#!BPY """ Name: 'Tree from Curves' Blender: 245 Group: 'Wizards' Tip: 'Generate trees from curve shapes' """ __author__ = "Campbell Barton" __url__ = ['www.blender.org', 'blenderartists.org'] __version__ = "0.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ """ import bpy import Blender from Blender.Mathutils import Vector, CrossVecs, AngleBetweenVecs, LineIntersect, TranslationMatrix, ScaleMatrix from Blender.Geometry import ClosestPointOnLine def debug_pt(co): Blender.Window.SetCursorPos(tuple(co)) Blender.Window.RedrawAll() print 'debugging', co def closestVecIndex(vec, vecls): best= -1 best_dist = 100000000 for i, vec_test in enumerate(vecls): dist = (vec-vec_test).length if dist < best_dist: best = i best_dist = dist return best eul = 0.00001 class tree: def __init__(self): self.branches_all = [] self.branches_root = [] self.mesh = None self.armature = None self.object = None self.limbScale = 1.0 self.debug_objects = [] def __repr__(self): s = '' s += '[Tree]' s += ' limbScale: %.6f' % self.limbScale s += ' object: %s' % self.object for brch in self.branches_root: s += str(brch) return s def fromCurve(self, object): curve = object.data # Set the curve object scale if curve.bevob: # A bit of a hack to guess the size of the curve object if you have one. bb = curve.bevob.boundingBox # self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 2.825 # THIS IS GOOD WHEN NON SUBSURRFED self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 1.8 # end # Get the curve points as bpoints for spline in curve: brch = branch() self.branches_all.append(brch) for bez in spline: # calc normal vector later pt = bpoint(brch, Vector(bez.vec[1]), Vector(), bez.radius * self.limbScale) brch.bpoints.append( pt ) # Get the curve as a mesh. - for inbetween points tmpme = bpy.data.meshes.new() # remove/backup bevel ob bev_back = curve.bevob if bev_back: curve.bevob = None # get the curve mesh data tmpob = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new( curve ) tmpme.getFromObject(object) bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.unlink(tmpob) # restore bevel ob if bev_back: curve.bevob = bev_back # Guess the size of the curve object if you have one. This is not perfect but good enough bb = bev_back.boundingBox self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 2.825 # TEMP FOR TESTING # bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(tmpme) vecs = [ v.co for v in tmpme.verts ] del tmpme # for branch #used_points = set() for brch in self.branches_all: offset = 0 for i in xrange(1, len(brch.bpoints)): # find the start/end points start_pt = brch.bpoints[offset+i-1] end_pt = brch.bpoints[offset+i] start = end = None for j, co in enumerate(vecs): if start == None: if (co-start_pt.co).length < eul: start = j if end == None: if (co-end_pt.co).length < eul: end = j if start != None and end != None: break # for now we assuem the start is always a lower index. #if start > end: # raise "error index is not one we like" #used_points.add(start) #used_points.add(end) radius = start_pt.radius #print 'coords', start_co, end_co #### print "starting", start, end if start > end: j = start-1 raise "some bug!" else: j = start+1 step = 1 step_tot = abs(start-end) while j!=end: #radius = (start_pt.radius*(step_tot-step) - end_pt.radius*step ) / step_tot w1 = step_tot-step w2 = step radius = ((start_pt.radius*w1) + (end_pt.radius*w2)) / step_tot #### print i,j, radius pt = bpoint(brch, Vector(vecs[j]), Vector(), radius) brch.bpoints.insert(offset+i, pt) offset+=1 if start > end: j-=1 else: j+=1 step +=1 # Now calculate the normals for brch in self.branches_all: for i in xrange(1, len(brch.bpoints)-1): brch.bpoints[i].next = brch.bpoints[i+1] brch.bpoints[i].prev = brch.bpoints[i-1] brch.bpoints[0].next = brch.bpoints[1] brch.bpoints[-1].prev = brch.bpoints[-2] for pt in brch.bpoints: pt.calcNormal() pt.calcNextMidCo() # remove segments # We may want to remove segments for 2 reasons # 1) - too high resolution # 2) - too close together (makes yucky geometry) def resetTags(self, value): for brch in self.branches_all: brch.tag = value def buildConnections(self, sloppy=1.0, base_trim = 1.0): ''' build tree data - fromCurve must run first ''' # Connect branches for i in xrange(len(self.branches_all)): brch_i = self.branches_all[i] for j in xrange(len(self.branches_all)): if i != j: # See if any of the points match this branch # see if Branch 'i' is the child of branch 'j' brch_j = self.branches_all[j] best_j, dist = brch_j.findClosest(brch_i.bpoints[0].co) # Check its in range, allow for a bit out - hense the 1.5 if dist < best_j.radius * sloppy: # if 1) dont remove the whole branch, maybe an option but later # if 2) we are alredy a parent, cant remove me now.... darn :/ not nice... could do this properly but it would be slower and its a corner case. # if 3) this point is within the branch, remove it. while len(brch_i.bpoints)>2 and\ brch_i.bpoints[0].isParent == False and\ (brch_i.bpoints[0].co - best_j.nextMidCo).length < best_j.radius * base_trim: # brch_i.bpoints[0].next = 101 # testing. del brch_i.bpoints[0] brch_i.bpoints[0].prev = None brch_i.parent_pt = best_j best_j.isParent = True # dont remove me # addas a member of best_j.children later when we have the geometry info available. #### print "Found Connection!!!", i, j break # go onto the next branch """ children = [brch_child for brch_child in pt.children] if children: # This pt is one side of the segment, pt.next joins this segment. # calculate the median point the 2 segments would span # Once this is done we need to adjust 2 things # 1) move both segments up/down so they match the branches best. # 2) set the spacing of the segments around the point. # First try to get the ideal some space around each joint # the spacing shoule be an average of for brch.bpoints: """ ''' for brch in self.branches_all: brch.checkPointList() ''' # Calc points with dependancies # detect circular loops!!! - TODO self.resetTags(False) done_nothing = False while done_nothing == False: done_nothing = True for brch in self.branches_all: if brch.tag == False and (brch.parent_pt == None or brch.parent_pt.branch.tag == True): # Assign this to a spesific side of the parents point # we know this is a child but not which side it should be attached to. if brch.parent_pt: child_locs = [\ brch.parent_pt.childPoint(0),\ brch.parent_pt.childPoint(1),\ brch.parent_pt.childPoint(2),\ brch.parent_pt.childPoint(3)] best_idx = closestVecIndex(brch.bpoints[0].co, child_locs) brch.parent_pt.children[best_idx] = brch # DONE done_nothing = False for pt in brch.bpoints: # for temp debugging ## self.mesh.faces.extend([pt.verts]) pt.calcVerts() # pt.toMesh(self.mesh) # Cant do here because our children arnt calculated yet! brch.tag = True def optimizeSpacing(self, density=1.0, joint_compression=1.0, joint_smooth=1.0): ''' Optimize spacing, taking branch hierarchy children into account, can add or subdivide segments so branch joins dont look horrible. ''' for brch in self.branches_all: brch.evenJointDistrobution(joint_compression) # Correct points that were messed up from sliding # This happens when one point is pushed past another and the branch gets an overlaping line for brch in self.branches_all: brch.fixOverlapError(joint_smooth) # Collapsing for brch in self.branches_all: brch.collapsePoints(density, joint_smooth) for brch in self.branches_all: brch.branchReJoin() def toDebugDisplay(self): ''' Should be able to call this at any time to see whats going on ''' sce = bpy.data.scenes.active for ob in self.debug_objects: for ob in sce.objects: sce.objects.unlink(ob) for branch_index, brch in enumerate(self.branches_all): pt_index = 0 for pt_index, pt in enumerate(brch.bpoints): name = '%.3d_%.3d' % (branch_index, pt_index) if pt.next==None: name += '_end' if pt.prev==None: name += '_start' ob = sce.objects.new('Empty', name) self.debug_objects.append(ob) mat = ScaleMatrix(pt.radius, 4) * TranslationMatrix(pt.co) ob.setMatrix(mat) ob.setDrawMode(8) # drawname Blender.Window.RedrawAll() def toMesh(self, mesh=None, do_uvmap=True, do_uv_scalewidth=True, uv_image = None): # Simple points ''' self.mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() self.object = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(self.mesh) self.mesh.verts.extend([ pt.co for brch in self.branches_all for pt in brch.bpoints ]) ''' if mesh: self.mesh = mesh mesh.verts = None else: self.mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new() totverts = 0 for brch in self.branches_all: totverts += len(brch.bpoints) self.mesh.verts.extend( [ (0.0,0.0,0.0) ] * ((totverts * 4)+1) ) # +1 is a dummy vert verts = self.mesh.verts # Assign verts to points, 4 verts for each point. i = 1 # dummy vert, should be 0 for brch in self.branches_all: for pt in brch.bpoints: pt.verts[0] = verts[i] pt.verts[1] = verts[i+1] pt.verts[2] = verts[i+2] pt.verts[3] = verts[i+3] i+=4 # Do this again because of collapsing # pt.calcVerts(brch) # roll the tube so quads best meet up to their branches. for brch in self.branches_all: #for pt in brch.bpoints: if brch.parent_pt: # Use temp lists for gathering an average if brch.parent_pt.roll_angle == None: brch.parent_pt.roll_angle = [brch.getParentQuadAngle()] # More then 2 branches use this point, add to the list else: brch.parent_pt.roll_angle.append( brch.getParentQuadAngle() ) # average the temp lists into floats for brch in self.branches_all: #for pt in brch.bpoints: if brch.parent_pt and type(brch.parent_pt.roll_angle) == list: # print brch.parent_pt.roll_angle f = 0.0 for val in brch.parent_pt.roll_angle: f += val brch.parent_pt.roll_angle = f/len(brch.parent_pt.roll_angle) # set the roll of all the first segments that have parents, # this is because their roll is set from their parent quad and we dont want them to roll away from that. for brch in self.branches_all: if brch.parent_pt: # if the first joint has a child then apply half the roll # theres no correct solition here, but this seems ok if brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle != None: #brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle *= 0.5 #brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle = 0.0 #brch.bpoints[1].roll_angle = 0.0 brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle = 0 pass else: # our roll was set from the branches parent and needs no changing # set it to zero so the following functions know to interpolate. brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle = 25.0 #brch.bpoints[1].roll_angle = 0.0 ''' Now interpolate the roll! The method used here is a little odd. * first loop up the branch and set each points value to the "last defined" value and record the steps since the last defined value * Do the same again but backwards now for each undefined value we have 1 or 2 values, if its 1 its simple we just use that value ( no interpolation ), if there are 2 then we use the offsets from each end to work out the interpolation. one up, one back, and another to set the values, so 3 loops all up. ''' #### print "scan up the branch..." for brch in self.branches_all: last_value = None last_index = -1 for i in xrange(len(brch.bpoints)): pt = brch.bpoints[i] if type(pt.roll_angle) in (float, int): last_value = pt.roll_angle last_index = i else: if type(last_value) in (float, int): # Assign a list, because there may be a connecting roll value from another joint pt.roll_angle = [(last_value, i-last_index)] #### print "scan down the branch..." last_value = None last_index = -1 for i in xrange(len(brch.bpoints)-1, -1, -1): # same as above but reverse pt = brch.bpoints[i] if type(pt.roll_angle) in (float, int): last_value = pt.roll_angle last_index = i else: if last_value != None: if type(pt.roll_angle) == list: pt.roll_angle.append((last_value, last_index-i)) else: #pt.roll_angle = [(last_value, last_index-i)] # Dont bother assigning a list because we wont need to add to it later pt.roll_angle = last_value # print "looping ,...." ### print "assigning/interpolating roll values" for pt in brch.bpoints: # print "this roll IS", pt.roll_angle if pt.roll_angle == None: continue elif type(pt.roll_angle) in (float, int): pass elif len(pt.roll_angle) == 1: pt.roll_angle = pt.roll_angle[0][0] else: # interpolate tot = pt.roll_angle[0][1] + pt.roll_angle[1][1] pt.roll_angle = \ (pt.roll_angle[0][0] * (tot - pt.roll_angle[0][1]) +\ pt.roll_angle[1][0] * (tot - pt.roll_angle[1][1])) / tot #### print pt.roll_angle, 'interpolated roll' pt.roll(pt.roll_angle) # Done with temp average list. now we know the best roll for each branch. # mesh the data for brch in self.branches_all: for pt in brch.bpoints: pt.toMesh(self.mesh) faces = self.mesh.faces faces.extend([ face for brch in self.branches_all for pt in brch.bpoints for face in pt.faces if face ]) if do_uvmap: # Assign the faces back face_index = 0 for brch in self.branches_all: for pt in brch.bpoints: for i in (0,1,2,3): if pt.faces[i]: pt.faces[i] = faces[face_index] pt.faces[i].smooth = True face_index +=1 self.mesh.faceUV = True for brch in self.branches_all: y_val = 0.0 for pt in brch.bpoints: if pt.next: y_size = (pt.co-pt.next.co).length # scale the uvs by the radiusm, avoids stritching. if do_uv_scalewidth: y_size = y_size / pt.radius for i in (0,1,2,3): if pt.faces[i]: if uv_image: pt.faces[i].image = uv_image uvs = pt.faces[i].uv uvs[3].x = i uvs[3].y = y_val+y_size uvs[0].x = i uvs[0].y = y_val uvs[1].x = i+1 uvs[1].y = y_val uvs[2].x = i+1 uvs[2].y = y_val+y_size do_uv_scalewidth if pt.next: y_val += y_size else: # no UV's for f in self.mesh.faces: f.smooth = True return self.mesh def toArmature(self, ob_arm, armature): armature.drawType = Blender.Armature.STICK armature.makeEditable() # enter editmode # Assume toMesh has run self.armature = armature for bonename in armature.bones.keys(): del armature.bones[bonename] group_names = [] for i, brch in enumerate(self.branches_all): # get a list of parent points to make into bones. use parents and endpoints bpoints_parent = [pt for pt in brch.bpoints if pt.isParent or pt.prev == None or pt.next == None] bpbone_last = None for j in xrange(len(bpoints_parent)-1): # bone container class bpoints_parent[j].bpbone = bpbone = bpoint_bone() bpbone.name = '%i_%i' % (i,j) # must be unique group_names.append(bpbone.name) bpbone.editbone = Blender.Armature.Editbone() # automatically added to the armature self.armature.bones[bpbone.name] = bpbone.editbone bpbone.editbone.head = bpoints_parent[j].co bpbone.editbone.head = bpoints_parent[j].co bpbone.editbone.tail = bpoints_parent[j+1].co # parent the chain. if bpbone_last: bpbone.editbone.parent = bpbone_last.editbone bpbone.editbone.options = [Blender.Armature.CONNECTED] bpbone_last = bpbone for brch in self.branches_all: if brch.parent_pt: # We must have a parent # find the bone in the parent chain to use for the parent of this parent_pt = brch.parent_pt bpbone_parent = None while parent_pt: bpbone_parent = parent_pt.bpbone if bpbone_parent: break parent_pt = parent_pt.prev if bpbone_parent: brch.bpoints[0].bpbone.editbone.parent = bpbone_parent.editbone else: # in rare cases this may not work. should be verry rare but check anyway. print 'this is really odd... look into the bug.' self.armature.update() # exit editmode # Skin the mesh if self.mesh: for group in group_names: self.mesh.addVertGroup(group) for brch in self.branches_all: vertList = [] group = '' # dummy for pt in