# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # Contributor(s): Campbell Barton # # #**** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #**** # script_help_msg = ''' Usage: For HTML generation ------------------- - Run this script from blenders root path once you have compiled blender ./blender.bin --background -noaudio --python doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.py This will generate python files in doc/python_api/sphinx-in/ providing ./blender.bin is or links to the blender executable - Generate html docs by running... cd doc/python_api sphinx-build sphinx-in sphinx-out This requires sphinx 1.0.7 to be installed. For PDF generation ------------------ - After you have built doc/python_api/sphinx-in (see above), run: sphinx-build -b latex doc/python_api/sphinx-in doc/python_api/sphinx-out cd doc/python_api/sphinx-out make ''' # Check we're running in blender if __import__("sys").modules.get("bpy") is None: print("\nError, this script must run from inside blender") print(script_help_msg) import sys sys.exit() # Switch for quick testing if 1: # full build EXCLUDE_INFO_DOCS = False EXCLUDE_MODULES = () FILTER_BPY_TYPES = None FILTER_BPY_OPS = None else: EXCLUDE_INFO_DOCS = False # for testing so doc-builds dont take so long. EXCLUDE_MODULES = ( "bpy.context", #"bpy.app", #"bpy.app.handlers", "bpy.path", "bpy.data", "bpy.props", "bpy.utils", "bpy.context", "bpy.types", # supports filtering "bpy.ops", # supports filtering "bpy_extras", "bge", "aud", "bgl", "blf", "gpu", "mathutils", "mathutils.geometry", "mathutils.noise", ) FILTER_BPY_TYPES = ("bpy_struct", "Operator", "ID") # allow FILTER_BPY_OPS = ("import.scene", ) # allow # for quick rebuilds """ rm -rf /b/doc/python_api/sphinx-* && \ ./blender.bin --background -noaudio --factory-startup --python doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.py && \ sphinx-build doc/python_api/sphinx-in doc/python_api/sphinx-out """ # extra info, not api reference docs # stored in ./rst/info/ INFO_DOCS = ( ("info_quickstart.rst", "Blender/Python Quickstart: new to blender/scripting and want to get your feet wet?"), ("info_overview.rst", "Blender/Python API Overview: a more complete explanation of python integration"), ("info_best_practice.rst", "Best Practice: Conventions to follow for writing good scripts"), ("info_tips_and_tricks.rst", "Tips and Tricks: Hints to help you while writeing scripts for blender"), ("info_gotcha.rst", "Gotcha's: some of the problems you may come up against when writing scripts"), ) # only support for properties atm. RNA_BLACKLIST = { # messes up PDF!, really a bug but for now just workaround. "UserPreferencesSystem": {"language", }, } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # configure compile time options try: __import__("aud") except ImportError: print("Warning: Built without 'aud' module, docs incomplete...") EXCLUDE_MODULES = EXCLUDE_MODULES + ("aud", ) # import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('test') import os import inspect import bpy import rna_info # lame, python wont give some access ClassMethodDescriptorType = type(dict.__dict__['fromkeys']) MethodDescriptorType = type(dict.get) GetSetDescriptorType = type(int.real) from types import MemberDescriptorType EXAMPLE_SET = set() EXAMPLE_SET_USED = set() _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE = "bpy_struct" _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_FAKE = "bpy_prop_collection" _BPY_FULL_REBUILD = False if _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_FAKE: _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_ID = ":class:`%s`" % _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_FAKE else: _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_ID = "collection" def is_struct_seq(value): return isinstance(value, tuple) and type(tuple) != tuple and hasattr(value, "n_fields") def undocumented_message(module_name, type_name, identifier): if str(type_name).startswith('`_)\n\n" % preloadtitle return message def range_str(val): ''' Converts values to strings for the range directive. (unused function it seems) ''' if val < -10000000: return '-inf' elif val > 10000000: return 'inf' elif type(val) == float: return '%g' % val else: return str(val) def example_extract_docstring(filepath): file = open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") line = file.readline() line_no = 0 text = [] if line.startswith('"""'): # assume nothing here line_no += 1 else: file.close() return "", 0 for line in file.readlines(): line_no += 1 if line.startswith('"""'): break else: text.append(line.rstrip()) line_no += 1 file.close() return "\n".join(text), line_no def write_title(fw, text, heading_char): fw("%s\n%s\n\n" % (text, len(text) * heading_char)) def write_example_ref(ident, fw, example_id, ext="py"): if example_id in EXAMPLE_SET: # extract the comment filepath = "../examples/%s.%s" % (example_id, ext) filepath_full = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fw.__self__.name), filepath) text, line_no = example_extract_docstring(filepath_full) for line in text.split("\n"): fw("%s\n" % (ident + line).rstrip()) fw("\n") fw("%s.. literalinclude:: %s\n" % (ident, filepath)) if line_no > 0: fw("%s :lines: %d-\n" % (ident, line_no)) fw("\n") EXAMPLE_SET_USED.add(example_id) else: if bpy.app.debug: print("\tskipping example:", example_id) # Support for numbered files bpy.types.Operator -> bpy.types.Operator.1.py i = 1 while True: example_id_num = "%s.