/** * $Id$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* ex:ts=4 */ /** * $Id$ * Copyright (C) 2001 NaN Technologies B.V. * Blender Key loader library */ #include #include #include #include "blenkey.h" /* external interface */ #include "key_internal.h" char *Hexify(byte *in, unsigned int length) { unsigned int i; char Tstring[3]; char *out = malloc((2*length + 1) * sizeof(char)); sprintf(out, "%02X", in[0]); for (i=1; i b) return a; else return b; } /* return |a-b| */ byte checkfunc1(byte a, byte b) { if (a > b) return a - b; else return b - a; } /* return the sum mod 256 */ byte checkfunc2(byte a, byte b) { return ((a + b) % 256); } /* return the multiplication mod 256 */ byte checkfunc3(byte a, byte b) { return ((a * b) % 256); } /* return a/b or 0 */ byte checkfunc4(byte a, byte b) { if (b != 0) return (a / b); else return 0; } char *scan_ascii(FILE *fh, UserStruct *User) { long ascii_size; char *ascii_data = NULL; char *mdhex = NULL; byte md[RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char string[1024]; char dosnewlines = 0; int lines = 0; int oldftell; /* NOTE: fscanf is notorious for its buffer overflows. This must be fixed some day, consider this a proof-of-concept version. */ fscanf(fh, "%1000[^\n]", string); sscanf(string, "%*s %s %s %lu %d %d %d", User->email, User->shopid, &User->reldate, &User->keytype, &User->keylevel, &User->keyformat); if (User->keyformat <= BLENKEYFORMAT) { if (DEBUG) printf( "Email:[%s] ShopID:[%s] RelDate:[%lu] KeyType[%d] KeyLevel[%d]\n", User->email, User->shopid, User->reldate, User->keytype, User->keylevel); /* read /n/n check if we're reading dow newlines... */ oldftell = ftell(fh); getc(fh); if ((ftell(fh) - oldftell) == 2) { /* yes ! */ dosnewlines = 1; } getc(fh); fscanf(fh, "%1000[^\n]", string); strncpy(User->name, string, sizeof(User->name) - 1); if (DEBUG) printf("Name:[%s]\n", User->name); getc(fh); /* 4 lines read uptil now... */ lines = 4; while (getc(fh) != EOF) { fscanf(fh, "%1000[^\n]", string); lines++; /* if (DEBUG) printf("%s\n", string); */ if (strcmp(string, BLENKEYSEPERATOR) == 0) { getc(fh); break; } } /* fh now points at the start of the datablock */ ascii_size = ftell(fh); if (dosnewlines) { /* if we were reading on dos ftell will also count the ^M 's in the file; substract them */ ascii_size -= lines; } ascii_data = malloc((ascii_size+1) * sizeof(char)); fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(ascii_data, sizeof(char), ascii_size, fh); ascii_data[ascii_size] = '\0'; if (DEBUG) printf("asciiblock is %ld bytes long:\n[%s]\n", ascii_size, ascii_data); /* calculate the hash checksum */ RIPEMD160(ascii_data, ascii_size, md); free(ascii_data); mdhex = Hexify(md, RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH); } return(mdhex); } char *ReadHexCryptedData(FILE *fh, int *newlinetracker) { int HexCryptedDataLength = Hex5ToIntFp(fh, newlinetracker); int DataType = HexToIntFp(fh, newlinetracker); char *HexCryptedData = malloc((HexCryptedDataLength+1) * sizeof(char)); int i; if (DataType != 1) { /* printf("Error: unexpected datatype for HexCryptedData\n"); */ free(HexCryptedData); HexCryptedData = 0; } else { for (i=0; i<(HexCryptedDataLength/2); i++) { sprintf(HexCryptedData+2*i, "%02X", ReadHexByteFp(fh, newlinetracker)); } } return(HexCryptedData); } char *ReadHexCryptedKey(FILE *fh, int *newlinetracker) { int HexCryptedKeyLength = Hex5ToIntFp(fh, newlinetracker); int DataType = HexToIntFp(fh, newlinetracker); char *HexCryptedKey = malloc((HexCryptedKeyLength+1) * sizeof(char)); int i; if (DataType != 2) { /* printf("Error: unexpected datatype for HexCryptedKey\n"); */ free(HexCryptedKey); HexCryptedKey = 0; } else { for (i=0; i<(HexCryptedKeyLength/2); i++) { sprintf(HexCryptedKey+2*i, "%02X", ReadHexByteFp(fh, newlinetracker)); } } return(HexCryptedKey); } /* NOTE: CHANGE THIS INTO A KEY OF OUR OWN */ void LoadRSApubKey(RSA *Pub) { static unsigned char n[] = "\xD1\x12\x0C\x6A\x34\x0A\xCF\x4C\x6B\x34\xA9\x3C\xDD\x1A\x2A\x68" "\x34\xE5\xB4\xA2\x08\xE8\x9F\xCE\x76\xEF\x4B\x92\x9B\x99\xB4\x57" "\x72\x95\x78\x1D\x9E\x21\x1B\xF9\x5C\x1B\x0E\xC9\xD0\x89\x75\x28" "\x08\x13\x6A\xD8\xA9\xC2\xA4\x31\x91\x53\x5A\xB9\x26\x71\x8C\x05"; static unsigned char e[] = "\x01\x00\x01"; /* static unsigned char e[] = "\x11"; static unsigned