# $Id$ # Documentation for BL_ActionActuator from SCA_IActuator import * class BL_ActionActuator(SCA_IActuator): """ Action Actuators apply an action to an actor. """ def setAction(action, reset = True): """ Sets the current action. @param action: The name of the action to set as the current action. @type action: string @param reset: Optional parameter indicating whether to reset the blend timer or not. A value of 1 indicates that the timer should be reset. A value of 0 will leave it unchanged. If reset is not specified, the timer will be reset. """ def setStart(start): """ Specifies the starting frame of the animation. @param start: the starting frame of the animation @type start: float """ def setEnd(end): """ Specifies the ending frame of the animation. @param end: the ending frame of the animation @type end: float """ def setBlendin(blendin): """ Specifies the number of frames of animation to generate when making transitions between actions. @param blendin: the number of frames in transition. @type blendin: float """ def setPriority(priority): """ Sets the priority of this actuator. @param priority: Specifies the new priority. Actuators will lower priority numbers will override actuators with higher numbers. @type priority: integer """ def setFrame(frame): """ Sets the current frame for the animation. @param frame: Specifies the new current frame for the animation @type frame: float """ def setProperty(prop): """ Sets the property to be used in FromProp playback mode. @param prop: the name of the property to use. @type prop: string. """ def setBlendtime(blendtime): """ Sets the internal frame timer. Allows the script to directly modify the internal timer used when generating transitions between actions. @param blendtime: The new time. This parameter must be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. @type blendtime: float """ def setType(mode): """ Sets the operation mode of the actuator @param mode: KX_ACTIONACT_PLAY, KX_ACTIONACT_PROPERTY, KX_ACTIONACT_FLIPPER, KX_ACTIONACT_LOOPSTOP, KX_ACTIONACT_LOOPEND @type mode: integer """ def setContinue(cont): """ Set the actions continue option True or False. see getContinue. @param cont: The continue option. @type cont: bool """ def getType(): """ Returns the operation mode of the actuator @rtype: integer @return: KX_ACTIONACT_PLAY, KX_ACTIONACT_PROPERTY, KX_ACTIONACT_FLIPPER, KX_ACTIONACT_LOOPSTOP, KX_ACTIONACT_LOOPEND """ def getContinue(): """ When True, the action will always play from where last left off, otherwise negative events to this actuator will reset it to its start frame. @rtype: bool """ def getAction(): """ getAction() returns the name of the action associated with this actuator. @rtype: string """ def getStart(): """ Returns the starting frame of the action. @rtype: float """ def getEnd(): """ Returns the last frame of the action. @rtype: float """ def getBlendin(): """ Returns the number of interpolation animation frames to be generated when this actuator is triggered. @rtype: float """ def getPriority(): """ Returns the priority for this actuator. Actuators with lower Priority numbers will override actuators with higher numbers. @rtype: integer """ def getFrame(): """ Returns the current frame number. @rtype: float """ def getProperty(): """ Returns the name of the property to be used in FromProp mode. @rtype: string """ def setChannel(channel, matrix, mode = False): """ @param channel: A string specifying the name of the bone channel. @type channel: string @param matrix: A 4x4 matrix specifying the overriding transformation as an offset from the bone's rest position. @type matrix: list [[float]] @param mode: True for armature/world space, False for bone space @type mode: boolean """ def setFrameProperty(prop): """ @param prop: A string specifying the property of the object that will be updated with the action frame number. @type prop: string """ def getFrameProperty(): """ Returns the name of the property that is set to the current frame number. @rtype: string """