Welcome to the fun world of opensource. To help you get started do the following before starting: --------------UNIX TIPS--------------------------------------- Assuming your using tcsh/csh do the following before compiling. #Set this to wherever you have extracted the source. setenv NANBLENDERHOME `pwd` setenv MAKEFLAGS "-w -I$NANBLENDERHOME/source" set NANBLENDERHOME=`pwd` export NANBLENDERHOME set MAKEFLAGS="-w -I$NANBLENDERHOME/source" export MAKEFLAGS Then edit source/nan_definitions.mk to fit your environment. After that cd $NANBLENDERHOME/intern make make install Then cd $NANBLENDERHOME/intern/python and follow the instructions Then cd $NANBLENDERHOME/source make If you have any problems with the above post a message to the Forums on www.blender.org ----------------------WINDOWS TIPS-------------------------------------- If you have any problems with the above post a message to the Forums on www.blender.org