#!BPY # """ # Name: 'Drawing eXchange Format (.dxf)' # Blender: 243 # Group: 'Import' # Tooltip: 'Import DXF file.' # """ __author__ = 'Kitsu (Ed Blake)' __version__ = '0.9 1/2007' __url__ = ["elysiun.com", "BlenderArtists.org"] __email__ = ["Kitsune_e@yahoo.com"] __bpydoc__ = """\ This is a Blender import script for dxf files. This script imports the dxf Geometery from dxf versions 2007 and earlier. Supported:
At this time only mesh based imports are supported.
Future support for all curve import is planned.

Currently Supported DXF Ojects:
LightWeight polylines
True polylines
Known issues:
Does not convert perfectly between Object Coordinate System (OCS) and World Coordinate System (WCS). Only rudimentary support for true polylines have been implimented - splines/fitted curves/ 3d plines/polymeshes are not supported. No support for most 3d entities. Doesn't support the new style object visability. There are problems importing some curves/arcs/circles. Notes:
This is primarally a 2d drawing release. Currently only support for 3d faces has been added. Blocks are created on layer 19 then referenced at each insert point. The insert point is designated with a small 3d crosshair. This handle does not render. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DXF Import v0.9 by Ed Blake (AKA Kitsu) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender from Blender import * Sys = sys from dxfReader import readDXF, get_name, get_layer from dxfReader import Object as dxfObject from dxfColorMap import color_map from math import * try: import os if os.name:# != 'mac': import psyco psyco.log() psyco.full(memory=100) psyco.profile(0.05, memory=100) psyco.profile(0.2) except ImportError: pass SCENE = Scene.GetCurrent() WORLDX = Mathutils.Vector((1,0,0)) AUTO = BezTriple.HandleTypes.AUTO BYLAYER=256 """This module provides wrapper objects for dxf entities. The wrappers expect a "dxf object" as input. The dxf object is an object with a type and a data attribute. Type is a lowercase string matching the 0 code of a dxf entity. Data is a list containing dxf objects or lists of [code, data] pairs. This module is not general, and is only for dxf import. """ # from Stani's dxf writer v1.1 (c)www.stani.be (GPL) #---color values BYBLOCK=0 BYLAYER=256 #---block-type flags (bit coded values, may be combined): ANONYMOUS =1 # This is an anonymous block generated by hatching, associative dimensioning, other internal operations, or an application NON_CONSTANT_ATTRIBUTES =2 # This block has non-constant attribute definitions (this bit is not set if the block has any attribute definitions that are constant, or has no attribute definitions at all) XREF =4 # This block is an external reference (xref) XREF_OVERLAY =8 # This block is an xref overlay EXTERNAL =16 # This block is externally dependent RESOLVED =32 # This is a resolved external reference, or dependent of an external reference (ignored on input) REFERENCED =64 # This definition is a referenced external reference (ignored on input) #---mtext flags #attachment point TOP_LEFT = 1 TOP_CENTER = 2 TOP_RIGHT = 3 MIDDLE_LEFT = 4 MIDDLE_CENTER = 5 MIDDLE_RIGHT = 6 BOTTOM_LEFT = 7 BOTTOM_CENTER = 8 BOTTOM_RIGHT = 9 #drawing direction LEFT_RIGHT = 1 TOP_BOTTOM = 3 BY_STYLE = 5 #the flow direction is inherited from the associated text style #line spacing style (optional): AT_LEAST = 1 #taller characters will override EXACT = 2 #taller characters will not override #---polyline flags CLOSED =1 # This is a closed polyline (or a polygon mesh closed in the M direction) CURVE_FIT =2 # Curve-fit vertices have been added SPLINE_FIT =4 # Spline-fit vertices have been added POLYLINE_3D =8 # This is a 3D polyline POLYGON_MESH =16 # This is a 3D polygon mesh CLOSED_N =32 # The polygon mesh is closed in the N direction POLYFACE_MESH =64 # The polyline is a polyface mesh CONTINOUS_LINETYPE_PATTERN =128 # The linetype pattern is generated continuously around the vertices of this polyline #---text flags #horizontal LEFT = 0 CENTER = 1 RIGHT = 2 ALIGNED = 3 #if vertical alignment = 0 MIDDLE = 4 #if vertical alignment = 0 FIT = 5 #if vertical alignment = 0 #vertical BASELINE = 0 BOTTOM = 1 MIDDLE = 2 TOP = 3 class Layer: """Class for objects representing dxf layers.""" def __init__(self, obj, name=None, color=None, frozen=None): """Expects an entity object of type line as input.""" self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] if name: self.name = name else: self.name = obj.get_type(2)[0] if color: self.color = color else: self.color = obj.get_type(62)[0] if frozen: self.frozen = frozen else: self.flags = obj.get_type(70)[0] self.frozen = self.flags&1 def __repr__(self): return "%s: name - %s, color - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.color) class Line: """Class for objects representing dxf lines.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type line as input.""" if not obj.type == 'line': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for line object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.points = self.get_points(obj.data) def get_points(self, data): """Gets start and end points for a line type object. Lines have a fixed number of points (two) and fixed codes for each value. """ # start x, y, z and end x, y, z = 0 sx, sy, sz, ex, ey, ez = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x sx = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y sy = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z sz = item[1] elif item[0] == 11: # 11 = x ex = item[1] elif item[0] == 21: # 21 = y ey = item[1] elif item[0] == 31: # 31 = z ez = item[1] return [[sx, sy, sz], [ex, ey, ez]] def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import lines into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery points = self.points edges = [[0, 1]] me = Mesh.New('line') # create a new mesh me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh me.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh # Now Create an object ob = Object.New('Mesh', 'line') # link mesh to an object ob.link(me) return ob class LWpolyline: """Class for objects representing dxf LWpolylines.