#!BPY """ Name: 'Wavefront (.obj)...' Blender: 249 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Load a Wavefront OBJ File, Shift: batch import all dir.' """ __author__= "Campbell Barton", "Jiri Hnidek", "Paolo Ciccone" __url__= ['http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Import/wavefront_obj', 'blender.org', 'blenderartists.org'] __version__= "2.11" __bpydoc__= """\ This script imports a Wavefront OBJ files to Blender. Usage: Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file. Note, This loads mesh objects and materials only, nurbs and curves are not supported. """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton 2007 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Blender import Mesh, Draw, Window, Texture, Material, sys import bpy import BPyMesh import BPyImage import BPyMessages try: import os except: os= False # Generic path functions def stripFile(path): '''Return directory, where the file is''' lastSlash= max(path.rfind('\\'), path.rfind('/')) if lastSlash != -1: path= path[:lastSlash] return '%s%s' % (path, sys.sep) def stripPath(path): '''Strips the slashes from the back of a string''' return path.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] def stripExt(name): # name is a string '''Strips the prefix off the name before writing''' index= name.rfind('.') if index != -1: return name[ : index ] else: return name # end path funcs def line_value(line_split): ''' Returns 1 string represneting the value for this line None will be returned if theres only 1 word ''' length= len(line_split) if length == 1: return None elif length == 2: return line_split[1] elif length > 2: return ' '.join( line_split[1:] ) def obj_image_load(imagepath, DIR, IMAGE_SEARCH): ''' Mainly uses comprehensiveImageLoad but tries to replace '_' with ' ' for Max's exporter replaces spaces with underscores. ''' if '_' in imagepath: image= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(imagepath, DIR, PLACE_HOLDER= False, RECURSIVE= IMAGE_SEARCH) if image: return image # Did the exporter rename the image? image= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(imagepath.replace('_', ' '), DIR, PLACE_HOLDER= False, RECURSIVE= IMAGE_SEARCH) if image: return image # Return an image, placeholder if it dosnt exist image= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(imagepath, DIR, PLACE_HOLDER= True, RECURSIVE= IMAGE_SEARCH) return image def create_materials(filepath, material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images, IMAGE_SEARCH): ''' Create all the used materials in this obj, assign colors and images to the materials from all referenced material libs ''' DIR= stripFile(filepath) #==================================================================================# # This function sets textures defined in .mtl file # #==================================================================================# def load_material_image(blender_material, context_material_name, imagepath, type): texture= bpy.data.textures.new(type) texture.setType('Image') # Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here image= obj_image_load(imagepath, DIR, IMAGE_SEARCH) has_data = image.has_data texture.image = image # Adds textures for materials (rendering) if type == 'Kd': if has_data and image.depth == 32: # Image has alpha blender_material.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL | Texture.MapTo.ALPHA) texture.setImageFlags('MipMap', 'InterPol', 'UseAlpha') blender_material.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP blender_material.alpha = 0.0 else: blender_material.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL) # adds textures to faces (Textured/Alt-Z mode) # Only apply the diffuse texture to the face if the image has not been set with the inline usemat func. unique_material_images[context_material_name]= image, has_data # set the texface image elif type == 'Ka': blender_material.setTexture(1, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.CMIR) # TODO- Add AMB to BPY API elif type == 'Ks': blender_material.setTexture(2, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.SPEC) elif type == 'Bump': blender_material.setTexture(3, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.NOR) elif type == 'D': blender_material.setTexture(4, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.ALPHA) blender_material.