# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from bpy.props import * class SelectPattern(bpy.types.Operator): '''Select object matching a naming pattern''' bl_idname = "object.select_pattern" bl_label = "Select Pattern" bl_register = True bl_undo = True pattern = StringProperty(name="Pattern", description="Name filter using '*' and '?' wildcard chars", maxlen=32, default="*") case_sensitive = BoolProperty(name="Case Sensitive", description="Do a case sensitive compare", default=False) extend = BoolProperty(name="Extend", description="Extend the existing selection", default=True) def execute(self, context): import fnmatch if self.properties.case_sensitive: pattern_match = fnmatch.fnmatchcase else: pattern_match = lambda a, b: fnmatch.fnmatchcase(a.upper(), b.upper()) obj = context.object if obj and obj.mode == 'POSE': items = obj.data.bones elif obj and obj.type == 'ARMATURE' and obj.mode == 'EDIT': items = obj.data.edit_bones else: items = context.visible_objects # Can be pose bones or objects for item in items: if pattern_match(item.name, self.properties.pattern): item.selected = True elif not self.properties.extend: item.selected = False return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.manager # return wm.invoke_props_popup(self, event) wm.invoke_props_popup(self, event) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout props = self.properties layout.prop(props, "pattern") row = layout.row() row.prop(props, "case_sensitive") row.prop(props, "extend") class SelectCamera(bpy.types.Operator): '''Select object matching a naming pattern''' bl_idname = "object.select_camera" bl_label = "Select Camera" bl_register = True bl_undo = True def poll(self, context): return context.scene.camera is not None def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene camera = scene.camera if camera.name not in scene.objects: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Active camera is not in this scene") context.scene.objects.active = camera camera.selected = True return {'FINISHED'} class SubdivisionSet(bpy.types.Operator): '''Sets a Subdivision Surface Level (1-5)''' bl_idname = "object.subdivision_set" bl_label = "Subdivision Set" bl_register = True bl_undo = True level = IntProperty(name="Level", default=1, min=-100, max=100, soft_min=-6, soft_max=6) relative = BoolProperty(name="Relative", description="Apply the subsurf level as an offset relative to the current level", default=False) def poll(self, context): obs = context.selected_editable_objects return (obs is not None) def execute(self, context): level = self.properties.level relative = self.properties.relative if relative and level == 0: return {'CANCELLED'} # nothing to do def set_object_subd(obj): for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod.type == 'MULTIRES': if not relative: if level <= mod.total_levels: if obj.mode == 'SCULPT': if mod.sculpt_levels != level: mod.sculpt_levels = level elif obj.mode == 'OBJECT': if mod.levels != level: mod.levels = level return else: if obj.mode == 'SCULPT': if mod.sculpt_levels + level <= mod.total_levels: mod.sculpt_levels += level elif obj.mode == 'OBJECT': if mod.levels + level <= mod.total_levels: mod.levels += level return elif mod.type == 'SUBSURF': if relative: mod.levels += level else: if mod.levels != level: mod.levels = level return # adda new modifier mod = obj.modifiers.new("Subsurf", 'SUBSURF') mod.levels = level for obj in context.selected_editable_objects: set_object_subd(obj) return {'FINISHED'} class ShapeTransfer(bpy.types.Operator): '''Copy another selected objects active shape to this one by applying the relative offsets''' bl_idname = "object.shape_key_transfer" bl_label = "Transfer Shape Key" bl_register = True bl_undo = True mode = EnumProperty(items=( ('OFFSET', "Offset", "Apply the relative positional offset"), ('RELATIVE_FACE', "Relative Face", "Calculate the geometricly relative position (using faces)."), ('RELATIVE_EDGE', "Relative Edge", "Calculate the geometricly relative position (using edges).")), name="Transformation Mode", description="Method to apply relative shape positions to the new shape", default='OFFSET') use_clamp = BoolProperty(name="Clamp Offset", description="Clamp the transformation to the distance each vertex moves in the original shape.", default=False) def _main(self, ob_act, objects, mode='OFFSET', use_clamp=False): def me_nos(verts): return [v.normal.copy() for v in verts] def me_cos(verts): return [v.co.copy() for v in verts] def ob_add_shape(ob, name): me = ob.data key = ob.add_shape_key(from_mix=False) if len(me.shape_keys.keys) == 1: key.name = "Basis" key = ob.add_shape_key(from_mix=False) # we need a rest key.name = name ob.active_shape_key_index = len(me.shape_keys.keys) - 1 ob.shape_key_lock = True from Geometry import BarycentricTransform from Mathutils import Vector if use_clamp and mode == 'OFFSET': use_clamp = False me = ob_act.data orig_key_name = ob_act.active_shape_key.name orig_shape_coords = me_cos(ob_act.active_shape_key.data) orig_normals = me_nos(me.verts) # orig_coords = me_cos(me.verts) # the actual mverts location isnt as relyable as the base shape :S orig_coords = me_cos(me.shape_keys.keys[0].data) for ob_other in objects: me_other = ob_other.data if len(me_other.verts) != len(me.verts): self.report({'WARNING'}, "Skipping '%s', vertex count differs" % ob_other.name) continue target_normals = me_nos(me_other.verts) if me_other.shape_keys: target_coords = me_cos(me_other.shape_keys.keys[0].data) else: target_coords = me_cos(me_other.verts) ob_add_shape(ob_other, orig_key_name) # editing the final coords, only list that stores wrapped coords target_shape_coords = [v.co for v in ob_other.active_shape_key.data] median_coords = [[] for i in range(len(me.verts))] # Method 1, edge if mode == 'OFFSET': for i, vert_cos in enumerate(median_coords): vert_cos.append(target_coords[i] + (orig_shape_coords[i] - orig_coords[i])) elif mode == 'RELATIVE_FACE': for face in me.faces: i1, i2, i3, i4 = face.verts_raw if i4 != 0: pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i1], orig_coords[i4], orig_coords[i1], orig_coords[i2], target_coords[i4], target_coords[i1], target_coords[i2]) median_coords[i1].append(pt) pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i2], orig_coords[i1], orig_coords[i2], orig_coords[i3], target_coords[i1], target_coords[i2], target_coords[i3]) median_coords[i2].append(pt) pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i3], orig_coords[i2], orig_coords[i3], orig_coords[i4], target_coords[i2], target_coords[i3], target_coords[i4]) median_coords[i3].append(pt) pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i4], orig_coords[i3], orig_coords[i4], orig_coords[i1], target_coords[i3], target_coords[i4], target_coords[i1]) median_coords[i4].append(pt) else: pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i1], orig_coords[i3], orig_coords[i1], orig_coords[i2], target_coords[i3], target_coords[i1], target_coords[i2]) median_coords[i1].append(pt) pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i2], orig_coords[i1], orig_coords[i2], orig_coords[i3], target_coords[i1], target_coords[i2], target_coords[i3]) median_coords[i2].append(pt) pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i3], orig_coords[i2], orig_coords[i3], orig_coords[i1], target_coords[i2], target_coords[i3], target_coords[i1]) median_coords[i3].append(pt) elif mode == 'RELATIVE_EDGE': for ed in me.edges: i1, i2 = ed.verts v1, v2 = orig_coords[i1], orig_coords[i2] edge_length = (v1 - v2).length n1loc = v1 + orig_normals[i1] * edge_length n2loc = v2 + orig_normals[i2] * edge_length # now get the target nloc's v1_to, v2_to = target_coords[i1], target_coords[i2] edlen_to = (v1_to - v2_to).length n1loc_to = v1_to + target_normals[i1] * edlen_to n2loc_to = v2_to + target_normals[i2] * edlen_to pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i1], v2, v1, n1loc, v2_to, v1_to, n1loc_to) median_coords[i1].append(pt) pt = BarycentricTransform(orig_shape_coords[i2], v1, v2, n2loc, v1_to, v2_to, n2loc_to) median_coords[i2].append(pt) # apply the offsets to the new shape from functools import reduce VectorAdd = Vector.