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type lwpolyline as input.""" if not obj.type == 'lwpolyline': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for polyline object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.num_points = obj.get_type(90)[0] # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER self.elevation = obj.get_type(38) if self.elevation: self.elevation = self.elevation[0] else: self.elevation = 0 self.flags = obj.get_type(70) if self.flags: self.flags = self.flags[0] else: self.flags = 0 self.closed = self.flags&1 # byte coded, 1 = closed, 128 = plinegen discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.points = self.get_points(obj.data) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_points(self, data): """Gets points for a polyline type object. Polylines have no fixed number of verts, and each vert can have a number of properties. Verts should be coded as 10:xvalue 20:yvalue 40:startwidth or 0 41:endwidth or 0 42:bulge or 0 for each vert """ num = self.num_points point = None points = [] for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x if point: points.append(point) point = Vertex() point.x = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y point.y = item[1] elif item[0] == 40: # 40 = start width point.swidth = item[1] elif item[0] == 41: # 41 = end width point.ewidth = item[1] elif item[0] == 42: # 42 = bulge point.bulge = item[1] points.append(point) return points def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import plines into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery points = [] for i in range(len(self.points)): point = self.points[i] if not point.bulge: points.append(point.loc) elif point.bulge and i < len(self.points)-1:# > 0: center, radius, start, end = solveBulge(point, self.points[i+1]) #print center, radius, start, end verts, nosense = drawArc(center, radius, start, end) verts.pop(0) # remove first verts.pop() #remove last if point.bulge >= 0: verts.reverse() points.extend(verts) edges = [[num, num+1] for num in range(len(points)-1)] if self.closed: edges.append([len(self.points)-1, 0]) me = Mesh.New('lwpline') # create a new mesh me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh me.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh # Now Create an object ob = Object.New('Mesh', 'lwpline') # link mesh to an object ob.link(me) transform(self.extrusion, ob) ob.LocZ = self.elevation return ob class Polyline: """Class for objects representing dxf LWpolylines.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type polyline as input.""" if not obj.type == 'polyline': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for polyline object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] self.points = [] # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER self.elevation = obj.get_type(30) if self.elevation: self.elevation = self.elevation[0] else: self.elevation = 0 self.flags = obj.get_type(70) if self.flags: self.flags = self.flags[0] else: self.flags = 0 self.closed = self.flags&1 # byte coded, 1 = closed, 128 = plinegen discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import plines into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery points = [] for i in range(len(self.points)): point = self.points[i] if not point.bulge: points.append(point.loc) elif point.bulge and i < len(self.points)-1:# > 0: center, radius, start, end = solveBulge(point, self.points[i+1]) #print center, radius, start, end verts, nosense = drawArc(center, radius, start, end) verts.pop(0) # remove first verts.pop() #remove last if point.bulge >= 0: verts.reverse() points.extend(verts) edges = [[num, num+1] for num in range(len(points)-1)] if self.closed: edges.append([len(self.points)-1, 0]) me = Mesh.New('pline') # create a new mesh me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh me.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh # Now Create an object ob = Object.New('Mesh', 'pline') # link mesh to an object ob.link(me) transform(self.extrusion, ob) ob.LocZ = self.elevation return ob class Vertex(object): """Generic vertex object used by polylines (and maybe others).""" def __init__(self, obj=None): """Initializes vertex data. The optional obj arg is an entity object of type vertex. """ self.loc = [0,0,0] self.bulge = 0 self.swidth = 0 self.ewidth = 0 self.flags = 0 if obj is not None: if not obj.type == 'vertex': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for vertex object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] self.get_props(obj.data) def get_props(self, data): """Gets coords for a vertex type object. Each vert can have a number of properties. Verts should be coded as 10:xvalue 20:yvalue 40:startwidth or 0 41:endwidth or 0 42:bulge or 0 """ for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x self.x = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y self.y = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z self.z = item[1] elif item[0] == 40: # 40 = start width self.swidth = item[1] elif item[0] == 41: # 41 = end width self.ewidth = item[1] elif item[0] == 42: # 42 = bulge self.bulge = item[1] elif item[0] == 70: # 70 = vert flags self.flags = item[1] def __len__(self): return 3 def __getitem__(self, key): return self.loc[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in [0,1,2]: self.loc[key] def __iter__(self): return self.loc.__iter__() def __str__(self): return str(self.loc) def __repr__(self): return "Vertex %s, swidth=%s, ewidth=%s, bulge=%s" %(self.loc, self.swidth, self.ewidth, self.bulge) def getx(self): return self.loc[0] def setx(self, value): self.loc[0] = value x = property(getx, setx) def gety(self): return self.loc[1] def sety(self, value): self.loc[1] = value y = property(gety, sety) def getz(self): return self.loc[2] def setz(self, value): self.loc[2] = value z = property(getz, setz) class Text: """Class for objects representing dxf Text.