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP blender_material.alpha = 0.0 # Todo, unset deffuse material alpha if it has an alpha channel elif type == 'refl': blender_material.setTexture(5, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.REF) # Add an MTL with the same name as the obj if no MTLs are spesified. temp_mtl= stripExt(stripPath(filepath))+ '.mtl' if sys.exists(DIR + temp_mtl) and temp_mtl not in material_libs: material_libs.append( temp_mtl ) del temp_mtl #Create new materials for name in unique_materials: # .keys() if name != None: unique_materials[name]= bpy.data.materials.new(name) unique_material_images[name]= None, False # assign None to all material images to start with, add to later. unique_materials[None]= None unique_material_images[None]= None, False for libname in material_libs: mtlpath= DIR + libname if not sys.exists(mtlpath): #print '\tError Missing MTL: "%s"' % mtlpath pass else: #print '\t\tloading mtl: "%s"' % mtlpath context_material= None mtl= open(mtlpath, 'rU') for line in mtl: #.xreadlines(): if line.startswith('newmtl'): context_material_name= line_value(line.split()) if unique_materials.has_key(context_material_name): context_material = unique_materials[ context_material_name ] else: context_material = None elif context_material: # we need to make a material to assign properties to it. line_split= line.split() line_lower= line.lower().lstrip() if line_lower.startswith('ka'): context_material.setMirCol((float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3]))) elif line_lower.startswith('kd'): context_material.setRGBCol((float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3]))) elif line_lower.startswith('ks'): context_material.setSpecCol((float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3]))) elif line_lower.startswith('ns'): context_material.setHardness( int((float(line_split[1])*0.51)) ) elif line_lower.startswith('ni'): # Refraction index context_material.setIOR( max(1, min(float(line_split[1]), 3))) # Between 1 and 3 elif line_lower.startswith('d') or line_lower.startswith('tr'): context_material.setAlpha(float(line_split[1])) elif line_lower.startswith('map_ka'): img_filepath= line_value(line.split()) if img_filepath: load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Ka') elif line_lower.startswith('map_ks'): img_filepath= line_value(line.split()) if img_filepath: load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Ks') elif line_lower.startswith('map_kd'): img_filepath= line_value(line.split()) if img_filepath: load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Kd') elif line_lower.startswith('map_bump'): img_filepath= line_value(line.split()) if img_filepath: load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Bump') elif line_lower.startswith('map_d') or line_lower.startswith('map_tr'): # Alpha map - Dissolve img_filepath= line_value(line.split()) if img_filepath: load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'D') elif line_lower.startswith('refl'): # Reflectionmap img_filepath= line_value(line.split()) if img_filepath: load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'refl') mtl.close() def split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP, SPLIT_MATERIALS): ''' Takes vert_loc and faces, and seperates into multiple sets of (verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, dataname) This is done so objects do not overload the 16 material limit. ''' filename = stripExt(stripPath(filepath)) if not SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP and not SPLIT_MATERIALS: # use the filename for the object name since we arnt chopping up the mesh. return [(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filename)] def key_to_name(key): # if the key is a tuple, join it to make a string if type(key) == tuple: return '%s_%s' % key elif not key: return filename # assume its a string. make sure this is true if the splitting code is changed else: return key # Return a key that makes the faces unique. if SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP and not SPLIT_MATERIALS: def face_key(face): return face[4] # object elif not SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP and SPLIT_MATERIALS: def face_key(face): return face[2] # material else: # Both def face_key(face): return face[4], face[2] # object,material face_split_dict= {} oldkey= -1 # initialize to a value that will never match the key for face in faces: key= face_key(face) if oldkey != key: # Check the key has changed. try: verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap= face_split_dict[key] except KeyError: faces_split= [] verts_split= [] unique_materials_split= {} vert_remap= [-1]*len(verts_loc) face_split_dict[key]= (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap) oldkey= key face_vert_loc_indicies= face[0] # Remap verts