%d" % (example_id, i) if example_id_num in EXAMPLE_SET: write_example_ref(ident, fw, example_id_num, ext) i += 1 else: break def write_indented_lines(ident, fn, text, strip=True): ''' Apply same indentation to all lines in a multilines text. ''' if text is None: return lines = text.split("\n") # strip empty lines from the start/end while lines and not lines[0].strip(): del lines[0] while lines and not lines[-1].strip(): del lines[-1] if strip: ident_strip = 1000 for l in lines: if l.strip(): ident_strip = min(ident_strip, len(l) - len(l.lstrip())) for l in lines: fn(ident + l[ident_strip:] + "\n") else: for l in lines: fn(ident + l + "\n") def pymethod2sphinx(ident, fw, identifier, py_func): ''' class method to sphinx ''' arg_str = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(py_func)) if arg_str.startswith("(self, "): arg_str = "(" + arg_str[7:] func_type = "method" elif arg_str.startswith("(cls, "): arg_str = "(" + arg_str[6:] func_type = "classmethod" else: func_type = "staticmethod" fw(ident + ".. %s:: %s%s\n\n" % (func_type, identifier, arg_str)) if py_func.__doc__: write_indented_lines(ident + " ", fw, py_func.__doc__) fw("\n") def pyfunc2sphinx(ident, fw, identifier, py_func, is_class=True): ''' function or class method to sphinx ''' arg_str = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(py_func)) if not is_class: func_type = "function" # ther rest are class methods elif arg_str.startswith("(self, "): arg_str = "(" + arg_str[7:] func_type = "method" elif arg_str.startswith("(cls, "): arg_str = "(" + arg_str[6:] func_type = "classmethod" else: func_type = "staticmethod" fw(ident + ".. %s:: %s%s\n\n" % (func_type, identifier, arg_str)) if py_func.__doc__: write_indented_lines(ident + " ", fw, py_func.__doc__) fw("\n") def py_descr2sphinx(ident, fw, descr, module_name, type_name, identifier): if identifier.startswith("_"): return doc = descr.__doc__ if not doc: doc = undocumented_message(module_name, type_name, identifier) if type(descr) == GetSetDescriptorType: fw(ident + ".. attribute:: %s\n\n" % identifier) write_indented_lines(ident + " ", fw, doc, False) fw("\n") elif type(descr) == MemberDescriptorType: # same as above but use 'data' fw(ident + ".. data:: %s\n\n" % identifier) write_indented_lines(ident + " ", fw, doc, False) fw("\n") elif type(descr) in (MethodDescriptorType, ClassMethodDescriptorType): write_indented_lines(ident, fw, doc, False) fw("\n") else: raise TypeError("type was not GetSetDescriptorType, MethodDescriptorType or ClassMethodDescriptorType") write_example_ref(ident + " ", fw, module_name + "." + type_name + "." + identifier) fw("\n") def py_c_func2sphinx(ident, fw, module_name, type_name, identifier, py_func, is_class=True): ''' c defined function to sphinx. ''' # dump the docstring, assume its formatted correctly if py_func.__doc__: write_indented_lines(ident, fw, py_func.__doc__, False) fw("\n") else: fw(ident + ".. function:: %s()\n\n" % identifier) fw(ident + " " + undocumented_message(module_name, type_name, identifier)) if is_class: write_example_ref(ident + " ", fw, module_name + "." + type_name + "." + identifier) else: write_example_ref(ident + " ", fw, module_name + "." + identifier) fw("\n") def pyprop2sphinx(ident, fw, identifier, py_prop): ''' python property to sphinx ''' # readonly properties use "data" directive, variables use "attribute" directive if py_prop.fset is None: fw(ident + ".. data:: %s\n\n" % identifier) else: fw(ident + ".. attribute:: %s\n\n" % identifier) write_indented_lines(ident + " ", fw, py_prop.__doc__) if py_prop.fset is None: fw(ident + " (readonly)\n\n") def pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, module_name, module, title): import types attribute_set = set() filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, module_name + ".rst") module_all = getattr(module, "__all__", None) module_dir = sorted(dir(module)) if module_all: module_dir = module_all file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write write_title(fw, "%s (%s)" % (title, module_name), "=") fw(".. module:: %s\n\n" % module_name) if module.__doc__: # Note, may contain sphinx syntax, dont mangle! fw(module.__doc__.strip()) fw("\n\n") write_example_ref("", fw, module_name) # write submodules # we could also scan files but this ensures __all__ is used correctly if module_all is not None: submod_name = None submod = None submod_ls = [] for submod_name in module_all: ns = {} exec_str = "from %s import %s as submod" % (module.__name__, submod_name) exec(exec_str, ns, ns) submod = ns["submod"] if type(submod) == types.ModuleType: submod_ls.append((submod_name, submod)) del submod_name del submod if submod_ls: fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :maxdepth: 1\n\n") for submod_name, submod in submod_ls: submod_name_full = "%s.%s" % (module_name, submod_name) fw(" %s.rst\n\n" % submod_name_full) pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, submod_name_full, submod, "%s submodule" % module_name) del submod_ls # done writing submodules! # write members of the module # only tested with PyStructs which are not exactly modules for key, descr in sorted(type(module).