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type text as input.""" if not obj.type == 'text': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for text object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.height = obj.get_type(40)[0] self.value = obj.get_type(1)[0] # The text string value # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER self.rotation = obj.get_type(50) # radians? if not self.rotation: self.rotation = 0 else: self.rotation = self.rotation[0] self.width_factor = obj.get_type(41) # Scaling factor along local x axis if not self.width_factor: self.width_factor = 1 else: self.width_factor = self.width_factor[0] self.oblique = obj.get_type(51) # skew in degrees -90 <= oblique <= 90 if not self.oblique: self.oblique = 0 else: self.oblique = self.oblique[0] self.halignment = obj.get_type(72) # horiz. alignment if not self.halignment: # 0=left, 1=center, 2=right, 3=aligned, 4=middle, 5=fit self.halignment = 0 else: self.halignment = self.halignment[0] self.valignment = obj.get_type(73) # vert. alignment if not self.valignment: # 0=baseline, 1=bottom, 2=middle, 3=top self.valignment = 0 else: self.valignment = self.valignment[0] discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data, self.halignment, self.valignment) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_loc(self, data, halign, valign): """Gets adjusted location for text type objects. If group 72 and/or 73 values are nonzero then the first alignment point values are ignored and AutoCAD calculates new values based on the second alignment point and the length and height of the text string itself (after applying the text style). If the 72 and 73 values are zero or missing, then the second alignment point is meaningless. I don't know how to calc text size... """ # bottom left x, y, z and justification x, y, z = 0 x, y, z, jx, jy, jz = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x x = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y y = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z z = item[1] elif item[0] == 11: # 11 = x jx = item[1] elif item[0] == 21: # 21 = y jy = item[1] elif item[0] == 31: # 31 = z jz = item[1] if halign or valign: x, y, z = jx, jy, jz return [x, y, z] def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, value - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.value) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import texts into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery txt = Text3d.New("text") txt.setSize(1) txt.setShear(self.oblique/90) txt.setExtrudeDepth(0.5) if self.halignment == 0: align = Text3d.LEFT elif self.halignment == 1: align = Text3d.MIDDLE elif self.halignment == 2: align = Text3d.RIGHT elif self.halignment == 3: align = Text3d.FLUSH else: align = Text3d.MIDDLE txt.setAlignment(align) txt.setText(self.value) # Now Create an object ob = Object.New('Text', 'text') # link mesh to an object ob.link(txt) transform(self.extrusion, ob) # move the object center to the text location ob.loc = tuple(self.loc) # scale it to the text size ob.SizeX = self.height*self.width_factor ob.SizeY = self.height ob.SizeZ = self.height # and rotate it around z ob.RotZ = radians(self.rotation) return ob class Mtext: """Class for objects representing dxf Mtext.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type mtext as input.""" if not obj.type == 'mtext': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for mtext object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.height = obj.get_type(40)[0] self.width = obj.get_type(41)[0] self.alignment = obj.get_type(71)[0] # alignment 1=TL, 2=TC, 3=TR, 4=ML, 5=MC, 6=MR, 7=BL, 8=BC, 9=BR self.value = self.get_text(obj.data) # The text string value # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER self.rotation = obj.get_type(50) # radians if not self.rotation: self.rotation = 0 else: self.rotation = self.rotation[0] self.width_factor = obj.get_type(42) # Scaling factor along local x axis if not self.width_factor: self.width_factor = 1 else: self.width_factor = self.width_factor[0] self.line_space = obj.get_type(44) # percentage of default if not self.line_space: self.line_space = 1 else: self.line_space = self.line_space[0] discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_text(self, data): """Reconstructs mtext data from dxf codes.""" primary = '' secondary = [] for item in data: if item[0] == 1: # There should be only one primary... primary = item[1] elif item[0] == 3: # There may be any number of extra strings (in order) secondary.append(item[1]) if not primary: #raise ValueError, "Empty Mtext Object!" string = "Empty Mtext Object!" if not secondary: string = primary.replace(r'\P', '\n') else: string = ''.join(secondary)+primary string = string.replace(r'\P', '\n') return string def get_loc(self, data): """Gets location for a mtext type objects. Mtext objects have only one point indicating location. """ loc = [0,0,0] for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, value - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.value) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import mtexts into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery txt = Text3d.New("mtext") txt.setSize(1) # Blender doesn't give access to its text object width currently # only to the text3d's curve width... #txt.setWidth(text.width/10) txt.setLineSeparation(self.line_space) txt.setExtrudeDepth(0.5) txt.setText(self.value) # Now Create an object ob = Object.New('Text', 'mtext') # link mesh to an object ob.link(txt) transform(self.extrusion, ob) # move the object center to the text location ob.loc = tuple(self.loc) # scale it to the text size ob.SizeX = self.height*self.width_factor ob.SizeY = self.height ob.SizeZ = self.height # and rotate it around z ob.RotZ = radians(self.rotation) return ob class Circle: """Class for objects representing dxf Circles.