to new vert list and add where needed for enum, i in enumerate(face_vert_loc_indicies): if vert_remap[i] == -1: new_index= len(verts_split) vert_remap[i]= new_index # set the new remapped index so we only add once and can reference next time. face_vert_loc_indicies[enum] = new_index # remap to the local index verts_split.append( verts_loc[i] ) # add the vert to the local verts else: face_vert_loc_indicies[enum] = vert_remap[i] # remap to the local index matname= face[2] if matname and not unique_materials_split.has_key(matname): unique_materials_split[matname] = unique_materials[matname] faces_split.append(face) # remove one of the itemas and reorder return [(value[0], value[1], value[2], key_to_name(key)) for key, value in face_split_dict.iteritems()] def create_mesh(scn, new_objects, has_ngons, CREATE_FGONS, CREATE_EDGES, verts_loc, verts_tex, faces, unique_materials, unique_material_images, unique_smooth_groups, vertex_groups, dataname): ''' Takes all the data gathered and generates a mesh, adding the new object to new_objects deals with fgons, sharp edges and assigning materials ''' if not has_ngons: CREATE_FGONS= False if unique_smooth_groups: sharp_edges= {} smooth_group_users= dict([ (context_smooth_group, {}) for context_smooth_group in unique_smooth_groups.iterkeys() ]) context_smooth_group_old= -1 # Split fgons into tri's fgon_edges= {} # Used for storing fgon keys if CREATE_EDGES: edges= [] context_object= None # reverse loop through face indicies for f_idx in xrange(len(faces)-1, -1, -1): face_vert_loc_indicies,\ face_vert_tex_indicies,\ context_material,\ context_smooth_group,\ context_object= faces[f_idx] len_face_vert_loc_indicies = len(face_vert_loc_indicies) if len_face_vert_loc_indicies==1: faces.pop(f_idx)# cant add single vert faces elif not face_vert_tex_indicies or len_face_vert_loc_indicies == 2: # faces that have no texture coords are lines if CREATE_EDGES: # generators are better in python 2.4+ but can't be used in 2.3 # edges.extend( (face_vert_loc_indicies[i], face_vert_loc_indicies[i+1]) for i in xrange(len_face_vert_loc_indicies-1) ) edges.extend( [(face_vert_loc_indicies[i], face_vert_loc_indicies[i+1]) for i in xrange(len_face_vert_loc_indicies-1)] ) faces.pop(f_idx) else: # Smooth Group if unique_smooth_groups and context_smooth_group: # Is a part of of a smooth group and is a face if context_smooth_group_old is not context_smooth_group: edge_dict= smooth_group_users[context_smooth_group] context_smooth_group_old= context_smooth_group for i in xrange(len_face_vert_loc_indicies): i1= face_vert_loc_indicies[i] i2= face_vert_loc_indicies[i-1] if i1>i2: i1,i2= i2,i1 try: edge_dict[i1,i2]+= 1 except KeyError: edge_dict[i1,i2]= 1 # FGons into triangles if has_ngons and len_face_vert_loc_indicies > 4: ngon_face_indices= BPyMesh.ngon(verts_loc, face_vert_loc_indicies) faces.extend(\ [(\ [face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[0]], face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[1]], face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[2]] ],\ [face_vert_tex_indicies[ngon[0]], face_vert_tex_indicies[ngon[1]], face_vert_tex_indicies[ngon[2]] ],\ context_material,\ context_smooth_group,\ context_object)\ for ngon in ngon_face_indices]\ ) # edges to make fgons if CREATE_FGONS: edge_users= {} for ngon in ngon_face_indices: for i in (0,1,2): i1= face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[i ]] i2= face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[i-1]] if i1>i2: i1,i2= i2,i1 try: edge_users[i1,i2]+=1 except KeyError: edge_users[i1,i2]= 1 for key, users in edge_users.iteritems(): if users>1: fgon_edges[key]= None # remove all after 3, means we dont have to pop this one. faces.pop(f_idx) # Build sharp edges if unique_smooth_groups: for edge_dict in smooth_group_users.itervalues(): for key, users in edge_dict.iteritems(): if users==1: # This edge is on the boundry of a group sharp_edges[key]= None # map the material names to an index material_mapping= dict([(name, i) for i, name in enumerate(unique_materials)]) # enumerate over unique_materials keys() materials= [None] * len(unique_materials) for name, index in material_mapping.iteritems(): materials[index]= unique_materials[name] me= bpy.data.meshes.new(dataname) me.materials= materials[0:16] # make sure the list isnt too big. #me.verts.extend([(0,0,0)]) # dummy vert me.verts.extend(verts_loc) face_mapping= me.faces.extend([f[0] for f in faces], indexList=True) if verts_tex and me.faces: me.faceUV= 1 # TEXMODE= Mesh.FaceModes['TEX'] context_material_old= -1 # avoid a dict lookup mat= 0 # rare case it may be un-initialized. me_faces= me.faces ALPHA= Mesh.FaceTranspModes.ALPHA for i, face in enumerate(faces): if len(face[0]) < 2: pass #raise "bad face" elif len(face[0])==2: if CREATE_EDGES: edges.append(face[0]) else: face_index_map= face_mapping[i] if face_index_map!