brch.bpoints: if pt.bpbone: if vertList: self.mesh.assignVertsToGroup(group, vertList, 1.0, Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD) vertList = [] group = pt.bpbone.name vertList.extend( [v.index for v in pt.verts] ) if vertList: self.mesh.assignVertsToGroup(group, vertList, 1.0, Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD) return self.armature def toAction(self, ob_arm, texture): # Assume armature action = bpy.data.actions.new() ob_arm.action = action # Blender.Armature.NLA.ob_arm. pose = ob_arm.getPose() for pose_bone in pose.bones.values(): pose_bone.insertKey(ob_arm, 0, [Blender.Object.Pose.ROT], True) # Now get all the IPO's ipo_dict = action.getAllChannelIpos() # print ipo_dict # Assign drivers to them all for name, ipo in ipo_dict.iteritems(): #for cu in ipo: # #cu.delBezier(0) # #cu.driver = 2 # Python expression # #cu.driverExpression = 'b.Get("curframe")/100.0' cu = ipo[Blender.Ipo.PO_QUATX] cu.delBezier(0) cu.driver = 2 # Python expression cu.driverExpression = '(b.Texture.Get("' + texture.name + '").evaluate(b.Mathutils.Vector(b.Get("curframe")/20.0, 0, 0)).w-0.5)/3' cu = ipo[Blender.Ipo.PO_QUATY] cu.delBezier(0) cu.driver = 2 # Python expression cu.driverExpression = '(b.Texture.Get("' + texture.name + '").evaluate(b.Mathutils.Vector(0,b.Get("curframe")/20.0, 0)).w-0.5)/3' cu = ipo[Blender.Ipo.PO_QUATZ] cu.delBezier(0) cu.driver = 2 # Python expression cu.driverExpression = '(b.Texture.Get("' + texture.name + '").evaluate(b.Mathutils.Vector(0,0,b.Get("curframe")/20.0)).w-0.5)/3' zup = Vector(0,0,1) class bpoint_bone: def __init__(self): self.name = None self.editbone = None self.blenbone = None self.posebone = None class bpoint(object): ''' The point in the middle of the branch, not the mesh points ''' __slots__ = 'branch', 'co', 'no', 'radius', 'vecs', 'verts', 'children', 'faces', 'next', 'prev', 'isParent', 'bpbone', 'roll_angle', 'nextMidCo', 'childrenMidCo', 'childrenMidRadius', 'targetCos' def __init__(self, brch, co, no, radius): self.branch = brch self.co = co self.no = no self.radius = radius self.vecs = [None, None, None, None] # 4 for now self.verts = [None, None, None, None] self.children = [None, None, None, None] # child branches, dont fill in faces here self.faces = [None, None, None, None] self.next = None self.prev = None self.isParent = False self.bpbone = None # bpoint_bone instance # when set, This is the angle we need to roll to best face our branches # the roll that is set may be interpolated if we are between 2 branches that need to roll. # Set to None means that the roll will be left default (from parent) self.roll_angle = None # The location between this and the next point, # if we want to be tricky we can try make this not just a simple # inbetween and use the normals to have some curvature self.nextMidCo = None # Similar to above, median point of all children self.childrenMidCo = None # Similar as above, but for radius self.childrenMidRadius = None # Target locations are used when you want to move the point to a new location but there are # more then 1 influence, build up a list and then apply self.targetCos = [] def __repr__(self): s = '' s += '\t\tco:', self.co s += '\t\tno:', self.no s += '\t\tradius:', self.radius s += '\t\tchildren:', [(child != False) for child in self.children] return s def setCo(self, co): self.co[:] = co self.calcNextMidCo() self.calcNormal() if self.prev: self.prev.calcNextMidCo() self.prev.calcNormal() self.prev.calcChildrenMidData() if self.next: self.prev.calcNormal() self.calcChildrenMidData() def nextLength(self): return (self.co-self.next.co).length def prevLength(self): return (self.co-self.prev.co).length def hasOverlapError(self): if self.prev == None: return False if self.next == None: return False ''' # see if this point sits on the line between its siblings. co, fac = ClosestPointOnLine(self.co, self.prev.co, self.next.co) if fac >= 0.0 and fac <= 1.0: return False # no overlap, we are good else: return True # error, some overlap ''' # Alternate method, maybe better ln = self.nextLength() lp = self.prevLength() ls = (self.prev.co-self.next.co).length # Are we overlapping? the length from our next or prev is longer then the next-TO-previous? if ln>ls or lp>ls: return True else: return False def applyTargetLocation(self): if not self.targetCos: return False elif len(self.targetCos) == 1: self.setCo(self.targetCos[0]) else: co_all = Vector() for co in self.targetCos: co_all += co self.setCo(co_all / len(self.targetCos)) self.targetCos[:] = [] return True def calcNextMidCo(self): if not self.next: return None # be tricky later. self.nextMidCo = (self.co + self.next.co) * 0.5 def calcNormal(self): if self.prev == None: self.no = (self.next.co - self.co).normalize() elif self.next == None: self.no = (self.co - self.prev.co).normalize() else: self.no = (self.next.co - self.prev.co).normalize() def calcChildrenMidData(self): ''' Calculate childrenMidCo & childrenMidRadius This is a bit tricky, we need to find a point between this and the next, the medium of all children, this point will be on the line between this and the next. ''' if not self.next: return