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type circle as input.""" if not obj.type == 'circle': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for circle object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.radius = obj.get_type(40)[0] # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_loc(self, data): """Gets the center location for circle type objects. Circles have a single coord location. """ loc = [0, 0, 0] for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, radius - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.radius) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import circles into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery # Now Create an object if curves: ob = drawCurveCircle(self) else: center = self.loc radius = self.radius circ = 2 * pi * radius if circ < 65: # if circumfrance is too small verts = 32 # set a fixed number of 32 verts else: verts = circ/.5 # figure out how many verts we need if verts > 100: # Blender only accepts values verts = 100 # [3:100] c = Mesh.Primitives.Circle(int(verts), radius*2) ob = Object.New('Mesh', 'circle') ob.link(c) # link curve data with this object ob.loc = tuple(center) transform(self.extrusion, ob) return ob class Arc: """Class for objects representing dxf arcs.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type arc as input.""" if not obj.type == 'arc': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for arc object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.radius = obj.get_type(40)[0] self.start_angle = obj.get_type(50)[0] self.end_angle = obj.get_type(51)[0] # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_loc(self, data): """Gets the center location for arc type objects. Arcs have a single coord location. """ loc = [0, 0, 0] for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, radius - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.radius) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import arcs into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery # Now Create an object if curves: ob = drawCurveArc(self) else: center = self.loc radius = self.radius start = self.start_angle end = self.end_angle verts, edges = drawArc(None, radius, start, end) a = Mesh.New('arc') a.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh a.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh ob = Object.New('Mesh', 'arc') ob.link(a) # link curve data with this object ob.loc = tuple(center) ob.RotX = radians(180) transform(self.extrusion, ob) ob.size = (1,1,1) return ob class BlockRecord: """Class for objects representing dxf block_records.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type block_record as input.""" if not obj.type == 'block_record': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for block_record object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.name = obj.get_type(2)[0] # optional data (with defaults) self.insertion_units = obj.get_type(70) if not self.insertion_units: self.insertion_units = None else: self.insertion_units = self.insertion_units[0] self.insert_units = obj.get_type(1070) if not self.insert_units: self.insert_units = None else: self.insert_units = self.insert_units[0] def __repr__(self): return "%s: name - %s, insert units - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.insertion_units) class Block: """Class for objects representing dxf blocks.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type block as input.""" if not obj.type == 'block': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for block object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] self.name = obj.name # required data self.flags = obj.get_type(70)[0] self.entities = dxfObject('block_contents') self.entities.data = objectify([ent for ent in obj.data if type(ent) != list]) # optional data (with defaults) self.path = obj.get_type(1) if self.path: self.path = self.path[0] else: self.path = '' self.discription = obj.get_type(4) if self.discription: self.discription = self.discription[0] else: self.discription = '' discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data) def get_loc(self, data): """Gets the insert point of the block.""" loc = [0, 0, 0] for item in data: if type(item) != list: continue if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def __repr__(self): return "%s: name - %s, description - %s, xref-path - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.discription, self.path) class Insert: """Class for objects representing dxf inserts.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type insert as input.""" if not obj.type == 'insert': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for insert object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.block = obj.get_type(2)[0] # optional data (with defaults) self.rotation = obj.get_type(50) if self.rotation: self.rotation = self.rotation[0] else: self.rotation = 0 self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data) self.scale = self.get_scale(obj.data) self.rows, self.columns = self.get_array(obj.data) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) def get_loc(self, data): """Gets the center location for circle type objects. Circles have a single coord location. """ loc = [0, 0, 0] for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def get_scale(self, data): """Gets the x/y/z scale factor for the block. """ scale = [1, 1, 1] for item in data: if item[0] == 41: # 41 = x scale scale[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 42: # 42 = y scale scale[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 43: # 43 = z scale scale[2] = item[1] return scale def get_array(self, data): """Returns the pair (row number, row spacing), (column number, column spacing).""" columns = 1 rows = 1 cspace = 0 rspace = 0 for item in data: if item[0] == 70: # 70 = columns columns = item[1] elif item[0] == 71: # 71 = rows rows = item[1] if item[0] == 44: # 44 = columns cspace = item[1] elif item[0] == 45: # 45 = rows rspace = item[1] return (rows, rspace), (columns, cspace) def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, block - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.block) def