=None: # None means the face wasnt added blender_face= me_faces[face_index_map] face_vert_loc_indicies,\ face_vert_tex_indicies,\ context_material,\ context_smooth_group,\ context_object= face if context_smooth_group: blender_face.smooth= True if context_material: if context_material_old is not context_material: mat= material_mapping[context_material] if mat>15: mat= 15 context_material_old= context_material blender_face.mat= mat if verts_tex: if context_material: image, has_data= unique_material_images[context_material] if image: # Can be none if the material dosnt have an image. blender_face.image= image if has_data and image.depth == 32: blender_face.transp |= ALPHA # BUG - Evil eekadoodle problem where faces that have vert index 0 location at 3 or 4 are shuffled. if len(face_vert_loc_indicies)==4: if face_vert_loc_indicies[2]==0 or face_vert_loc_indicies[3]==0: face_vert_tex_indicies= face_vert_tex_indicies[2], face_vert_tex_indicies[3], face_vert_tex_indicies[0], face_vert_tex_indicies[1] else: # length of 3 if face_vert_loc_indicies[2]==0: face_vert_tex_indicies= face_vert_tex_indicies[1], face_vert_tex_indicies[2], face_vert_tex_indicies[0] # END EEEKADOODLE FIX # assign material, uv's and image for ii, uv in enumerate(blender_face.uv): uv.x, uv.y= verts_tex[face_vert_tex_indicies[ii]] del me_faces del ALPHA # Add edge faces. me_edges= me.edges if CREATE_FGONS and fgon_edges: FGON= Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON for ed in me.findEdges( fgon_edges.keys() ): if ed!=None: me_edges[ed].flag |= FGON del FGON if unique_smooth_groups and sharp_edges: SHARP= Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP for ed in me.findEdges( sharp_edges.keys() ): if ed!=None: me_edges[ed].flag |= SHARP del SHARP if CREATE_EDGES: me_edges.extend( edges ) del me_edges me.calcNormals() ob= scn.objects.new(me) new_objects.append(ob) # Create the vertex groups. No need to have the flag passed here since we test for the # content of the vertex_groups. If the user selects to NOT have vertex groups saved then # the following test will never run for group_name, group_indicies in vertex_groups.iteritems(): me.addVertGroup(group_name) me.assignVertsToGroup(group_name, group_indicies,1.00, Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE) def create_nurbs(scn, context_nurbs, vert_loc, new_objects): ''' Add nurbs object to blender, only support one type at the moment ''' deg = context_nurbs.get('deg', (3,)) curv_range = context_nurbs.get('curv_range', None) curv_idx = context_nurbs.get('curv_idx', []) parm_u = context_nurbs.get('parm_u', []) parm_v = context_nurbs.get('parm_v', []) name = context_nurbs.get('name', 'ObjNurb') cstype = context_nurbs.get('cstype', None) if cstype == None: print '\tWarning, cstype not found' return if cstype != 'bspline': print '\tWarning, cstype is not supported (only bspline)' return if not curv_idx: print '\tWarning, curv argument empty or not set' return if len(deg) > 1 or parm_v: print '\tWarning, surfaces not supported' return cu = bpy.data.curves.new(name, 'Curve') cu.flag |= 1 # 3D curve nu = None for pt in curv_idx: pt = vert_loc[pt] pt = (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], 1.0) if nu == None: nu = cu.appendNurb(pt) else: nu.append(pt) nu.orderU = deg[0]+1 # get for endpoint flag from the weighting if curv_range and len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1: do_endpoints = True for i in xrange(deg[0]+1): if abs(parm_u[i]-curv_range[0]) > 0.0001: do_endpoints = False break if abs(parm_u[-(i+1)]-curv_range[1]) > 0.0001: do_endpoints = False break else: do_endpoints = False if do_endpoints: nu.flagU |= 2 # close ''' do_closed = False if len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1: for i in xrange(deg[0]+1): #print curv_idx[i], curv_idx[-(i+1)] if curv_idx[i]==curv_idx[-(i+1)]: do_closed = True break if do_closed: nu.flagU |= 1 ''' ob = scn.objects.new(cu) new_objects.append(ob) def strip_slash(line_split): if line_split[-1][-1]== '\\': if len(line_split[-1])==1: line_split.pop() # remove the \ item else: line_split[-1]= line_split[-1][:-1] # remove the \ from the end last number return True return False def get_float_func(filepath): ''' find the float function for this obj file - weather to replace commas or not ''' file= open(filepath, 'rU') for line in file: #.xreadlines(): line = line.lstrip() if line.startswith('v'): # vn vt v if ',' in line: return lambda f: float(f.replace(',', '.')) elif '.' in line: return float # incase all vert values were ints return float def load_obj(filepath, CLAMP_SIZE= 0.0, CREATE_FGONS= True, CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS= True, CREATE_EDGES= True, SPLIT_OBJECTS= True, SPLIT_GROUPS= True, SPLIT_MATERIALS= True, ROTATE_X90= True, IMAGE_SEARCH=True, POLYGROUPS=False): ''' Called by the user interface or another script. load_obj(path) - should give acceptable results. This function passes the file and sends the data off to be split into objects and then converted into mesh objects ''' print '\nimporting obj "%s"' % filepath if SPLIT_OBJECTS or SPLIT_GROUPS or SPLIT_MATERIALS: POLYGROUPS = False time_main= sys.time() verts_loc= [] verts_tex= [] faces= [] # tuples of the faces material_libs= [] # filanems to material libs this uses vertex_groups = {} # when POLYGROUPS is true # Get the string to float conversion func for this file- is 'float' for almost all files. float_func= get_float_func(filepath) # Context variables context_material= None context_smooth_group= None context_object= None context_vgroup = None # Nurbs context_nurbs = {} nurbs = [] context_parm = '' # used by nurbs too but could be used elsewhere has_ngons= False # has_smoothgroups= False - is explicit with len(unique_smooth_groups) being > 0 # Until we can use sets unique_materials= {} unique_material_images= {} unique_smooth_groups= {} # unique_obects= {} - no use for this variable since the objects are stored in the face. # when there are faces that end with \ # it means they are multiline- # since we use xreadline we cant skip to the next line # so we need to know weather context_multi_line= '' print '\tparsing obj file "%s"...' % filepath, time_sub= sys.time() file= open(filepath, 'rU') for line in file: #.xreadlines(): line = line.lstrip() # rare cases there is white space at the start of the line if line.startswith('v '): line_split= line.split() # rotate X90: (x,-z,y) verts_loc.append( (float_func(line_split[1]), -float_func(line_split[3]), float_func(line_split[2])) ) elif line.startswith('vn '): pass elif line.startswith('vt '): line_split= line.split() verts_tex.append( (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2])) ) # Handel faces lines (as faces) and the second+ lines of fa multiline face here # use 'f' not 'f ' because some objs (very rare have 'fo ' for faces) elif line.startswith('f') or context_multi_line == 'f': if context_multi_line: # use face_vert_loc_indicies and face_vert_tex_indicies previously defined and used the obj_face line_split= line.split() else: line_split= line[2:].split() face_vert_loc_indicies= [] face_vert_tex_indicies= [] # Instance a face faces.append((\ face_vert_loc_indicies,\ face_vert_tex_indicies,\ context_material,\ context_smooth_group,\ context_object\ )) if strip_slash(line_split): context_multi_line = 'f' else: context_multi_line = '' for v in line_split: obj_vert= v.split('/') vert_loc_index= int(obj_vert[0])-1 # Add the vertex to the current group # *warning*, this wont work for files that have groups defined around verts if POLYGROUPS and context_vgroup: vertex_groups[context_vgroup].append(vert_loc_index) # Make relative negative vert indicies absolute if vert_loc_index < 0: vert_loc_index= len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1 face_vert_loc_indicies.append(vert_loc_index) if len(obj_vert)>1 and obj_vert[1]: # formatting for faces with normals and textures us # loc_index/tex_index/nor_index vert_tex_index= int(obj_vert[1])-1 # Make relative negative vert indicies absolute if vert_tex_index < 0: vert_tex_index= len(verts_tex) + vert_tex_index + 1 face_vert_tex_indicies.append(vert_tex_index) else: # dummy face_vert_tex_indicies.append(0) if len(face_vert_loc_indicies) > 4: has_ngons= True elif CREATE_EDGES and (line.startswith('l ') or context_multi_line == 'l'): # very similar to the face load function above with some parts removed if context_multi_line: # use face_vert_loc_indicies and face_vert_tex_indicies previously defined and used the obj_face line_split= line.split() else: line_split= line[2:].split() face_vert_loc_indicies= [] face_vert_tex_indicies= [] # Instance a face faces.append((\ face_vert_loc_indicies,\ face_vert_tex_indicies,\ context_material,\ context_smooth_group,\ context_object\ )) if strip_slash(line_split): context_multi_line = 'l' else: context_multi_line = '' isline= line.startswith('l') for v in line_split: vert_loc_index= int(v)-1 # Make relative