# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from bpy.types import Panel class PhysicButtonsPanel(): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "physics" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): rd = context.scene.render return (context.object) and (not rd.use_game_engine) def physics_add(self, layout, md, name, type, typeicon, toggles): sub = layout.row(align=True) if md: sub.context_pointer_set("modifier", md) sub.operator("object.modifier_remove", text=name, icon='X') if(toggles): sub.prop(md, "show_render", text="") sub.prop(md, "show_viewport", text="") else: sub.operator("object.modifier_add", text=name, icon=typeicon).type = type class PHYSICS_PT_add(PhysicButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "" bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} def draw(self, context): ob = context.object layout = self.layout layout.label("Enable physics for:") split = layout.split() col = split.column() if(context.object.field.type == 'NONE'): col.operator("object.forcefield_toggle", text="Force Field", icon='FORCE_FORCE') else: col.operator("object.forcefield_toggle", text="Force Field", icon='X') if(ob.type == 'MESH'): physics_add(self, col, context.collision, "Collision", 'COLLISION', 'MOD_PHYSICS', False) physics_add(self, col, context.cloth, "Cloth", 'CLOTH', 'MOD_CLOTH', True) physics_add(self, col, context.dynamic_paint, "Dynamic Paint", 'DYNAMIC_PAINT', 'MOD_DYNAMICPAINT', True) col = split.column() if(ob.type == 'MESH' or ob.type == 'LATTICE'or ob.type == 'CURVE'): physics_add(self, col, context.soft_body, "Soft Body", 'SOFT_BODY', 'MOD_SOFT', True) if(ob.type == 'MESH'): physics_add(self, col, context.fluid, "Fluid", 'FLUID_SIMULATION', 'MOD_FLUIDSIM', True) physics_add(self, col, context.smoke, "Smoke", 'SMOKE', 'MOD_SMOKE', True) # cache-type can be 'PSYS' 'HAIR' 'SMOKE' etc def point_cache_ui(self, context, cache, enabled, cachetype): layout = self.layout layout.context_pointer_set("point_cache", cache) row = layout.row() row.template_list(cache, "point_caches", cache.point_caches, "active_index", rows=2) col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("ptcache.add", icon='ZOOMIN', text="") col.operator("ptcache.remove", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="") row = layout.row() if cachetype in {'PSYS', 'HAIR', 'SMOKE'}: row.prop(cache, "use_external") if cachetype == 'SMOKE': row.prop(cache, "use_library_path", "Use Lib Path") if cache.use_external: split = layout.split(percentage=0.35) col = split.column() col.label(text="File Name:") if cache.use_external: col.label(text="File Path:") col = split.column() sub = col.split(percentage=0.70, align=True) sub.prop(cache, "name", text="") sub.prop(cache, "index", text="") col.prop(cache, "filepath", text="") cache_info = cache.info if cache_info: layout.label(text=cache_info) else: if cachetype in {'SMOKE', 'DYNAMIC_PAINT'}: if not bpy.data.is_saved: layout.label(text="Cache is disabled until the file is saved") layout.enabled = False if cache.use_disk_cache: layout.prop(cache, "name", text="File Name") else: layout.prop(cache, "name", text="Cache Name") if not cache.use_external or cachetype == 'SMOKE': row = layout.row(align=True) if cachetype not in {'PSYS', 'DYNAMIC_PAINT'}: row.enabled = enabled row.prop(cache, "frame_start") row.prop(cache, "frame_end") if cachetype not in {'SMOKE', 'CLOTH', 'DYNAMIC_PAINT'}: row.prop(cache, "frame_step") if cachetype != 'SMOKE': layout.label(text=cache.info) if cachetype not in {'SMOKE', 'DYNAMIC_PAINT'}: split = layout.split() split.enabled = enabled and bpy.data.is_saved col = split.column() col.prop(cache, "use_disk_cache") col = split.column() col.active = cache.use_disk_cache col.prop(cache, "use_library_path", "Use Lib Path") row = layout.row() row.enabled = enabled and bpy.data.is_saved row.active = cache.use_disk_cache row.label(text="Compression:") row.prop(cache, "compression", expand=True) layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column() if cache.is_baked is True: col.operator("ptcache.free_bake", text="Free Bake") else: col.operator("ptcache.bake", text="Bake").bake = True sub = col.row() sub.enabled = (cache.frames_skipped or cache.is_outdated) and enabled sub.operator("ptcache.bake", text="Calculate To Frame").bake = False sub = col.column() sub.enabled = enabled sub.operator("ptcache.bake_from_cache", text="Current Cache to Bake") col = split.column() col.operator("ptcache.bake_all", text="Bake All Dynamics").bake = True col.operator("ptcache.free_bake_all", text="Free All Bakes") col.operator("ptcache.bake_all", text="Update All To Frame").bake = False def effector_weights_ui(self, context, weights, weight_type): layout = self.layout layout.prop(weights, "group") split = layout.split() split.prop(weights, "gravity", slider=True) split.prop(weights, "all", slider=True) layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(weights, "force", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "vortex", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "magnetic", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "wind", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "curve_guide", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "texture", slider=True) if weight_type != 'SMOKE': col.prop(weights, "smokeflow", slider=True) col = split.column() col.prop(weights, "harmonic", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "charge", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "lennardjones", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "turbulence", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "drag", slider=True) col.prop(weights, "boid", slider=True) def basic_force_field_settings_ui(self, context, field): layout = self.layout split = layout.split() if not field or field.type == 'NONE': return col = split.column() if field.type == 'DRAG': col.prop(field, "linear_drag", text="Linear") else: col.prop(field, "strength") if field.type == 'TURBULENCE': col.prop(field, "size") col.prop(field, "flow") elif field.type == 'HARMONIC': col.prop(field, "harmonic_damping", text="Damping") col.prop(field, "rest_length") elif field.type == 'VORTEX' and field.shape != 'POINT': col.prop(field, "inflow") elif field.type == 'DRAG': col.prop(field, "quadratic_drag", text="Quadratic") else: col.prop(field, "flow") col = split.column() sub = col.column(align=True) sub.prop(field, "noise") sub.prop(field, "seed") if field.type == 'TURBULENCE': col.prop(field, "use_global_coords", text="Global") elif field.type == 'HARMONIC': col.prop(field, "use_multiple_springs") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label(text="Effect point:") col.prop(field, "apply_to_location") col.prop(field, "apply_to_rotation") col = split.column() col.label(text="Collision:") col.prop(field, "use_absorption") def basic_force_field_falloff_ui(self, context, field): layout = self.layout split = layout.split(percentage=0.35) if not field or field.type == 'NONE': return col = split.column() col.prop(field, "z_direction", text="") col = split.column() col.prop(field, "falloff_power", text="Power") split = layout.split() col = split.column() row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(field, "use_min_distance", text="") sub = row.row() sub.active = field.use_min_distance sub.prop(field, "distance_min", text="Minimum") col = split.column() row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(field, "use_max_distance", text="") sub = row.row() sub.active = field.use_max_distance sub.prop(field, "distance_max", text="Maximum") if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit. bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)