/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "device/device.h" #include "render/background.h" #include "render/graph.h" #include "render/light.h" #include "render/mesh.h" #include "render/nodes.h" #include "render/scene.h" #include "render/shader.h" #include "render/svm.h" #include "util/util_logging.h" #include "util/util_foreach.h" #include "util/util_progress.h" #include "util/util_task.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Shader Manager */ SVMShaderManager::SVMShaderManager() { } SVMShaderManager::~SVMShaderManager() { } void SVMShaderManager::reset(Scene * /*scene*/) { } void SVMShaderManager::device_update_shader(Scene *scene, Shader *shader, Progress *progress, array *svm_nodes) { if (progress->get_cancel()) { return; } assert(shader->graph); svm_nodes->push_back_slow(make_int4(NODE_SHADER_JUMP, 0, 0, 0)); SVMCompiler::Summary summary; SVMCompiler compiler(scene); compiler.background = (shader == scene->background->get_shader(scene)); compiler.compile(shader, *svm_nodes, 0, &summary); VLOG(2) << "Compilation summary:\n" << "Shader name: " << shader->name << "\n" << summary.full_report(); } void SVMShaderManager::device_update(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress &progress) { if (!need_update) return; const int num_shaders = scene->shaders.size(); VLOG(1) << "Total " << num_shaders << " shaders."; double start_time = time_dt(); /* test if we need to update */ device_free(device, dscene, scene); /* determine which shaders are in use */ device_update_shaders_used(scene); /* Build all shaders. */ TaskPool task_pool; vector> shader_svm_nodes(num_shaders); for (int i = 0; i < num_shaders; i++) { task_pool.push(function_bind(&SVMShaderManager::device_update_shader, this, scene, scene->shaders[i], &progress, &shader_svm_nodes[i]), false); } task_pool.wait_work(); if (progress.get_cancel()) { return; } /* The global node list contains a jump table (one node per shader) * followed by the nodes of all shaders. */ int svm_nodes_size = num_shaders; for (int i = 0; i < num_shaders; i++) { /* Since we're not copying the local jump node, the size ends up being one node lower. */ svm_nodes_size += shader_svm_nodes[i].size() - 1; } int4 *svm_nodes = dscene->svm_nodes.alloc(svm_nodes_size); int node_offset = num_shaders; for (int i = 0; i < num_shaders; i++) { Shader *shader = scene->shaders[i]; shader->need_update = false; if (shader->use_mis && shader->has_surface_emission) { scene->light_manager->need_update = true; } /* Update the global jump table. * Each compiled shader starts with a jump node that has offsets local * to the shader, so copy those and add the offset into the global node list. */ int4 &global_jump_node = svm_nodes[shader->id]; int4 &local_jump_node = shader_svm_nodes[i][0]; global_jump_node.x = NODE_SHADER_JUMP; global_jump_node.y = local_jump_node.y - 1 + node_offset; global_jump_node.z = local_jump_node.z - 1 + node_offset; global_jump_node.w = local_jump_node.w - 1 + node_offset; node_offset += shader_svm_nodes[i].size() - 1; } /* Copy the nodes of each shader into the correct location. */ svm_nodes += num_shaders; for (int i = 0; i < num_shaders; i++) { int shader_size = shader_svm_nodes[i].size() - 1; memcpy(svm_nodes, &shader_svm_nodes[i][1], sizeof(int4) * shader_size); svm_nodes += shader_size; } if (progress.get_cancel()) { return; } dscene->svm_nodes.copy_to_device(); device_update_common(device, dscene, scene, progress); need_update = false; VLOG(1) << "Shader manager updated " << num_shaders << " shaders in " << time_dt() - start_time << " seconds."; } void SVMShaderManager::device_free(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene) { device_free_common(device, dscene, scene); dscene->svm_nodes.free(); } /* Graph Compiler */ SVMCompiler::SVMCompiler(Scene *scene) : scene(scene) { max_stack_use = 0; current_type = SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE; current_shader = NULL; current_graph = NULL; background = false; mix_weight_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; compile_failed = false; } int SVMCompiler::stack_size(SocketType::Type type) { int size = 0; switch (type) { case SocketType::FLOAT: case SocketType::INT: size = 1; break; case SocketType::COLOR: case SocketType::VECTOR: case SocketType::NORMAL: case SocketType::POINT: size = 3; break; case SocketType::CLOSURE: size = 0; break; default: assert(0); break; } return size; } int SVMCompiler::stack_find_offset(int size) { int offset = -1; /* find free space in stack & mark as used */ for (int i = 0, num_unused = 0; i < SVM_STACK_SIZE; i++) { if (active_stack.users[i]) num_unused = 0; else num_unused++; if (num_unused == size) { offset = i + 1 - size; max_stack_use = max(i + 1, max_stack_use); while (i >= offset) active_stack.users[i--] = 1; return offset; } } if (!compile_failed) { compile_failed = true; fprintf(stderr, "Cycles: out of SVM stack space, shader \"%s\" too big.