# -*- coding: latin-1 -*- """ SVG 2 OBJ translater, 0.5.0 Copyright (c) jm soler juillet/novembre 2004-juillet 2006, # --------------------------------------------------------------- released under GNU Licence for the Blender 2.42 Python Scripts Bundle. Ce programme est libre, vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU publiée par la Free Software Foundation (version 2 ou bien toute autre version ultérieure choisie par vous). Ce programme est distribué car potentiellement utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE, ni explicite ni implicite, y compris les garanties de commercialisation ou d'adaptation dans un but spécifique. Reportez-vous à la Licence Publique Générale GNU pour plus de détails. Vous devez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Publique Générale GNU en même temps que ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le cas, écrivez à la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, États-Unis. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # --------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Page officielle : # http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_import_svg.htm # http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_import_svg_en.htm # Communiquer les problemes et erreurs sur: # http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/newsportal/thread.php?group=3D.Blender #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Concept : translate SVG file in GEO .obj file and try to load it. -- Curiousity : the original matrix must be : 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 and not: 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -- Options : SHARP_IMPORT = 0 choise between "As is", "Devide by height" and "Devide by width" SHARP_IMPORT = 1 no choise -- Possible bug : sometime, the new curves object's RotY value jumps to -90.0 degrees without any reason. Yet done: M : absolute move to Z : close path L : absolute line to C : absolute curve to S : absolute curve to with only one handle H : absolute horizontal line to V : absolute vertical line to l : relative line to 2004/08/03 c : relative curve to 2004/08/03 s : relative curve to with only one handle h : relative horizontal line to v : relative vertical line to A : courbe_vers_a, V : ligne_tracee_v, H : ligne_tracee_h, Z : boucle_z, Q : courbe_vers_q, T : courbe_vers_t, a : courbe_vers_a, v : ligne_tracee_v, h : ligne_tracee_h, z : boucle_z, q : courbe_vers_q, transfrom for tag transform for tag Changelog: 0.1.1 : - control file without extension 0.2.0 : - improved reading of several data of the same type following the same command (for gimp import) 0.2.1 : - better choice for viewboxing ( takes the viewbox if found, instead of x,y,width and height 0.2.2 : - read compact path data from Illustrator 10 0.2.3 : - read a few new relative displacements 0.2.4 : - better hash for command followed by a lone data (h,v) or uncommun number (a) 0.2.5 : - correction for gimp import 0.2.6 : - correction for illustrator 10 SVG 0.2.7 : - correction for inskape 0.40 cvs SVG 0.2.8 : - correction for inskape plain SVG 0.3 : - reading of the transform properties added : translate 0.3.1 : - compatibility restored with gimp 0.3.2 : - transform properties added (june, 15-16): scale, rotate, matrix, skew - added a test on __name__ to load the script outside from the blender menu 0.3.3 : - matrix transform content control 0.3.4 : - paths data reading rewritten (19/06/05) 0.3.5 : - test on empty curve (22/06/05) - removed overlayed points 0.3.6 : - rewriting of the bezier point contruction to correct a problem in the connection between L type point and C or S type point 0.3.7 : - code correction for bezier knot in Curveto command when the command close a path 0.3.8 : - code was aded to manage quadratic bezier, Q,q command and T,t commands, as a normal blender's bezier point - The last modications does not work with gimp 2.0 svg export . corrected too . 0.3.9 : - Path's A,a command for ellipse's arc . 