# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import os import re import shutil from netrender.utils import * src_folder = os.path.split(__file__)[0] def get(handler): def output(text): handler.wfile.write(bytes(text, encoding='utf8')) def head(title): output("") output("") # output("") output("") output(title) output("") output("") def link(text, url, script=""): return "%s" % (url, script, text) def tag(name, text, attr=""): return "<%s %s>%s" % (name, attr, text, name) def startTable(border=1, class_style = None, caption = None): output("") if caption: output("" % caption) def headerTable(*headers): output("") for c in headers: output("") output("") def rowTable(*data, id = None, class_style = None, extra = None): output("") for c in data: output("") output("") def endTable(): output("
" + c + "
" + str(c) + "
") def checkbox(title, value, script=""): return """""" % (title, "checked" if value else "", ("onclick=\"%s\"" % script) if script else "") if handler.path == "/html/netrender.js": f = open(os.path.join(src_folder, "netrender.js"), 'rb') handler.send_head(content = "text/javascript") shutil.copyfileobj(f, handler.wfile) f.close() elif handler.path == "/html/netrender.css": f = open(os.path.join(src_folder, "netrender.css"), 'rb') handler.send_head(content = "text/css") shutil.copyfileobj(f, handler.wfile) f.close() elif handler.path == "/html" or handler.path == "/": handler.send_head(content = "text/html") head("NetRender") output("


") output("""""") startTable(caption = "Rules", class_style = "rules") headerTable("type", "enabled", "description", "limit") for rule in handler.server.balancer.rules: rowTable( "rating", checkbox("", rule.enabled, "balance_enable('%i', '%s')" % (id(rule), str(not rule.enabled))), rule, rule.str_limit() + """""" % (id(rule), str(rule.limit)) if hasattr(rule, "limit") else " " ) for rule in handler.server.balancer.priorities: rowTable( "priority", checkbox("", rule.enabled, "balance_enable('%i', '%s')" % (id(rule), str(not rule.enabled))), rule, rule.str_limit() + """""" % (id(rule), str(rule.limit)) if hasattr(rule, "limit") else " " ) for rule in handler.server.balancer.exceptions: rowTable( "exception", checkbox("", rule.enabled, "balance_enable('%i', '%s')" % (id(rule), str(not rule.enabled))), rule, rule.str_limit() + """""" % (id(rule), str(rule.limit)) if hasattr(rule, "limit") else " " ) endTable() output("


") startTable() headerTable("name", "address", "last seen", "stats", "job") for slave in handler.server.slaves: rowTable(slave.name, slave.address[0], time.ctime(slave.last_seen), slave.stats, link(slave.job.name, "/html/job" + slave.job.id) if slave.job else "None") endTable() output("


") startTable() headerTable( " ", "id", "name", "category", "chunks", "priority", "usage", "wait", "status", "length", "done", "dispatched", "error", "priority", "exception" ) handler.server.balance() for job in handler.server.jobs: results = job.framesStatus() rowTable( """""" % job.id + """""" % job.id + """""" % job.id, job.id, link(job.name, "/html/job" + job.id), job.category if job.category else "None", str(job.chunks) + """""" % (job.id, job.chunks + 1) + """""" % (job.id, job.chunks - 1, "disabled=True" if job.chunks == 1 else ""), str(job.priority) + """""" % (job.id, job.priority + 1) + """""" % (job.id, job.priority - 1, "disabled=True" if job.priority == 1 else ""), "%0.1f%%" % (job.usage * 100), "%is" % int(time.time() - job.last_dispatched), job.statusText(), len(job), results[DONE], results[DISPATCHED], str(results[ERROR]) + """""" % (job.id, "disabled=True" if not results[ERROR] else ""), "yes" if handler.server.balancer.applyPriorities(job) else "no", "yes" if handler.server.balancer.applyExceptions(job) else "no" ) endTable() output("") elif handler.path.startswith("/html/job"): handler.send_head(content = "text/html") job_id = handler.path[9:] head("NetRender") job = handler.server.getJobID(job_id) if job: output("


") startTable() headerTable("path") tot_cache = 0 tot_fluid = 0 for file in job.files: if file.filepath.endswith(".bphys"): tot_cache += 1 elif file.filepath.endswith(".bobj.gz") or file.filepath.endswith(".bvel.gz"): tot_fluid += 1 else: rowTable(file.filepath) if tot_cache > 0: rowTable("%i physic cache files" % tot_cache, class_style = "toggle", extra = "onclick='toggleDisplay(".cache", "none", "table-row")'") for file in job.files: if file.filepath.endswith(".bphys"): rowTable(os.path.split(file.filepath)[1], class_style = "cache") if tot_fluid > 0: rowTable("%i fluid bake files" % tot_fluid, class_style = "toggle", extra = "onclick='toggleDisplay(".fluid", "none", "table-row")'") for file in job.files: if file.filepath.endswith(".bobj.gz") or file.filepath.endswith(".bvel.gz"): rowTable(os.path.split(file.filepath)[1], class_style = "fluid") endTable() output("


") if job.blacklist: startTable() headerTable("name", "address") for slave_id in job.blacklist: slave = handler.server.slaves_map[slave_id] rowTable(slave.name, slave.address[0]) endTable() else: output("Empty") output("


") startTable() headerTable("no", "status", "render time", "slave", "log", "result", "") for frame in job.frames: rowTable( frame.number, frame.statusText(), "%.1fs" % frame.time, frame.slave.name if frame.slave else " ", link("view log", logURL(job_id, frame.number)) if frame.log_path else " ", link("view result", renderURL(job_id, frame.number)) + " [" + tag("span", "show", attr="class='thumb' onclick='showThumb(%s, %i)'" % (job.id, frame.number)) + "]" if frame.status == DONE else " ", "" % (frame.number, job.id, frame.number) ) endTable() else: output("no such job") output("")