__dict__.items()): if key.startswith("__"): continue # naughty, we also add getset's into PyStructs, this is not typical py but also not incorrect. # type_name is only used for examples and messages type_name = str(type(module)).strip("<>").split(" ", 1)[-1][1:-1] # "" --> bpy.app.handlers if type(descr) == types.GetSetDescriptorType: py_descr2sphinx("", fw, descr, module_name, type_name, key) attribute_set.add(key) descr_sorted = [] for key, descr in sorted(type(module).__dict__.items()): if key.startswith("__"): continue if type(descr) == MemberDescriptorType: if descr.__doc__: value = getattr(module, key, None) value_type = type(value) descr_sorted.append((key, descr, value, type(value))) # sort by the valye type descr_sorted.sort(key=lambda descr_data: str(descr_data[3])) for key, descr, value, value_type in descr_sorted: # must be documented as a submodule if is_struct_seq(value): continue type_name = value_type.__name__ py_descr2sphinx("", fw, descr, module_name, type_name, key) attribute_set.add(key) del key, descr, descr_sorted classes = [] submodules = [] # use this list so we can sort by type module_dir_value_type = [] for attribute in module_dir: if attribute.startswith("_"): continue if attribute in attribute_set: continue if attribute.startswith("n_"): # annoying exception, needed for bpy.app continue # workaround for bpy.app documenting .index() and .count() if isinstance(module, tuple) and hasattr(tuple, attribute): continue value = getattr(module, attribute) module_dir_value_type.append((attribute, value, type(value))) # sort by str of each type # this way lists, functions etc are grouped. module_dir_value_type.sort(key=lambda triple: str(triple[2])) for attribute, value, value_type in module_dir_value_type: if value_type == types.FunctionType: pyfunc2sphinx("", fw, attribute, value, is_class=False) elif value_type in (types.BuiltinMethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType): # both the same at the moment but to be future proof # note: can't get args from these, so dump the string as is # this means any module used like this must have fully formatted docstrings. py_c_func2sphinx("", fw, module_name, None, attribute, value, is_class=False) elif value_type == type: classes.append((attribute, value)) elif issubclass(value_type, types.ModuleType): submodules.append((attribute, value)) elif value_type in (bool, int, float, str, tuple): # constant, not much fun we can do here except to list it. # TODO, figure out some way to document these! #fw(".. data:: %s\n\n" % attribute) write_indented_lines(" ", fw, "constant value %s" % repr(value), False) fw("\n") else: print("\tnot documenting %s.%s of %r type" % (module_name, attribute, value_type.__name__)) continue attribute_set.add(attribute) # TODO, more types... del module_dir_value_type # TODO, bpy_extras does this already, mathutils not. """ if submodules: fw("\n" "**********\n" "Submodules\n" "**********\n" "\n" ) for attribute, submod in submodules: fw("* :mod:`%s.%s`\n" % (module_name, attribute)) fw("\n") """ # write collected classes now for (type_name, value) in classes: # May need to be its own function fw(".. class:: %s\n\n" % type_name) if value.__doc__: write_indented_lines(" ", fw, value.__doc__, False) fw("\n") write_example_ref(" ", fw, module_name + "." + type_name) descr_items = [(key, descr) for key, descr in sorted(value.__dict__.items()) if not key.startswith("__")] for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == ClassMethodDescriptorType: py_descr2sphinx(" ", fw, descr, module_name, type_name, key) for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == MethodDescriptorType: py_descr2sphinx(" ", fw, descr, module_name, type_name, key) for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == GetSetDescriptorType: py_descr2sphinx(" ", fw, descr, module_name, type_name, key) fw("\n\n") file.close() def pycontext2sphinx(BASEPATH): # Only use once. very irregular filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.context.rst") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write fw("Context Access (bpy.context)\n") fw("============================\n\n") fw(".. module:: bpy.context\n") fw("\n") fw("The context members available depend on the area of blender which is currently being accessed.\n") fw("\n") fw("Note that all context values are readonly, but may be modified through the data api or by running operators\n\n") # nasty, get strings directly from blender because there is no other way to get it import ctypes context_strings = ( "screen_context_dir", "view3d_context_dir", "buttons_context_dir", "image_context_dir", "node_context_dir", "text_context_dir", ) # Changes in blender will force errors here type_map = { "active_base": ("ObjectBase", False), "active_bone": ("Bone", False), "active_object": ("Object", False), "active_operator": ("Operator", False), "active_pose_bone": ("PoseBone", False), "armature": ("Armature", False), "bone": ("Bone", False), "brush": ("Brush", False), "camera": ("Camera", False), "cloth": ("ClothModifier", False), "collision": ("CollisionModifier", False), "curve": ("Curve", False), "dynamic_paint": ("DynamicPaintModifier", False), "edit_bone": ("EditBone", False), "edit_image": ("Image", False), "edit_object": ("Object", False), "edit_text": ("Text", False), "editable_bones": ("EditBone", True), "fluid": ("FluidSimulationModifier", False), "image_paint_object": ("Object", False), "lamp": ("Lamp", False), "lattice": ("Lattice", False), "material": ("Material", False), "material_slot": ("MaterialSlot", False), "mesh": ("Mesh", False), "meta_ball": ("MetaBall", False), "object": ("Object", False), "particle_edit_object": ("Object", False), "particle_system": ("ParticleSystem", False), "particle_system_editable": ("ParticleSystem", False), "pose_bone": ("PoseBone", False), "scene": ("Scene", False), "sculpt_object": ("Object", False), "selectable_bases": ("ObjectBase", True), "selectable_objects": ("Object", True), "selected_bases": ("ObjectBase", True), "selected_bones": ("Bone", True), "selected_editable_bases": ("ObjectBase", True), "selected_editable_bones": ("Bone", True), "selected_editable_objects": ("Object", True), "selected_editable_sequences": ("Sequence", True), "selected_nodes": ("Node", True), "selected_objects": ("Object", True), "selected_pose_bones": ("PoseBone", True), "selected_sequences": ("Sequence", True), "sequences": ("Sequence", True), "smoke": ("SmokeModifier", False), "soft_body": ("SoftBodyModifier", False), "speaker": ("Speaker", False), "texture": ("Texture", False), "texture_slot": ("MaterialTextureSlot", False), "texture_user": ("ID", False), "vertex_paint_object": ("Object", False), "visible_bases": ("ObjectBase", True), "visible_bones": ("Object", True), "visible_objects": ("Object", True), "visible_pose_bones": ("PoseBone", True), "weight_paint_object": ("Object", False), "world": ("World", False), } unique = set() blend_cdll = ctypes.CDLL("") for ctx_str in context_strings: subsection = "%s Context" % ctx_str.split("_")[0].title() fw("\n%s\n%s\n\n" % (subsection, (len(subsection) * '-'))) attr = ctypes.addressof(getattr(blend_cdll, ctx_str)) c_char_p_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) char_array = c_char_p_p.from_address(attr) i = 0 while char_array[i] is not None: member = ctypes.string_at(char_array[i]).decode(encoding="ascii") fw(".. data:: %s\n\n" % member) member_type, is_seq = type_map[member] fw(" :type: %s :class:`bpy.types.%s`\n\n" % ("sequence of " if is_seq else "", member_type)) unique.add(member) i += 1 # generate typemap... # for member in sorted(unique): # print(' "%s": ("", False),' % member) if len(type_map) > len(unique): raise Exception("Some types are not used: %s" % str([member for member in type_map if member not in unique])) else: pass # will have raised an error above file.close() def pyrna_enum2sphinx(prop, use_empty_descriptions=False): """ write a bullet point list of enum + descrptons """ if use_empty_descriptions: ok = True else: ok = False for identifier, name, description in prop.enum_items: if description: ok = True break if ok: return "".join(["* ``%s`` %s.\n" % (identifier, ", ".join(val for val in (name, description) if val), ) for identifier, name, description in prop.enum_items ]) else: return "" def pyrna2sphinx(BASEPATH): """ bpy.types and bpy.ops """ structs, funcs, ops, props = rna_info.BuildRNAInfo() if FILTER_BPY_TYPES is not None: structs = {k: v for k, v in structs.items() if k[1] in FILTER_BPY_TYPES} if FILTER_BPY_OPS is not None: ops = {k: v for k, v in ops.items() if v.module_name in FILTER_BPY_OPS} def write_param(ident, fw, prop, is_return=False): if is_return: id_name = "return" id_type = "rtype" kwargs = {"as_ret": True} identifier = "" else: id_name = "arg" id_type = "type" kwargs = {"as_arg": True} identifier = " %s" % prop.identifier kwargs["class_fmt"] = ":class:`%s`" kwargs["collection_id"] = _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_ID type_descr = prop.get_type_description(**kwargs) enum_text = pyrna_enum2sphinx(prop) if prop.name or prop.description or enum_text: fw(ident + ":%s%s:\n\n" % (id_name, identifier)) if prop.name or prop.description: fw(ident + " " + ", ".join(val for val in (prop.name, prop.description) if val) + "\n\n") # special exception, cant use genric code here for enums if enum_text: write_indented_lines(ident + " ", fw, enum_text) fw("\n") del enum_text # end enum exception fw(ident + ":%s%s: %s\n" % (id_type, identifier, type_descr)) def write_struct(struct): #if not struct.identifier.startswith("Sc") and not struct.identifier.startswith("I"): # return #if not struct.identifier == "Object": # return filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.types.%s.rst" % struct.identifier) file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write base_id = getattr(struct.base, "identifier", "") struct_id = struct.identifier if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: if not base_id: base_id = _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE if base_id: title = "%s(%s)" % (struct_id, base_id) else: title = struct_id write_title(fw, title, "=") fw(".. module:: bpy.types\n\n") # docs first?, ok write_example_ref("", fw, "bpy.types.