#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus Name: 'Bevel Center' Blender: 240 Group: 'Mesh' Tip: 'Bevel selected faces, edges, and vertices' """ __author__ = "Loic BERTHE" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun") __version__ = "2.0" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script implements vertex and edges bevelling in Blender. Usage: Select the mesh you want to work on, enter Edit Mode and select the edges to bevel. Then run this script from the 3d View's Mesh->Scripts menu. You can control the thickness of the bevel with the slider -- redefine the end points for bigger or smaller ranges. The thickness can be changed even after applying the bevel, as many times as needed. For an extra smoothing after or instead of direct bevel, set the level of recursiveness and use the "Recursive" button. This "Recursive" Button, won't work in face select mode, unless you choose "faces" in the select mode menu. Notes:
You can undo and redo your steps just like with normal mesh operations in Blender. """ ###################################################################### # Bevel Center v2.0 for Blender # This script lets you bevel the selected vertices or edges and control the # thickness of the bevel # (c) 2004-2006 Loïc Berthe (loic+blender@lilotux.net) # released under Blender Artistic License ###################################################################### import Blender from Blender import NMesh, Window, Scene from Blender.Draw import * from Blender.Mathutils import * from Blender.BGL import * ###################################################################### # Functions to handle the global structures of the script NF, NE and NC # which contain informations about faces and corners to be created global E_selected E_selected = NMesh.EdgeFlags['SELECT'] def make_sel_vert(*co): vi= NMesh.Vert(*co) v.sel = 1 me.verts.append(v) return v def make_sel_face(verts): f = NMesh.Face(verts) f.sel = 1 me.addFace(f) def add_to_NV(old,dir,new): if old in NV.keys(): NV[old][dir] = new else: NV[old] = {dir:new} def get_v(old, *neighbors): # compute the direction of the new vert if len(neighbors) == 1 : dir = (neighbors[0].co - old.co).normalize() else : dir = (neighbors[0].co - old.co).normalize() + (neighbors[1].co-old.co).normalize() # look in NV if this vert already exists key = tuple(dir) if old in NV and key in NV[old] : return NV[old][key] # else, create it new = old.co + dist.val*dir v = make_sel_vert(new.x,new.y,new.z) add_to_NV(old,key,v) return v def make_faces(): """ Analyse the mesh, make the faces corresponding to selected faces and fill the structures NE and NC """ # make the differents flags consistent for e in me.edges: if e.flag & E_selected : e.v1.sel = 1 e.v2.sel = 1 NF =[] # NF : New faces for f in me.faces: V = f.v nV = len(V) enumV = range(nV) E = [me.findEdge(V[i],V[(i+1) % nV]) for i in enumV] Esel = [x.flag & E_selected for x in E] # look for selected vertices and creates a list containing the new vertices newV = V[:] changes = False for (i,v) in enumerate(V): if v.sel : changes = True if Esel[i-1] == 0 and Esel[i] == 1 : newV[i] = get_v(v,V[i-1]) elif Esel[i-1] == 1 and Esel[i] == 0 : newV[i] = get_v(v,V[(i+1) % nV]) elif Esel[i-1] == 1 and Esel[i] == 1 : newV[i] = get_v(v,V[i-1],V[(i+1) % nV]) else : newV[i] = [get_v(v,V[i-1]),get_v(v,V[(i+1) % nV])] if changes: # determine and store the face to be created lenV = [len(x) for x in newV] if 2 not in lenV : new_f = NMesh.Face(newV) if sum(Esel) == nV : new_f.sel = 1 NF.append(new_f) else : nb2 = lenV.count(2) if nV == 4 : # f is a quad if nb2 == 1 : ind2 = lenV.index(2) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1],newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2][1],newV[ind2-3]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1],newV[ind2-2],newV[ind2-3]])) elif