import bpy class CONSOLE_HT_header(bpy.types.Header): __space_type__ = 'CONSOLE' def draw(self, context): sc = context.space_data # text = sc.text layout = self.layout row= layout.row(align=True) row.template_header() if context.area.show_menus: sub = row.row(align=True) if sc.console_type == 'REPORT': sub.itemM("CONSOLE_MT_report") else: sub.itemM("CONSOLE_MT_console") layout.itemS() layout.itemR(sc, "console_type", expand=True) if sc.console_type == 'REPORT': row = layout.row(align=True) row.itemR(sc, "show_report_debug", text="Debug") row.itemR(sc, "show_report_info", text="Info") row.itemR(sc, "show_report_operator", text="Operators") row.itemR(sc, "show_report_warn", text="Warnings") row.itemR(sc, "show_report_error", text="Errors") row = layout.row() row.enabled = sc.show_report_operator row.itemO("console.report_replay") else: row = layout.row(align=True) row.itemO("console.autocomplete", text="Autocomplete") class CONSOLE_MT_console(bpy.types.Menu): __label__ = "Console" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sc = context.space_data layout.column() layout.itemO("console.clear") layout.itemO("console.copy") layout.itemO("console.paste") class CONSOLE_MT_report(bpy.types.Menu): __label__ = "Report" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sc = context.space_data layout.column() layout.itemO("console.select_all_toggle") layout.itemO("console.select_border") layout.itemO("console.report_delete") layout.itemO("console.report_copy") def add_scrollback(text, text_type): for l in text.split('\n'): bpy.ops.console.scrollback_append(text=l.replace('\t', ' '), type=text_type) def get_console(console_id): ''' helper function for console operators currently each text datablock gets its own console - code.InteractiveConsole() ...which is stored in this function. console_id can be any hashable type ''' import sys, code try: consoles = get_console.consoles except:consoles = get_console.consoles = {} # clear all dead consoles, use text names as IDs # TODO, find a way to clear IDs ''' for console_id in list(consoles.keys()): if console_id not in del consoles[id] ''' try: namespace, console, stdout, stderr = consoles[console_id] except: namespace = {'__builtins__':__builtins__} # locals() namespace['bpy'] = bpy console = code.InteractiveConsole(namespace) import io stdout = io.StringIO() stderr = io.StringIO() consoles[console_id]= namespace, console, stdout, stderr return namespace, console, stdout, stderr class CONSOLE_OT_exec(bpy.types.Operator): '''Execute the current console line as a python expression.''' __idname__ = "console.execute" __label__ = "Console Execute" __register__ = False # Both prompts must be the same length PROMPT = '>>> ' PROMPT_MULTI = '... ' # is this working??? ''' def poll(self, context): return (context.space_data.type == 'PYTHON') ''' # its not :| def execute(self, context): import sys sc = context.space_data try: line = sc.history[-1].line except: return ('CANCELLED',) if sc.console_type != 'PYTHON': return ('CANCELLED',) namespace, console, stdout, stderr = get_console(hash(context.region)) # redirect output sys.stdout = stdout sys.stderr = stderr # run the console if not line.strip(): line_exec = '\n' # executes a multiline statement else: line_exec = line is_multiline = console.push(line_exec) output = output_err = # cleanup sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ sys.last_traceback = None # So we can reuse, clear all data stdout.truncate(0) stderr.truncate(0) bpy.ops.console.scrollback_append(text = sc.prompt+line, type='INPUT') if is_multiline: sc.prompt = self.PROMPT_MULTI else: sc.prompt = self.PROMPT # insert a new blank line bpy.ops.console.history_append(text="", current_character=0, remove_duplicates= True) # Insert the output into the editor # not quite correct because the order might have changed, but ok 99% of the time. if output: add_scrollback(output, 'OUTPUT') if output_err: add_scrollback(output_err, 'ERROR') return ('FINISHED',) class CONSOLE_OT_autocomplete(bpy.types.Operator): '''Evaluate the namespace up until the cursor and give a list of options or complete the name if there is only one.''' __idname__ = "console.autocomplete" __label__ = "Console Autocomplete" __register__ = False def poll(self, context): return context.space_data.console_type == 'PYTHON' def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data namespace, console, stdout, stderr = get_console(hash(context.region)) current_line = sc.history[-1] line = current_line.line if not console: return ('CANCELLED',) if sc.console_type != 'PYTHON': return ('CANCELLED',) # fake cursor, use for autocomp func. bcon = {} bcon['cursor'] = current_line.current_character bcon['console'] = console bcon['edit_text'] = line bcon['namespace'] = namespace bcon['scrollback'] = '' # nor from the BGE console # This function isnt aware of the text editor or being an operator # just does the autocomp then copy its results back import autocomplete autocomplete.execute(bcon) # Now we need to copy back the line from blender back into the text editor. # This will change when we dont use the text editor anymore if bcon['scrollback']: add_scrollback(bcon['scrollback'], 'INFO') # copy back current_line.line = bcon['edit_text'] current_line.current_character = bcon['cursor'] context.area.tag_redraw() return ('FINISHED',) bpy.types.register(CONSOLE_HT_header) bpy.types.register(CONSOLE_MT_console) bpy.types.register(CONSOLE_MT_report) bpy.ops.add(CONSOLE_OT_exec) bpy.ops.add(CONSOLE_OT_autocomplete)