%s" % struct_id) base_ids = [base.identifier for base in struct.get_bases()] if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: base_ids.append(_BPY_STRUCT_FAKE) base_ids.reverse() if base_ids: if len(base_ids) > 1: fw("base classes --- ") else: fw("base class --- ") fw(", ".join((":class:`%s`" % base_id) for base_id in base_ids)) fw("\n\n") subclass_ids = [s.identifier for s in structs.values() if s.base is struct if not rna_info.rna_id_ignore(s.identifier)] if subclass_ids: fw("subclasses --- \n" + ", ".join((":class:`%s`" % s) for s in subclass_ids) + "\n\n") base_id = getattr(struct.base, "identifier", "") if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: if not base_id: base_id = _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE if base_id: fw(".. class:: %s(%s)\n\n" % (struct_id, base_id)) else: fw(".. class:: %s\n\n" % struct_id) fw(" %s\n\n" % struct.description) # properties sorted in alphabetical order sorted_struct_properties = struct.properties[:] sorted_struct_properties.sort(key=lambda prop: prop.identifier) # support blacklisting props struct_blacklist = RNA_BLACKLIST.get(struct_id, ()) for prop in sorted_struct_properties: # support blacklisting props if prop.identifier in struct_blacklist: continue type_descr = prop.get_type_description(class_fmt=":class:`%s`", collection_id=_BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_ID) # readonly properties use "data" directive, variables properties use "attribute" directive if 'readonly' in type_descr: fw(" .. data:: %s\n\n" % prop.identifier) else: fw(" .. attribute:: %s\n\n" % prop.identifier) if prop.description: fw(" %s\n\n" % prop.description) # special exception, cant use genric code here for enums if prop.type == "enum": enum_text = pyrna_enum2sphinx(prop) if enum_text: write_indented_lines(" ", fw, enum_text) fw("\n") del enum_text # end enum exception fw(" :type: %s\n\n" % type_descr) # python attributes py_properties = struct.get_py_properties() py_prop = None for identifier, py_prop in py_properties: pyprop2sphinx(" ", fw, identifier, py_prop) del py_properties, py_prop for func in struct.functions: args_str = ", ".join(prop.get_arg_default(force=False) for prop in func.args) fw(" .. %s:: %s(%s)\n\n" % ("classmethod" if func.is_classmethod else "method", func.identifier, args_str)) fw(" %s\n\n" % func.description) for prop in func.args: write_param(" ", fw, prop) if len(func.return_values) == 1: write_param(" ", fw, func.return_values[0], is_return=True) elif func.return_values: # multiple return values fw(" :return (%s):\n" % ", ".join(prop.identifier for prop in func.return_values)) for prop in func.return_values: # TODO, pyrna_enum2sphinx for multiple return values... actually dont think we even use this but still!!! type_descr = prop.get_type_description(as_ret=True, class_fmt=":class:`%s`", collection_id=_BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_ID) descr = prop.description if not descr: descr = prop.name fw(" `%s`, %s, %s\n\n" % (prop.identifier, descr, type_descr)) write_example_ref(" ", fw, "bpy.types." + struct_id + "." + func.identifier) fw("\n") # python methods py_funcs = struct.get_py_functions() py_func = None for identifier, py_func in py_funcs: pyfunc2sphinx(" ", fw, identifier, py_func, is_class=True) del py_funcs, py_func py_funcs = struct.get_py_c_functions() py_func = None for identifier, py_func in py_funcs: py_c_func2sphinx(" ", fw, "bpy.types", struct_id, identifier, py_func, is_class=True) lines = [] if struct.base or _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: bases = list(reversed(struct.get_bases())) # props lines[:] = [] if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: descr_items = [(key, descr) for key, descr in sorted(bpy.types.Struct.__bases__[0].__dict__.items()) if not key.startswith("__")] if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == GetSetDescriptorType: lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (_BPY_STRUCT_FAKE, key)) for base in bases: for prop in base.properties: lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (base.identifier, prop.identifier)) for identifier, py_prop in base.get_py_properties(): lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (base.identifier, identifier)) for identifier, py_prop in base.get_py_properties(): lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (base.identifier, identifier)) if lines: fw(".. rubric:: Inherited Properties\n\n") fw(".. hlist::\n") fw(" :columns: 2\n\n") for line in lines: fw(line) fw("\n") # funcs lines[:] = [] if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == MethodDescriptorType: lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (_BPY_STRUCT_FAKE, key)) for base in bases: for func in base.functions: lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (base.identifier, func.identifier)) for identifier, py_func in base.get_py_functions(): lines.append(" * :class:`%s.%s`\n" % (base.identifier, identifier)) if lines: fw(".. rubric:: Inherited Functions\n\n") fw(".. hlist::\n") fw(" :columns: 2\n\n") for line in lines: fw(line) fw("\n") lines[:] = [] if struct.references: # use this otherwise it gets in the index for a normal heading. fw(".. rubric:: References\n\n") fw(".. hlist::\n") fw(" :columns: 2\n\n") for ref in struct.references: ref_split = ref.split(".") if len(ref_split) > 2: ref = ref_split[-2] + "." + ref_split[-1] fw(" * :class:`%s`\n" % ref) fw("\n") # docs last?, disable for now # write_example_ref("", fw, "bpy.types.