0.4.0 : - To speed up the function filtre_DATA was removed and text variables are changed into numeric variables 0.4.1 : - svg, groups and shapes hierarchy added - now transform properties are computed using a stack with all parented groups - removed or replaced useless functions : - skewY, skewX transforms - radians in rotate transform 0.4.2 : - Added functon to translate others shapes in path rect, line, polyline, polygon 0.4.3 : - various corrections text font (id property exported by Adobe Illustrator are between coma) function to code s tag has been rewritten 0.4.4 : - various corrections to oblige the script to understand a line feed just after a tag . Rarely encountered problem, but it exits in a svg file format exported by a outliner script for mesh . 0.4.5 : - update for CVS only, at least blender 2.38 and upper no BezTriple module in older version added a createCURVES function to avoid to use the OBJ format export/import . Perhaps problems with cyclic curves . If a closed curve does not appear closed in blender, enter edit mode select all knot with Akey, do a Hkey to set handle type (without this the knot are recalculated) , and finally use the Ckey to close the curve . Should work ... not guaranted . 0.4.6 : - cyclic flag ... 0.4.7 : - Management of the svgz files . the complete python or the gzip.py file is needed . Little improvement of the curve drawing using the createCURVES function 0.4.8 : - short modif for a fantasy font case in the OOo svg format ('viewbox' is written 'viewBox', for instance) . Note that (at this time, 2006/05/01, 1OOo exports in svg but does not read its own export 0.4.9 : - skipped version : private test 0.5.0 : - the script worked perfectly with Blender 2.41 but in Blender 2.42, use the original svg name file + 'OOO.obj' to write a videoscape file made blender crash under window XP when the script loaded it . Curiously, use a more simple name with a sole 'O' solved this problem . - script returned errors on open path : corrected - in b2.42, several successive imports seem to be added to the same original curve . So now the script automaticaly renames the last group of imported curve with the original name file . ================================================================================== ==================================================================================""" SHARP_IMPORT=0 SCALE=1 scale_=1 DEBUG = 0#print DEVELOPPEMENT=0 import sys from math import cos,sin,tan, atan2, pi, ceil PI=pi import Blender from Blender import Mathutils BLversion=Blender.Get('version') try: import nt os=nt os.sep='\\' except: import posix os=posix os.sep='/' def isdir(path): try: st = os.stat(path) return 1 except: return 0 def split(pathname): if pathname.find(os.sep)!=-1: k0=pathname.split(os.sep) else: if os.sep=='/': k0=pathname.split('\\') else: k0=pathname.split('/') directory=pathname.replace(k0[len(k0)-1],'') Name=k0[len(k0)-1] return directory, Name def join(l0,l1): return l0+os.sep+l1 os.isdir=isdir os.split=split os.join=join def filtreFICHIER(nom): """ Function filtreFICHIER in : string nom , filename out : string t , if correct filecontaint Lit le contenu du fichier et en fait une pre-analyse pour savoir s'il merite d'etre traite . """ # ---------- # 0.4.7 # ---------- if nom.upper().find('.SVGZ')!=-1: try : import gzip tz=gzip.GzipFile(nom) t=tz.read() except: name = "ERROR: fail to import gzip module or gzip error ... " result = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(name) return "false" else: f=open(nom,'rU') t=f.read() f.close() # ---------- # 0.4.7 : end # ---------- # ----------------- # pre-format ... # ----------------- # -------------------- # 0.4.4 '\r','' --> '\r',' ' # '\n','' --> '\n',' ' #-------------------- t=t.replace('\r',' ') t=t.replace('\n',' ') t=t.replace('svg:','') if t.upper().find('=233: Blender.Load(dir+'O.obj', 1) BO=Blender.Object.Get() BO[-1].RotY=3.1416 BO[-1].RotZ=3.1416 BO[-1].RotX=3.1416/2.0 if scale_==1: BO[-1].LocY+=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'][3] else: BO[-1].LocY+=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'][3]/SCALE