\n", current_shader->name.c_str()); } return 0; } int SVMCompiler::stack_find_offset(SocketType::Type type) { return stack_find_offset(stack_size(type)); } void SVMCompiler::stack_clear_offset(SocketType::Type type, int offset) { int size = stack_size(type); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) active_stack.users[offset + i]--; } int SVMCompiler::stack_assign(ShaderInput *input) { /* stack offset assign? */ if (input->stack_offset == SVM_STACK_INVALID) { if (input->link) { /* linked to output -> use output offset */ assert(input->link->stack_offset != SVM_STACK_INVALID); input->stack_offset = input->link->stack_offset; } else { Node *node = input->parent; /* not linked to output -> add nodes to load default value */ input->stack_offset = stack_find_offset(input->type()); if (input->type() == SocketType::FLOAT) { add_node(NODE_VALUE_F, __float_as_int(node->get_float(input->socket_type)), input->stack_offset); } else if (input->type() == SocketType::INT) { add_node(NODE_VALUE_F, node->get_int(input->socket_type), input->stack_offset); } else if (input->type() == SocketType::VECTOR || input->type() == SocketType::NORMAL || input->type() == SocketType::POINT || input->type() == SocketType::COLOR) { add_node(NODE_VALUE_V, input->stack_offset); add_node(NODE_VALUE_V, node->get_float3(input->socket_type)); } else /* should not get called for closure */ assert(0); } } return input->stack_offset; } int SVMCompiler::stack_assign(ShaderOutput *output) { /* if no stack offset assigned yet, find one */ if (output->stack_offset == SVM_STACK_INVALID) output->stack_offset = stack_find_offset(output->type()); return output->stack_offset; } int SVMCompiler::stack_assign_if_linked(ShaderInput *input) { if (input->link) return stack_assign(input); return SVM_STACK_INVALID; } int SVMCompiler::stack_assign_if_linked(ShaderOutput *output) { if (!output->links.empty()) return stack_assign(output); return SVM_STACK_INVALID; } void SVMCompiler::stack_link(ShaderInput *input, ShaderOutput *output) { if (output->stack_offset == SVM_STACK_INVALID) { assert(input->link); assert(stack_size(output->type()) == stack_size(input->link->type())); output->stack_offset = input->link->stack_offset; int size = stack_size(output->type()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) active_stack.users[output->stack_offset + i]++; } } void SVMCompiler::stack_clear_users(ShaderNode *node, ShaderNodeSet &done) { /* optimization we should add: * find and lower user counts for outputs for which all inputs are done. * this is done before the node is compiled, under the assumption that the * node will first load all inputs from the stack and then writes its * outputs. this used to work, but was disabled because it gave trouble * with inputs getting stack positions assigned */ foreach (ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) { ShaderOutput *output = input->link; if (output && output->stack_offset != SVM_STACK_INVALID) { bool all_done = true; /* optimization we should add: verify if in->parent is actually used */ foreach (ShaderInput *in, output->links) if (in->parent != node && done.find(in->parent) == done.end()) all_done = false; if (all_done) { stack_clear_offset(output->type(), output->stack_offset); output->stack_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; foreach (ShaderInput *in, output->links) in->stack_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; } } } } void SVMCompiler::stack_clear_temporary(ShaderNode *node) { foreach (ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) { if (!input->link && input->stack_offset != SVM_STACK_INVALID) { stack_clear_offset(input->type(), input->stack_offset); input->stack_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; } } } uint SVMCompiler::encode_uchar4(uint x, uint y, uint z, uint w) { assert(x <= 255); assert(y <= 255); assert(z <= 255); assert(w <= 255); return (x) | (y << 8) | (z << 16) | (w << 24); } void SVMCompiler::add_node(int a, int b, int c, int d) { current_svm_nodes.push_back_slow(make_int4(a, b, c, d)); } void SVMCompiler::add_node(ShaderNodeType type, int a, int b, int c) { current_svm_nodes.push_back_slow(make_int4(type, a, b, c)); } void SVMCompiler::add_node(ShaderNodeType type, const float3 &f) { current_svm_nodes.push_back_slow( make_int4(type, __float_as_int(f.x), __float_as_int(f.y), __float_as_int(f.z))); } void SVMCompiler::add_node(const float4 &f) { current_svm_nodes.push_back_slow(make_int4( __float_as_int(f.x), __float_as_int(f.y), __float_as_int(f.z), __float_as_int(f.w))); } uint SVMCompiler::attribute(ustring name) { return scene->shader_manager->get_attribute_id(name); } uint SVMCompiler::attribute(AttributeStandard std) { return scene->shader_manager->get_attribute_id(std); } uint SVMCompiler::attribute_standard(ustring name) { AttributeStandard std = Attribute::name_standard(name.c_str()); return (std) ? attribute(std) : attribute(name); } void SVMCompiler::find_dependencies(ShaderNodeSet &dependencies, const ShaderNodeSet &done, ShaderInput *input, ShaderNode *skip_node) { ShaderNode *node = (input->link) ? input->link->parent : NULL; if (node != NULL && done.find(node) == done.end() && node != skip_node && dependencies.find(node) == dependencies.end()) { foreach (ShaderInput *in, node->inputs) { find_dependencies(dependencies, done, in, skip_node); } dependencies.insert(node); } } void SVMCompiler::generate_node(ShaderNode *node, ShaderNodeSet &done) { node->compile(*this); stack_clear_users(node, done); stack_clear_temporary(node); if (current_type == SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) { if (node->has_spatial_varying()) current_shader->has_surface_spatial_varying = true; } else if (current_type == SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) { if (node->has_spatial_varying()) current_shader->has_volume_spatial_varying = true; } if (node->has_object_dependency()) { current_shader->has_object_dependency = true; } if (node->has_attribute_dependency()) { current_shader->has_attribute_dependency = true; } if (node->has_integrator_dependency()) { current_shader->has_integrator_dependency = true; } } void SVMCompiler::generate_svm_nodes(const ShaderNodeSet &nodes, CompilerState *state) { ShaderNodeSet &done = state->nodes_done; vector &done_flag = state->nodes_done_flag; bool nodes_done; do { nodes_done = true; foreach (ShaderNode *node, nodes) { if (!done_flag[node->id]) { bool inputs_done = true; foreach (ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) { if (input->link && !done_flag[input->link->parent->id]) { inputs_done = false; } } if (inputs_done) { generate_node(node, done); done.insert(node); done_flag[node->id] = true; } else { nodes_done = false; } } } } while (!nodes_done); } void SVMCompiler::generate_closure_node(ShaderNode *node, CompilerState *state) { /* execute dependencies for closure */ foreach (ShaderInput *in, node->inputs) { if (in->link != NULL) { ShaderNodeSet dependencies; find_dependencies(dependencies, state->nodes_done, in); generate_svm_nodes(dependencies, state); } } /* closure mix weight */ const char *weight_name = (current_type == SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) ? "VolumeMixWeight" : "SurfaceMixWeight"; ShaderInput *weight_in = node->input(weight_name); if (weight_in && (weight_in->link || node->get_float(weight_in->socket_type) != 1.0f)) mix_weight_offset = stack_assign(weight_in); else mix_weight_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; /* compile closure itself */ generate_node(node, state->nodes_done); mix_weight_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; if (current_type == SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) { if (node->has_surface_emission()) current_shader->has_surface_emission = true; if (node->has_surface_transparent()) current_shader->has_surface_transparent = true; if (node->has_surface_bssrdf()) { current_shader->has_surface_bssrdf = true; if (node->has_bssrdf_bump()) current_shader->has_bssrdf_bump = true; } if (node->has_bump()) { current_shader->has_bump = true; } } } void SVMCompiler::generated_shared_closure_nodes(ShaderNode *root_node, ShaderNode *node, CompilerState *state, const ShaderNodeSet &shared) { if (shared.find(node) != shared.end()) { generate_multi_closure(root_node, node, state); } else { foreach (ShaderInput *in, node->inputs) { if (in->type() == SocketType::CLOSURE && in->link) generated_shared_closure_nodes(root_node, in->link->parent, state, shared); } } } void SVMCompiler::generate_aov_node(ShaderNode *node, CompilerState *state) { /* execute dependencies for node */ foreach (ShaderInput *in, node->inputs) { if (in->link != NULL) { ShaderNodeSet dependencies; find_dependencies(dependencies, state->nodes_done, in); generate_svm_nodes(dependencies, state); } } /* compile node itself */ generate_node(node, state->nodes_done); state->nodes_done.insert(node); state->nodes_done_flag[node->id] = true; } void SVMCompiler::generate_multi_closure(ShaderNode *root_node, ShaderNode *node, CompilerState *state) { /* only generate once */ if (state->closure_done.find(node) != state->closure_done.end()) return; state->closure_done.insert(node); if (node->special_type == SHADER_SPECIAL_TYPE_COMBINE_CLOSURE) { /* weighting is already taken care of in ShaderGraph::transform_multi_closure */ ShaderInput *cl1in = node->input("Closure1"); ShaderInput *cl2in = node->input("Closure2"); ShaderInput *facin = node->input("Fac"); /* skip empty mix/add closure nodes */ if (!cl1in->link && !cl2in->link) return; if (facin && facin->link) { /* mix closure: generate instructions to compute mix weight */ ShaderNodeSet dependencies; find_dependencies(dependencies, state->nodes_done, facin); generate_svm_nodes(dependencies, state); /* execute shared dependencies. this is needed to allow skipping * of zero weight closures and their dependencies later, so we * ensure that they only skip dependencies that are unique to them */ ShaderNodeSet cl1deps, cl2deps, shareddeps; find_dependencies(cl1deps, state->nodes_done, cl1in); find_dependencies(cl2deps, state->nodes_done, cl2in); ShaderNodeIDComparator node_id_comp; set_intersection(cl1deps.begin(), cl1deps.end(), cl2deps.begin(), cl2deps.end(), std::inserter(shareddeps, shareddeps.begin()), node_id_comp); /* it's possible some nodes are not shared between this mix node * inputs, but still needed to be always executed, this mainly * happens when a node of current subbranch is used by a parent * node or so */ if (root_node != node) { foreach (ShaderInput *in, root_node->inputs) { ShaderNodeSet rootdeps; find_dependencies(rootdeps, state->nodes_done, in, node); set_intersection(rootdeps.begin(), rootdeps.end(), cl1deps.begin(), cl1deps.end(), std::inserter(shareddeps, shareddeps.begin()), node_id_comp); set_intersection(rootdeps.begin(), rootdeps.end(), cl2deps.begin(), cl2deps.end(), std::inserter(shareddeps, shareddeps.begin()), node_id_comp); } } if (!shareddeps.empty()) { if (cl1in->link) { generated_shared_closure_nodes(root_node, cl1in->link->parent, state, shareddeps); } if (cl2in->link) { generated_shared_closure_nodes(root_node, cl2in->link->parent, state, shareddeps); } generate_svm_nodes(shareddeps, state); } /* generate instructions for input closure 1 */ if (cl1in->link) { /* Add instruction to skip closure and its dependencies if mix * weight is zero. */ current_svm_nodes.push_back_slow(make_int4(NODE_JUMP_IF_ONE, 0, stack_assign(facin), 0)); int node_jump_skip_index = current_svm_nodes.size() - 1; generate_multi_closure(root_node, cl1in->link->parent, state); /* Fill in jump instruction location to be after closure. */ current_svm_nodes[node_jump_skip_index].y = current_svm_nodes.size() - node_jump_skip_index - 1; } /* generate instructions for input closure 2 */ if (cl2in->link) { /* Add instruction to skip closure and its dependencies if mix * weight is zero. */ current_svm_nodes.push_back_slow(make_int4(NODE_JUMP_IF_ZERO, 0, stack_assign(facin), 0)); int node_jump_skip_index = current_svm_nodes.size() - 1; generate_multi_closure(root_node, cl2in->link->parent, state); /* Fill in jump instruction location to be after closure. */ current_svm_nodes[node_jump_skip_index].y = current_svm_nodes.size() - node_jump_skip_index - 1; } /* unassign */ facin->stack_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; } else { /* execute closures and their dependencies, no runtime checks * to skip closures here because was already optimized due to * fixed weight or add closure that always needs both */ if (cl1in->link) generate_multi_closure(root_node, cl1in->link->parent, state); if (cl2in->link) generate_multi_closure(root_node, cl2in->link->parent, state); } } else { generate_closure_node(node, state); } state->nodes_done.insert(node); state->nodes_done_flag[node->id] = true; } void SVMCompiler::compile_type(Shader *shader, ShaderGraph *graph, ShaderType type) { /* Converting a shader graph into svm_nodes that can be executed * sequentially on the virtual machine is fairly simple. We can keep * looping over nodes and each time all the inputs of a node are * ready, we add svm_nodes for it that read the inputs from the * stack and write outputs back to the stack. * * With the SVM, we always sample only a single closure. We can think * of all closures nodes as a binary tree with mix closures as inner * nodes and other closures as leafs. The SVM will traverse that tree, * each time deciding to go left or right depending on the mix weights, * until a closure is found. * * We only execute nodes that are needed for the mix weights and chosen * closure. */ current_type = type; current_graph = graph; /* get input in output node */ ShaderNode *output = graph->output(); ShaderInput *clin = NULL; switch (type) { case SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE: clin = output->input("Surface"); break; case SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME: clin = output->input("Volume"); break; case SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT: clin = output->input("Displacement"); break; case SHADER_TYPE_BUMP: clin = output->input("Normal"); break; default: assert(0); break; } /* clear all compiler state */ memset((void *)&active_stack, 0, sizeof(active_stack)); current_svm_nodes.clear(); foreach (ShaderNode *node, graph->nodes) { foreach (ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) input->stack_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; foreach (ShaderOutput *output, node->outputs) output->stack_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; } /* for the bump shader we need add a node to store the shader state */ bool need_bump_state = (type == SHADER_TYPE_BUMP) && (shader->displacement_method == DISPLACE_BOTH); int bump_state_offset = SVM_STACK_INVALID; if (need_bump_state) { bump_state_offset = stack_find_offset(SVM_BUMP_EVAL_STATE_SIZE); add_node(NODE_ENTER_BUMP_EVAL, bump_state_offset); } if (shader->used) { CompilerState state(graph); if (clin->link) { bool generate = false; switch (type) { case SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE: /* generate surface shader */ generate = true; shader->has_surface = true; break; case SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME: /* generate volume shader */ generate = true; shader->has_volume = true; break; case SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT: /* generate displacement shader */ generate = true; shader->has_displacement = true; break; case SHADER_TYPE_BUMP: /* generate bump shader */ generate = true; break; default: break; } if (generate) { generate_multi_closure(clin->link->parent, clin->link->parent, &state); } } /* compile output node */ output->compile(*this); if (type == SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) { vector aov_outputs; foreach (ShaderNode *node, graph->nodes) { if (node->special_type == SHADER_SPECIAL_TYPE_OUTPUT_AOV) { OutputAOVNode *aov_node = static_cast(node); if (aov_node->slot >= 0) { aov_outputs.push_back(aov_node); } } } if (aov_outputs.size() > 0) { /* AOV passes are only written if the object is directly visible, so * there is no point in evaluating all the nodes generated only for the * AOV outputs if that's not the case. Therefore, we insert * NODE_AOV_START into the shader before the AOV-only nodes are * generated which tells the kernel that it can stop evaluation * early if AOVs will not be written. */ add_node(NODE_AOV_START, 0, 0, 0); foreach (OutputAOVNode *node, aov_outputs) { generate_aov_node(node, &state); } } } } /* add