char n[] = "\x00\xAA\x36\xAB\xCE\x88\xAC\xFD\xFF\x55\x52\x3C\x7F\xC4\x52\x3F" "\x90\xEF\xA0\x0D\xF3\x77\x4A\x25\x9F\x2E\x62\xB4\xC5\xD9\x9C\xB5" "\xAD\xB3\x00\xA0\x28\x5E\x53\x01\x93\x0E\x0C\x70\xFB\x68\x76\x93" "\x9C\xE6\x16\xCE\x62\x4A\x11\xE0\x08\x6D\x34\x1E\xBC\xAC\xA0\xA1" "\xF5"; */ Pub->e = BN_bin2bn(e, sizeof(e)-1, Pub->e); Pub->n = BN_bin2bn(n, sizeof(n)-1, Pub->n); } byte *RSADecryptKey(char *HexCryptedKey) { byte *CryptedKey = NULL; byte *Key = NULL; int KeyLen; int CryptedKeyLen = strlen(HexCryptedKey)/2; RSA *Pub = NULL; /* Load RSA public key */ Pub = RSA_new(); if (Pub == NULL) { /* printf("Error in RSA_new\n"); */ } else { LoadRSApubKey(Pub); Key = malloc(RSA_size(Pub) * sizeof(byte)); CryptedKey = DeHexify(HexCryptedKey); KeyLen = RSA_public_decrypt(CryptedKeyLen, CryptedKey, Key, Pub, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (DEBUG) printf("CryptedKeyLen = %d, KeyLen = %d\n", CryptedKeyLen, KeyLen); if (KeyLen == -1) { #ifndef NDEBUG printf("Error in RSA_public_decrypt: %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); #endif free(Key); Key = NULL; } } return (Key); } char *DeCryptDatablock(byte *CryptKey, int keylen, char *HexCryptedData) { RC4_KEY key; byte *CryptedData = DeHexify(HexCryptedData); unsigned int datalen = strlen(HexCryptedData)/2; char *KeyDataString = malloc(datalen * sizeof(char)); RC4_set_key(&key, keylen, CryptKey); RC4(&key, datalen, CryptedData, KeyDataString); free(CryptedData); return(KeyDataString); } char *get_from_datablock(char **DataPtr, char *TypeString) { int tstringsize = Hex5ToIntCp(DataPtr); int tstringtype = HexToIntCp(DataPtr); char *HexString = NULL; if (atoi(TypeString) != tstringtype) { /* printf("Unexpected type %d, expected %s\n", tstringtype, TypeString); */ } else { HexString = malloc((tstringsize+1) * sizeof(char)); strncpy(HexString, *DataPtr, tstringsize); *DataPtr += tstringsize; HexString[tstringsize] = '\0'; } return(HexString); } int ReadKeyFile(char *filename, UserStruct *User, char **Priv, char **Pub, byte **Byte, char **Python) { FILE *rawkeyfile; char *HexAsciiHash = NULL, *HexCryptedData = NULL, *HexCryptedKey = NULL; int newlinetracker = 0; /* line position, counts from 0-71 */ byte *CryptKey = NULL; char *KeyDataString = NULL; char *KeyDataPtr = NULL; char *HexByte = NULL; char *mdhex = NULL; int ret_val = 1; if ((rawkeyfile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { /* printf("error, cannot read %s\n", filename); */ } else { /* Scan and interpret the ASCII part */ HexAsciiHash = scan_ascii(rawkeyfile, User); if (DEBUG) printf("\nHexHash: %s\n", HexAsciiHash); /* Read the HexCryptedData */ HexCryptedData = ReadHexCryptedData(rawkeyfile, &newlinetracker); if (DEBUG) printf("\nHexCryptedData: %s\n", HexCryptedData); /* Read the HexCryptedKey */ HexCryptedKey = ReadHexCryptedKey(rawkeyfile, &newlinetracker); if (DEBUG) printf("\nHexCryptedKey: %s\n", HexCryptedKey); /* close keyfile */ fclose(rawkeyfile); if (HexAsciiHash && HexCryptedKey && HexCryptedData) { /* Decrypt HexCryptedKey */ CryptKey = RSADecryptKey(HexCryptedKey); if (CryptKey) { /* Decrypt HexCryptedData */ KeyDataString = DeCryptDatablock(CryptKey, 16, HexCryptedData); free(CryptKey); CryptKey = NULL; if (KeyDataString) { if (DEBUG) printf("\nKeyDataString: %s\n", KeyDataString); /* Extract data from KeyDataString */ KeyDataPtr = KeyDataString; mdhex = get_from_datablock(&KeyDataPtr, "01"); *Priv = get_from_datablock(&KeyDataPtr, "02"); *Pub = get_from_datablock(&KeyDataPtr, "03"); HexByte = get_from_datablock(&KeyDataPtr, "04"); if (HexByte) { *Byte = DeHexify(HexByte); free(HexByte); HexByte = NULL; *Python = get_from_datablock(&KeyDataPtr, "05"); /* Check ascii hash */ if (strcmp(mdhex, HexAsciiHash) != 0) { /* printf("Ascii part checksums do not match !\n"); printf("found: %s\n", mdhex); printf("check: %s\n", HexAsciiHash); */ ret_val = 2; } else { if (DEBUG) printf("\nThe ascii part checksum matches\n"); /* everything ok ! */ ret_val = 0; } free(mdhex); mdhex = NULL; } free(KeyDataString); KeyDataString = NULL; } } } /* cleanup */ if (HexAsciiHash) { free(HexAsciiHash); HexAsciiHash = NULL; } if (HexCryptedKey) { free(HexCryptedKey); HexCryptedKey = NULL; } if (HexCryptedData) { free(HexCryptedData); HexCryptedData = NULL; } } return (ret_val); }