#!/usr/bin/env python """ tools.BlenderEnvironment This environment builds on SCons.Script.SConscript.SConsEnvironment * library repository * custom printout * wrapper functions TODO: clean up and sanitise code - crosscheck with btools and SConstruct to kill any code duplication """ import os import os.path import string import glob import time import sys import zipfile import shutil import cStringIO from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment import SCons.Action import SCons.Util import SCons.Builder import SCons.Tool import bcolors bc = bcolors.bcolors() Split = SCons.Util.Split Action = SCons.Action.Action Builder = SCons.Builder.Builder GetBuildPath = SConsEnvironment.GetBuildPath # a few globals root_build_dir = '' doc_build_dir = '' quickie = None # Anything else than None if BF_QUICK has been passed quicklist = [] # The list of libraries/programs to compile during a quickie program_list = [] # A list holding Nodes to final binaries, used to create installs arguments = None targets = None resources = [] #some internals blenderdeps = [] # don't manipulate this one outside this module! ##### LIB STUFF ########## possible_types = ['core'] # can be set in ie. SConstruct libs = {} vcp = [] def getresources(): return resources def init_lib_dict(): for pt in possible_types: libs[pt] = {} # helper func for add_lib_to_dict def internal_lib_to_dict(dict = None, libtype = None, libname = None, priority = 100): if not libname in dict[libtype]: done = None while not done: if dict[libtype].has_key(priority): priority = priority + 1 else: done = True dict[libtype][priority] = libname # libtype and priority can both be lists, for defining lib in multiple places def add_lib_to_dict(env, dict = None, libtype = None, libname = None, priority = 100): if not dict or not libtype or not libname: print "Passed wrong arg" env.Exit() if type(libtype) is str and type(priority) is int: internal_lib_to_dict(dict, libtype, libname, priority) elif type(libtype) is list and type(priority) is list: if len(libtype)==len(priority): for lt, p in zip(libtype, priority): internal_lib_to_dict(dict, lt, libname, p) else: print "libtype and priority lists are unequal in length" env.Exit() else: print "Wrong type combinations for libtype and priority. Only str and int or list and list" env.Exit() def create_blender_liblist(lenv = None, libtype = None): if not lenv or not libtype: print "missing arg" lst = [] if libtype in possible_types: curlib = libs[libtype] sortlist = curlib.keys() sortlist.sort() for sk in sortlist: v = curlib[sk] if not (root_build_dir[0]==os.sep or root_build_dir[1]==':'): target = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd() + os.sep + root_build_dir + 'lib' + os.sep +lenv['LIBPREFIX'] + v + lenv['LIBSUFFIX']) else: target = os.path.abspath(root_build_dir + 'lib' + os.sep +lenv['LIBPREFIX'] + v + lenv['LIBSUFFIX']) lst.append(target) return lst ## TODO: static linking def setup_staticlibs(lenv): statlibs = [ #here libs for static linking ] libincs = [ '/usr/lib', lenv['BF_OPENGL_LIBPATH'], lenv['BF_JPEG_LIBPATH'], lenv['BF_PNG_LIBPATH'], lenv['BF_ZLIB_LIBPATH'], lenv['BF_LIBSAMPLERATE_LIBPATH'], lenv['BF_ICONV_LIBPATH'] ] libincs += Split(lenv['BF_FREETYPE_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_PYTHON_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_SDL']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_SDL_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_FFMPEG']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_FFMPEG_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_JACK']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_JACK_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_SNDFILE']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_SNDFILE_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_OPENEXR']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENEXR_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_STATICOPENEXR']: statlibs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENEXR_LIB_STATIC']) if lenv['WITH_BF_FFTW3']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_FFTW3_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_INTERNATIONAL']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_GETTEXT_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_OPENAL']: libincs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENAL_LIBPATH']) if lenv['WITH_BF_STATICOPENAL']: statlibs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENAL_LIB_STATIC']) if lenv['WITH_BF_STATICOPENGL']: statlibs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENGL_LIB_STATIC']) if lenv['WITH_BF_STATICCXX']: statlibs += Split(lenv['BF_CXX_LIB_STATIC']) if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON'] and lenv['WITH_BF_STATICPYTHON']: statlibs += Split(lenv['BF_PYTHON_LIB_STATIC']) if lenv['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-mingw', 'linuxcross', 'win64-vc'): libincs += Split(lenv['BF_PTHREADS_LIBPATH']) return statlibs, libincs def setup_syslibs(lenv): syslibs = [ lenv['BF_JPEG_LIB'], lenv['BF_PNG_LIB'], lenv['BF_ZLIB_LIB'], lenv['BF_LIBSAMPLERATE_LIB'] ] syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_FREETYPE_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON'] and not lenv['WITH_BF_STATICPYTHON']: if lenv['BF_DEBUG'] and lenv['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc', 'win32-mingw'): syslibs.append(lenv['BF_PYTHON_LIB']+'_d') else: syslibs.append(lenv['BF_PYTHON_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_INTERNATIONAL']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_GETTEXT_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_OPENAL']: if not lenv['WITH_BF_STATICOPENAL']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENAL_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_OPENMP'] and lenv['CC'] != 'icc': if lenv['CC'] == 'cl.exe': syslibs += ['vcomp'] else: syslibs += ['gomp'] if lenv['WITH_BF_ICONV']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_ICONV_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_OPENEXR']: if not lenv['WITH_BF_STATICOPENEXR']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENEXR_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_FFMPEG']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_FFMPEG_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_OGG']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_OGG_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_JACK']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_JACK_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_SNDFILE']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_SNDFILE_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_FFTW3']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_FFTW3_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_SDL']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_SDL_LIB']) if not lenv['WITH_BF_STATICOPENGL']: syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_OPENGL_LIB']) if lenv['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-mingw','linuxcross', 'win64-vc'): syslibs += Split(lenv['BF_PTHREADS_LIB']) if lenv['WITH_BF_LCMS']: syslibs.append(lenv['BF_LCMS_LIB']) syslibs += lenv['LLIBS'] return syslibs def propose_priorities(): print bc.OKBLUE+"Priorities:"+bc.ENDC for t in possible_types: print bc.OKGREEN+"\t"+t+bc.ENDC new_priority = 0 curlib = libs[t] sortlist = curlib.keys() sortlist.sort() for sk in sortlist: v = curlib[sk] #for p,v in sorted(libs[t].iteritems()): print "\t\t",new_priority, v new_priority += 5 ## TODO: see if this can be made in an emitter def buildinfo(lenv, build_type): """ Generate a buildinfo object """ build_date = time.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d") build_time = time.strftime ("%H:%M:%S") build_rev = os.popen('svnversion').read()[:-1] # remove \n obj = [] if lenv['BF_BUILDINFO']: if sys.platform=='win32': build_info_file = open("source/creator/winbuildinfo.h", 'w') build_info_file.write("char *build_date=\"%s\";\n"%build_date) build_info_file.write("char *build_time=\"%s\";\n"%build_time) build_info_file.write("char *build_rev=\"%s\";\n"%build_rev) build_info_file.write("char *build_platform=\"win32\";\n") build_info_file.write("char *build_type=\"dynamic\";\n") build_info_file.close() lenv.Append (CPPDEFINES = ['NAN_BUILDINFO', 'BUILD_DATE']) else: lenv.Append (CPPDEFINES = ['BUILD_TIME=\'"%s"\''%(build_time), 'BUILD_DATE=\'"%s"\''%(build_date), 'BUILD_TYPE=\'"dynamic"\'', 'BUILD_REV=\'"%s"\''%(build_rev), 'NAN_BUILDINFO', 'BUILD_PLATFORM=\'"%s"\''%(sys.platform)]) obj = [lenv.Object (root_build_dir+'source/creator/%s_buildinfo'%build_type, [root_build_dir+'source/creator/buildinfo.c'])] return obj ##### END LIB STUFF ############ ##### ACTION STUFF ############# def my_compile_print(target, source, env): a = '%s' % (source[0]) d, f = os.path.split(a) return bc.OKBLUE+"Compiling"+bc.ENDC +" ==> '"+bc.OKGREEN+"%s" % (f) + "'"+bc.ENDC def my_moc_print(target, source, env): a = '%s' % (source[0]) d, f = os.path.split(a) return bc.OKBLUE+"Creating MOC"+bc.ENDC+ " ==> '"+bc.OKGREEN+"%s" %(f) + "'"+bc.ENDC def my_linking_print(target, source, env): t = '%s' % (target[0]) d, f = os.path.split(t) return bc.OKBLUE+"Linking library"+bc.ENDC +" ==> '"+bc.OKGREEN+"%s" % (f) + "'"+bc.ENDC def my_program_print(target, source, env): t = '%s' % (target[0]) d, f = os.path.split(t) return bc.OKBLUE+"Linking program"+bc.ENDC +" ==> '"+bc.OKGREEN+"%s" % (f) + "'"+bc.ENDC def msvc_hack(env): static_lib = SCons.Tool.createStaticLibBuilder(env) program = SCons.Tool.createProgBuilder(env) env['BUILDERS']['Library'] = static_lib env['BUILDERS']['StaticLibrary'] = static_lib env['BUILDERS']['Program'] = program def set_quiet_output(env): mycaction = Action("$CCCOM", strfunction=my_compile_print) myshcaction = Action("$SHCCCOM", strfunction=my_compile_print) mycppaction = Action("$CXXCOM", strfunction=my_compile_print) myshcppaction = Action("$SHCXXCOM", strfunction=my_compile_print) mylibaction = Action("$ARCOM", strfunction=my_linking_print) mylinkaction = Action("$LINKCOM", strfunction=my_program_print) static_ob, shared_ob = SCons.Tool.createObjBuilders(env) static_ob.add_action('.c', mycaction) static_ob.add_action('.cpp', mycppaction) shared_ob.add_action('.c', myshcaction) shared_ob.add_action('.cpp', myshcppaction) static_lib = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = mylibaction, emitter = '$LIBEMITTER', prefix = '$LIBPREFIX', suffix = '$LIBSUFFIX', src_suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX', src_builder = 'StaticObject') program = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = mylinkaction, emitter = '$PROGEMITTER', prefix = '$PROGPREFIX', suffix = '$PROGSUFFIX', src_suffix = '$OBJSUFFIX', src_builder = 'Object', target_scanner = SCons.Defaults.ProgScan) env['BUILDERS']['Object'] = static_ob env['BUILDERS']['StaticObject'] = static_ob env['BUILDERS']['StaticLibrary'] = static_lib env['BUILDERS']['Library'] = static_lib env['BUILDERS']['Program'] = program class CompZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile): """Partial copy of python2.6's zipfile.ZipFile (see http://www.python.org) to get a extractall() that works on py2.5 and probably earlier distributions.""" def __init__(self, file, mode="r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=False): zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, file, mode, compression, allowZip64) if not hasattr(self,"extractall"): # use our method print "Debug: Using comp_extractall!" self.extractall= self.comp_extractall def comp_extractall(self, path=None, members=None, pwd=None): #renamed method """Extract all members from the archive to the current working directory. `path' specifies a different directory to extract to. `members' is optional and must be a subset of the list returned by namelist(). """ if members is None: members = self.namelist() for zipinfo in members: self.comp_extract(zipinfo, path, pwd) # use our method def comp_extract(self, member, path=None, pwd=None): #renamed method """Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory, using its full name. Its file information is extracted as accurately as possible. `member' may be a filename or a ZipInfo object. You can specify a different directory using `path'. """ if not isinstance(member, zipfile.ZipInfo): member = self.getinfo(member) if path is None: path = os.getcwd() return self.comp_extract_member(member, path, pwd) # use our method def comp_extract_member(self, member, targetpath, pwd): #renamed method """Extract the ZipInfo object 'member' to a physical file on the path targetpath. """ # build the destination pathname, replacing # forward slashes to platform specific separators. if targetpath[-1:] in (os.path.sep, os.path.altsep): targetpath = targetpath[:-1] # don't include leading "/" from file name if present if member.filename[0] == '/': targetpath = os.path.join(targetpath, member.filename[1:]) else: targetpath = os.path.join(targetpath, member.filename) targetpath = os.path.normpath(targetpath) # Create all upper directories if necessary. upperdirs = os.path.dirname(targetpath) if upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs): os.makedirs(upperdirs) if member.filename[-1] == '/': os.mkdir(targetpath) return targetpath #use StrinIO instead so we don't have to reproduce more functionality. source = cStringIO.StringIO(self.read(member.filename)) target = file(targetpath, "wb") shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) source.close() target.close() return targetpath def