None # factor between this and the next point radius = factor = factor_i = 0.0 count = 0 for brch in self.children: if brch: # we dont need the co at teh moment. co, fac = ClosestPointOnLine(brch.bpoints[0].co, self.co, self.next.co) factor_i += fac count += 1 radius += brch.bpoints[0].radius if not count: return # interpolate points factor_i = factor_i/count factor = 1-factor_i self.childrenMidCo = (self.co * factor) + (self.next.co * factor_i) self.childrenMidRadius = radius #debug_pt(self.childrenMidCo) def getAbsVec(self, index): # print self.vecs, index return self.co + self.vecs[index] def slide(self, factor): ''' Slides the segment up and down using the prev and next points ''' self.setCo(self.slideCo(factor)) def slideCo(self, factor): if self.prev == None or self.next == None or factor==0.0: return if factor < 0.0: prev_co = self.prev.co co = self.co ofs = co-prev_co ofs.length = abs(factor) self.co - ofs return self.co - ofs else: next_co = self.next.co co = self.co ofs = co-next_co ofs.length = abs(factor) return self.co - ofs def collapseDown(self): ''' Collapse the next point into this one ''' # self.next.next == None check is so we dont shorten the final length of branches. if self.next == None or self.next.next == None or self.isParent or self.next.isParent: return False self.branch.bpoints.remove(self.next) self.next = self.next.next # skip self.next.prev = self # Watch this place - must update all data thats needed. roll is not calculaetd yet. self.calcNextMidCo() return True def collapseUp(self): ''' Collapse the previous point into this one ''' # self.next.next == None check is so we dont shorten the final length of branches. if self.prev == None or self.prev.prev == None or self.prev.isParent or self.prev.prev.isParent: return False self.branch.bpoints.remove(self.prev) self.prev = self.prev.prev # skip self.prev.next = self # Watch this place - must update all data thats needed. roll is not calculaetd yet. self.prev.calcNextMidCo() return True def smooth(self, factor, factor_joint): ''' Blend this point into the other 2 points ''' if self.next == None or self.prev == None: return False if self.isParent or self.prev.isParent: factor = factor_joint; if factor==0.0: return False; radius = (self.next.radius + self.prev.radius)/2.0 no = (self.next.no + self.prev.no).normalize() # do a line intersect to work out the best location ''' cos = LineIntersect( self.next.co, self.next.co+self.next.no,\ self.prev.co, self.prev.co+self.prev.no) if cos == None: co = (self.prev.co + self.next.co)/2.0 else: co = (cos[0]+cos[1])/2.0 ''' # Above can give odd results every now and then co = (self.prev.co + self.next.co)/2.0 # Now apply factor_i = 1.0-factor self.setCo(self.co*factor_i + co*factor) self.radius = self.radius*factor_i + radius*factor return True def childPoint(self, index): ''' Returns the middle point for any children between this and the next edge ''' if self.next == None: raise 'Error' if index == 0: return (self.getAbsVec(0) + self.next.getAbsVec(1)) / 2 if index == 1: return (self.getAbsVec(1) + self.next.getAbsVec(2)) / 2 if index == 2: return (self.getAbsVec(2) + self.next.getAbsVec(3)) / 2 if index == 3: return (self.getAbsVec(3) + self.next.getAbsVec(0)) / 2 def roll(self, angle): ''' Roll the quad about its normal use for aurienting the sides of a quad to meet a branch that stems from here... ''' mat = Blender.Mathutils.RotationMatrix(angle, 3, 'r', self.no) for i in xrange(4): self.vecs[i] = self.vecs[i] * mat def toMesh(self, mesh): self.verts[0].co = self.getAbsVec(0) self.verts[1].co = self.getAbsVec(1) self.verts[2].co = self.getAbsVec(2) self.verts[3].co = self.getAbsVec(3) if not self.next: return verts = self.verts next_verts = self.next.verts ls = [] if self.prev == None and self.branch.parent_pt: # join from parent branch # which side are we of the parents quad index = self.branch.parent_pt.children.index(self.branch) if index==0: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[0], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[1], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[1], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[0]] if index==1: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[1], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[2], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[2], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[1]] if index==2: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[2], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[3], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[3], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[2]] if index==3: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[3], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[0], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[0], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[3]] if not self.children[0]: self.faces[0] = [verts[0], verts[1], next_verts[1], next_verts[0]] if not self.children[1]: self.faces[1] = [verts[1], verts[2], next_verts[2], next_verts[1]] if not self.children[2]: self.faces[2] = [verts[2], verts[3], next_verts[3], next_verts[2]] if