/* * Adapted from code copyright 2009-2010 NVIDIA Corporation * Modifications Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "bvh_binning.h" #include "bvh_build.h" #include "bvh_node.h" #include "bvh_params.h" #include "bvh_split.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "object.h" #include "scene.h" #include "util_debug.h" #include "util_foreach.h" #include "util_progress.h" #include "util_time.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* BVH Build Task */ class BVHBuildTask : public Task { public: BVHBuildTask(InnerNode *node_, int child_, BVHObjectBinning& range_, int level_) : node(node_), child(child_), level(level_), range(range_) {} InnerNode *node; int child; int level; BVHObjectBinning range; }; /* Constructor / Destructor */ BVHBuild::BVHBuild(const vector& objects_, vector& prim_index_, vector& prim_object_, const BVHParams& params_, Progress& progress_) : objects(objects_), prim_index(prim_index_), prim_object(prim_object_), params(params_), progress(progress_), progress_start_time(0.0), task_pool(function_bind(&BVHBuild::thread_build_node, this, _1, _2)) { spatial_min_overlap = 0.0f; } BVHBuild::~BVHBuild() { } /* Adding References */ void BVHBuild::add_reference_mesh(BoundBox& root, BoundBox& center, Mesh *mesh, int i) { for(uint j = 0; j < mesh->triangles.size(); j++) { Mesh::Triangle t = mesh->triangles[j]; BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty; for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { float3 pt = mesh->verts[t.v[k]]; bounds.grow(pt); } if(bounds.valid()) { references.push_back(BVHReference(bounds, j, i)); root.grow(bounds); center.grow(bounds.center2()); } } } void BVHBuild::add_reference_object(BoundBox& root, BoundBox& center, Object *ob, int i) { references.push_back(BVHReference(ob->bounds, -1, i)); root.grow(ob->bounds); center.grow(ob->bounds.center2()); } void BVHBuild::add_references(BVHRange& root) { /* reserve space for references */ size_t num_alloc_references = 0; foreach(Object *ob, objects) { if(params.top_level) { if(ob->mesh->transform_applied) num_alloc_references += ob->mesh->triangles.size(); else num_alloc_references++; } else num_alloc_references += ob->mesh->triangles.size(); } references.reserve(num_alloc_references); /* add references from objects */ BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty, center = BoundBox::empty; int i = 0; foreach(Object *ob, objects) { if(params.top_level) { if(ob->mesh->transform_applied) add_reference_mesh(bounds, center, ob->mesh, i); else add_reference_object(bounds, center, ob, i); } else add_reference_mesh(bounds, center, ob->mesh, i); i++; if(progress.get_cancel()) return; } /* happens mostly on empty meshes */ if(!bounds.valid()) bounds.grow(make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); root = BVHRange(bounds, center, 0, references.size()); } /* Build */ BVHNode* BVHBuild::run() { BVHRange root; /* add references */ add_references(root); if(progress.get_cancel()) return NULL; /* init spatial splits */ if(params.top_level) /* todo: get rid of this */ params.use_spatial_split = false; spatial_min_overlap = root.bounds().safe_area() * params.spatial_split_alpha; spatial_right_bounds.clear(); spatial_right_bounds.resize(max(root.size(), (int)BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS) - 1); /* init progress updates */ progress_start_time = time_dt(); progress_count = 0; progress_total = references.size(); progress_original_total = progress_total; prim_index.resize(references.size()); prim_object.resize(references.size()); /* build recursively */ BVHNode *rootnode; if(params.use_spatial_split) { /* singlethreaded spatial split build */ rootnode = build_node(root, 0); } else { /* multithreaded binning build */ BVHObjectBinning rootbin(root, (references.size())? &references[0]: NULL); rootnode = build_node(rootbin, 