BO[-1].makeDisplayList() Blender.Window.RedrawAll() else: print "Not yet implemented" def create_GEOtext(courbes): global SCALE, B, BOUNDINGBOX,scale_ r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] if scale_==1: SCALE=1.0 elif scale_==2: SCALE=r[2]-r[0] elif scale_==3: SCALE=r[3]-r[1] t=[] t.append(courbes.magic_number+'\n') t.append(str(courbes.type)+'\n') t.append(str(courbes.number_of_items)+'\n') t.append(str(courbes.ext1_ext2[0])+' '+str(courbes.ext1_ext2[1])+'\n') t.append(courbes.matrix+'\n') for k in courbes.ITEM.keys(): t.append("%s\n"%courbes.ITEM[k].type) t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].pntsUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].pntsUV[1])) t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].resolUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].resolUV[1])) t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].orderUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].orderUV[1])) t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].flagUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].flagUV[1])) flag =0#courbes.ITEM[k].flagUV[0] courbes.ITEM[k] for k2 in range(flag,len(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot)): #k1 =courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot[k2] k1=ajustement(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot[k2], SCALE) t.append("%4f 0.0 %4f\n"%(k1[4],k1[5])) t.append("%4f 0.0 %4f\n"%(k1[0],k1[1])) t.append("%4f 0.0 %4f\n"%(k1[2],k1[3])) t.append(str(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot[k2].ha[0])+' '+str(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot[k2].ha[1])+'\n') return t def save_GEOfile(dir,nom,t): # f=open(dir+nom+'OOO.obj','w') f=open(dir+'O.obj','w') f.writelines(t) f.close() #-------------------- # 0.4.5 : for blender cvs 2.38 .... #-------------------- def createCURVES(courbes, name): global SCALE, B, BOUNDINGBOX,scale_ from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene, BezTriple r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] if scale_==1: SCALE=1.0 elif scale_==2: SCALE=r[2]-r[0] elif scale_==3: SCALE=r[3]-r[1] #[o.select(0) for o in Object.Get()] OBJECT_LIST=[] for I in courbes.ITEM: c = Curve.New() # ---------- # 0.4.7 # ---------- c.setResolu(24) scene = Scene.getCurrent() ob = Object.New('Curve',name+str(I)) ob.link(c) scene.link(ob) ob.select(1) OBJECT_LIST.append(ob) bzn=0 #for b in courbes.ITEM[I].beziers_knot: for k2 in range(0,len(courbes.ITEM[I].beziers_knot)): bz=ajustement(courbes.ITEM[I].beziers_knot[k2], SCALE) #bz=k1 if bzn==0: cp1 = bz[4],bz[5],0.0 , bz[0],bz[1],0.0, bz[2],bz[3],0.0, beztriple1 = BezTriple.New(cp1) bez = c.appendNurb(beztriple1) bzn = 1 else: cp2 = bz[4],bz[5],0.0 , bz[0],bz[1],0.0, bz[2],bz[3],0.0 beztriple2 = BezTriple.New(cp2) bez.append(beztriple2) if courbes.ITEM[I].flagUV[0]==1 : #-------------------- # 0.4.6 : cyclic flag ... #-------------------- bez.flagU += 1 print 'done' OB_JOIN=OBJECT_LIST.pop() print 'done 2' OB_JOIN.join(OBJECT_LIST) print 'done 3' for OBJ_DEL in OBJECT_LIST: scene.unlink(OBJ_DEL) #===================================================================== #===== SVG format : DEBUT ========================= #===================================================================== #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- OTHERSSHAPES=['rect','line', 'polyline', 'polygon','circle','ellipse'] #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- def rect(prp): D=[] if 'x' not in prp.keys(): x=0.0 else : x=float(prp['x']) if 'y' not in prp.keys(): y=0.0 else : y=float(prp['y']) height=float(prp['height']) width=float(prp['width']) """ normal rect x,y h1 *----------* | | | | | | *----------* v1 h2 """ if 'rx' not in prp.keys() or 'rx' not in prp.keys(): exec """D=['M','%s','%s','h','%s','v','%s','h','%s','z']"""%(x,y,width,height,-width) else : rx=float(prp['rx']) if 'ry' not in prp.keys() : ry=float(prp['rx']) else : ry=float(prp['ry']) if 'rx' in prp.keys() and prp['rx']<0.0: rx*=-1 if 'ry' in prp.keys() and