# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import bpy import sys, os import http, http.client, http.server, urllib import subprocess, shutil, time, hashlib import netrender import netrender.slave as slave import netrender.master as master from netrender.utils import * VERSION = b"0.3" PATH_PREFIX = "/tmp/" QUEUED = 0 DISPATCHED = 1 DONE = 2 ERROR = 3 class RenderButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" bl_context = "render" # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here def poll(self, context): rd = context.scene.render_data return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in self.COMPAT_ENGINES) # Setting panel, use in the scene for now. @rnaType class RENDER_PT_network_settings(RenderButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Network Settings" COMPAT_ENGINES = set(['NET_RENDER']) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene rd = scene.render_data layout.active = True split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(scene.network_render, "mode") col.prop(scene.network_render, "path") col.prop(scene.network_render, "server_address") col.prop(scene.network_render, "server_port") if scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_MASTER": col.prop(scene.network_render, "server_broadcast") else: col.operator("render.netclientscan", icon='FILE_REFRESH', text="") @rnaType class RENDER_PT_network_job(RenderButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Job Settings" COMPAT_ENGINES = set(['NET_RENDER']) def poll(self, context): scene = context.scene return super().poll(context) and scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_CLIENT" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene rd = scene.render_data layout.active = True split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.operator("render.netclientanim", icon='RENDER_ANIMATION') col.operator("render.netclientsend", icon='FILE_BLEND') col.operator("render.netclientweb", icon='QUESTION') col.prop(scene.network_render, "job_name") col.prop(scene.network_render, "job_category") row = col.row() row.prop(scene.network_render, "priority") row.prop(scene.network_render, "chunks") @rnaType class RENDER_PT_network_slaves(RenderButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Slaves Status" COMPAT_ENGINES = set(['NET_RENDER']) def poll(self, context): scene = context.scene return super().poll(context) and scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_CLIENT" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene netsettings = scene.network_render row = layout.row() row.template_list(netsettings, "slaves", netsettings, "active_slave_index", rows=2) sub = row.column(align=True) sub.operator("render.netclientslaves", icon='FILE_REFRESH', text="") sub.operator("render.netclientblacklistslave", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="") if len(netrender.slaves) == 0 and len(netsettings.slaves) > 0: while(len(netsettings.slaves) > 0): netsettings.slaves.remove(0) if netsettings.active_slave_index >= 0 and len(netsettings.slaves) > 0: layout.separator() slave = netrender.slaves[netsettings.active_slave_index] layout.label(text="Name: " + slave.name) layout.label(text="Address: " + slave.address[0]) layout.label(text="Seen: " + time.ctime(slave.last_seen)) layout.label(text="Stats: " + slave.stats) @rnaType class RENDER_PT_network_slaves_blacklist(RenderButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Slaves Blacklist" COMPAT_ENGINES = set(['NET_RENDER']) def poll(self, context): scene = context.scene return super().poll(context) and scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_CLIENT" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene netsettings = scene.network_render row = layout.row() row.template_list(netsettings, "slaves_blacklist", netsettings, "active_blacklisted_slave_index", rows=2) sub = row.column(align=True) sub.operator("render.netclientwhitelistslave", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="") if len(netrender.blacklist) == 0 and len(netsettings.slaves_blacklist) > 0: while(len(netsettings.slaves_blacklist) > 0): netsettings.slaves_blacklist.remove(0) if netsettings.active_blacklisted_slave_index >= 0 and len(netsettings.slaves_blacklist) > 0: layout.separator() slave = netrender.blacklist[netsettings.active_blacklisted_slave_index] layout.label(text="Name: " + slave.name) layout.label(text="Address: " + slave.address[0]) layout.label(text="Seen: " + time.ctime(slave.last_seen)) layout.label(text="Stats: " + slave.stats) @rnaType class RENDER_PT_network_jobs(RenderButtonsPanel): bl_label = "Jobs" COMPAT_ENGINES = set(['NET_RENDER']) def poll(self, context): scene = context.scene return super().poll(context) and scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_CLIENT" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene netsettings = scene.network_render row = layout.row() row.template_list(netsettings, "jobs", netsettings, "active_job_index", rows=2) sub = row.column(align=True) sub.operator("render.netclientstatus", icon='FILE_REFRESH', text="") sub.operator("render.netclientcancel", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="") sub.operator("render.netclientcancelall", icon='PANEL_CLOSE', text="") sub.operator("render.netclientdownload", icon='RENDER_ANIMATION', text="") if len(netrender.jobs) == 0 and len(netsettings.jobs) > 0: while(len(netsettings.jobs) > 0): netsettings.jobs.remove(0) if netsettings.active_job_index >= 0 and len(netsettings.jobs) > 0: layout.separator() job = netrender.jobs[netsettings.active_job_index] layout.label(text="Name: %s" % job.name) layout.label(text="Length: %04i" % len(job)) layout.label(text="Done: %04i" % job.results[DONE]) layout.label(text="Error: %04i" % job.results[ERROR]) @rnaType class NetRenderSettings(bpy.types.IDPropertyGroup): pass @rnaType class NetRenderSlave(bpy.types.IDPropertyGroup): pass @rnaType class NetRenderJob(bpy.types.IDPropertyGroup): pass bpy.types.Scene.PointerProperty(attr="network_render", type=NetRenderSettings, name="Network Render", description="Network Render Settings") NetRenderSettings.StringProperty( attr="server_address", name="Server address", description="IP or name of the master render server", maxlen = 128, default = "[default]") NetRenderSettings.IntProperty( attr="server_port", name="Server port", description="port of the master render server", default = 8000, min=1, max=65535) NetRenderSettings.BoolProperty( attr="server_broadcast", name="Broadcast server address", description="broadcast server address on local network", default = True) default_path = os.environ.get("TEMP", None) if not default_path: if os.name == 'nt': default_path = "c:/tmp/" else: default_path = "/tmp/" elif not default_path.endswith(os.sep): default_path += os.sep NetRenderSettings.StringProperty( attr="path", name="Path", description="Path for temporary files", maxlen = 128, default = default_path) NetRenderSettings.StringProperty( attr="job_name", name="Job name", description="Name of the job", maxlen = 128, default = "[default]") NetRenderSettings.StringProperty( attr="job_category", name="Job category", description="Category of the job", maxlen = 128, default = "") NetRenderSettings.IntProperty( attr="chunks", name="Chunks", description="Number of frame to dispatch to each slave in one chunk", default = 5, min=1, max=65535) NetRenderSettings.IntProperty( attr="priority", name="Priority", description="Priority of the job", default = 1, min=1, max=10) NetRenderSettings.StringProperty( attr="job_id", name="Network job id", description="id of the last sent render job", maxlen = 64, default = "") NetRenderSettings.IntProperty( attr="active_slave_index", name="Index of the active slave", description="", default = -1, min= -1, max=65535) NetRenderSettings.IntProperty( attr="active_blacklisted_slave_index", name="Index of the active slave", description="", default = -1, min= -1, max=65535) NetRenderSettings.IntProperty( attr="active_job_index", name="Index of the active job", description="", default = -1, min= -1, max=65535) NetRenderSettings.EnumProperty(attr="mode", items=( ("RENDER_CLIENT", "Client", "Act as render client"), ("RENDER_MASTER", "Master", "Act as render master"), ("RENDER_SLAVE", "Slave", "Act as render slave"), ), name="Network mode", description="Mode of operation of this instance", default="RENDER_CLIENT") NetRenderSettings.CollectionProperty(attr="slaves", type=NetRenderSlave, name="Slaves", description="") NetRenderSettings.CollectionProperty(attr="slaves_blacklist", type=NetRenderSlave, name="Slaves Blacklist", description="") NetRenderSettings.CollectionProperty(attr="jobs", type=NetRenderJob, name="Job List", description="") NetRenderSlave.StringProperty( attr="name", name="Name of the slave", description="", maxlen = 64, default = "") NetRenderJob.StringProperty( attr="name", name="Name of the job", description="", maxlen = 128, default = "")