0); task_pool.wait(); } /* delete if we cancelled */ if(rootnode) { if(progress.get_cancel()) { rootnode->deleteSubtree(); rootnode = NULL; } else if(!params.use_spatial_split) { /*rotate(rootnode, 4, 5);*/ rootnode->update_visibility(); } } return rootnode; } void BVHBuild::progress_update() { if(time_dt() - progress_start_time < 0.25f) return; double progress_start = (double)progress_count/(double)progress_total; double duplicates = (double)(progress_total - progress_original_total)/(double)progress_total; string msg = string_printf("Building BVH %.0f%%, duplicates %.0f%%", progress_start*100.0f, duplicates*100.0f); progress.set_substatus(msg); progress_start_time = time_dt(); } void BVHBuild::thread_build_node(Task *task_, int thread_id) { if(progress.get_cancel()) return; /* build nodes */ BVHBuildTask *task = (BVHBuildTask*)task_; BVHNode *node = build_node(task->range, task->level); /* set child in inner node */ task->node->children[task->child] = node; /* update progress */ if(task->range.size() < THREAD_TASK_SIZE) { /*rotate(node, INT_MAX, 5);*/ thread_scoped_lock lock(build_mutex); progress_count += task->range.size(); progress_update(); } } /* multithreaded binning builder */ BVHNode* BVHBuild::build_node(const BVHObjectBinning& range, int level) { size_t size = range.size(); float leafSAH = params.sah_triangle_cost * range.leafSAH; float splitSAH = params.sah_node_cost * range.bounds().half_area() + params.sah_triangle_cost * range.splitSAH; /* make leaf node when threshold reached or SAH tells us */ if(params.small_enough_for_leaf(size, level) || (size <= params.max_leaf_size && leafSAH < splitSAH)) return create_leaf_node(range); /* perform split */ BVHObjectBinning left, right; range.split(&references[0], left, right); /* create inner node. */ InnerNode *inner; if(range.size() < THREAD_TASK_SIZE) { /* local build */ BVHNode *leftnode = build_node(left, level + 1); BVHNode *rightnode = build_node(right, level + 1); inner = new InnerNode(range.bounds(), leftnode, rightnode); } else { /* threaded build */ inner = new InnerNode(range.bounds()); task_pool.push(new BVHBuildTask(inner, 0, left, level + 1), true); task_pool.push(new BVHBuildTask(inner, 1, right, level + 1), true); } return inner; } /* single threaded spatial split builder */ BVHNode* BVHBuild::build_node(const BVHRange& range, int level) { /* progress update */ progress_update(); if(progress.get_cancel()) return NULL; /* small enough or too deep => create leaf. */ if(params.small_enough_for_leaf(range.size(), level)) { progress_count += range.size(); return create_leaf_node(range); } /* splitting test */ BVHMixedSplit split(this, range, level); if(split.no_split) { progress_count += range.size(); return create_leaf_node(range); } /* do split */ BVHRange left, right; split.split(this, left, right, range); progress_total += left.size() + right.size() - range.size(); size_t total = progress_total; /* leaft node */ BVHNode *leftnode = build_node(left, level + 1); /* right node (modify start for splits) */ right.set_start(right.start() + progress_total - total); BVHNode *rightnode = build_node(right, level + 1); /* inner node */ return new InnerNode(range.bounds(), leftnode, rightnode); } /* Create Nodes */ BVHNode *BVHBuild::create_object_leaf_nodes(const BVHReference *ref, int start, int num) { if(num == 0) { BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty; return new LeafNode(bounds, 0, 0, 0); } else if(num == 1) { if(start == prim_index.size()) { assert(params.use_spatial_split); prim_index.push_back(ref->prim_index()); prim_object.push_back(ref->prim_object()); } else { prim_index[start] = ref->prim_index(); prim_object[start] = ref->prim_object(); } uint visibility = objects[ref->prim_object()]->visibility; return new LeafNode(ref->bounds(), visibility, start, start+1); } else { int