%s" % struct_id) file.close() if "bpy.types" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: for struct in structs.values(): # TODO, rna_info should filter these out! if "_OT_" in struct.identifier: continue write_struct(struct) def fake_bpy_type(class_value, class_name, descr_str, use_subclasses=True): filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.types.%s.rst" % class_name) file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write write_title(fw, class_name, "=") fw(".. module:: bpy.types\n") fw("\n") if use_subclasses: subclass_ids = [s.identifier for s in structs.values() if s.base is None if not rna_info.rna_id_ignore(s.identifier)] if subclass_ids: fw("subclasses --- \n" + ", ".join((":class:`%s`" % s) for s in sorted(subclass_ids)) + "\n\n") fw(".. class:: %s\n\n" % class_name) fw(" %s\n\n" % descr_str) fw(" .. note::\n\n") fw(" Note that bpy.types.%s is not actually available from within blender, it only exists for the purpose of documentation.\n\n" % class_name) descr_items = [(key, descr) for key, descr in sorted(class_value.__dict__.items()) if not key.startswith("__")] for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == MethodDescriptorType: # GetSetDescriptorType, GetSetDescriptorType's are not documented yet py_descr2sphinx(" ", fw, descr, "bpy.types", class_name, key) for key, descr in descr_items: if type(descr) == GetSetDescriptorType: py_descr2sphinx(" ", fw, descr, "bpy.types", class_name, key) file.close() # write fake classes if _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE: class_value = bpy.types.Struct.__bases__[0] fake_bpy_type(class_value, _BPY_STRUCT_FAKE, "built-in base class for all classes in bpy.types.", use_subclasses=True) if _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_FAKE: class_value = bpy.data.objects.__class__ fake_bpy_type(class_value, _BPY_PROP_COLLECTION_FAKE, "built-in class used for all collections.", use_subclasses=False) # operators def write_ops(): API_BASEURL = "http://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender/release/scripts" API_BASEURL_ADDON = "http://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-extensions/trunk/py/scripts" API_BASEURL_ADDON_CONTRIB = "http://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-extensions/contrib/py/scripts" op_modules = {} for op in ops.values(): op_modules.setdefault(op.module_name, []).append(op) del op for op_module_name, ops_mod in op_modules.items(): filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.ops.%s.rst" % op_module_name) file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write title = "%s Operators" % op_module_name.replace("_", " ").title() write_title(fw, title, "=") fw(".. module:: bpy.ops.%s\n\n" % op_module_name) ops_mod.sort(key=lambda op: op.func_name) for op in ops_mod: args_str = ", ".join(prop.get_arg_default(force=True) for prop in op.args) fw(".. function:: %s(%s)\n\n" % (op.func_name, args_str)) # if the description isn't valid, we output the standard warning # with a link to the wiki so that people can help if not op.description or op.description == "(undocumented operator)": operator_description = undocumented_message('bpy.ops', op.module_name, op.func_name) else: operator_description = op.description fw(" %s\n\n" % operator_description) for prop in op.args: write_param(" ", fw, prop) if op.args: fw("\n") location = op.get_location() if location != (None, None): if location[0].startswith("addons_contrib" + os.sep): url_base = API_BASEURL_ADDON_CONTRIB elif location[0].startswith("addons" + os.sep): url_base = API_BASEURL_ADDON else: url_base = API_BASEURL fw(" :file: `%s <%s/%s>`_:%d\n\n" % (location[0], url_base, location[0], location[1])) file.close() if "bpy.ops" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: write_ops() def rna2sphinx(BASEPATH): try: os.mkdir(BASEPATH) except: pass # conf.py - empty for now filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "conf.py") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write version_string = ".".join(str(v) for v in bpy.app.version) if bpy.app.build_revision != "Unknown": version_string = version_string + " r" + bpy.app.build_revision version_string_fp = "_".join(str(v) for v in bpy.app.version) if bpy.app.version_cycle == "release": version_string_pdf = "%s%s_release" % ("_".join(str(v) for v in bpy.app.version[:2]), bpy.app.version_char) else: version_string_pdf = version_string_fp fw("project = 'Blender'\n") # fw("master_doc = 'index'\n") fw("copyright = u'Blender Foundation'\n") fw("version = '%s - API'\n" % version_string) fw("release = '%s - API'\n" % version_string) # until we get a theme for 'Naiad' if 0: fw("html_theme = 'blender-org'\n") fw("html_theme_path = ['../']\n") # copied with the theme, exclude else we get an error [#28873] fw("html_favicon = 'favicon.ico'\n") # not helpful since the source us generated, adds to upload size. fw("html_copy_source = False\n") fw("\n") # needed for latex, pdf gen fw("latex_documents = [ ('contents', 'contents.tex', 'Blender Index', 'Blender Foundation', 'manual'), ]\n") fw("latex_paper_size = 'a4paper'\n") file.close() # main page needed for sphinx (index.html) filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "contents.rst") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write fw("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n") fw(" Blender Documentation contents\n") fw("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n") fw("\n") fw("Welcome, this document is an API reference for Blender %s. built %s.