/* * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Camera in the gameengine. Cameras are also used for views. */ #ifndef __KX_CAMERA #define __KX_CAMERA #include "MT_Transform.h" #include "MT_Matrix3x3.h" #include "MT_Matrix4x4.h" #include "MT_Vector3.h" #include "MT_Point3.h" #include "KX_GameObject.h" #include "IntValue.h" #include "RAS_CameraData.h" class KX_Camera : public KX_GameObject { Py_Header; protected: /** Camera parameters (clips distances, focal lenght). These * params are closely tied to Blender. In the gameengine, only the * projection and modelview matrices are relevant. There's a * conversion being done in the engine class. Why is it stored * here? It doesn't really have a function here. */ RAS_CameraData m_camdata; // Never used, I think... // void MoveTo(const MT_Point3& movevec) // { /*MT_Transform camtrans; camtrans.invert(m_trans1); MT_Matrix3x3 camorient = camtrans.getBasis(); camtrans.translate(camorient.inverse()*movevec); m_trans1.invert(camtrans); */ // } /** * Storage for the projection matrix that is passed to the * rasterizer. */ MT_Matrix4x4 m_projection_matrix; /** * Storage for the modelview matrix that is passed to the * rasterizer. */ MT_Matrix4x4 m_modelview_matrix; /** * true if the view frustum (modelview/projection matrix) * has changed - the clip planes (m_planes) will have to be * regenerated. */ bool m_dirty; /** * true if the frustum planes have been normalised. */ bool m_normalised; /** * View Frustum clip planes. */ MT_Vector4 m_planes[6]; /** * This camera is frustum culling. * Some cameras (ie if the game was started from a non camera view should not cull.) */ bool m_frustum_culling; /** * true if this camera has a valid projection matrix. */ bool m_set_projection_matrix; /** * The centre point of the frustum. */ MT_Point3 m_frustum_centre; MT_Scalar m_frustum_radius; bool m_set_frustum_centre; /** * Python module doc string. */ static char doc[]; /** * Extracts the camera clip frames from the projection and world-to-camera matrices. */ void ExtractClipPlanes(); /** * Normalise the camera clip frames. */ void NormaliseClipPlanes(); /** * Extracts the bound sphere of the view frustum. */ void ExtractFrustumSphere(); public: typedef enum { INSIDE, INTERSECT, OUTSIDE } ; KX_Camera(void* sgReplicationInfo,SG_Callbacks callbacks,const RAS_CameraData& camdata, bool frustum_culling = true, PyTypeObject *T = &Type); virtual ~KX_Camera(); MT_Transform GetWorldToCamera() const; MT_Transform GetCameraToWorld() const; /** * Not implemented. */ void CorrectLookUp(MT_Scalar speed); const MT_Point3 GetCameraLocation() const; /* I want the camera orientation as well. */ const MT_Quaternion GetCameraOrientation() const; /** Sets the projection matrix that is used by the rasterizer. */ void SetProjectionMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat); /** Sets the modelview matrix that is used by the rasterizer. */ void SetModelviewMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat); /** Gets the projection matrix that is used by the rasterizer. */ const MT_Matrix4x4& GetProjectionMatrix() const; /** returns true if this camera has been set a projection matrix. */ bool hasValidProjectionMatrix() const; /** Sets the validity of the projection matrix. Call this if you change camera data (eg lens, near plane, far plane) and require the projection matrix to be recalculated. */ void InvalidateProjectionMatrix(bool valid = false); /** Gets the modelview matrix that is used by the rasterizer. * @warning If the Camera is a dynamic object then this method may return garbage. Use GetCameraToWorld() instead. */ const MT_Matrix4x4& GetModelviewMatrix() const; /** Gets the focal length. */ float GetLens() const; /** Gets the near clip distance. */ float GetCameraNear() const; /** Gets the far clip distance. */ float GetCameraFar() const; /** Gets all camera data. */ RAS_CameraData* GetCameraData(); /** * Tests if the given sphere is inside this camera's view frustum. * * @param centre The centre of the sphere, in world coordinates. * @param radius The radius of the sphere. * @return INSIDE, INTERSECT, or OUTSIDE depending on the sphere's relation to the frustum. */ int SphereInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3& centre, const MT_Scalar &radius); /** * Tests the given eight corners of a box with the view frustum. * * @param box a pointer to eight MT_Point3 representing the world coordinates of the corners of the box. * @return INSIDE, INTERSECT, or OUTSIDE depending on the box's relation to the frustum. */ int BoxInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3 *box); /** * Tests the given point against the view frustum. * @return true if the given point is inside or on the view frustum; false if it is outside. */ bool PointInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3& x); /** * Gets this camera's culling status. */ bool GetFrustumCulling() const; KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, sphereInsideFrustum); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, boxInsideFrustum); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, pointInsideFrustum); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, getCameraToWorld); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, getWorldToCamera); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, getProjectionMatrix); KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, setProjectionMatrix); virtual PyObject* _getattr(const STR_String& attr); /* lens, near, far, projection_matrix */ virtual int _setattr(const STR_String& attr, PyObject *pyvalue); }; #endif //__KX_CAMERA