Name: 'Raw Triangle (.raw)...'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import Raw Triangle File Format (.raw)'
__author__ = "Anthony D'Agostino (Scorpius)"
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun",
"Author's homepage, http://www.redrival.com/scorpius")
__version__ = "Part of IOSuite 0.5"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script imports Raw Triangle File format files to Blender.
The raw triangle format is very simple; it has no verts or faces lists.
It's just a simple ascii text file with the vertices of each triangle
listed on each line. There were some very old utilities (when the PovRay
forum was in existence on CompuServe) that preformed operations on these
Execute this script from the "File->Import" menu and choose a Raw file to
Generates the standard verts and faces lists, but without duplicate
verts. Only *exact* duplicates are removed, there is no way to specify a
# $Id$
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Copyright (c) 2002 Anthony D'Agostino |
# | http://www.redrival.com/scorpius |
# | scorpius@netzero.com |
# | April 28, 2002 |
# | Released under the Blender Artistic Licence (BAL) |
# | Import Export Suite v0.5 |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Read and write RAW Triangle File Format (*.raw) |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
import Blender, meshtools
#import time
# ================================
# === Read RAW Triangle Format ===
# ================================
def read(filename):
#start = time.clock()
file = open(filename, "rb")
# Collect data from RAW format
faces = []
for line in file.readlines():
f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9 = map(float, line.split())
faces.append([(f1, f2, f3), (f4, f5, f6), (f7, f8, f9)])
except: # Quad
f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, A, B, C = map(float, line.split())
faces.append([(f1, f2, f3), (f4, f5, f6), (f7, f8, f9), (A, B, C)])
# Generate verts and faces lists, without duplicates
verts = []
coords = {}
index = 0
for i in range(len(faces)):
for j in range(len(faces[i])):
vertex = faces[i][j]
if not coords.has_key(vertex):
coords[vertex] = index
index += 1
faces[i][j] = coords[vertex]
objname = Blender.sys.splitext(Blender.sys.basename(filename))[0]
meshtools.create_mesh(verts, faces, objname)
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') # clear progressbar
#end = time.clock()
#seconds = " in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds")
message = "Successfully imported " + Blender.sys.basename(filename)# + seconds
def fs_callback(filename):
Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Import Raw")