\n" % (version_string, bpy.app.build_date)) fw("\n") fw("`A PDF version of this document is also available `_\n" % version_string_pdf) fw("\n") if not EXCLUDE_INFO_DOCS: fw("============================\n") fw("Blender/Python Documentation\n") fw("============================\n") fw("\n") fw("\n") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :maxdepth: 1\n\n") for info, info_desc in INFO_DOCS: fw(" %s <%s>\n\n" % (info_desc, info)) fw("\n") fw("===================\n") fw("Application Modules\n") fw("===================\n") fw("\n") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :maxdepth: 1\n\n") if "bpy.context" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.context.rst\n\n") # note: not actually a module if "bpy.data" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.data.rst\n\n") # note: not actually a module if "bpy.ops" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.ops.rst\n\n") if "bpy.types" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.types.rst\n\n") # py modules if "bpy.utils" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.utils.rst\n\n") if "bpy.path" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.path.rst\n\n") if "bpy.app" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.app.rst\n\n") if "bpy.app.handlers" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.app.handlers.rst\n\n") # C modules if "bpy.props" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy.props.rst\n\n") fw("==================\n") fw("Standalone Modules\n") fw("==================\n") fw("\n") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :maxdepth: 1\n\n") if "mathutils" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" mathutils.rst\n\n") if "mathutils.geometry" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" mathutils.geometry.rst\n\n") if "mathutils.noise" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" mathutils.noise.rst\n\n") if "bgl" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bgl.rst\n\n") if "blf" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" blf.rst\n\n") if "gpu" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" gpu.rst\n\n") if "aud" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" aud.rst\n\n") if "bpy_extras" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw(" bpy_extras.rst\n\n") # game engine if "bge" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: fw("===================\n") fw("Game Engine Modules\n") fw("===================\n") fw("\n") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :maxdepth: 1\n\n") fw(" bge.types.rst\n\n") fw(" bge.logic.rst\n\n") fw(" bge.render.rst\n\n") fw(" bge.texture.rst\n\n") fw(" bge.events.rst\n\n") fw(" bge.constraints.rst\n\n") # rna generated change log fw("========\n") fw("API Info\n") fw("========\n") fw("\n") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :maxdepth: 1\n\n") fw(" change_log.rst\n\n") fw("\n") fw("\n") fw(".. note:: The Blender Python API has areas which are still in development.\n") fw(" \n") fw(" The following areas are subject to change.\n") fw(" * operator behavior, names and arguments\n") fw(" * mesh creation and editing functions\n") fw(" \n") fw(" These parts of the API are relatively stable and are unlikely to change significantly\n") fw(" * data API, access to attributes of blender data such as mesh verts, material color, timeline frames and scene objects\n") fw(" * user interface functions for defining buttons, creation of menus, headers, panels\n") fw(" * render engine integration\n") fw(" * modules: bgl, mathutils & game engine.\n") fw("\n") file.close() # internal modules if "bpy.ops" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.ops.rst") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write fw("Operators (bpy.ops)\n") fw("===================\n\n") write_example_ref("", fw, "bpy.ops") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :glob:\n\n") fw(" bpy.ops.*\n\n") file.close() if "bpy.types" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.types.rst") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write fw("Types (bpy.types)\n") fw("=================\n\n") fw(".. toctree::\n") fw(" :glob:\n\n") fw(" bpy.types.*\n\n") file.close() if "bpy.data" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: # not actually a module, only write this file so we # can reference in the TOC filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.data.rst") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write fw("Data Access (bpy.data)\n") fw("======================\n\n") fw(".. module:: bpy\n") fw("\n") fw("This module is used for all blender/python access.