# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from Mathutils import Vector def align_objects(align_x, align_y, align_z, align_mode, relative_to): cursor = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location Left_Up_Front_SEL = [[],[],[]] Right_Down_Back_SEL = [[],[],[]] flag_first = True for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: bb_world = [obj.matrix * Vector(v[:]) for v in obj.bound_box] Left_Up_Front = bb_world[1] Right_Down_Back = bb_world[7] # Active Center if obj == bpy.context.active_object: center_active_x = ( Left_Up_Front[0] + Right_Down_Back[0] ) / 2 center_active_y = ( Left_Up_Front[1] + Right_Down_Back[1] ) / 2 center_active_z = ( Left_Up_Front[2] + Right_Down_Back[2] ) / 2 size_active_x = ( Right_Down_Back[0] - Left_Up_Front[0] ) / 2 size_active_y = ( Right_Down_Back[1] - Left_Up_Front[1] ) / 2 size_active_z = ( Left_Up_Front[2] - Right_Down_Back[2] ) / 2 # Selection Center if flag_first: flag_first = False Left_Up_Front_SEL[0] = Left_Up_Front[0] Left_Up_Front_SEL[1] = Left_Up_Front[1] Left_Up_Front_SEL[2] = Left_Up_Front[2] Right_Down_Back_SEL[0] = Right_Down_Back[0] Right_Down_Back_SEL[1] = Right_Down_Back[1] Right_Down_Back_SEL[2] = Right_Down_Back[2] else: # X axis if Left_Up_Front[0] < Left_Up_Front_SEL[0]: Left_Up_Front_SEL[0] = Left_Up_Front[0] # Y axis if Left_Up_Front[1] < Left_Up_Front_SEL[1]: Left_Up_Front_SEL[1] = Left_Up_Front[1] # Z axis if Left_Up_Front[2] > Left_Up_Front_SEL[2]: Left_Up_Front_SEL[2] = Left_Up_Front[2] # X axis if Right_Down_Back[0] > Right_Down_Back_SEL[0]: Right_Down_Back_SEL[0] = Right_Down_Back[0] # Y axis if Right_Down_Back[1] > Right_Down_Back_SEL[1]: Right_Down_Back_SEL[1] = Right_Down_Back[1] # Z axis if Right_Down_Back[2] < Right_Down_Back_SEL[2]: Right_Down_Back_SEL[2] = Right_Down_Back[2] center_sel_x = ( Left_Up_Front_SEL[0] + Right_Down_Back_SEL[0] ) / 2 center_sel_y = ( Left_Up_Front_SEL[1] + Right_Down_Back_SEL[1] ) / 2 center_sel_z = ( Left_Up_Front_SEL[2] + Right_Down_Back_SEL[2] ) / 2 # Main Loop for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: loc_world = obj.location bb_world = [obj.matrix * Vector(v[:]) for v in obj.bound_box] Left_Up_Front = bb_world[1] Right_Down_Back = bb_world[7] center_x = ( Left_Up_Front[0] + Right_Down_Back[0] ) / 2 center_y = ( Left_Up_Front[1] + Right_Down_Back[1] ) / 2 center_z = ( Left_Up_Front[2] + Right_Down_Back[2] ) / 2 positive_x = Right_Down_Back[0] positive_y = Right_Down_Back[1] positive_z = Left_Up_Front[2] negative_x = Left_Up_Front[0] negative_y = Left_Up_Front[1] negative_z = Right_Down_Back[2] obj_loc = obj.location if align_x: # Align Mode if relative_to == 'OPT_4': # Active relative if align_mode == 'OPT_1': obj_x = obj_loc[0] - negative_x - size_active_x elif align_mode == 'OPT_3': obj_x = obj_loc[0] - positive_x + size_active_x else: # Everything else relative if align_mode == 'OPT_1': obj_x = obj_loc[0] - negative_x elif align_mode == 'OPT_3': obj_x = obj_loc[0] - positive_x if align_mode == 'OPT_2': # All relative obj_x = obj_loc[0] - center_x # Relative To if relative_to == 'OPT_1': loc_x = obj_x elif relative_to == 'OPT_2': loc_x = obj_x + cursor[0] elif relative_to == 'OPT_3': loc_x = obj_x + center_sel_x elif relative_to == 'OPT_4': loc_x = obj_x + center_active_x obj.location[0] = loc_x if align_y: # Align Mode if relative_to == 'OPT_4': # Active relative if align_mode == 'OPT_1': obj_y = obj_loc[1] - negative_y - size_active_y elif align_mode == 'OPT_3': obj_y = obj_loc[1] - positive_y + size_active_y else: # Everything else relative if align_mode == 'OPT_1': obj_y = obj_loc[1] - negative_y elif align_mode == 'OPT_3': obj_y = obj_loc[1] - positive_y if align_mode == 'OPT_2': # All relative obj_y = obj_loc[1] - center_y # Relative To if relative_to == 'OPT_1': loc_y = obj_y elif relative_to == 'OPT_2': loc_y = obj_y + cursor[1] elif relative_to == 'OPT_3': loc_y = obj_y + center_sel_y elif relative_to == 'OPT_4': loc_y = obj_y + center_active_y obj.location[1] = loc_y if align_z: # Align Mode if relative_to == 'OPT_4': # Active relative if align_mode == 'OPT_1': obj_z = obj_loc[2] - negative_z - size_active_z elif align_mode == 'OPT_3': obj_z = obj_loc[2] - positive_z + size_active_z else: # Everything else relative if align_mode == 'OPT_1': obj_z = obj_loc[2] - negative_z elif align_mode == 'OPT_3': obj_z = obj_loc[2] - positive_z if align_mode == 'OPT_2': # All relative obj_z = obj_loc[2] - center_z # Relative To if relative_to == 'OPT_1': loc_z = obj_z elif relative_to == 'OPT_2': loc_z = obj_z + cursor[2] elif relative_to == 'OPT_3': loc_z = obj_z + center_sel_z elif relative_to == 'OPT_4': loc_z = obj_z + center_active_z obj.location[2] = loc_z from bpy.props import * class AlignObjects(bpy.types.Operator): '''Align Objects''' bl_idname = "object.align" bl_label = "Align Objects" bl_register = True bl_undo = True align_mode = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=( ('OPT_1', "Negative Sides", ""), ('OPT_2', "Centers", ""), ('OPT_3', "Positive Sides", "") ), name="Align Mode:", description="", default='OPT_2') relative_to = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=( ('OPT_1', "Scene Origin", ""), ('OPT_2', "3D Cursor", ""), ('OPT_3', "Selection", ""), ('OPT_4', "Active", "") ), name="Relative To:", description="", default='OPT_4') align_x = BoolProperty(name="Align X", description="Align in the X axis", default=False) align_y = BoolProperty(name="Align Y", description="Align in the Y axis", default=False) align_z = BoolProperty(name="Align Z", description="Align in the Z axis", default=False) def execute(self, context): align_mode = self.properties.align_mode relative_to = self.properties.relative_to align_x = self.properties.align_x align_y = self.properties.align_y align_z = self.properties.align_z align_objects(align_x, align_y, align_z, align_mode, relative_to) return {'FINISHED'} def menu_func(self, context): if context.mode == 'OBJECT': self.layout.operator(AlignObjects.bl_idname, text="Align Objects") def register(): bpy.types.register(AlignObjects) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_transform.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.types.unregister(AlignObjects) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_transform.remove(menu_func)