# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from rna_prop_ui import PropertyPanel narrowui = bpy.context.user_preferences.view.properties_width_check class SceneButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "scene" def poll(self, context): return context.scene class SCENE_PT_scene(SceneButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Scene" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'BLENDER_RENDER'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout wide_ui = context.region.width > narrowui scene = context.scene if wide_ui: layout.prop(scene, "camera") layout.prop(scene, "set", text="Background") else: layout.prop(scene, "camera", text="") layout.prop(scene, "set", text="") class SCENE_PT_custom_props(SceneButtonsPanel, PropertyPanel): _context_path = "scene" class SCENE_PT_unit(SceneButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Units" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'BLENDER_RENDER'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout wide_ui = context.region.width > narrowui unit = context.scene.unit_settings col = layout.column() col.row().prop(unit, "system", expand=True) split = layout.split() split.active = (unit.system != 'NONE') col = split.column() col.prop(unit, "scale_length", text="Scale") if wide_ui: col = split.column() col.prop(unit, "use_separate") layout.column().prop(unit, "rotation_units") class SCENE_PT_keying_sets(SceneButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Keying Sets" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene wide_ui = context.region.width > narrowui row = layout.row() col = row.column() col.template_list(scene, "keying_sets", scene, "active_keying_set_index", rows=2) col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("anim.keying_set_add", icon='ZOOMIN', text="") col.operator("anim.keying_set_remove", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="") ks = scene.active_keying_set if ks and ks.absolute: row = layout.row() col = row.column() col.prop(ks, "name") subcol = col.column() subcol.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT' op = subcol.operator("anim.keying_set_export", text="Export to File") op.filepath = "keyingset.py" if wide_ui: col = row.column() col.label(text="Keyframing Settings:") col.prop(ks, "insertkey_needed", text="Needed") col.prop(ks, "insertkey_visual", text="Visual") col.prop(ks, "insertkey_xyz_to_rgb", text="XYZ to RGB") class SCENE_PT_keying_set_paths(SceneButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Active Keying Set" def poll(self, context): return (context.scene.active_keying_set and context.scene.active_keying_set.absolute) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene ks = scene.active_keying_set wide_ui = context.region.width > narrowui row = layout.row() row.label(text="Paths:") row = layout.row() col = row.column() col.template_list(ks, "paths", ks, "active_path_index", rows=2) col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("anim.keying_set_path_add", icon='ZOOMIN', text="") col.operator("anim.keying_set_path_remove", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="") ksp = ks.active_path if ksp: col = layout.column() col.label(text="Target:") col.template_any_ID(ksp, "id", "id_type") col.template_path_builder(ksp, "data_path", ksp.id) row = layout.row() col = row.column() col.label(text="Array Target:") col.prop(ksp, "entire_array") if ksp.entire_array is False: col.prop(ksp, "array_index") if wide_ui: col = row.column() col.label(text="F-Curve Grouping:") col.prop(ksp, "grouping") if ksp.grouping == 'NAMED': col.prop(ksp, "group") col.label(text="Keyframing Settings:") col.prop(ksp, "insertkey_needed", text="Needed") col.prop(ksp, "insertkey_visual", text="Visual") col.prop(ksp, "insertkey_xyz_to_rgb", text="XYZ to RGB") class SCENE_PT_physics(SceneButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Gravity" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'BLENDER_RENDER'} def draw_header(self, context): self.layout.prop(context.scene, "use_gravity", text="") def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene wide_ui = context.region.width > narrowui layout.active = scene.use_gravity if wide_ui: layout.prop(scene, "gravity", text="") else: layout.column().prop(scene, "gravity", text="") class SCENE_PT_simplify(SceneButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Simplify" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'BLENDER_RENDER'} def