# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import bpy import sys, os, re import http, http.client, http.server, urllib import subprocess, shutil, time, hashlib import netrender import netrender.model import netrender.slave as slave import netrender.master as master from netrender.utils import * def addFluidFiles(job, path): if os.path.exists(path): pattern = re.compile("fluidsurface_(final|preview)_([0-9]+)\.(bobj|bvel)\.gz") for fluid_file in sorted(os.listdir(path)): match = pattern.match(fluid_file) if match: # fluid frames starts at 0, which explains the +1 # This is stupid current_frame = int(match.groups()[1]) + 1 job.addFile(path + fluid_file, current_frame, current_frame) def addPointCache(job, ob, point_cache, default_path): if not point_cache.disk_cache: return name = point_cache.name if name == "": name = "".join(["%02X" % ord(c) for c in ob.name]) cache_path = bpy.utils.expandpath(point_cache.filepath) if point_cache.external else default_path index = "%02i" % point_cache.index if os.path.exists(cache_path): pattern = re.compile(name + "_([0-9]+)_" + index + "\.bphys") cache_files = [] for cache_file in sorted(os.listdir(cache_path)): match = pattern.match(cache_file) if match: cache_frame = int(match.groups()[0]) cache_files.append((cache_frame, cache_file)) cache_files.sort() if len(cache_files) == 1: cache_frame, cache_file = cache_files[0] job.addFile(cache_path + cache_file, cache_frame, cache_frame) else: for i in range(len(cache_files)): current_item = cache_files[i] next_item = cache_files[i+1] if i + 1 < len(cache_files) else None previous_item = cache_files[i - 1] if i > 0 else None current_frame, current_file = current_item if not next_item and not previous_item: job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, current_frame, current_frame) elif next_item and not previous_item: next_frame = next_item[0] job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, current_frame, next_frame - 1) elif not next_item and previous_item: previous_frame = previous_item[0] job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, previous_frame + 1, current_frame) else: next_frame = next_item[0] previous_frame = previous_item[0] job.addFile(cache_path + current_file, previous_frame + 1, next_frame - 1) def clientSendJob(conn, scene, anim = False): netsettings = scene.network_render job = netrender.model.RenderJob() if anim: for f in range(scene.start_frame, scene.end_frame + 1): job.addFrame(f) else: job.addFrame(scene.current_frame) filename = bpy.data.filename job.addFile(filename) job_name = netsettings.job_name path, name = os.path.split(filename) if job_name == "[default]": job_name = name ########################### # LIBRARIES ########################### for lib in bpy.data.libraries: job.addFile(bpy.utils.expandpath(lib.filename)) ########################### # IMAGES ########################### for image in bpy.data.images: if image.source == "FILE" and not image.packed_file: job.addFile(bpy.utils.expandpath(image.filename)) ########################### # FLUID + POINT CACHE ########################### root, ext = os.path.splitext(name) default_path = path + os.sep + "blendcache_" + root + os.sep # need an API call for that for object in bpy.data.objects: for modifier in object.modifiers: if modifier.type == 'FLUID_SIMULATION' and modifier.settings.type == "DOMAIN": addFluidFiles(job, bpy.utils.expandpath(modifier.settings.path)) elif modifier.type == "CLOTH": addPointCache(job, object, modifier.point_cache, default_path) elif modifier.type == "SOFT_BODY": addPointCache(job, object, modifier.point_cache, default_path) elif modifier.type == "SMOKE" and modifier.smoke_type == "TYPE_DOMAIN": addPointCache(job, object, modifier.domain_settings.point_cache_low, default_path) if modifier.domain_settings.highres: addPointCache(job, object, modifier.domain_settings.point_cache_high, default_path) # particles modifier are stupid and don't contain data # we have to go through the object property for psys in object.particle_systems: addPointCache(job, object, psys.point_cache, default_path) #print(job.files) job.name = job_name job.category = netsettings.job_category for slave in netrender.blacklist: job.blacklist.append(slave.id) job.chunks = netsettings.chunks job.priority = netsettings.priority # try to send path first conn.request("POST", "/job", repr(job.serialize())) response = conn.getresponse() job_id = response.getheader("job-id") # if not ACCEPTED (but not processed), send files if response.status == http.client.ACCEPTED: for rfile in job.files: f = open(rfile.filepath, "rb") conn.request("PUT", fileURL(job_id, rfile.index), f) f.close() response = conn.getresponse() # server will reply with ACCEPTED until all files are found return job_id def requestResult(conn, job_id, frame): conn.request("GET", renderURL(job_id, frame)) @rnaType class NetworkRenderEngine(bpy.types.RenderEngine): bl_idname = 'NET_RENDER' bl_label = "Network Render" def render(self, scene): if scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_CLIENT": self.render_client(scene) elif scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_SLAVE": self.render_slave(scene) elif scene.network_render.mode == "RENDER_MASTER": self.render_master(scene) else: print("UNKNOWN OPERATION MODE") def render_master(self, scene): netsettings = scene.network_render address = "" if netsettings.server_address == "[default]" else netsettings.server_address master.runMaster((address, netsettings.server_port), netsettings.master_broadcast, netsettings.master_clear, netsettings.path, self.update_stats, self.test_break) def render_slave(self, scene): slave.render_slave(self, scene.network_render) def render_client(self, scene): netsettings = scene.network_render self.update_stats("", "Network render client initiation") conn = clientConnection(netsettings.server_address, netsettings.server_port) if conn: # Sending file self.update_stats("", "Network render exporting") new_job = False job_id = netsettings.job_id # reading back result self.update_stats("", "Network render waiting for results") requestResult(conn, job_id, scene.current_frame) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status == http.client.NO_CONTENT: new_job = True netsettings.job_id = clientSendJob(conn, scene) job_id = netsettings.job_id requestResult(conn, job_id, scene.current_frame) response = conn.getresponse() while response.status == http.client.ACCEPTED and not self.test_break(): time.sleep(1) requestResult(conn, job_id, scene.current_frame) response = conn.getresponse() # cancel new jobs (animate on network) on break if self.test_break() and new_job: conn.request("POST", cancelURL(job_id)) response = conn.getresponse() print( response.status, response.reason ) netsettings.job_id = 0 if response.status != http.client.OK: conn.close() return r = scene.render_data x= int(r.resolution_x*r.resolution_percentage*0.01) y= int(r.resolution_y*r.resolution_percentage*0.01) f = open(netsettings.path + "output.exr", "wb") buf = response.read(1024) while buf: f.write(buf) buf = response.read(1024) f.close() result = self.begin_result(0, 0, x, y) result.load_from_file(netsettings.path + "output.exr", 0, 0) self.end_result(result) conn.close() def compatible(module): module = __import__(module) for subclass in module.__dict__.values(): try: subclass.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('NET_RENDER') except: pass del module #compatible("properties_render") compatible("properties_world") compatible("properties_material")