draw(self, handle, settings): """Do all the specific things needed to import blocks into Blender. Blocks are made of three objects: the block_record in the tables section the block in the blocks section the insert object in the entities section block_records give the insert units, blocks provide the objects drawn in the block, and the insert object gives the location/scale/rotation of the block instances. To draw a block you must first get a group with all the blocks entities drawn in it, then scale the entities to match the world units, then dupligroup that data to an object matching each insert object.""" # Create an object ob = Object.New('Mesh', self.block) ob.link(handle) # Give the object a handle if settings.drawTypes['blocks']: # get our block group block = settings.blocks(self.block) ob.DupGroup = block ob.enableDupGroup = True ob.loc = tuple(self.loc) transform(self.extrusion, ob) ob.RotZ += radians(self.rotation) ob.size = tuple(self.scale) return ob class Ellipse: """Class for objects representing dxf ellipses.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type ellipse as input.""" if not obj.type == 'ellipse': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for ellipse object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # required data self.ratio = obj.get_type(40)[0] self.start_angle = obj.get_type(41)[0] self.end_angle = obj.get_type(42)[0] # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.loc = self.get_loc(obj.data) self.major = self.get_major(obj.data) self.extrusion = self.get_extrusion(obj.data) self.radius = sqrt(self.major[0]**2 + self.major[0]**2 + self.major[0]**2) def get_loc(self, data): """Gets the center location for arc type objects. Arcs have a single coord location. """ loc = [0, 0, 0] for item in data: if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def get_major(self, data): """Gets the major axis for ellipse type objects. The ellipse major axis defines the rotation of the ellipse and its radius. """ loc = [0, 0, 0] for item in data: if item[0] == 11: # 11 = x loc[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 21: # 21 = y loc[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 31: # 31 = z loc[2] = item[1] return loc def get_extrusion(self, data): """Find the axis of extrusion. Used to get the objects Object Coordinate System (ocs). """ vec = [0,0,1] for item in data: if item[0] == 210: # 210 = x vec[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 220: # 220 = y vec[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 230: # 230 = z vec[2] = item[1] return vec def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, radius - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.radius) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import ellipses into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery # Now Create an object if curves: ob = drawCurveArc(self) else: major = Mathutils.Vector(self.major) delta = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(major, WORLDX) center = self.loc radius = major.length start = degrees(self.start_angle) end = degrees(self.end_angle) verts, edges = drawArc(None, radius, start, end) e = Mesh.New('ellipse') e.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh e.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh ob = Object.New('Mesh', 'arc') ob.link(e) # link curve data with this object ob.loc = tuple(center) ob.SizeY = self.ratio #ob.RotZ = radians(delta) ob.RotX = radians(180) transform(self.extrusion, ob) ob.RotZ = radians(delta) return ob class Face: """Class for objects representing dxf 3d faces.""" def __init__(self, obj): """Expects an entity object of type 3dfaceplot as input.""" if not obj.type == '3dface': raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for 3dface object!" %obj.type self.type = obj.type self.data = obj.data[:] # optional data (with defaults) self.space = obj.get_type(67) if self.space: self.space = self.space[0] else: self.space = 0 self.color_index = obj.get_type(62) if self.color_index: self.color_index = self.color_index[0] else: self.color_index = BYLAYER discard, self.layer = get_layer(obj.data) obj.data.remove(discard) self.points = self.get_points(obj.data) def get_points(self, data): """Gets 3-4 points for a 3d face type object. Faces have three or optionally four verts. """ a = [0, 0, 0] b = [0, 0, 0] c = [0, 0, 0] d = False for item in data: # ----------- a ------------- if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x a[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y a[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 30: # 30 = z a[2] = item[1] # ----------- b ------------- elif item[0] == 11: # 11 = x b[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 21: # 21 = y b[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 31: # 31 = z b[2] = item[1] # ----------- c ------------- elif item[0] == 12: # 12 = x c[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 22: # 22 = y c[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 32: # 32 = z c[2] = item[1] # ----------- d ------------- elif item[0] == 13: # 13 = x d = [0, 0, 0] d[0] = item[1] elif item[0] == 23: # 23 = y d[1] = item[1] elif item[0] == 33: # 33 = z d[2] = item[1] out = [a,b,c] if d: out.append(d) return out def __repr__(self): return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points) def draw(self, curves=False): """Do all the specific things needed to import 3d faces into Blender.""" # Generate the geometery points = self.points if len(self.points) > 3: faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3]] else: faces = [[0, 1, 2]] me = Mesh.New('3dface') # create a new mesh me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh # Now Create an object ob = Object.New('Mesh', '3dface') # link mesh to an object ob.link(me) return ob # type to object map type_map = { 'line':Line, 'lwpolyline':LWpolyline, 'text':Text, 'mtext':Mtext, 'circle':Circle, 'arc':Arc, 'layer':Layer, 'block_record':BlockRecord, 'block':Block, 'insert':Insert, 