draw_header(self, context): scene = context.scene rd = scene.render self.layout.prop(rd, "use_simplify", text="") def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene rd = scene.render wide_ui = context.region.width > narrowui layout.active = rd.use_simplify split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(rd, "simplify_subdivision", text="Subdivision") col.prop(rd, "simplify_child_particles", text="Child Particles") col.prop(rd, "simplify_triangulate") if wide_ui: col = split.column() col.prop(rd, "simplify_shadow_samples", text="Shadow Samples") col.prop(rd, "simplify_ao_sss", text="AO and SSS") from bpy.props import * class ANIM_OT_keying_set_export(bpy.types.Operator): "Export Keying Set to a python script." bl_idname = "anim.keying_set_export" bl_label = "Export Keying Set..." filepath = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="File Path", description="Filepath to write file to.") filter_folder = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Filter folders", description="", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}) filter_text = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Filter text", description="", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}) filter_python = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Filter python", description="", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}) def execute(self, context): if not self.properties.filepath: raise Exception("Filepath not set.") f = open(self.properties.filepath, "w") if not f: raise Exception("Could not open file.") scene = context.scene ks = scene.active_keying_set f.write("# Keying Set: %s\n" % ks.name) f.write("import bpy\n\n") f.write("scene= bpy.data.scenes[0]\n\n") # Add KeyingSet and set general settings f.write("# Keying Set Level declarations\n") f.write("ks= scene.add_keying_set(name=\"%s\")\n" % ks.name) if ks.absolute is False: f.write("ks.absolute = False\n") f.write("\n") f.write("ks.insertkey_needed = %s\n" % ks.insertkey_needed) f.write("ks.insertkey_visual = %s\n" % ks.insertkey_visual) f.write("ks.insertkey_xyz_to_rgb = %s\n" % ks.insertkey_xyz_to_rgb) f.write("\n") # generate and write set of lookups for id's used in paths id_to_paths_cache = {} # cache for syncing ID-blocks to bpy paths + shorthands for ksp in ks.paths: if ksp.id is None: continue if ksp.id in id_to_paths_cache: continue # - idtype_list is used to get the list of id-datablocks from bpy.data.* # since this info isn't available elsewhere # - id.bl_rna.name gives a name suitable for UI, # with a capitalised first letter, but we need # the plural form that's all lower case idtype_list = ksp.id.bl_rna.name.lower() + "s" id_bpy_path = "bpy.data.%s[\"%s\"]" % (idtype_list, ksp.id.name) # shorthand ID for the ID-block (as used in the script) short_id = "id_%d" % len(id_to_paths_cache) # store this in the cache now id_to_paths_cache[ksp.id] = [short_id, id_bpy_path] f.write("# ID's that are commonly used\n") for id_pair in id_to_paths_cache.values(): f.write("%s = %s\n" % (id_pair[0], id_pair[1])) f.write("\n") # write paths f.write("# Path Definitions\n") for ksp in ks.paths: f.write("ksp = ks.paths.add(") # id-block + data_path if ksp.id: # find the relevant shorthand from the cache id_bpy_path = id_to_paths_cache[ksp.id][0] else: id_bpy_path = "None" # XXX... f.write("%s, '%s'" % (id_bpy_path, ksp.data_path)) # array index settings (if applicable) if ksp.entire_array: f.write(", index=-1") else: f.write(", index=%d" % ksp.array_index) # grouping settings (if applicable) # NOTE: the current default is KEYINGSET, but if this changes, change this code too if ksp.grouping == 'NAMED': f.write(", grouping_method='%s', group_name=\"%s\"" % (ksp.grouping, ksp.group)) elif ksp.grouping != 'KEYINGSET': f.write(", grouping_method='%s'" % ksp.grouping) # finish off f.write(")\n") f.write("\n") f.close() return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.manager wm.add_fileselect(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} classes = [ SCENE_PT_scene, SCENE_PT_unit, SCENE_PT_keying_sets, SCENE_PT_keying_set_paths, SCENE_PT_physics, SCENE_PT_simplify, SCENE_PT_custom_props, ANIM_OT_keying_set_export] def register(): register = bpy.types.register for cls in classes: register(cls) def unregister(): unregister = bpy.types.unregister for cls in classes: unregister(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register()