__add__ for i, vert_cos in enumerate(median_coords): if vert_cos: co = reduce(VectorAdd, vert_cos) / len(vert_cos) if use_clamp: # clamp to the same movement as the original # breaks copy between different scaled meshes. len_from = (orig_shape_coords[i] - orig_coords[i]).length ofs = co - target_coords[i] ofs.length = len_from co = target_coords[i] + ofs target_shape_coords[i][:] = co return {'FINISHED'} def poll(self, context): obj = context.active_object return (obj and obj.mode != 'EDIT') def execute(self, context): C = bpy.context ob_act = C.active_object objects = [ob for ob in C.selected_editable_objects if ob != ob_act] if 1: # swap from/to, means we cant copy to many at once. if len(objects) != 1: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Expected one other selected mesh object to copy from") return {'CANCELLED'} ob_act, objects = objects[0], [ob_act] if ob_act.type != 'MESH': self.report({'ERROR'}, "Other object is not a mesh.") return {'CANCELLED'} if ob_act.active_shape_key is None: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Other object has no shape key") return {'CANCELLED'} return self._main(ob_act, objects, self.properties.mode, self.properties.use_clamp) class JoinUVs(bpy.types.Operator): '''Copy UV Layout to objects with matching geometry''' bl_idname = "object.join_uvs" bl_label = "Join as UVs" def poll(self, context): obj = context.active_object return (obj and obj.type == 'MESH') def _main(self, context): import array obj = context.active_object mesh = obj.data is_editmode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT') if is_editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False) if not mesh.active_uv_texture: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Object: %s, Mesh: '%s' has no UVs\n" % (obj.name, mesh.name)) else: len_faces = len(mesh.faces) uv_array = array.array('f', [0.0] * 8) * len_faces # seems to be the fastest way to create an array mesh.active_uv_texture.data.foreach_get("uv_raw", uv_array) objects = context.selected_editable_objects[:] for obj_other in objects: if obj_other.type == 'MESH': obj_other.data.tag = False for obj_other in objects: if obj_other != obj and obj_other.type == 'MESH': mesh_other = obj_other.data if mesh_other != mesh: if mesh_other.tag == False: mesh_other.tag = True if len(mesh_other.faces) != len_faces: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Object: %s, Mesh: '%s' has %d faces, expected %d\n" % (obj_other.name, mesh_other.name, len(mesh_other.faces), len_faces)) else: uv_other = mesh_other.active_uv_texture if not uv_other: mesh_other.add_uv_texture() # should return the texture it adds uv_other = mesh_other.active_uv_texture # finally do the copy uv_other.data.foreach_set("uv_raw", uv_array) if is_editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False) def execute(self, context): self._main(context) return {'FINISHED'} class MakeDupliFace(bpy.types.Operator): '''Make linked objects into dupli-faces''' bl_idname = "object.make_dupli_face" bl_label = "Make DupliFace" def poll(self, context): obj = context.active_object return (obj and obj.type == 'MESH') def _main(self, context): from Mathutils import Vector from math import sqrt SCALE_FAC = 0.01 offset = 0.5 * SCALE_FAC base_tri = Vector(-offset, -offset, 0.0), Vector(offset, -offset, 0.0), Vector(offset, offset, 0.0), Vector(-offset, offset, 0.0) def matrix_to_quat(matrix): # scale = matrix.median_scale trans = matrix.translation_part() rot = matrix.rotation_part() # also contains scale return [(rot * b) + trans for b in base_tri] scene = bpy.context.scene linked = {} for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: data = obj.data if data: linked.setdefault(data, []).append(obj) for data, objects in linked.items(): face_verts = [axis for obj in objects for v in matrix_to_quat(obj.matrix) for axis in v] faces = list(range(int(len(face_verts) / 3))) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(data.name + "_dupli") mesh.add_geometry(int(len(face_verts) / 3), 0, int(len(face_verts) / (4 * 3))) mesh.verts.foreach_set("co", face_verts) mesh.faces.foreach_set("verts_raw", faces) mesh.update() # generates edge data # pick an object to use obj = objects[0] ob_new = bpy.data.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh) base = scene.objects.link(ob_new) base.layers[:] = obj.layers ob_inst = bpy.data.objects.new(data.name, data) base = scene.objects.link(ob_inst) base.layers[:] = obj.layers for obj in objects: scene.objects.unlink(obj) ob_new.dupli_type = 'FACES' ob_inst.parent = ob_new ob_new.use_dupli_faces_scale = True ob_new.dupli_faces_scale = 1.0 / SCALE_FAC def execute(self, context): self._main(context) return {'FINISHED'} classes = [ SelectPattern, SelectCamera, SubdivisionSet, ShapeTransfer, JoinUVs, MakeDupliFace] def register(): register = bpy.types.register for cls in classes: register(cls) def unregister(): unregister = bpy.types.unregister for cls in classes: unregister(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register()