unzip_pybundle(from_zip,to_dir,exclude_re): zip= CompZipFile(from_zip, mode='r') exclude_re= list(exclude_re) #single re object or list of re objects debug= 0 #list files instead of unpacking good= [] if debug: print '\nFiles not being unpacked:\n' for name in zip.namelist(): is_bad= 0 for r in exclude_re: if r.match(name): is_bad=1 if debug: print name break if not is_bad: good.append(name) if debug: print '\nFiles being unpacked:\n' for g in good: print g else: zip.extractall(to_dir, good) def my_winpybundle_print(target, source, env): pass def WinPyBundle(target=None, source=None, env=None): import re py_zip= env.subst( env['LCGDIR'] ) if py_zip[0]=='#': py_zip= py_zip[1:] py_zip+= '/release/python' + env['BF_PYTHON_VERSION'].replace('.','') + '.zip' py_target = env.subst( env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] ) if py_target[0]=='#': py_target=py_target[1:] py_target+= '/.blender/python/lib/' def printexception(func,path,ex): if os.path.exists(path): #do not report if path does not exist. eg on a fresh build. print str(func) + ' failed on ' + str(path) print "Trying to remove existing py bundle." shutil.rmtree(py_target, False, printexception) exclude_re=[re.compile('.*/test/.*'), re.compile('^config/.*'), re.compile('^distutils/.*'), re.compile('^idlelib/.*'), re.compile('^lib2to3/.*'), re.compile('^tkinter/.*')] print "Unpacking '" + py_zip + "' to '" + py_target + "'" unzip_pybundle(py_zip,py_target,exclude_re) def my_appit_print(target, source, env): a = '%s' % (target[0]) d, f = os.path.split(a) return "making bundle for " + f def AppIt(target=None, source=None, env=None): import shutil import commands import os.path a = '%s' % (target[0]) builddir, b = os.path.split(a) libdir = env['LCGDIR'][1:] bldroot = env.Dir('.').abspath binary = env['BINARYKIND'] if b=='verse': print bc.OKBLUE+"no bundle for verse"+bc.ENDC return 0 sourcedir = bldroot + '/source/darwin/%s.app'%binary sourceinfo = bldroot + "/source/darwin/%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%binary targetinfo = builddir +'/' + "%s.app/Contents/Info.plist"%binary cmd = builddir + '/' +'%s.app'%binary if os.path.isdir(cmd): shutil.rmtree(cmd) shutil.copytree(sourcedir, cmd) cmd = "cat %s | sed s/VERSION/`cat release/VERSION`/ | sed s/DATE/`date +'%%Y-%%b-%%d'`/ > %s"%(sourceinfo,targetinfo) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp %s/%s %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(builddir, binary,builddir, binary, binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'mkdir %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%(builddir, binary) print cmd commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = builddir + '/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender'%binary shutil.copy(bldroot + '/bin/.blender/.bfont.ttf', cmd) shutil.copy(bldroot + '/bin/.blender/.Blanguages', cmd) cmd = 'cp -R %s/bin/.blender/locale %s/%s.app/Contents/Resources/'%(bldroot,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R %s/bin/.blender/locale %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%(bldroot,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp %s/bin/.blender/.Blanguages %s/%s.app/Contents/Resources/'%(bldroot,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'mkdir %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/python/'%(builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'unzip -q %s/release/python.zip -d %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/python/'%(libdir,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R %s/release/scripts %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%(bldroot,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R %s/release/ui %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%(bldroot,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'cp -R %s/release/io %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/.blender/'%(bldroot,builddir,binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'chmod +x %s/%s.app/Contents/MacOS/%s'%(builddir,binary, binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s/%s.app -name .svn -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;'%(builddir, binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) cmd = 'find %s/%s.app -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;'%(builddir, binary) commands.getoutput(cmd) # extract copy system python, be sure to update other build systems # when making changes to the files that are copied. def my_unixpybundle_print(target, source, env): pass def UnixPyBundle(target=None, source=None, env=None): # Any