prp['ry']<0.0: ry*=-1 """ rounded corner x,y M h1 ---*----------* / \ / \ v2 * * c1 | | | | | | c3 * * v2 \ / \ / *----------* h2 c2 """ exec """D=['M','%s','%s', 'h','%s', 'c','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'v','%s', 'c','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'h','%s', 'c','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'v','%s', 'c','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'z']"""%(x+rx,y, width-2*rx, rx,0.0,rx,ry,rx,ry, height-ry, 0.0,ry,-rx,ry,-rx,ry, -width+2*rx, -rx,0.0,-rx,-ry,-rx,-ry, -height+ry, 0.0,0.0,0.0,-ry,rx,-ry ) return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- def circle(prp): if 'cx' not in prp.keys(): cx=0.0 else : cx =float(prp['cx']) if 'cy' not in prp.keys(): cy=0.0 else : cy =float(prp['cy']) r = float(prp['r']) exec """D=['M','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'Z']"""%( cx,cy+r, cx-r,cy+r*0.552, cx-0.552*r,cy+r, cx,cy+r, cx+r*0.552,cy+r, cx+r,cy+r*0.552, cx+r,cy, cx+r,cy-r*0.552, cx+r*0.552,cy-r, cx,cy-r, cx-r*0.552,cy-r, cx-r,cy-r*0.552, cx-r,cy ) return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- def ellipse(prp): if 'cx' not in prp.keys(): cx=0.0 else : cx =float(prp['cx']) if 'cy' not in prp.keys(): cy=0.0 else : cy =float(prp['cy']) ry = float(prp['rx']) rx = float(prp['ry']) exec """D=['M','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'C','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s', 'Z']"""%( cx,cy+rx, cx-ry,cy+rx*0.552, cx-0.552*ry,cy+rx, cx,cy+rx, cx+ry*0.552,cy+rx, cx+ry,cy+rx*0.552, cx+ry,cy, cx+ry,cy-rx*0.552, cx+ry*0.552,cy-rx, cx,cy-rx, cx-ry*0.552,cy-rx, cx-ry,cy-rx*0.552, cx-ry,cy ) return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- def line(prp): exec """D=['M','%s','%s', 'L','%s','%s']"""%(prp['x1'],prp['y1'], prp['x2'],prp['y2']) return D #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- def polyline(prp): if 'points' in prp.keys(): #print prp['points'] points=prp['points'].split(' ') #print points np=0 for p in points: if p!='': p=p.split(',') if np==0: exec "D=['M','%s','%s']"%(p[0],p[1]) np+=1 else: exec """D.append('L');D.append('%s');D.append('%s')"""%(p[0],p[1]) #print D return D else: return [] #-------------------- # 0.4.2 #-------------------- def polygon(prp): D=polyline(prp) if D!=[]: D.append('Z') return D #-------------------- # 0.3.9 #-------------------- def calc_arc (cpx,cpy, rx, ry, ang, fa , fs , x, y) : rx=abs(rx) ry=abs(ry) px=abs((cos(ang)*(cpx-x)+sin(ang)*(cpy-y))*0.5)**2.0 py=abs((cos(ang)*(cpy-y)-sin(ang)*(cpx-x))*0.5)**2.0 pl=px/(rx**2.0)+py/(ry**2.0 ) if pl>1.0: pl=pl**0.5;rx*=pl;ry*=pl x0=(cos(ang)/rx)*cpx+(sin(ang)/rx)*cpy y0=(-sin(ang)/ry)*cpx+(cos(ang)/ry)*cpy x1=(cos(ang)/rx)*x+(sin(ang)/rx)*y y1=(-sin(ang)/ry)*x+(cos(ang)/ ry)*y d=(x1-x0)*(x1-x0)+(y1-y0)*(y1-y0) if abs(d)>0.0 :sq=1.0/d-0.25 else: sq=-0.25 if sq<0.0 :sq=0.0 sf=sq**0.5 if fs==fa :sf=-sf xc=0.5*(x0+x1)-sf*(y1-y0) yc=0.5*(y0+y1)+sf*(x1-x0) ang_0=atan2(y0-yc,x0-xc) ang_1=atan2(y1-yc,x1-xc) ang_arc=ang_1-ang_0; if (ang_arc < 0.0 and fs==1) : ang_arc += 2.0 * PI elif (ang_arc>0.0 and fs==0) : ang_arc-=2.0*PI n_segs=int(ceil(abs(ang_arc*2.0/(PI*0.5+0.001)))) P=[] for i in range(n_segs): ang0=ang_0+i*ang_arc/n_segs ang1=ang_0+(i+1)*ang_arc/n_segs ang_demi=0.25*(ang1-ang0) t=2.66666*sin(ang_demi)*sin(ang_demi)/sin(ang_demi*2.0) x1=xc+cos(ang0)-t*sin(ang0) y1=yc+sin(ang0)+t*cos(ang0) x2=xc+cos(ang1) y2=yc+sin(ang1) x3=x2+t*sin(ang1) y3=y2-t*cos(ang1) P.append([[(cos(ang)*rx)*x1+(-sin(ang)*ry)*y1, (sin(ang)*rx)*x1+(cos(ang)*ry)*y1], [(cos(ang)*rx)*x3+(-sin(ang)*ry)*y3, (sin(ang)*rx)*x3+(cos(ang)*ry)*y3], [(cos(ang)*rx)*x2+(-sin(ang)*ry)*y2, (sin(ang)*rx)*x2+(cos(ang)*ry)*y2]]) return P #-------------------- # 0.3.9 #-------------------- def courbe_vers_a(c,D,n0,CP): #A,a global SCALE l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2]),float(D[c[1]+3]), int(D[c[1]+4]),int(D[c[1]+5]),float(D[c[1]+6]),float(D[c[1]+7])] if c[0]=='a': l[5]=l[5] + CP[0] l[6]=l[6] + CP[1] B=Bez() B.co=[ CP[0], CP[1], CP[0], CP[1], CP[0], CP[1] ] B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] POINTS= calc_arc (CP[0],CP[1], l[0], l[1], l[2]*(PI / 180.0), l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6] ) if DEBUG == 1 : print POINTS for p in POINTS : B=Bez() B.co=[ p[2][0],p[2][1], p[0][0],p[0][1], p[1][0],p[1][1]] B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=B.co[2] BP.co[3]=B.co[3] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=BP.co[0] BP.co[3]=BP.co[1] CP=[l[5], l[6]] return courbes,n0,CP def mouvement_vers(c, D, n0,CP, proprietes): global DEBUG,TAGcourbe #l=filtre_DATA(c,D,2) l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2])] if c[0]=='m': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1] + CP[1]] if n0 in courbes.ITEM.keys(): n0+=1 CP=[l[0],l[1]] courbes.ITEM[n0]=ITEM() courbes.ITEM[n0].Origine=[l[0],l[1]] proprietes['n'].append(n0) #print 'prop et item',proprietes['n'], courbes.ITEM.keys() B=Bez() B.co=[CP[0],CP[1],CP[0],CP[1],CP[0],CP[1]] B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) if DEBUG==1: print courbes.ITEM[n0], CP return courbes,n0,CP def boucle_z(c,D,n0,CP): #Z,z #print c, 'close' #print courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot courbes.ITEM[n0].flagUV[0]=1 #print 'len(courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot)',len(courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot) if len(courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot)>1: BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP0=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[0] if BP.tag in ['c','C','s','S']: BP.co[2]=BP0.co[2] #4-5 point prec BP.co[3]=BP0.co[3] del courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[0] else: del courbes.ITEM[n0] n0-=1 return courbes,n0,CP def courbe_vers_q(c,D,n0,CP): #Q,q l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2]),float(D[c[1]+3]),float(D[c[1]+4])] if c[0]=='q': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1], l[2]+CP[0], l[3]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[2], l[3], l[2], l[3], l[0], l[1]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=BP.co[0] BP.co[3]=BP.co[1] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co CP=[l[2],l[3]] if DEBUG==1: pass if len(D)>c[1]+5 and D[c[1]+5] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=4 courbe_vers_q(c, D, n0,CP) return courbes,n0,CP def courbe_vers_t(c,D,n0,CP): #T,t l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2])] if c[0]=='t': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1], l[0], l[1]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] l0=contruit_SYMETRIC([BP.co[0],BP.co[1],BP.co[4],BP.co[5]]) if BP.tag in ['q','Q','t','T','m','M']: BP.co[2]=l0[2] BP.co[3]=l0[3] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co CP=[l[0],l[1]] if len(D)>c[1]+3 and D[c[1]+3] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=4 courbe_vers_t(c, D, n0,CP) return courbes,n0,CP #-------------------- # 0.4.3 : rewritten #-------------------- def contruit_SYMETRIC(l): X=l[2]-(l[0]-l[2]) Y=l[3]-(l[1]-l[3]) return X,Y def courbe_vers_s(c,D,n0,CP): #S,s l=[float(D[c[1]+1]), float(D[c[1]+2]), float(D[c[1]+3]), float(D[c[1]+4])] if c[0]=='s': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1], l[2]+CP[0], l[3]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[2],l[3],l[2],l[3],l[0],l[1]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] #-------------------- # 0.4.3 #-------------------- BP.co[2],BP.co[3]=contruit_SYMETRIC([BP.co[4],BP.co[5],BP.co[0],BP.co[1]]) courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co #-------------------- # 0.4.3 #-------------------- CP=[l[2],l[3]] if len(D)>c[1]+5 and D[c[1]+5] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=4 courbe_vers_c(c, D, n0,CP) return courbes,n0,CP def courbe_vers_c(c, D, n0,CP): #c,C l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2]),float(D[c[1]+3]), float(D[c[1]+4]),float(D[c[1]+5]),float(D[c[1]+6])] if c[0]=='c': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1], l[2]+CP[0], l[3]+CP[1], l[4]+CP[0], l[5]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[4], l[5], l[4], l[5], l[2], l[3]] #plus