negative vert indicies absolute if vert_loc_index < 0: vert_loc_index= len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1 face_vert_loc_indicies.append(vert_loc_index) elif line.startswith('s'): if CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS: context_smooth_group= line_value(line.split()) if context_smooth_group=='off': context_smooth_group= None elif context_smooth_group: # is not None unique_smooth_groups[context_smooth_group]= None elif line.startswith('o'): if SPLIT_OBJECTS: context_object= line_value(line.split()) # unique_obects[context_object]= None elif line.startswith('g'): if SPLIT_GROUPS: context_object= line_value(line.split()) # print 'context_object', context_object # unique_obects[context_object]= None elif POLYGROUPS: context_vgroup = line_value(line.split()) if context_vgroup and context_vgroup != '(null)': vertex_groups.setdefault(context_vgroup, []) else: context_vgroup = None # dont assign a vgroup elif line.startswith('usemtl'): context_material= line_value(line.split()) unique_materials[context_material]= None elif line.startswith('mtllib'): # usemap or usemat material_libs.extend( line.split()[1:] ) # can have multiple mtllib filenames per line # Nurbs support elif line.startswith('cstype '): context_nurbs['cstype']= line_value(line.split()) # 'rat bspline' / 'bspline' elif line.startswith('curv ') or context_multi_line == 'curv': line_split= line.split() curv_idx = context_nurbs['curv_idx'] = context_nurbs.get('curv_idx', []) # incase were multiline if not context_multi_line: context_nurbs['curv_range'] = float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]) line_split[0:3] = [] # remove first 3 items if strip_slash(line_split): context_multi_line = 'curv' else: context_multi_line = '' for i in line_split: vert_loc_index = int(i)-1 if vert_loc_index < 0: vert_loc_index= len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1 curv_idx.append(vert_loc_index) elif line.startswith('parm') or context_multi_line == 'parm': line_split= line.split() if context_multi_line: context_multi_line = '' else: context_parm = line_split[1] line_split[0:2] = [] # remove first 2 if strip_slash(line_split): context_multi_line = 'parm' else: context_multi_line = '' if context_parm.lower() == 'u': context_nurbs.setdefault('parm_u', []).extend( [float_func(f) for f in line_split] ) elif context_parm.lower() == 'v': # surfaces not suported yet context_nurbs.setdefault('parm_v', []).extend( [float_func(f) for f in line_split] ) # else: # may want to support other parm's ? elif line.startswith('deg '): context_nurbs['deg']= [int(i) for i in line.split()[1:]] elif line.startswith('end'): # Add the nurbs curve if context_object: context_nurbs['name'] = context_object nurbs.append(context_nurbs) context_nurbs = {} context_parm = '' ''' # How to use usemap? depricated? elif line.startswith('usema'): # usemap or usemat context_image= line_value(line.split()) ''' file.close() time_new= sys.time() print '%.4f sec' % (time_new-time_sub) time_sub= time_new print '\tloading materials and images...', create_materials(filepath, material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images, IMAGE_SEARCH) time_new= sys.time() print '%.4f sec' % (time_new-time_sub) time_sub= time_new if not ROTATE_X90: verts_loc[:] = [(v[0], v[2], -v[1]) for v in verts_loc] # deselect all scn = bpy.data.scenes.active scn.objects.selected = [] new_objects= [] # put new objects here print '\tbuilding geometry...\n\tverts:%i faces:%i materials: %i smoothgroups:%i ...' % ( len(verts_loc), len(faces), len(unique_materials), len(unique_smooth_groups) ), # Split the mesh by objects/materials, may if SPLIT_OBJECTS or SPLIT_GROUPS: SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP = True else: SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP = False for verts_loc_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, dataname in split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP, SPLIT_MATERIALS): # Create meshes from the data, warning 'vertex_groups' wont support splitting create_mesh(scn, new_objects, has_ngons, CREATE_FGONS, CREATE_EDGES, verts_loc_split, verts_tex, faces_split, unique_materials_split, unique_material_images, unique_smooth_groups, vertex_groups, dataname) # nurbs support for context_nurbs in nurbs: create_nurbs(scn, context_nurbs, verts_loc, new_objects) axis_min= [ 1000000000]*3 axis_max= [-1000000000]*3 if CLAMP_SIZE: # Get all object bounds for ob in new_objects: for v in ob.getBoundBox(): for axis, value in enumerate(v): if axis_min[axis] > value: axis_min[axis]= value if axis_max[axis] < value: axis_max[axis]= value # Scale objects max_axis= max(axis_max[0]-axis_min[0], axis_max[1]-axis_min[1], axis_max[2]-axis_min[2]) scale= 1.0 while CLAMP_SIZE < max_axis * scale: scale= scale/10.0 for ob in new_objects: ob.setSize(scale, scale, scale) # Better rotate the vert locations #if not ROTATE_X90: # for ob in new_objects: # ob.RotX = -1.570796326794896558 time_new= sys.time() print '%.4f sec' % (time_new-time_sub) print 'finished importing: "%s" in %.4f sec.' % (filepath, (time_new-time_main)) DEBUG= True def load_obj_ui(filepath, BATCH_LOAD= False): if BPyMessages.Error_NoFile(filepath): return global CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS, CREATE_FGONS, CREATE_EDGES, SPLIT_OBJECTS, SPLIT_GROUPS, SPLIT_MATERIALS, CLAMP_SIZE, IMAGE_SEARCH, POLYGROUPS, KEEP_VERT_ORDER, ROTATE_X90 CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS= Draw.Create(0) CREATE_FGONS= Draw.Create(1) CREATE_EDGES= Draw.Create(1) SPLIT_OBJECTS= Draw.Create(0) SPLIT_GROUPS= Draw.Create(0) SPLIT_MATERIALS= Draw.Create(0) CLAMP_SIZE= Draw.Create(10.0) IMAGE_SEARCH= Draw.Create(1) POLYGROUPS= Draw.Create(0) KEEP_VERT_ORDER= Draw.Create(1) ROTATE_X90= Draw.Create(1) # Get USER Options # Note, Works but not pretty, instead use a more complicated GUI ''' pup_block= [\ 'Import...',\ ('Smooth Groups', CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS, 'Surround smooth groups by sharp edges'),\ ('Create FGons', CREATE_FGONS, 'Import faces with more then 4 verts as fgons.'),\ ('Lines', CREATE_EDGES, 'Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edges'),\ 'Separate objects from obj...',\ ('Object', SPLIT_OBJECTS, 'Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects'),\ ('Group', SPLIT_GROUPS, 'Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects'),\ ('Material', SPLIT_MATERIALS, 'Import each material into a seperate mesh (Avoids > 16 per mesh error)'),\ 'Options...',\ ('Keep Vert Order', KEEP_VERT_ORDER, 'Keep vert and face order, disables some other options.'),\ ('Clamp Scale:', CLAMP_SIZE, 0.0, 1000.0, 'Clamp the size to this maximum (Zero to Disable)'),\ ('Image Search', IMAGE_SEARCH, 'Search subdirs for any assosiated images (Warning, may be slow)'),\ ] if not Draw.PupBlock('Import OBJ...', pup_block): return if KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val: SPLIT_OBJECTS.val = False SPLIT_GROUPS.val = False SPLIT_MATERIALS.val = False ''' # BEGIN ALTERNATIVE UI ******************* if True: EVENT_NONE = 0 EVENT_EXIT = 1 EVENT_REDRAW = 2 EVENT_IMPORT = 3 GLOBALS = {} GLOBALS['EVENT'] = EVENT_REDRAW #GLOBALS['MOUSE'] = Window.GetMouseCoords() GLOBALS['MOUSE'] = [i/2 for i in Window.GetScreenSize()] def obj_ui_set_event(e,v): GLOBALS['EVENT'] = e def do_split(e,v): global SPLIT_OBJECTS, SPLIT_GROUPS, SPLIT_MATERIALS, KEEP_VERT_ORDER, POLYGROUPS if SPLIT_OBJECTS.val or SPLIT_GROUPS.val or SPLIT_MATERIALS.val: KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val = 0 POLYGROUPS.val = 0 else: KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val = 1 def do_vertorder(e,v): global SPLIT_OBJECTS, SPLIT_GROUPS, SPLIT_MATERIALS, KEEP_VERT_ORDER if KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val: SPLIT_OBJECTS.val = SPLIT_GROUPS.val = SPLIT_MATERIALS.val = 0 else: if not (SPLIT_OBJECTS.val or SPLIT_GROUPS.val or SPLIT_MATERIALS.val): KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val = 1 def do_polygroups(e,v): global SPLIT_OBJECTS, SPLIT_GROUPS, SPLIT_MATERIALS, KEEP_VERT_ORDER, POLYGROUPS if POLYGROUPS.val: SPLIT_OBJECTS.val = SPLIT_GROUPS.val = SPLIT_MATERIALS.val = 0 def do_help(e,v): url = __url__[0] print 'Trying to open web browser with documentation at this address...' print '\t' + url try: import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) except: print '...could not open a browser window.' def obj_ui(): ui_x, ui_y = GLOBALS['MOUSE'] # Center based on overall pup size ui_x -= 165 ui_y -= 90 global CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS, CREATE_FGONS, CREATE_EDGES, SPLIT_OBJECTS, SPLIT_GROUPS, SPLIT_MATERIALS, CLAMP_SIZE, IMAGE_SEARCH, POLYGROUPS, KEEP_VERT_ORDER, ROTATE_X90 Draw.Label('Import...', ui_x+9, ui_y+159, 220, 21) Draw.BeginAlign() CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS = Draw.Toggle('Smooth Groups', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+9, ui_y+139, 110, 20, CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS.val, 'Surround smooth groups by sharp edges') CREATE_FGONS = Draw.Toggle('NGons as FGons', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+119, ui_y+139, 110, 20, CREATE_FGONS.val, 'Import