'ellipse':Ellipse, '3dface':Face } def objectify(data): """Expects a section type object's data as input. Maps object data to the correct object type. """ objects = [] # colector for finished objects known_types = type_map.keys() # so we don't have to call foo.keys() every iteration index = 0 while index < len(data): item = data[index] if type(item) != list and item.type in known_types: # proccess the object and append the resulting object objects.append(type_map[item.type](item)) elif type(item) != list and item.type == 'table': item.data = objectify(item.data) # tables have sub-objects objects.append(item) elif type(item) != list and item.type == 'polyline': pline = Polyline(item) while 1: index += 1 item = data[index] if item.type == 'vertex': v = Vertex(item) pline.points.append(v) elif item.type == 'seqend': break else: print "Error: non-vertex found before seqend!" index -= 1 break objects.append(pline) else: # we will just let the data pass un-harrased objects.append(item) index += 1 return objects class MatColors: """A smart container for color based materials. This class is a wrapper around a dictionary mapping color indicies to materials. When called with a color index it returns a material corrisponding to that index. Behind the scenes it checks if that index is in its keys, and if not it creates a new material. It then adds the new index:material pair to its dict and returns the material. """ def __init__(self, map): """Expects a dictionary mapping layer names to color idices.""" self.map = map self.colors = {} def __call__(self, color=None): """Return the material associated with color. If a layer name is provided the color of that layer is used. """ if not color: color = 0 if type(color) == str: # Layer name try: color = self.map[color].color # color = layer_map[name].color except KeyError: layer = Layer(name=color, color=0, frozen=False) self.map[color] = layer color = 0 color = abs(color) if color not in self.colors.keys(): self.add(color) return self.colors[color] def add(self, color): """Create a new material using the provided color index.""" global color_map mat = Material.New('ColorIndex-%s' %color) mat.setRGBCol(color_map[color]) mat.setMode("Shadeless", "Wire") self.colors[color] = mat class Blocks: """A smart container for blocks. This class is a wrapper around a dictionary mapping block names to Blender data blocks. When called with a name string it returns a block corrisponding to that name. Behind the scenes it checks if that name is in its keys, and if not it creates a new data block. It then adds the new name:block pair to its dict and returns the block. """ def __init__(self, map, settings): """Expects a dictionary mapping block names to block objects.""" self.map = map self.settings = settings self.blocks = {} def __call__(self, name=None): """Return the data block associated with name. If no name is provided return self.blocks. """ if not name: return self.blocks if name not in self.blocks.keys(): self.add(name) return self.blocks[name] def add(self, name): """Create a new block group for the block with name.""" write = self.settings.write group = Group.New(name) block = self.map[name] write("\nDrawing %s block entities..." %name) drawEntities(block.entities, self.settings, group) write("Done!") self.blocks[name] = group class Settings: """A container for all the import settings and objects used by the draw functions. This is like a collection of globally accessable persistant properties and functions. """ # Optimization constants MIN = 0 MID = 1 PRO = 2 MAX = 3 def __init__(self, drawing, curves, optimization, **kwds): """Given the drawing initialize all the important settings used by the draw functions.""" self.curves = curves self.optimization = optimization print "Setting optimization level %s!" %optimization self.drawTypes = kwds self.layers = True self.blocks = True # First sort out all the sections sections = dict([(item.name, item) for item in drawing.data]) # The header section may be omited if 'header' in sections.keys(): self.write("Found header!") else: self.write("File contains no header!") # The tables section may be partialy or completely missing. if 'tables' in sections.keys(): self.write("Found tables!") tables = dict([(item.name, item) for item in sections["tables"].data]) if 'layer' in tables.keys(): self.write("Found layers!") # Read the layers table and get the layer colors self.colors = getLayers(drawing) else: self.write("File contains no layers table!") self.layers = False self.colors = MatColors({}) else: self.write("File contains no tables!") self.write("File contains no layers table!") self.layers = False self.colors = MatColors({}) # The blocks section may be omited if 'blocks' in sections.keys(): self.write("Found blocks!") # Read the block definitions and build our block object if self.drawTypes['blocks']: self.blocks = getBlocks(drawing, self) else: self.write("File contains no blocks!") self.drawTypes['blocks'] = False def write(self, text, newline=True): """Wraps the built-in print command in a optimization check.""" if self.optimization <= self.MID: if newline: print text else: print text, def redraw(self): """Update Blender if optimization level is low enough.""" if self.optimization <= self.MIN: Blender.Redraw() def progress(self, done, text): """Wrapper for Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar.""" if self.optimization <= self.PRO: Window.DrawProgressBar(done, text) def isOff(self, name): """Given a layer name look up the layer object and return its visable status.""" # colors are negative if layer is off try: layer = self.colors.map[name] except KeyError: return False if layer.frozen or layer.color < 0: return True else: return False def main(filename=None): editmode = Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if editmode: Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before Window.WaitCursor(True) # Let the user know we are thinking try: if not filename: print "DXF import: error, no file selected. Attempting to load default file." try: filename = Sys.expandpath(r".