Unix except osx #-- .blender/python/lib/python3.1 import commands def run(cmd): print 'Install command:', cmd commands.getoutput(cmd) if env['WITH_BF_FHS']: dir = os.path.join(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], 'share', 'blender', env['BF_VERSION']) # BLENDERPATH else: dir = os.path.join(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], '.blender') py_src = env.subst( env['BF_PYTHON_LIBPATH'] + '/python'+env['BF_PYTHON_VERSION'] ) py_target = env.subst( dir + '/python/lib/python'+env['BF_PYTHON_VERSION'] ) # Copied from source/creator/CMakeLists.txt, keep in sync. print 'Install python from:' print '\t"%s" into...' % py_src print '\t"%s"\n' % py_target run('rm -rf "%s"' % py_target) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(py_target)) # the final part is copied except:pass run('cp -R "%s" "%s"' % (py_src, os.path.dirname(py_target))) run('rm -rf "%s/distutils"' % py_target) run('rm -rf "%s/lib2to3"' % py_target) run('rm -rf "%s/idlelib"' % py_target) run('rm -rf "%s/tkinter"' % py_target) run('rm -rf "%s/config"' % py_target) run('rm -rf "%s/site-packages"' % py_target) run('mkdir "%s/site-packages"' % py_target) # python needs it.' run('rm "%s/lib-dynload/_tkinter.so"' % py_target) run('find "%s" -name "test" -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;' % py_target) run('find "%s" -name "*.py?" -exec rm -rf {} \;' % py_target) run('find "%s" -name "*.so"-exec strip -s {} \;' % py_target) #### END ACTION STUFF ######### def bsc(env, target, source): bd = os.path.dirname(target[0].abspath) bscfile = '\"'+target[0].abspath+'\"' bscpathcollect = '\"'+bd + os.sep + '*.sbr\"' bscpathtmp = '\"'+bd + os.sep + 'bscmake.tmp\"' os.system('dir /b/s '+bscpathcollect+' >'+bscpathtmp) myfile = open(bscpathtmp[1:-1], 'r') lines = myfile.readlines() myfile.close() newfile = open(bscpathtmp[1:-1], 'w') for l in lines: newfile.write('\"'+l[:-1]+'\"\n') newfile.close() os.system('bscmake /nologo /n /o'+bscfile+' @'+bscpathtmp) os.system('del '+bscpathtmp) class BlenderEnvironment(SConsEnvironment): def BlenderRes(self=None, libname=None, source=None, libtype=['core'], priority=[100]): global libs if not self or not libname or not source: print bc.FAIL+'Cannot continue. Missing argument for BlenderRes '+libname+bc.ENDC self.Exit() if self['OURPLATFORM'] not in ('win32-vc','win32-mingw','linuxcross', 'win64-vc'): print bc.FAIL+'BlenderRes is for windows only!'+bc.END self.Exit() print bc.HEADER+'Configuring resource '+bc.ENDC+bc.OKGREEN+libname+bc.ENDC lenv = self.Clone() if not (root_build_dir[0]==os.sep or root_build_dir[1]==':'): res = lenv.RES('#'+root_build_dir+'lib/'+libname, source) else: res = lenv.RES(root_build_dir+'lib/'+libname, source) SConsEnvironment.Default(self, res) resources.append(res) def BlenderLib(self=None, libname=None, sources=None, includes=[], defines=[], libtype='common', priority = 100, compileflags=None, cc_compileflags=None, cxx_compileflags=None): global vcp if not self or not libname or not sources: print bc.FAIL+'Cannot continue. Missing argument for BuildBlenderLib '+libname+bc.ENDC self.Exit() def list_substring(quickie, libname): for q in quickie: if libname.find(q) != -1: return True return False if list_substring(quickie, libname) or len(quickie)==0: if list_substring(quickdebug, libname): print bc.HEADER+'Configuring library '+bc.ENDC+bc.OKGREEN+libname +bc.ENDC+bc.OKBLUE+ " (debug mode)" + bc.ENDC else: print bc.HEADER+'Configuring library '+bc.ENDC+bc.OKGREEN+libname + bc.ENDC lenv = self.Clone() lenv.Append(CPPPATH=includes) lenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=defines) if lenv['BF_DEBUG'] or (libname in quickdebug): lenv.Append(CFLAGS = lenv['BF_DEBUG_CFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CCFLAGS = lenv['BF_DEBUG_CCFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CXXFLAGS = lenv['BF_DEBUG_CXXFLAGS']) else: lenv.Append(CFLAGS = lenv['REL_CFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CCFLAGS = lenv['REL_CCFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CXXFLAGS = lenv['REL_CXXFLAGS']) if lenv['BF_PROFILE']: lenv.Append(CFLAGS = lenv['BF_PROFILE_CFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CCFLAGS = lenv['BF_PROFILE_CCFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CXXFLAGS = lenv['BF_PROFILE_CXXFLAGS']) if compileflags: lenv.Replace(CFLAGS = compileflags) if cc_compileflags: lenv.Replace(CCFLAGS = cc_compileflags) if cxx_compileflags: lenv.Replace(CXXFLAGS = cxx_compileflags) lenv.Append(CFLAGS = lenv['C_WARN']) lenv.Append(CCFLAGS = lenv['CC_WARN']) lenv.Append(CXXFLAGS = lenv['CXX_WARN']) if lenv['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win64-vc': lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['/MACHINE:X64']) if lenv['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc'): if lenv['BF_DEBUG']: lenv.