toucher au 2-3 B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] BP.co[2]=l[0] BP.co[3]=l[1] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) if DEBUG==1: print B.co,BP.co CP=[l[4],l[5]] if len(D)>c[1]+7 and D[c[1]+7] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=6 courbe_vers_c(c, D, n0,CP) return courbes,n0,CP def ligne_tracee_l(c, D, n0,CP): #L,l l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),float(D[c[1]+2])] if c[0]=='l': l=[l[0]+CP[0], l[1]+CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1]] B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] if BP.tag in ['c','C','s','S','m','M']: BP.co[2]=B.co[4] BP.co[3]=B.co[5] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) CP=[B.co[0],B.co[1]] if len(D)>c[1]+3 and D[c[1]+3] not in TAGcourbe : c[1]+=2 ligne_tracee_l(c, D, n0,CP) #L return courbes,n0,CP def ligne_tracee_h(c,D,n0,CP): #H,h if c[0]=='h': l=[float(D[c[1]+1])+float(CP[0]),CP[1]] else: l=[float(D[c[1]+1]),CP[1]] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1]] B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] if BP.tag in ['c','C','s','S','m','M']: BP.co[2]=B.co[4] BP.co[3]=B.co[5] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) CP=[l[0],l[1]] return courbes,n0,CP def ligne_tracee_v(c,D,n0,CP): #V, v if c[0]=='v': l=[CP[0], float(D[c[1]+1])+CP[1]] else: l=[CP[0], float(D[c[1]+1])] B=Bez() B.co=[l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1],l[0],l[1]] B.ha=[0,0] B.tag=c[0] BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1] if BP.tag in ['c','C','s','S','m','M']: BP.co[2]=B.co[4] BP.co[3]=B.co[5] courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B) CP=[l[0],l[1]] return courbes,n0,CP Actions= { "C" : courbe_vers_c, "A" : courbe_vers_a, "S" : courbe_vers_s, "M" : mouvement_vers, "V" : ligne_tracee_v, "L" : ligne_tracee_l, "H" : ligne_tracee_h, "Z" : boucle_z, "Q" : courbe_vers_q, "T" : courbe_vers_t, "c" : courbe_vers_c, "a" : courbe_vers_a, "s" : courbe_vers_s, "m" : mouvement_vers, "v" : ligne_tracee_v, "l" : ligne_tracee_l, "h" : ligne_tracee_h, "z" : boucle_z, "q" : courbe_vers_q, "T" : courbe_vers_t } TAGcourbe=Actions.keys() TAGtransform=['M','L','C','S','H','V','T','Q'] tagTRANSFORM=0 def wash_DATA(ndata): if ndata!='': print ndata while ndata[0]==' ': ndata=ndata[1:] while ndata[-1]==' ': ndata=ndata[:-1] if ndata[0]==',':ndata=ndata[1:] if ndata[-1]==',':ndata=ndata[:-1] #-------------------- # 0.4.0 : 'e' #-------------------- if ndata.find('-')!=-1 and ndata[ndata.find('-')-1] not in [' ', ',', 'e']: ndata=ndata.replace('-',',-') ndata=ndata.replace(',,',',') ndata=ndata.replace(' ',',') ndata=ndata.split(',') for n in ndata : if n=='' : ndata.remove(n) return ndata #-------------------- # 0.3.4 : - reading data rewrittten #-------------------- def list_DATA(DATA): """ cette fonction doit retourner une liste proposant une suite correcte de commande avec le nombre de valeurs attendu pour chacune d'entres-elles . Par exemple : d="'M0,14.0 z" devient ['M','0.0','14.0','z'] """ # ---------------------------------------- # 1 / reprer la position des differents tag # ---------------------------------------- tagplace=[] # ---------------------------------------- # construire une liste avec chaque emplacement # ---------------------------------------- for d in Actions.keys(): b1=0 b2=len(DATA) while DATA.find(d,b1,b2)!