\examples\big-test.dxf") except IOError: print "DXF import: error finding default test file, exiting..." return None drawing = readDXF(filename, objectify) drawDrawing(drawing) finally: # restore state even if things didn't work Window.WaitCursor(False) if editmode: Window.EditMode(1) # and put things back how we fond them def getOCS(az): """An implimentation of the Arbitrary Axis Algorithm.""" # world x, y, and z axis wx = WORLDX wy = Mathutils.Vector((0,1,0)) wz = Mathutils.Vector((0,0,1)) #decide if we need to transform our coords if az[0] == 0 and az[1] == 0: return False # elif abs(az[0]) < 0.0001 or abs(az[1]) < 0.0001: # return False az = Mathutils.Vector(az) cap = 0.015625 # square polar cap value (1/64.0) if abs(az.x) < cap and abs(az.y) < cap: ax = Mathutils.CrossVecs(wy, az) else: ax = Mathutils.CrossVecs(wz, az) ax = ax.normalize() ay = Mathutils.CrossVecs(az, ax) ay = ay.normalize() return ax, ay, az def transform(normal, obj): """Use the calculated ocs to determine the objects location/orientation in space. Quote from dxf docs: The elevation value stored with an entity and output in DXF files is a sum of the Z-coordinate difference between the UCS XY plane and the OCS XY plane, and the elevation value that the user specified at the time the entity was drawn. """ ocs = getOCS(normal) if ocs: #print ocs x, y, z = ocs x = x.resize4D() y = y.resize4D() z = -z.resize4D() x.w = 0 y.w = 0 z.w = 0 o = Mathutils.Vector(obj.loc) o = o.resize4D() mat = Mathutils.Matrix(x, y, z, o) obj.setMatrix(mat) def getLayers(drawing): """Build a dictionary of name:color pairs for the given drawing.""" tables = drawing.tables for table in tables.data: if table.name == 'layer': layers = table break map = {} for item in layers.data: if type(item) != list and item.type == 'layer': map[item.name] = item colors = MatColors(map) return colors def getBlocks(drawing, settings): """Build a dictionary of name:block pairs for the given drawing.""" map = {} for item in drawing.blocks.data: if type(item) != list and item.type == 'block': try: map[item.name] = item except KeyError: # annon block print "Cannot map %s - %s!" %(item.name, item) blocks = Blocks(map, settings) return blocks def drawDrawing(drawing): """Given a drawing object recreate the drawing in Blender.""" print "Getting settings..." Window.WaitCursor(False) #width, height = Window.GetScreenSize() Window.SetMouseCoords() # Create a PupBlock to get user preferences lines = Draw.Create(1) arcs = Draw.Create(1) circles = Draw.Create(1) polylines = Draw.Create(1) text = Draw.Create(1) blocks = Draw.Create(1) faces = Draw.Create(1) optim = Draw.Create(1) block = [] block.append("Draw Options:") block.append(("Lines", lines, "Toggle drawing of lines")) block.append(("Arcs", arcs, "Toggle drawing of arcs")) block.append(("Circles", circles, "Toggle drawing of circles")) block.append(("Polylines", polylines, "Toggle drawing of polylines")) block.append(("Text", text, "Toggle drawing of text")) block.append(("Blocks", blocks, "Toggle drawing of blocks")) block.append(("Faces", faces, "Toggle drawing of faces")) block.append("Update Optimization:") block.append(("Level: ", optim, 0, 3)) retval = Draw.PupBlock("DXF Import", block) Window.WaitCursor(True) # Let the user know we are thinking # The settings object controls how dxf entities are drawn settings = Settings(drawing, curves=False, optimization=int(optim.val), lines=bool(lines.val), arcs=bool(arcs.val), circles=bool(circles.val), polylines=bool(polylines.val), text=bool(text.val), blocks=bool(blocks.val), faces=bool(faces.val) ) settings.write("Drawings entities...") # Draw all the know entity types in the current scene drawEntities(drawing.entities, settings) # Set the visable layers SCENE.setLayers([i+1 for i in range(18)]) Blender.Redraw(-1) settings.write("Done!") def drawEntities(entities, settings, group=None): """Draw every kind of thing in the entity list. If provided 'group' is the Blender group new entities are to be added to. """ for _type in type_map.keys(): # for each known type get a list of that type and call the associated draw function drawer(_type, entities.get_type(_type), settings, group) def drawer(_type, entities, settings, group): """Call with a list of entities and a settings object to generate Blender geometry.""" if entities: # Break out early if settings says we aren't drawing the current type block = False skip = False if _type == 'block_record': skip = True if _type == 'line' and not settings.drawTypes['lines']: skip = True elif _type == 'arc' and not settings.drawTypes['arcs']: skip = True elif _type == 'circle' and not settings.drawTypes['circles']: skip = True elif _type in ['lwpolyline', 'polyline'] and not settings.drawTypes['polylines']: skip = True elif _type in ['text', 'mtext'] and not settings.drawTypes['text']: skip = True elif _type == 'insert': if not settings.drawTypes['blocks']: skip = True block = True elif _type == '3dface' and not settings.drawTypes['faces']: skip = True if skip: settings.write("Skipping %s type entities!" %_type) return message = "Drawing %ss..." %_type settings.write(message, False) settings.progress(0, message) if block: # create one 'handle' data block to use with all blocks handle = Mesh.New('insert') handle.verts.extend( [(-0.01,0,0), (0.01,0,0), (0,-0.01,0), (0,0.01,0), (0,0,-0.01), (0,0,0.01)] ) handle.edges.extend([(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]) # For now we only want model-space objects entities = [entity for entity in entities if entity.space == 0] if group: block_def = True else: block_def = False tot = len(entities) cur = 1.0 for entity in entities: settings.write('\b.', False) settings.progress(cur/tot, message) cur += 1 # First get the layer group if not block_def: group = getGroup('layer %s' %entity.layer) # add overhead just to make things a little cleaner if block: ob = entity.draw(handle, settings) else: ob = entity.draw(settings.curves) setColor(entity, ob, settings) # Link it to the scene and add it