nb2 == 2 : # We must know if the tuples are neighbours ind2 = ''.join([str(x) for x in lenV+lenV[:1]]).find('22') if ind2 != -1 : # They are NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2][1],newV[ind2-3][0],newV[ind2-3][1]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2-1],newV[ind2-2],newV[ind2-3][1]])) else: # They aren't ind2 = lenV.index(2) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2][1],newV[ind2-2][0],newV[ind2-2][1]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2][1],newV[ind2-3],newV[ind2-2][0]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2-1],newV[ind2-2][1]])) elif nb2 == 3 : ind2 = lenV.index(3) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1][1],newV[ind2],newV[ind2-3][0]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1][0],newV[ind2-1][1],newV[ind2-3][0],newV[ind2-3][1]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-3][1],newV[ind2-2][0],newV[ind2-2][1],newV[ind2-1][0]])) else: if (newV[0][1].co-newV[3][0].co).length + (newV[1][0].co-newV[2][1].co).length \ < (newV[0][0].co-newV[1][1].co).length + (newV[2][0].co-newV[3][1].co).length : ind2 = 0 else : ind2 = 1 NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1][0],newV[ind2-1][1],newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2][1]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2][1],newV[ind2-3][0],newV[ind2-2][1],newV[ind2-1][0]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-3][0],newV[ind2-3][1],newV[ind2-2][0],newV[ind2-2][1]])) else : # f is a tri if nb2 == 1: ind2 = lenV.index(2) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-2],newV[ind2-1],newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2][1]])) elif nb2 == 2: ind2 = lenV.index(3) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1][1],newV[ind2],newV[ind2-2][0]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-2][0],newV[ind2-2][1],newV[ind2-1][0],newV[ind2-1][1]])) else: ind2 = min(((newV[i][1].co-newV[i-1][0].co).length, i) for i in enumV)[1] NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-1][1],newV[ind2][0],newV[ind2][1],newV[ind2-2][0]])) NF.append(NMesh.Face([newV[ind2-2][0],newV[ind2-2][1],newV[ind2-1][0],newV[ind2-1][1]])) # Preparing the corners for i in enumV: if lenV[i] == 2 : NC.setdefault(V[i],[]).append(newV[i]) old_faces.append(f) # Preparing the Edges for i in enumV: if Esel[i]: verts = [newV[i],newV[(i+1) % nV]] if V[i].index > V[(i+1) % nV].index : verts.reverse() NE.setdefault(E[i],[]).append(verts) # Create the faces for f in NF: me.addFace(f) def make_edges(): """ Make the faces corresponding to selected edges """ for old,new in NE.iteritems() : if len(new) == 1 : # This edge was on a border oldv = [old.v1, old.v2] if old.v1.index < old.v2.index : oldv.reverse() make_sel_face(oldv+new[0]) me.findEdge(*oldv).flag |= E_selected me.findEdge(*new[0]).flag |= E_selected for v in oldv : NV_ext.add(v) else: make_sel_face(new[0] + new[1][::-1]) me.findEdge(*new[0]).flag |= E_selected me.findEdge(*new[1]).flag |= E_selected def make_corners(): """ Make the faces corresponding to corners """ for v in NV.keys(): V = NV[v].values() nV = len(V) if nV == 1: pass elif nV == 2 : if v in NV_ext: make_sel_face(V+[v]) me.findEdge(*V).flag |= E_selected else: if nV == 3 and v not in NV_ext : make_sel_face(V) else : # We need to know which are the edges around the corner. # First, we look for the quads surrounding the corner. eed = [] for old, new in NE.iteritems(): if v in (old.v1,old.v2) : if v.index == min(old.v1.index,old.v2.index) : ind = 0 else : ind = 1 if len(new) == 1: eed.append([v,new[0][ind]]) else : eed.append([new[0][ind],new[1][ind]]) # We will add the edges coming from faces where only one vertice is selected. # They are stored in NC. if v in NC: eed = eed+NC[v] # Now we have to sort these vertices hc = {} for (a,b) in eed : hc.setdefault(a,[]).append(b) hc.setdefault(b,[]).append(a) for x0,edges in hc.iteritems(): if len(edges) == 1 : break b = [x0] # b will contain the sorted list of vertices for i in range(len(hc)-1): for x in hc[x0] : if x not in b : break b.append(x) x0 = x b.append(b[0]) # Now we can create the faces if len(b) == 5: make_sel_face(b[:4]) else: New_V = Vector(0.0, 0.0,0.0) New_d = [0.0, 0.0,0.0] for x in hc.keys(): New_V += x.co for dir in NV[v] : for i in xrange(3): New_d[i] += dir[i] New_V *= 1./len(hc) for i in range(3) : New_d[i] /= nV center = make_sel_vert(New_V.x,New_V.y,New_V.z) add_to_NV(v,tuple(New_d),center) for k in range(len(b)-1): make_sel_face([center, b[k], b[k+1]]) if 2 < nV and v in NC : for edge in NC[v] : me.findEdge(*edge).flag |= E_selected def clear_old(): """ Erase old faces and vertices """ for f in old_faces: me.removeFace(f) for v in NV.keys(): if v not in NV_ext : me.verts.remove(v) for e in me.edges: if e.flag & E_selected : e.v1.sel = 1 e.v2.sel = 1 ###################################################################### # Interface global dist dist = Create(0.2) left = Create(0.0) right = Create(1.0) num = Create(2) # Events EVENT_NOEVENT = 1 EVENT_BEVEL = 2 EVENT_UPDATE = 3 EVENT_RECURS = 4 EVENT_EXIT = 5 def draw(): global dist, left, right, num global EVENT_NOEVENT, EVENT_BEVEL, EVENT_UPDATE, EVENT_RECURS, EVENT_EXIT glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) Button("Bevel",EVENT_BEVEL,10,100,280,25) left=Number('', EVENT_NOEVENT,10,70,45, 20,left.val,0,right.val,'Set the minimum of the slider') right = Number("",EVENT_NOEVENT,245,70,45,20,right.val,left.val,200,"Set the maximum of the slider") dist=Slider("Thickness ",EVENT_UPDATE,60,70,180,20,dist.val,left.val,right.val,0, \ "Thickness of the bevel, can be changed even after bevelling") glRasterPos2d(8,40) Text('To finish, you can use recursive bevel to smooth it') num=Number('', EVENT_NOEVENT,10,10,40, 16,num.val,1,100,'Recursion level') Button("Recursive",EVENT_RECURS,55,10,100,16) Button("Exit",EVENT_EXIT,210,10,80,20) def event(evt, val): if ((evt == QKEY or evt == ESCKEY) and not val): Exit() def bevent(evt): if evt == EVENT_EXIT : Exit() elif evt == EVENT_BEVEL : bevel() elif evt == EVENT_UPDATE : try: bevel_update() except NameError : pass elif evt == EVENT_RECURS : recursive() Register(draw, event, bevent) ###################################################################### def bevel(): """ The main function, which creates the bevel """ global me,NV,NV_ext,NE,NC, old_faces,old_dist scn = Scene.GetCurrent() ob = scn.getActiveObject() if ob == None or ob.getType() != 'Mesh': Draw.PupMenu('ERROR%t|Select a mesh object.') return Window.WaitCursor(1) # Change the Cursor is_editmode = Window.EditMode() if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) me = ob.getData() NV = {} NV_ext = set() NE = {} NC = {} old_faces = [] make_faces() make_edges() make_corners() clear_old() old_dist = dist.val me.update(1) if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Window.WaitCursor(0) Blender.Redraw() def bevel_update(): """ Use NV to update the bevel """ global dist, old_dist is_editmode = Window.EditMode() if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) fac = dist.val - old_dist old_dist = dist.val for old_v in NV.keys(): for dir in NV[old_v].keys(): for i in range(3): NV[old_v][dir].co[i] += fac*dir[i] me.update(1) if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Blender.Redraw() def recursive(): """ Make a recursive bevel... still experimental """ global dist from math import pi, sin if num.val > 1: a = pi/4 ang = [] for k in range(num.val): ang.append(a) a = (pi+2*a)/4 l = [2*(1-sin(x))/sin(2*x) for x in ang] R = dist.val/sum(l) l = [x*R for x in l] dist.val = l[0] bevel_update() for x in l[1:]: dist.val = x bevel()