#!/usr/bin/python3 # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Update "languages" text file used by Blender at runtime to build translations menu. import os import sys import shutil try: import settings import utils except: from . import (settings, utils) TRUNK_PO_DIR = settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR TRUNK_MO_DIR = settings.TRUNK_MO_DIR LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES = settings.LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES LANGUAGES = settings.LANGUAGES LANGUAGES_FILE = settings.LANGUAGES_FILE OK = 0 MISSING = 1 TOOLOW = 2 FORBIDDEN = 3 FLAG_MESSAGES = { OK: "", MISSING: "No translation yet!", TOOLOW: "Not enough advanced to be included...", FORBIDDEN: "Explicitly forbidden!", } def find_matching_po(languages, stats, forbidden): """Match languages defined in LANGUAGES setting to relevant po, if possible!""" ret = [] for uid, label, org_key in languages: key = org_key if key not in stats: # Try to simplify the key (eg from es_ES to es). if '_' in org_key: key = org_key[0:org_key.index('_')] # For stuff like sr_SR@latin -> sr@latin... if '@' in org_key: key = key + org_key[org_key.index('@'):] if key in stats: if key in forbidden: ret.append((stats[key], uid, label, org_key, FORBIDDEN)) else: ret.append((stats[key], uid, label, org_key, OK)) else: ret.append((0.0, uid, label, org_key, MISSING)) return ret def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="" "Update 'languages' text file used by Blender at runtime to build translations menu.") parser.add_argument('-m', '--min_translation', type=int, default=-100, help="Minimum level of translation, as a percentage " "(translations below this are commented out in menu).") parser.add_argument('langs', metavar='ISO_code', nargs='*', help="Unconditionally exclude those languages from the menu.") args = parser.parse_args() ret = 0 min_trans = args.min_translation / 100.0 forbidden = set(args.langs) # 'DEFAULT' and en_US are always valid, fully-translated "languages"! stats = {"DEFAULT": 1.0, "en_US": 1.0} # Get the "done level" of each po in trunk... for po in os.listdir(TRUNK_PO_DIR): if po.endswith(".po") and not po.endswith("_raw.po"): lang = os.path.basename(po)[:-3] u1, u2, _stats = utils.parse_messages(os.path.join(TRUNK_PO_DIR, po)) stats[lang] = _stats["trans_msg"] / _stats["tot_msg"] # Generate languages file used by Blender's i18n system. # First, match all entries in LANGUAGES to a lang in stats, if possible! stats = find_matching_po(LANGUAGES, stats, forbidden) limits = sorted(LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES, key=lambda it: it[0], reverse=True) idx = 0 stats = sorted(stats, key=lambda it: it[0], reverse=True) langs_cats = [[] for i in range(len(limits))] highest_uid = 0 for prop, uid, label, key, flag in stats: if prop < limits[idx][0]: # Sub-sort languages by iso-codes. langs_cats[idx].sort(key=lambda it: it[2]) idx += 1 if prop < min_trans and flag == OK: flag = TOOLOW langs_cats[idx].append((uid, label, key, flag)) if abs(uid) > highest_uid: highest_uid = abs(uid) # Sub-sort last group of languages by iso-codes! langs_cats[idx].sort(key=lambda it: it[2]) with open(os.path.join(TRUNK_MO_DIR, LANGUAGES_FILE), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("# File used by Blender to know which languages (translations) are available, \n") f.write("# and to generate translation menu.\n") f.write("#\n") f.write("# File format:\n") f.write("# ID:MENULABEL:ISOCODE\n") f.write("# ID must be unique, except for 0 value (marks categories for menu).\n") f.write("# Line starting with a # are comments!\n") f.write("#\n") f.write("# Automatically generated by bl_i18n_utils/update_languages_menu.py script.\n") f.write("# Highest ID currently in use: {}\n".format(highest_uid)) for cat, langs_cat in zip(limits, langs_cats): f.write("#\n") # Write "category menu label"... if langs_cat: f.write("0:{}:\n".format(cat[1])) else: # Do not write the category if it has no language! f.write("# Void category! #0:{}:\n".format(cat[1])) # ...and all matching language entries! for uid, label, key, flag in langs_cat: if flag == OK: f.write("{}:{}:{}\n".format(uid, label, key)) else: # Non-existing, commented entry! f.write("# {} #{}:{}:{}\n".format(FLAG_MESSAGES[flag], uid, label, key)) if __name__ == "__main__": print("\n\n *** Running {} *** \n".format(__file__)) sys.exit(main())