to the correct group SCENE.link(ob) setGroup(group, ob) # Set the visability if settings.isOff(entity.layer): ob.layers = [20] elif block_def: ob.layers = [19] else: ob.layers = [i+1 for i in range(20)] # # Set the visability # if settings.isOff(entity.layer) or block_def: # ob.restrictDisplay = True # ob.restrictRender = True settings.redraw() message = "\nFinished drawing %ss!" %entities[0].type settings.write(message) settings.progress(1, message) def getGroup(name): """Returns a Blender group object.""" try: group = Group.Get(name) except: # What is the exception? group = Group.New(name) return group def setColor(entity, ob, settings): # Set the color if entity.color_index == BYLAYER: mat = settings.colors(entity.layer) else: mat = settings.colors(entity.color_index) try: ob.setMaterials([mat]) except ValueError: settings.write("material error - %s!" %mat) ob.colbits = 0x01 # Set OB materials. def setGroup(group, it): try: group.objects.link(it) except: group.objects.append(it) def solveBulge(p1, p2): """return the center, radius, start angle, and end angle given two points. Needs to take into account bulge sign. negative = clockwise positive = counter-clockwise to find center given two points, and arc angle calculate radius Cord = sqrt(start^2 + end^2) S = (bulge*Cord)/2 radius = ((Cord/2)^2+S^2)/2*S angle of arc = 4*atan( bulge ) angle from p1 to center is (180-angle)/2 get vector pointing from p1 to p2 (p2 - p1) normalize it and multiply by radius rotate around p1 by angle to center point to center. start angle = angle between (center - p1) and worldX end angle = start angle + angle of arc """ bulge = p1.bulge p2 = Mathutils.Vector(p2.loc) p1 = Mathutils.Vector(p1.loc) cord = p2 - p1 # vector from p1 to p2 clength = cord.length s = (bulge * clength)/2 # sagitta (height) radius = abs(((clength/2)**2 + s**2)/(2*s)) # magic formula angle = abs(degrees(4*atan(bulge))) # theta (included angle) delta = (180 - angle)/2 # the angle from cord to center if bulge > 0: delta = -delta radial = cord.normalize() * radius # a radius length vector aligned with cord rmat = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(delta, 3, 'Z') center = p1 + (rmat * radial) # rotate radial by delta degrees, then add to p1 to find center if bulge < 0: sv = (p1 - center) # start from point 2 else: sv = (p2 - center) # start from point 1 start = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(sv, WORLDX) # start angle is the angle between the first leg of the section and the x axis # The next bit is my cludge to figure out if start should be negative rmat = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(start, 3, 'Z') rstart = rmat * sv if Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(rstart, WORLDX) < start: start = -start # the end angle is just 'angle' more than start angle end = start + angle return list(center), radius, start, end def drawArc(center, radius, start, end, step=0.5): """Draw a mesh arc with the given parameters.""" # center is currently set by object # if start > end: # start = start - 360 if end > 360: end = end%360 startmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(start, 3, "Z") startpoint = startmatrix * Mathutils.Vector((radius, 0, 0)) endmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(end, 3, "Z") endpoint = endmatrix * Mathutils.Vector((radius, 0, 0)) points = [startpoint] if end < start: end +=360 delta = end - start length = radians(delta) * radius if radius < step*10: # if circumfrance is too small pieces = int(delta/10) # set a fixed step of 10 degrees else: pieces = int(length/step) # figure out how many pieces we need for our arc if pieces == 0: # stupid way to avoid a div by zero error pieces = 1 # what would be a smarter way to fix this? step = delta/pieces # set step so pieces * step = degrees in arc stepmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(step, 3, "Z") point = Mathutils.Vector(startpoint) for i in range(int(pieces)): point = stepmatrix * point points.append(point) points.append(endpoint) if center: points = [[point[0]+center[0], point[1]+center[1], point[2]+center[2]] for point in points] edges = [[num, num+1] for num in range(len(points)-1)] return points, edges # Here are some alternate drawing functions for creating curve geometery. def drawCurveCircle(circle): """Given a dxf circle object return a blender circle object using curves.""" c = Curve.New('circle') # create new curve data center = circle.loc radius = circle.radius p1 = (0, -radius, 0) p2 = (radius, 0, 0) p3 = (0, radius, 0) p4 = (-radius, 0, 0) p1 = BezTriple.New(p1) p2 = BezTriple.New(p2) p3 = BezTriple.New(p3) p4 = BezTriple.New(p4) curve = c.appendNurb(p1) curve.append(p2) curve.append(p3) curve.append(p4) for point in curve: point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO] curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic c.update() ob = Object.New('Curve', 'circle') # make curve object return ob def drawCurveArc(arc): """Given a dxf circle object return a blender circle object using curves.""" if start > end: start = start - 360 startmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(start, 3, "Z") startpoint = startmatrix * Mathutils.Vector((radius, 0, 0)) endmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(end, 3, "Z") endpoint = endmatrix * Mathutils.Vector((radius, 0, 0)) # Note: handles must be tangent to arc and of correct length... a = Curve.New('arc') # create new curve data center = circle.loc radius = circle.radius p1 = (0, -radius, 0) p2 = (radius, 0, 0) p3 = (0, radius, 0) p4 = (-radius, 0, 0) p1 = BezTriple.New(p1) p2 = BezTriple.New(p2) p3 = BezTriple.New(p3) p4 = BezTriple.New(p4) curve = a.appendNurb(p1) curve.append(p2) curve.append(p3) curve.append(p4) for point in curve: point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO] curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic a.update() ob = Object.New('Curve', 'arc') # make curve object return ob if __name__ == "__main__": Window.FileSelector(main, 'Import a DXF file', '*.dxf')