=-1 : tagplace.append(DATA.find(d,b1,b2)) b1=DATA.find(d,b1,b2)+1 # ---------------------------------------- # remettre la liste dans l'ordre de presentation # des donnes # ---------------------------------------- tagplace.sort() tpn=range(len(tagplace)) #-------------------- # 0.3.5 :: short data, only one tag #-------------------- if len(tagplace)-1>0: DATA2=[] for t in tpn[:-1]: DATA2.append(DATA[tagplace[t]:tagplace[t]+1]) ndata=DATA[tagplace[t]+1:tagplace[t+1]] if DATA2[-1] not in ['z','Z'] : ndata=wash_DATA(ndata) for n in ndata : DATA2.append(n) DATA2.append(DATA[tagplace[t+1]:tagplace[t+1]+1]) if DATA2[-1] not in ['z','Z'] and len(DATA)-1>=tagplace[t+1]+1: ndata=DATA[tagplace[t+1]+1:] ndata=wash_DATA(ndata) for n in ndata : DATA2.append(n) else: #-------------------- # 0.3.5 : short data,only one tag #-------------------- DATA2=[] DATA2.append(DATA[tagplace[0]:tagplace[0]+1]) ndata=DATA[tagplace[0]+1:] ndata=wash_DATA(ndata) for n in ndata : DATA2.append(n) return DATA2 # 0.3 def translate(tx=None,ty=None): return [1, 0, tx], [0, 1, ty],[0,0,1] # 0.3.2 def scale(sx=None,sy=None): if sy==None: sy=sx return [sx, 0, 0], [0, sy, 0],[0,0,1] # 0.4.1 : transslate a in radians def rotate(a): return [cos(a*3.1416/90.0), -sin(a*3.1416/90.0), 0], [sin(a*3.1416/90.0), cos(a*3.1416/90.0),0],[0,0,1] # 0.3.2 def skewX(a): return [1, tan(a), 0], [0, 1, 0],[0,0,1] # 0.4.1 def skewY(a): return [1, 0, 0], [tan(a), 1 , 0],[0,0,1] # 0.3.2 def matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f): return [a,c,e],[b,d,f],[0,0,1] # 0.4.2 : rewritten def control_CONTAINT(txt): """ les descriptions de transformation peuvent être seules ou plusieurs et les séparateurs peuvent avoir été oubliés """ t0=0 tlist=[] while txt.count(')',t0)>0: t1=txt.find(')',t0) nt0=txt[t0:t1+1] t2=nt0[nt0.find('(')+1:-1] val=nt0[:nt0.find('(')] while t2.find(' ')!=-1: t2=t2.replace(' ',' ') t2=t2.replace(' ',',') if t2.find('e'): t3=t2.split(',') t2='' for t in t3 : t=str(float(t)) t2=str(t3).replace(']','').replace('[','').replace('\'','') if val=='rotate' : t3=t2.split(',') if len(t3)==3: tlist.append('translate('+t3[1]+','+t3[2]+')') tlist.append('rotate('+t3[0]+')') tlist.append('translate(-'+t3[1]+',-'+t3[2]+')') else: tlist.append(val+'('+t2+')') t0=t1+1 return tlist # 0.4.1 : apply transform stack def courbe_TRANSFORM(Courbe,proprietes): # 1/ deplier le STACK # créer une matrice pour chaque transformation ST=[] #print proprietes['stack'] for st in proprietes['stack'] : if st and type(st)==list: for t in st: exec "a,b,c=%s;T=Mathutils.Matrix(a,b,c)"%control_CONTAINT(t)[0] ST.append(T) elif st : exec "a,b,c=%s;T=Mathutils.Matrix(a,b,c)"%control_CONTAINT(st)[0] ST.append(T) if 'transform' in proprietes.keys(): for trans in control_CONTAINT(proprietes['transform']): exec """a,b,c=%s;T=Mathutils.Matrix(a,b,c)"""%trans ST.append(T) #print ST ST.reverse() for n in proprietes['n']: if n in Courbe.keys(): for bez0 in Courbe[n].beziers_knot: bez=bez0.co for b in [0,2,4]: for t in ST: v=Mathutils.Vector([bez[b],bez[b+1],1.0]) #v=Mathutils.MatMultVec(t, v) v=t * v bez[b]=v[0] bez[b+1]=v[1] def filtre(d): for nn in d: if '0123456789.'.find(nn)==-1: d=d.replace(nn,"") return d def get_BOUNDBOX(BOUNDINGBOX,SVG): if 'viewbox' not in SVG.keys(): h=float(filtre(SVG['height'])) if DEBUG==1 : print 'h : ',h w=float(filtre(SVG['width'])) if DEBUG==1 : print 'w :',w BOUNDINGBOX['rec']=[0.0,0.0,w,h] r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] BOUNDINGBOX['coef']=w/h else: viewbox=SVG['viewbox'].split() BOUNDINGBOX['rec']=[float(viewbox[0]),float(viewbox[1]),float(viewbox[2]),float(viewbox[3])] r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] BOUNDINGBOX['coef']=(r[2]-r[0])/(r[3]-r[1]) return BOUNDINGBOX # 0.4.1 : attributs ex : 'id=', 'transform=', 'd=' ... def collecte_ATTRIBUTS(data): #---------------------------------------------- # 0.4.8 : short modif for a fantasy font case # in the OOo svg format ('viewbox' is # written 'viewBox', for instance) #---------------------------------------------- data=data.replace(' ',' ').lower() ELEM={'TYPE':data[1:data.find(' ')]} t1=len(data) t2=0 ct=data.count('="') while ct>0: t0=data.find('="',t2) t2=data.find(' ',t2)+1 id=data[t2:t0] t2=data.find('"',t0+2) if id!='d': exec "ELEM[id]=\"\"\"%s\"\"\""%(data[t0+2:t2].replace('\\','/')) else: exec "ELEM[id]=[%s,%s]"%(t0+2,t2) ct=data.count('="',t2) return ELEM # -------------------------------------------- # 0.4.1 : to avoid to use sax and ths xml # tools of the complete python # -------------------------------------------- def contruit_HIERARCHIE(t): global CP, courbes, SCALE, DEBUG, BOUNDINGBOX, scale_, tagTRANSFORM TRANSFORM=0 t=t.replace('\t',' ') while t.find(' ')!