not self.children[3]: self.faces[3] = [verts[3], verts[0], next_verts[0], next_verts[3]] else: # normal join if not self.children[0]: self.faces[0] = [verts[0], verts[1], next_verts[1], next_verts[0]] if not self.children[1]: self.faces[1] = [verts[1], verts[2], next_verts[2], next_verts[1]] if not self.children[2]: self.faces[2] = [verts[2], verts[3], next_verts[3], next_verts[2]] if not self.children[3]: self.faces[3] = [verts[3], verts[0], next_verts[0], next_verts[3]] mesh.faces.extend(ls) def calcVerts(self): if self.prev == None: if self.branch.parent_pt: cross = CrossVecs(self.no, self.branch.getParentFaceCent() - self.branch.parent_pt.getAbsVec( self.branch.getParentQuadIndex() )) else: # parentless branch cross = zup else: cross = CrossVecs(self.prev.vecs[0], self.no) self.vecs[0] = Blender.Mathutils.CrossVecs(self.no, cross) self.vecs[0].length = self.radius mat = Blender.Mathutils.RotationMatrix(90, 3, 'r', self.no) self.vecs[1] = self.vecs[0] * mat self.vecs[2] = self.vecs[1] * mat self.vecs[3] = self.vecs[2] * mat def hasChildren(self): ''' Use .isParent where possible, this does the real check ''' if self.children.count(None) == 4: return False else: return True class branch: def __init__(self): self.bpoints = [] self.parent_pt = None self.tag = False # have we calculated our points # Bones per branch self.bones = [] def __repr__(self): s = '' s += '\tbranch' s += '\tbpoints:', len(self.bpoints) for pt in brch.bpoints: s += str(self.pt) def getParentQuadAngle(self): ''' The angle off we are from our parent quad, ''' # used to roll the parent so its faces us better parent_normal = self.getParentFaceCent() - self.parent_pt.nextMidCo self_normal = self.bpoints[1].co - self.parent_pt.co # We only want the angle in relation to the parent points normal # modify self_normal to make this so cross = CrossVecs(self_normal, self.parent_pt.no) self_normal = CrossVecs(self.parent_pt.no, cross) # CHECK angle = AngleBetweenVecs(parent_normal, self_normal) # see if we need to rotate positive or negative # USE DOT PRODUCT! cross = CrossVecs(parent_normal, self_normal) if AngleBetweenVecs(cross, self.parent_pt.no) > 90: angle = -angle return angle def getParentQuadIndex(self): return self.parent_pt.children.index(self) def getParentFaceCent(self): return self.parent_pt.childPoint( self.getParentQuadIndex() ) def findClosest(self, co): ''' # this dosnt work, but could. best = None best_dist = 100000000 for pt in self.bpoints: if pt.next: co_on_line, fac = ClosestPointOnLine(co, pt.co, pt.next.co) print fac if fac >= 0.0 and fac <= 1.0: return pt, (co-co_on_line).length return best, best_dist ''' best = None best_dist = 100000000 for pt in self.bpoints: if pt.nextMidCo: dist = (pt.nextMidCo-co).length if dist < best_dist: best = pt best_dist = dist return best, best_dist def evenPointDistrobution(self, factor=1.0, factor_joint=1.0): ''' Redistribute points that are not evenly distributed factor is between 0.0 and 1.0 ''' for pt in self.bpoints: if pt.next and pt.prev and pt.isParent == False and pt.prev.isParent == False: w1 = pt.nextLength() w2 = pt.prevLength() wtot = w1+w2 w1=w1/wtot #w2=w2/wtot w1 = abs(w1-0.5)*2 # make this from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0 is the middle and 1.0 is as far out of the middle as possible. # print "%.6f" % w1 pt.smooth(w1*factor, w1*factor_joint) def fixOverlapError(self, joint_smooth=1.0): # Keep fixing until no hasOverlapError left to fix. error = True while error: error = False for pt in self.bpoints: if pt.prev and pt.next: if pt.hasOverlapError(): if pt.smooth(1.0, joint_smooth): # if we cant fix then dont bother trying again. error = True def evenJointDistrobution(self, joint_compression = 1.0): # See if we need to evaluate this branch at all if len(self.bpoints) <= 2: # Rare but in this case we cant do anything return has_children = False for pt in self.bpoints: if pt.isParent: has_children = True break if not has_children: return # OK, we have children, so we have some work to do... # center each segment # work out the median location of all points children. for pt in self.bpoints: pt.calcChildrenMidData() for pt in self.bpoints: pt.targetCos = [] if pt.childrenMidCo: # Move this and the next segment to be around the child point. # TODO - factor in the branch angle, be careful with this - close angles can have extreme values. co = pt.slideCo( (pt.childrenMidCo - pt.co).length - (pt.childrenMidRadius * joint_compression) ) if co: pt.targetCos.append( co ) co = pt.next.slideCo((pt.childrenMidRadius * joint_compression) - (pt.childrenMidCo - pt.next.co).length ) if co: pt.next.targetCos.append( co ) for pt in self.bpoints: pt.applyTargetLocation() def collapsePoints(self, density, smooth_joint=1.0): collapse = True while collapse: collapse = False pt = self.bpoints[0] while pt: if pt.prev and pt.next and not pt.prev.isParent: if (pt.prev.nextMidCo-pt.co).length < ((pt.radius + pt.prev.radius)/2) * density: pt_save = pt.prev if pt.next.collapseUp(): # collapse this point collapse = True pt = pt_save # so we never reference a removed point if not pt.isParent: #if