\n") fw("\n") fw(".. data:: data\n") fw("\n") fw(" Access to blenders internal data\n") fw("\n") fw(" :type: :class:`bpy.types.BlendData`\n") fw("\n") fw(".. literalinclude:: ../examples/bpy.data.py\n") file.close() EXAMPLE_SET_USED.add("bpy.data") module = None if "bpy.context" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: # one of a kind, context doc (uses ctypes to extract info!) pycontext2sphinx(BASEPATH) # python modules if "bpy.utils" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: from bpy import utils as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bpy.utils", module, "Utilities") if "bpy.path" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: from bpy import path as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bpy.path", module, "Path Utilities") if "bpy_extras" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: import bpy_extras as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bpy_extras", module, "Extra Utilities") # C modules if "bpy.app" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: from bpy import app as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bpy.app", module, "Application Data") if "bpy.app.handlers" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: from bpy.app import handlers as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bpy.app.handlers", module, "Application Handlers") if "bpy.props" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: from bpy import props as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bpy.props", module, "Property Definitions") if "mathutils" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: import mathutils as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "mathutils", module, "Math Types & Utilities") if "mathutils.geometry" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: import mathutils.geometry as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "mathutils.geometry", module, "Geometry Utilities") if "mathutils.noise" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: import mathutils.noise as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "mathutils.noise", module, "Noise Utilities") if "blf" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: import blf as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "blf", module, "Font Drawing") if "bgl" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: #import bgl as module #pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "bgl", module, "Blender OpenGl wrapper") #del module import shutil shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bgl.rst"), BASEPATH) if "gpu" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: #import gpu as module #pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "gpu", module, "GPU Shader Module") #del module import shutil shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "gpu.rst"), BASEPATH) if "aud" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: import aud as module pymodule2sphinx(BASEPATH, "aud", module, "Audio System") del module ## game engine import shutil # copy2 keeps time/date stamps if "bge" not in EXCLUDE_MODULES: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bge.types.rst"), BASEPATH) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bge.logic.rst"), BASEPATH) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bge.render.rst"), BASEPATH) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bge.texture.rst"), BASEPATH) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bge.events.rst"), BASEPATH) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "bge.constraints.rst"), BASEPATH) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", "change_log.rst"), BASEPATH) if not EXCLUDE_INFO_DOCS: for info, info_desc in INFO_DOCS: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(BASEPATH, "..", "rst", info), BASEPATH) if 0: filepath = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "bpy.rst") file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") fw = file.write fw("\n") title = ":mod:`bpy` --- Blender Python Module" write_title(fw, title, "=") fw(".. module:: bpy.types\n\n") file.close() # bpy.types and bpy.ops pyrna2sphinx(BASEPATH) file.close() def main(): import shutil script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) path_in = os.path.join(script_dir, "sphinx-in") path_out = os.path.join(script_dir, "sphinx-out") path_examples = os.path.join(script_dir, "examples") # only for partial updates path_in_tmp = path_in + "-tmp" if not os.path.exists(path_in): os.mkdir(path_in) for f in os.listdir(path_examples): if f.endswith(".py"): EXAMPLE_SET.add(os.path.splitext(f)[0]) # only for full updates if _BPY_FULL_REBUILD: shutil.rmtree(path_in, True) shutil.rmtree(path_out, True) else: # write here, then move shutil.rmtree(path_in_tmp, True) rna2sphinx(path_in_tmp) if not _BPY_FULL_REBUILD: import filecmp # now move changed files from 'path_in_tmp' --> 'path_in' file_list_path_in = set(os.listdir(path_in)) file_list_path_in_tmp = set(os.listdir(path_in_tmp)) # remove deprecated files that have been removed. for f in sorted(file_list_path_in): if f not in file_list_path_in_tmp: print("\tdeprecated: %s" % f) os.remove(os.path.join(path_in, f)) # freshen with new files. for f in sorted(file_list_path_in_tmp): f_from = os.path.join(path_in_tmp, f) f_to = os.path.join(path_in, f) do_copy = True if f in file_list_path_in: if filecmp.cmp(f_from, f_to): do_copy = False if do_copy: print("\tupdating: %s" % f) shutil.copy(f_from, f_to) '''else: print("\tkeeping: %s" % f) # eh, not that useful''' EXAMPLE_SET_UNUSED = EXAMPLE_SET - EXAMPLE_SET_USED if EXAMPLE_SET_UNUSED: print("\nUnused examples found in '%s'..." % path_examples) for f in EXAMPLE_SET_UNUSED: print(" %s.py" % f) print(" %d total\n" % len(EXAMPLE_SET_UNUSED)) import sys sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()