=-1: t=t.replace(' ',' ') n0=0 t0=t1=0 baliste=[] balisetype=['?','?','/','/','!','!'] BALISES=['D', #DECL_TEXTE', 'D', #DECL_TEXTE', 'F', #FERMANTE', 'E', #ELEM_VIDE', 'd', #DOC', 'R', #REMARQUES', 'C', #CONTENU', 'O' #OUVRANTE' ] STACK=[] while t1-1: t0=t.find('<',t0) t1=t.find('>',t0) ouvrante=0 #-------------------- # 0.4.4 , add 'else:' and 'break' to the 'if' statement #-------------------- if t0>-1 and t1>-1: if t[t0+1] in balisetype: b=balisetype.index(t[t0+1]) if t[t0+2]=='-': b=balisetype.index(t[t0+1])+1 balise=BALISES[b] if b==2: parent=STACK.pop(-1) if parent!=None and TRANSFORM>0: TRANSFORM-=1 elif t[t1-1] in balisetype: balise=BALISES[balisetype.index(t[t1-1])+1] else: t2=t.find(' ',t0) if t2>t1: t2=t1 ouvrante=1 NOM=t[t0+1:t2] if t.find('-1: balise=BALISES[-1] else: balise=BALISES[-2] if balise=='E' or balise=='O': proprietes=collecte_ATTRIBUTS(t[t0:t1+ouvrante]) if balise=='O' and 'transform' in proprietes.keys(): STACK.append(proprietes['transform']) TRANSFORM+=1 elif balise=='O' : STACK.append(None) proprietes['stack']=STACK[:] D=[] if proprietes['TYPE'] in ['path'] and (proprietes['d'][1]-proprietes['d'][0]>1): D=list_DATA(t[proprietes['d'][0]+t0:proprietes['d'][1]+t0]) elif proprietes['TYPE'] in OTHERSSHAPES: exec "D=%s(proprietes)"% proprietes['TYPE'] if len(D)>0: cursor=0 proprietes['n']=[] for cell in D: if DEBUG==2 : print 'cell : ',cell ,' --' if len(cell)>=1 and cell[0] in TAGcourbe: prop='' if cell[0] in ['m','M']: prop=',proprietes' exec """courbes,n0,CP=Actions[cell]([cell,cursor], D, n0,CP%s)"""%prop cursor+=1 if TRANSFORM>0 or 'transform' in proprietes.keys() : courbe_TRANSFORM(courbes.ITEM,proprietes) elif proprietes['TYPE'] in ['svg'] : #print 'proprietes.keys()',proprietes.keys() BOUNDINGBOX = get_BOUNDBOX(BOUNDINGBOX,proprietes) else: #-------------------- # 0.4.4 #-------------------- break t1+=1 t0=t1 def scan_FILE(nom): global CP, courbes, SCALE, DEBUG, BOUNDINGBOX, scale_, tagTRANSFORM dir,name=split(nom) name=name.split('.') result=0 t=filtreFICHIER(nom) if t!='false': Blender.Window.EditMode(0) if not SHARP_IMPORT: warning = "Select Size : %t| As is %x1 | Scale on Height %x2| Scale on Width %x3" scale_ = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(warning) # 0.4.1 : to avoid to use sax and the xml # tools of the complete python contruit_HIERARCHIE(t) r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec'] if scale_==1: SCALE=1.0 elif scale==2: SCALE=r[2]-r[0] elif scale_==3: SCALE=r[3]-r[1] courbes.number_of_items=len(courbes.ITEM.keys()) for k in courbes.ITEM.keys(): courbes.ITEM[k].pntsUV[0] =len(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot) #-------------------- # 0.4.5 #-------------------- CVS=2 if BLversion>=238 : warning = "CVS version you can import as : %t| Blender internal, experimental ? %x1 | Old proofed method, import using Blender OBJ format %x2" CVS=Blender.Draw.PupMenu(warning) if courbes.number_of_items>0 and CVS==2: if len(PATTERN.keys() )>0: if DEBUG == 3 : print len(PATTERN.keys() ) t=create_GEOtext(courbes) save_GEOfile(dir,name[0],t) Open_GEOfile(dir,name[0]) # 0.4.9 ---------------------- Blender.Object.Get()[-1].setName(name[0]) # 0.4.9 ---------------------- elif courbes.number_of_items>0 and CVS==1 : #-------------------- # 0.4.5 and 0.4.9 #-------------------- createCURVES(courbes, name[0]) else: pass def ajustement(v,s): a,b,c,d,e,f=float(v.co[0]),float(v.co[1]),float(v.co[2]),float(v.co[3]),float(v.co[4]),float(v.co[5]) return [a/s,-b/s,c/s,-d/s,e/s,-f/s] #===================================================================== #====================== SVG format mouvements ======================== #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # une sorte de contournement qui permet d'utiliser la fonction # et de documenter les variables Window.FileSelector #===================================================================== def fonctionSELECT(nom): scan_FILE(nom) if __name__=='__main__': Blender.Window.FileSelector (fonctionSELECT, 'SELECT a .SVG FILE')