pt.childrenMidCo == None: # Collapse, if tehre is any problems here we can move into a seperate losop. # do here because we only want to run this on points with no childzren, # Are we closer theto eachother then the radius? if pt.next and (pt.nextMidCo-pt.co).length < ((pt.radius + pt.next.radius)/2) * density: if pt.collapseDown(): collapse = True pt = pt.next ## self.checkPointList() self.evenPointDistrobution(1.0, smooth_joint) for pt in self.bpoints: pt.calcNormal() pt.calcNextMidCo() def branchReJoin(self): ''' Not needed but nice to run after collapsing incase segments moved a lot ''' if not self.parent_pt: return # nothing to do # see if the next segment is closer now (after collapsing) par_pt = self.parent_pt root_pt = self.bpoints[0] index = par_pt.children.index(self) current_dist = (par_pt.nextMidCo - root_pt.co).length # TODO - Check size of new area is ok to move into if par_pt.next and par_pt.next.next and par_pt.next.children[index] == None: # We can go here if we want, see if its better if current_dist > (par_pt.next.nextMidCo - root_pt.co).length: self.parent_pt.children[index] = None self.parent_pt = par_pt.next self.parent_pt.children[index] = self return if par_pt.prev and par_pt.prev.children[index] == None: # We can go here if we want, see if its better if current_dist > (par_pt.prev.nextMidCo - root_pt.co).length: self.parent_pt.children[index] = None self.parent_pt.isParent = self.parent_pt.hasChildren() self.parent_pt = par_pt.prev self.parent_pt.children[index] = self self.parent_pt.isParent = True return def checkPointList(self): ''' Error checking. use to check if collapsing worked. ''' p_link = self.bpoints[0] i = 0 while p_link: if self.bpoints[i] != p_link: raise "Error" if p_link.prev and p_link.prev != self.bpoints[i-1]: raise "Error Prev" if p_link.next and p_link.next != self.bpoints[i+1]: raise "Error Next" p_link = p_link.next i+=1 def toMesh(self): pass # No GUI code above this! ------------------------------------------------------ # PREFS - These can be saved on the object's id property. use 'tree2curve' slot from Blender import Draw import BPyWindow ID_SLOT_NAME = 'Curve2Tree' EVENT_NONE = 0 EVENT_EXIT = 1 EVENT_REDRAW = 2 # Prefs for each tree PREFS = {} PREFS['connect_sloppy'] = Draw.Create(1.0) PREFS['connect_base_trim'] = Draw.Create(1.0) PREFS['seg_density'] = Draw.Create(0.2) PREFS['seg_joint_compression'] = Draw.Create(1.0) PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'] = Draw.Create(2.0) PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.Create('') PREFS['do_uv'] = Draw.Create(1) PREFS['do_subsurf'] = Draw.Create(1) PREFS['do_uv_scalewidth'] = Draw.Create(1) PREFS['do_armature'] = Draw.Create(1) PREFS['do_anim'] = Draw.Create(1) try: PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.Create([tex for tex in bpy.data.textures][0].name) except: PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.Create('') GLOBAL_PREFS = {} def buildTree(ob): ''' Must be a curve object, write to a child mesh Must check this is a curve object! ''' def getCurveChild(obtype): try: return [ _ob for _ob in sce.objects if _ob.type == obtype if _ob.parent == ob ][0] except: return None def newCurveChild(obdata): ob_new = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(obdata) ob_new.Layers = ob.Layers # new object settings ob.makeParent([ob_new]) ob_new.setMatrix(Blender.Mathutils.Matrix()) ob_new.sel = 0 return ob_new def hasModifier(modtype): return len([mod for mod in ob_mesh.modifiers if mod.type == modtype]) > 0 sce = bpy.data.scenes.active if PREFS['image_main'].val: try: image = bpy.data.images[PREFS['image_main'].val] except: image = None else: image = None # Get the mesh child t = tree() t.fromCurve(ob) #print t t.buildConnections(\ sloppy = PREFS['connect_sloppy'].val,\ base_trim = PREFS['connect_base_trim'].val\ ) t.optimizeSpacing(\ density=PREFS['seg_density'].val,\ joint_compression = PREFS['seg_joint_compression'].val,\ joint_smooth = PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'].val\ ) ob_mesh = getCurveChild('Mesh') if not ob_mesh: # New object mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('tree_' + ob.name) ob_mesh = newCurveChild(mesh) # do subsurf later else: # Existing object mesh = ob_mesh.getData(mesh=1) ob_mesh.setMatrix(Blender.Mathutils.Matrix()) mesh = t.toMesh(mesh,\ do_uvmap = PREFS['do_uv'].val,\ uv_image = image,\ do_uv_scalewidth = PREFS['do_uv_scalewidth'].val\ ) mesh.calcNormals() # Do armature stuff.... if PREFS['do_armature'].val: ob_arm = getCurveChild('Armature') if ob_arm: armature = ob_arm.data ob_arm.setMatrix(Blender.Mathutils.Matrix()) else: armature = bpy.data.armatures.new() ob_arm = newCurveChild(armature) t.toArmature(ob_arm, armature) # Add the modifier. if not hasModifier(Blender.Modifier.Types.ARMATURE): mod = ob_mesh.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.ARMATURE) # TODO - assigne object anyway, even if an existing modifier exists. mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.OBJECT] = ob_arm if PREFS['do_anim'].val: try: tex = bpy.data.textures[PREFS['anim_tex'].val] except: tex = None Blender.Draw.PupMenu('error no texture, cannot animate bones') if tex: t.toAction(ob_arm, tex) # Add subsurf last it needed. so armature skinning is done first. # Do subsurf? if PREFS['seg_density'].val: if not hasModifier(Blender.Modifier.Types.SUBSURF): mod = ob_mesh.