mid = num/2; BVHNode *leaf0 = create_object_leaf_nodes(ref, start, mid); BVHNode *leaf1 = create_object_leaf_nodes(ref+mid, start+mid, num-mid); BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty; bounds.grow(leaf0->m_bounds); bounds.grow(leaf1->m_bounds); return new InnerNode(bounds, leaf0, leaf1); } } BVHNode* BVHBuild::create_leaf_node(const BVHRange& range) { vector& p_index = prim_index; vector& p_object = prim_object; BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty; int num = 0, ob_num = 0; uint visibility = 0; for(int i = 0; i < range.size(); i++) { BVHReference& ref = references[range.start() + i]; if(ref.prim_index() != -1) { if(range.start() + num == prim_index.size()) { assert(params.use_spatial_split); p_index.push_back(ref.prim_index()); p_object.push_back(ref.prim_object()); } else { p_index[range.start() + num] = ref.prim_index(); p_object[range.start() + num] = ref.prim_object(); } bounds.grow(ref.bounds()); visibility |= objects[ref.prim_object()]->visibility; num++; } else { if(ob_num < i) references[range.start() + ob_num] = ref; ob_num++; } } BVHNode *leaf = NULL; if(num > 0) { leaf = new LeafNode(bounds, visibility, range.start(), range.start() + num); if(num == range.size()) return leaf; } /* while there may be multiple triangles in a leaf, for object primitives * we want there to be the only one, so we keep splitting */ const BVHReference *ref = (ob_num)? &references[range.start()]: NULL; BVHNode *oleaf = create_object_leaf_nodes(ref, range.start() + num, ob_num); if(leaf) return new InnerNode(range.bounds(), leaf, oleaf); else return oleaf; } /* Tree Rotations */ void BVHBuild::rotate(BVHNode *node, int max_depth, int iterations) { /* in tested scenes, this resulted in slightly slower raytracing, so disabled * it for now. could be implementation bug, or depend on the scene */ if(node) for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) rotate(node, max_depth); } void BVHBuild::rotate(BVHNode *node, int max_depth) { /* nothing to rotate if we reached a leaf node. */ if(node->is_leaf() || max_depth < 0) return; InnerNode *parent = (InnerNode*)node; /* rotate all children first */ for(size_t c = 0; c < 2; c++) rotate(parent->children[c], max_depth-1); /* compute current area of all children */ BoundBox bounds0 = parent->children[0]->m_bounds; BoundBox bounds1 = parent->children[1]->m_bounds; float area0 = bounds0.half_area(); float area1 = bounds1.half_area(); float4 child_area = make_float4(area0, area1, 0.0f, 0.0f); /* find best rotation. we pick a target child of a first child, and swap * this with an other child. we perform the best such swap. */ float best_cost = FLT_MAX; int best_child = -1, bets_target = -1, best_other = -1; for(size_t c = 0; c < 2; c++) { /* ignore leaf nodes as we cannot descent into */ if(parent->children[c]->is_leaf()) continue; InnerNode *child = (InnerNode*)parent->children[c]; BoundBox& other = (c == 0)? bounds1: bounds0; /* transpose child bounds */ BoundBox target0 = child->children[0]->m_bounds; BoundBox target1 = child->children[1]->m_bounds; /* compute cost for both possible swaps */ float cost0 = merge(other, target1).half_area() - child_area[c]; float cost1 = merge(target0, other).half_area() - child_area[c]; if(min(cost0,cost1) < best_cost) { best_child = (int)c; best_other = (int)(1-c); if(cost0 < cost1) { best_cost = cost0; bets_target = 0; } else { best_cost = cost0; bets_target = 1; } } } /* if we did not find a swap that improves the SAH then do nothing */ if(best_cost >= 0) return; /* perform the best found tree rotation */ InnerNode *child = (InnerNode*)parent->children[best_child]; swap(parent->children[best_other], child->children[bets_target]); child->m_bounds = merge(child->children[0]->m_bounds, child->children[1]->m_bounds); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END