-$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN ]; then _1="-D PYTHON_ROOT_DIR=$INST/python-$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" fi if [ -d $INST/boost ]; then _1="-D BOOST_ROOT=$INST/boost" _2="-D Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON" INFO " $_1" INFO " $_2" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1 $_2" elif $ALL_STATIC; then _1="-D WITH_BOOST_ICU=ON" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" # XXX Arch linux fails static linking without these... if [ "$DISTRO" = "ARCH" ]; then _1="-D ICU_LIBRARY_DATA=/usr/lib/libicudata.so" _2="-D ICU_LIBRARY_I18N=/usr/lib/libicui18n.so" _3="-D ICU_LIBRARY_IO=/usr/lib/libicuio.so" _4="-D ICU_LIBRARY_LE=/usr/lib/libicule.so" _5="-D ICU_LIBRARY_LX=/usr/lib/libiculx.so" _6="-D ICU_LIBRARY_TU=/usr/lib/libicutu.so" _7="-D ICU_LIBRARY_UC=/usr/lib/libicuuc.so" INFO " $_1" INFO " $_2" INFO " $_3" INFO " $_4" INFO " $_5" INFO " $_6" INFO " $_7" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1 $_2 $_3 $_4 $_5 $_6 $_7" fi fi if [ -d $INST/openexr ]; then _1="-D OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR=$INST/openexr" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" fi _1="-D WITH_CYCLES_OSL=ON" _2="-D WITH_LLVM=ON" _3="-D LLVM_VERSION=$LLVM_VERSION_FOUND" INFO " $_1" INFO " $_2" INFO " $_3" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1 $_2 $_3" if [ -d $INST/osl ]; then _1="-D CYCLES_OSL=$INST/osl" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" fi if [ -d $INST/llvm ]; then _1="-D LLVM_DIRECTORY=$INST/llvm" _2="-D LLVM_STATIC=ON" INFO " $_1" INFO " $_2" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1 $_2" fi if $WITH_OPENCOLLADA; then _1="-D WITH_OPENCOLLADA=ON" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" if $ALL_STATIC; then _1="-D XML2_LIBRARY=$_XML2_LIB" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" fi fi _1="-D WITH_CODEC_FFMPEG=ON" _2="-D FFMPEG_LIBRARIES='avformat;avcodec;avutil;avdevice;swscale;rt;`print_info_ffmpeglink`'" INFO " $_1" INFO " $_2" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1 $_2" if [ -d $INST/ffmpeg ]; then _1="-D FFMPEG=$INST/ffmpeg" INFO " $_1" _buildargs="$_buildargs $_1" fi INFO "" INFO "Or even simpler, just run (in your blender-source dir):" INFO " make -j$THREADS BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS=\"$_buildargs\"" INFO "" INFO "If you're using SCons add this to your user-config:" if [ -d $INST/python-$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN ]; then INFO "BF_PYTHON = '$INST/python-$PYTHON_VERSION_MIN'" INFO "BF_PYTHON_ABI_FLAGS = 'm'" fi if $ALL_STATIC; then INFO "WITH_BF_STATICPYTHON = True" fi INFO "WITH_BF_OCIO = True" if [ -d $INST/ocio ]; then INFO "BF_OCIO = '$INST/ocio'" fi # XXX Always static for now :/ INFO "WITH_BF_STATICOCIO = True" if [ -d $INST/openexr ]; then INFO "BF_OPENEXR = '$INST/openexr'" fi # XXX Always static for now :/ INFO "WITH_BF_STATICOPENEXR = True" INFO "WITH_BF_OIIO = True" if [ -d $INST/oiio ]; then INFO "BF_OIIO = '$INST/oiio'" fi # XXX No more static oiio for now :/ #if $ALL_STATIC; then #INFO "WITH_BF_STATICOIIO = True" #fi INFO "WITH_BF_CYCLES = True" if [ -d $INST/osl ]; then INFO "BF_OSL = '$INST/osl'" fi INFO "WITH_BF_BOOST = True" if [ -d $INST/boost ]; then INFO "BF_BOOST = '$INST/boost'" fi # XXX Broken in scons... #if $ALL_STATIC; then #INFO "WITH_BF_STATICBOOST = True" #fi if $WITH_OPENCOLLADA; then INFO "WITH_BF_COLLADA = True" if [ -d $INST/opencollada ]; then INFO "BF_OPENCOLLADA = '$INST/opencollada'" fi fi _ffmpeg_list_sep=" " if [ -d $INST/ffmpeg ]; then INFO "BF_FFMPEG = '$INST/ffmpeg'" fi if $ALL_STATIC; then INFO "WITH_BF_STATICFFMPEG = True" INFO "BF_FFMPEG_LIB_STATIC = '\${BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH}/libavformat.a \${BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH}/libavcodec.a \${BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH}/libswscale.a \${BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH}/libavutil.a \${BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH}/libavdevice.a `print_info_ffmpeglink`'" else INFO "BF_FFMPEG_LIB = 'avformat avcodec swscale avutil avdevice `print_info_ffmpeglink`'" fi if ! $WITH_ALL; then INFO "WITH_BF_3DMOUSE = False" # No libspacenav in official arch repos... elif [ "$DISTRO" = "ARCH" ]; then INFO "WITH_BF_3DMOUSE = False" fi if $ALL_STATIC; then INFO "LLIB = ["xml2", "expat"] + LLIB" fi INFO "" INFO "NOTE: static build with scons are very tricky to set-up, if you choose that option" INFO " you will likely have to edit these settings manually!" INFO "" } #### "Main" #### # Detect distribution type used on this machine if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then DISTRO="DEB" install_DEB elif [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then DISTRO="ARCH" install_ARCH elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release -o /etc/SuSE-release ]; then DISTRO="RPM" install_RPM else ERROR "Failed to detect distribution type" exit 1 fi print_info | tee BUILD_NOTES.txt INFO "" INFO "This information has been written to BUILD_NOTES.txt" INFO "" # Switch back to user language. LANG=LANG_BACK export LANG