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/MTd']) else: lenv.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/MT']) targetdir = root_build_dir+'lib/' + libname if not (root_build_dir[0]==os.sep or root_build_dir[1]==':'): targetdir = '#'+targetdir lib = lenv.Library(target= targetdir, source=sources) SConsEnvironment.Default(self, lib) # we add to default target, because this way we get some kind of progress info during build if self['BF_MSVS'] and self['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc'): #if targetdir[0] == '#': # targetdir = targetdir[1:-1] print "! ",targetdir+ '.vcproj' # + self['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX'] vcproject = self.MSVSProject(target = targetdir + '.vcproj', # + self['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX'], srcs = sources, buildtarget = lib, variant = 'Release', auto_build_solution=0) vcp.append(vcproject) SConsEnvironment.Default(self, vcproject) else: print bc.WARNING+'Not building '+bc.ENDC+bc.OKGREEN+libname+bc.ENDC+' for '+bc.OKBLUE+'BF_QUICK'+bc.ENDC # note: libs is a global add_lib_to_dict(self, libs, libtype, libname, priority) def BlenderProg(self=None, builddir=None, progname=None, sources=None, includes=None, libs=None, libpath=None, binarykind=''): global vcp print bc.HEADER+'Configuring program '+bc.ENDC+bc.OKGREEN+progname+bc.ENDC lenv = self.Clone() if lenv['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'cygwin', 'win64-vc'): lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS']) lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['/FORCE:MULTIPLE']) if lenv['BF_DEBUG']: lenv.Prepend(LINKFLAGS = ['/DEBUG','/PDB:'+progname+'.pdb']) if lenv['OURPLATFORM']=='linux2': lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS']) if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['BF_PYTHON_LINKFLAGS']) if lenv['OURPLATFORM']=='sunos5': lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS']) if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['BF_PYTHON_LINKFLAGS']) if lenv['CXX'].endswith('CC'): lenv.Replace(LINK = '$CXX') if lenv['OURPLATFORM']=='darwin': lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS']) if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['BF_PYTHON_LINKFLAGS']) lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['BF_OPENGL_LINKFLAGS']) if lenv['BF_PROFILE']: lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = lenv['BF_PROFILE_LINKFLAGS']) lenv.Append(CPPPATH=includes) if root_build_dir[0]==os.sep or root_build_dir[1]==':': lenv.Append(LIBPATH=root_build_dir + '/lib') lenv.Append(LIBPATH=libpath) lenv.Append(LIBS=libs) if lenv['WITH_BF_QUICKTIME']: lenv.Append(LIBS = lenv['BF_QUICKTIME_LIB']) lenv.Append(LIBPATH = lenv['BF_QUICKTIME_LIBPATH']) prog = lenv.Program(target=builddir+'bin/'+progname, source=sources) if lenv['BF_DEBUG'] and lenv['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc') and lenv['BF_BSC']: f = lenv.File(progname + '.bsc', builddir) brs = lenv.Command(f, prog, [bsc]) SConsEnvironment.Default(self, brs) SConsEnvironment.Default(self, prog) if self['BF_MSVS'] and self['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc') and progname == 'blender': print "! ",builddir + "/" + progname + '.sln' sln = self.MSVSProject(target = builddir + "/" + progname + '.sln', projects= vcp, variant = 'Release') SConsEnvironment.Default(self, sln) program_list.append(prog) if lenv['OURPLATFORM']=='darwin': lenv['BINARYKIND'] = binarykind lenv.AddPostAction(prog,Action(AppIt,strfunction=my_appit_print)) elif os.sep == '/': # any unix if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: if not lenv['WITHOUT_BF_INSTALL'] and not lenv['WITHOUT_BF_PYTHON_INSTALL']: lenv.AddPostAction(prog,Action(UnixPyBundle,strfunction=my_unixpybundle_print)) elif lenv['OURPLATFORM'].startswith('win'): # windows if lenv['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: if not lenv['WITHOUT_BF_PYTHON_INSTALL']: lenv.AddPostAction(prog,Action(WinPyBundle,strfunction=my_winpybundle_print)) return prog def Glob(lenv, pattern): path = string.replace(GetBuildPath(lenv,'SConscript'),'SConscript', '') files = [] for i in glob.glob(path + pattern): files.append(string.replace(i, path, '')) return files