faces with more then 4 verts as fgons') CREATE_EDGES = Draw.Toggle('Lines as Edges', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+229, ui_y+139, 110, 20, CREATE_EDGES.val, 'Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edges') Draw.EndAlign() Draw.Label('Separate objects by OBJ...', ui_x+9, ui_y+110, 220, 20) Draw.BeginAlign() SPLIT_OBJECTS = Draw.Toggle('Object', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+9, ui_y+89, 55, 21, SPLIT_OBJECTS.val, 'Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects', do_split) SPLIT_GROUPS = Draw.Toggle('Group', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+64, ui_y+89, 55, 21, SPLIT_GROUPS.val, 'Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects', do_split) SPLIT_MATERIALS = Draw.Toggle('Material', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+119, ui_y+89, 60, 21, SPLIT_MATERIALS.val, 'Import each material into a seperate mesh (Avoids > 16 per mesh error)', do_split) Draw.EndAlign() # Only used for user feedback KEEP_VERT_ORDER = Draw.Toggle('Keep Vert Order', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+184, ui_y+89, 113, 21, KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val, 'Keep vert and face order, disables split options, enable for morph targets', do_vertorder) ROTATE_X90 = Draw.Toggle('-X90', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+302, ui_y+89, 38, 21, ROTATE_X90.val, 'Rotate X 90.') Draw.Label('Options...', ui_x+9, ui_y+60, 211, 20) CLAMP_SIZE = Draw.Number('Clamp Scale: ', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+9, ui_y+39, 130, 21, CLAMP_SIZE.val, 0.0, 1000.0, 'Clamp the size to this maximum (Zero to Disable)') POLYGROUPS = Draw.Toggle('Poly Groups', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+144, ui_y+39, 90, 21, POLYGROUPS.val, 'Import OBJ groups as vertex groups.', do_polygroups) IMAGE_SEARCH = Draw.Toggle('Image Search', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+239, ui_y+39, 100, 21, IMAGE_SEARCH.val, 'Search subdirs for any assosiated images (Warning, may be slow)') Draw.BeginAlign() Draw.PushButton('Online Help', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+9, ui_y+9, 110, 21, 'Load the wiki page for this script', do_help) Draw.PushButton('Cancel', EVENT_EXIT, ui_x+119, ui_y+9, 110, 21, '', obj_ui_set_event) Draw.PushButton('Import', EVENT_IMPORT, ui_x+229, ui_y+9, 110, 21, 'Import with these settings', obj_ui_set_event) Draw.EndAlign() # hack so the toggle buttons redraw. this is not nice at all while GLOBALS['EVENT'] not in (EVENT_EXIT, EVENT_IMPORT): Draw.UIBlock(obj_ui, 0) if GLOBALS['EVENT'] != EVENT_IMPORT: return # END ALTERNATIVE UI ********************* Window.WaitCursor(1) if BATCH_LOAD: # load the dir try: files= [ f for f in os.listdir(filepath) if f.lower().endswith('.obj') ] except: Window.WaitCursor(0) Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Could not open path ' + filepath) return if not files: Window.WaitCursor(0) Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|No files at path ' + filepath) return for f in files: scn= bpy.data.scenes.new( stripExt(f) ) scn.makeCurrent() load_obj(sys.join(filepath, f),\ CLAMP_SIZE.val,\ CREATE_FGONS.val,\ CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS.val,\ CREATE_EDGES.val,\ SPLIT_OBJECTS.val,\ SPLIT_GROUPS.val,\ SPLIT_MATERIALS.val,\ ROTATE_X90.val,\ IMAGE_SEARCH.val,\ POLYGROUPS.val ) else: # Normal load load_obj(filepath,\ CLAMP_SIZE.val,\ CREATE_FGONS.val,\ CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS.val,\ CREATE_EDGES.val,\ SPLIT_OBJECTS.val,\ SPLIT_GROUPS.val,\ SPLIT_MATERIALS.val,\ ROTATE_X90.val,\ IMAGE_SEARCH.val,\ POLYGROUPS.val ) Window.WaitCursor(0) def load_obj_ui_batch(file): load_obj_ui(file, True) DEBUG= False if __name__=='__main__' and not DEBUG: if os and Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.SHIFT: Window.FileSelector(load_obj_ui_batch, 'Import OBJ Dir', '') else: Window.FileSelector(load_obj_ui, 'Import a Wavefront OBJ', '*.obj') # For testing compatibility ''' else: # DEBUG ONLY TIME= sys.time() DIR = '/fe/obj' import os print 'Searching for files' def fileList(path): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) files = [f for f in fileList(DIR) if f.lower().endswith('.obj')] files.sort() for i, obj_file in enumerate(files): if 0 < i < 20: print 'Importing', obj_file, '\nNUMBER', i, 'of', len(files) newScn= bpy.data.scenes.new(os.path.basename(obj_file)) newScn.makeCurrent() load_obj(obj_file, False, IMAGE_SEARCH=0) print 'TOTAL TIME: %.6f' % (sys.time() - TIME) ''' #load_obj('/test.obj') #load_obj('/fe/obj/mba1.obj')