node to restore state after bump shader has finished */ if (need_bump_state) { add_node(NODE_LEAVE_BUMP_EVAL, bump_state_offset); } /* if compile failed, generate empty shader */ if (compile_failed) { current_svm_nodes.clear(); compile_failed = false; } /* for bump shaders we fall thru to the surface shader, but if this is any other kind of shader * it ends here */ if (type != SHADER_TYPE_BUMP) { add_node(NODE_END, 0, 0, 0); } } void SVMCompiler::compile(Shader *shader, array &svm_nodes, int index, Summary *summary) { /* copy graph for shader with bump mapping */ ShaderNode *output = shader->graph->output(); int start_num_svm_nodes = svm_nodes.size(); const double time_start = time_dt(); bool has_bump = (shader->displacement_method != DISPLACE_TRUE) && output->input("Surface")->link && output->input("Displacement")->link; /* finalize */ { scoped_timer timer((summary != NULL) ? &summary->time_finalize : NULL); shader->graph->finalize(scene, has_bump, shader->has_integrator_dependency, shader->displacement_method == DISPLACE_BOTH); } current_shader = shader; shader->has_surface = false; shader->has_surface_emission = false; shader->has_surface_transparent = false; shader->has_surface_bssrdf = false; shader->has_bump = has_bump; shader->has_bssrdf_bump = has_bump; shader->has_volume = false; shader->has_displacement = false; shader->has_surface_spatial_varying = false; shader->has_volume_spatial_varying = false; shader->has_object_dependency = false; shader->has_attribute_dependency = false; shader->has_integrator_dependency = false; /* generate bump shader */ if (has_bump) { scoped_timer timer((summary != NULL) ? &summary->time_generate_bump : NULL); compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_BUMP); svm_nodes[index].y = svm_nodes.size(); svm_nodes.append(current_svm_nodes); } /* generate surface shader */ { scoped_timer timer((summary != NULL) ? &summary->time_generate_surface : NULL); compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE); /* only set jump offset if there's no bump shader, as the bump shader will fall thru to this * one if it exists */ if (!has_bump) { svm_nodes[index].y = svm_nodes.size(); } svm_nodes.append(current_svm_nodes); } /* generate volume shader */ { scoped_timer timer((summary != NULL) ? &summary->time_generate_volume : NULL); compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME); svm_nodes[index].z = svm_nodes.size(); svm_nodes.append(current_svm_nodes); } /* generate displacement shader */ { scoped_timer timer((summary != NULL) ? &summary->time_generate_displacement : NULL); compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT); svm_nodes[index].w = svm_nodes.size(); svm_nodes.append(current_svm_nodes); } /* Fill in summary information. */ if (summary != NULL) { summary->time_total = time_dt() - time_start; summary->peak_stack_usage = max_stack_use; summary->num_svm_nodes = svm_nodes.size() - start_num_svm_nodes; } } /* Compiler summary implementation. */ SVMCompiler::Summary::Summary() : num_svm_nodes(0), peak_stack_usage(0), time_finalize(0.0), time_generate_surface(0.0), time_generate_bump(0.0), time_generate_volume(0.0), time_generate_displacement(0.0), time_total(0.0) { } string SVMCompiler::Summary::full_report() const { string report = ""; report += string_printf("Number of SVM nodes: %d\n", num_svm_nodes); report += string_printf("Peak stack usage: %d\n", peak_stack_usage); report += string_printf("Time (in seconds):\n"); report += string_printf("Finalize: %f\n", time_finalize); report += string_printf(" Surface: %f\n", time_generate_surface); report += string_printf(" Bump: %f\n", time_generate_bump); report += string_printf(" Volume: %f\n", time_generate_volume); report += string_printf(" Displacement: %f\n", time_generate_displacement); report += string_printf("Generate: %f\n", time_generate_surface + time_generate_bump + time_generate_volume + time_generate_displacement); report += string_printf("Total: %f\n", time_total); return report; } /* Global state of the compiler. */ SVMCompiler::CompilerState::CompilerState(ShaderGraph *graph) { int max_id = 0; foreach (ShaderNode *node, graph->nodes) { max_id = max(node->id, max_id); } nodes_done_flag.resize(max_id + 1, false); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END