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.SUBSURF) #ob_mesh.makeDisplayList() #mesh.update() bpy.data.scenes.active.update() def Prefs2IDProp(idprop, prefs): pass def IDProp2Prefs(idprop, prefs): pass #BUTS = {} #BUTS[''] def do_tex_check(e,v): try: bpy.data.textures[v] except: PREFS['anim_tex'].val = '' Draw.PupMenu('Texture dosnt exist!') Draw.Redraw() # Button callbacks def do_active_image(e,v): img = bpy.data.images.active if img: PREFS['image_main'].val = img.name else: PREFS['image_main'].val = '' # Button callbacks def do_tree_generate(e,v): sce = bpy.data.scenes.active ob = sce.objects.active if ob == None: Draw.PupMenu('No active object selected') return if ob.type != 'Curve': ob = ob.parent if ob.type != 'Curve': Draw.PupMenu('Select a curve object or a mesh with a curve parent') return is_editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode() if is_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0, '', 0) buildTree(ob) if is_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1, '', 0) Blender.Window.RedrawAll() def evt(e,val): pass def bevt(e): if e == EVENT_REDRAW: Draw.Redraw() if e == EVENT_EXIT: Draw.Exit() pass def gui(): MARGIN = 10 rect = BPyWindow.spaceRect() but_width = 64 but_height = 20 x=MARGIN y=rect[3]-but_height-MARGIN xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['seg_density'] = Draw.Number('Segment Spacing',EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['seg_density'].val, 0.05, 10.0, 'Scale the limit points collapse, that are closer then the branch width'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['seg_joint_compression'] = Draw.Number('Joint Width', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['seg_joint_compression'].val, 0.1, 2.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'] = Draw.Number('Joint Smooth', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['connect_sloppy'] = Draw.Number('Connect Limit',EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['connect_sloppy'].val, 0.1, 2.0, 'Strictness when connecting branches'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['connect_base_trim'] = Draw.Number('Trim Base', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['connect_base_trim'].val, 0.1, 2.0, 'Trim branch base to better connect with parent branch'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['do_subsurf'] = Draw.Toggle('SubSurf',EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['do_subsurf'].val, 'Enable subsurf for newly generated objects'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height+MARGIN xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['do_uv'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate UVs',EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_uv'].val, 'Calculate UVs coords'); xtmp += but_width*2; if PREFS['do_uv'].val: PREFS['do_uv_scalewidth'] = Draw.Toggle('Keep Aspect', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_scalewidth'].val, 'Correct the UV aspect with the branch width'); xtmp += but_width*2; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.String('IM: ', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*3, but_height, PREFS['image_main'].val, 64, 'Image to apply to faces'); xtmp += but_width*3; Draw.PushButton('Use Active', EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, 'Open online help in a browser window', do_active_image); xtmp += but_width; y-=but_height+MARGIN xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PREFS['do_armature'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Armature & Skin Mesh', EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['do_armature'].val, 'Generate Armatuer'); xtmp += but_width*4; y-=but_height xtmp = x # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- if PREFS['do_armature'].val: PREFS['do_anim'] = Draw.Toggle('Texture Anim', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_anim'].val, 'Use a texture to animate the bones'); xtmp += but_width*2; PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.String('TEX: ', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_tex'].val, 64, 'Texture to use for the IPO Driver animation', do_tex_check); xtmp += but_width*2; y-=but_height+MARGIN xtmp = x Draw.PushButton('Exit', EVENT_EXIT, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, '', do_active_image); xtmp += but_width*2; Draw.PushButton('Generate', EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, 'Generate mesh', do_tree_generate); xtmp += but_width*2; # PREFS['do_uv_scalewidth'] = Draw.Number('Scale:', EVENT_NONE, x+20, y+120, but_width, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_scalewidth'].val, 0.01, 1000.0, 'Scale all data, (Note! some imports dont support scaled armatures)') #v = Draw.Toggle('UVs', EVENT_NONE, x, y, 60, 20, v.val, 'Calculate UVs coords') if __name__ == '__main__': Draw.Register(gui, evt, bevt)