# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # __all__ = ( "paths", "modules", "check", "enable", "disable", "reset_all", "module_bl_info", ) import bpy as _bpy _user_preferences = _bpy.context.user_preferences error_duplicates = False error_encoding = False addons_fake_modules = {} def paths(): # RELEASE SCRIPTS: official scripts distributed in Blender releases addon_paths = _bpy.utils.script_paths("addons") # CONTRIB SCRIPTS: good for testing but not official scripts yet # if folder addons_contrib/ exists, scripts in there will be loaded too addon_paths += _bpy.utils.script_paths("addons_contrib") # EXTERN SCRIPTS: external projects scripts # if folder addons_extern/ exists, scripts in there will be loaded too addon_paths += _bpy.utils.script_paths("addons_extern") return addon_paths def modules(module_cache): global error_duplicates global error_encoding import os error_duplicates = False error_encoding = False path_list = paths() # fake module importing def fake_module(mod_name, mod_path, speedy=True, force_support=None): global error_encoding if _bpy.app.debug_python: print("fake_module", mod_path, mod_name) import ast ModuleType = type(ast) file_mod = open(mod_path, "r", encoding='UTF-8') if speedy: lines = [] line_iter = iter(file_mod) l = "" while not l.startswith("bl_info"): try: l = line_iter.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: if not error_encoding: error_encoding = True print("Error reading file as UTF-8:", mod_path, e) file_mod.close() return None if len(l) == 0: break while l.rstrip(): lines.append(l) try: l = line_iter.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: if not error_encoding: error_encoding = True print("Error reading file as UTF-8:", mod_path, e) file_mod.close() return None data = "".join(lines) else: data = file_mod.read() file_mod.close() try: ast_data = ast.parse(data, filename=mod_path) except: print("Syntax error 'ast.parse' can't read %r" % mod_path) import traceback traceback.print_exc() ast_data = None body_info = None if ast_data: for body in ast_data.body: if body.__class__ == ast.Assign: if len(body.targets) == 1: if getattr(body.targets[0], "id", "") == "bl_info": body_info = body break if body_info: try: mod = ModuleType(mod_name) mod.bl_info = ast.literal_eval(body.value) mod.__file__ = mod_path mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod_path) except: print("AST error in module %s" % mod_name) import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise if force_support is not None: mod.bl_info["support"] = force_support return mod else: print("fake_module: addon missing 'bl_info' " "gives bad performance!: %r" % mod_path) return None modules_stale = set(module_cache.keys()) for path in path_list: # force all contrib addons to be 'TESTING' if path.endswith(("addons_contrib", "addons_extern")): force_support = 'TESTING' else: force_support = None for mod_name, mod_path in _bpy.path.module_names(path): modules_stale -= {mod_name} mod = module_cache.get(mod_name) if mod: if mod.__file__ != mod_path: print("multiple addons with the same name:\n %r\n %r" % (mod.__file__, mod_path)) error_duplicates = True elif mod.__time__ != os.path.getmtime(mod_path): print("reloading addon:", mod_name, mod.__time__, os.path.getmtime(mod_path), mod_path, ) del module_cache[mod_name] mod = None if mod is None: mod = fake_module(mod_name, mod_path, force_support=force_support) if mod: module_cache[mod_name] = mod # just in case we get stale modules, not likely for mod_stale in modules_stale: del module_cache[mod_stale] del modules_stale mod_list = list(module_cache.values()) mod_list.sort(key=lambda mod: (mod.bl_info["category"], mod.bl_info["name"], )) return mod_list def check(module_name): """ Returns the loaded state of the addon. :arg module_name: The name of the addon and module. :type module_name: string :return: (loaded_default, loaded_state) :rtype: tuple of booleans """ import sys loaded_default = module_name in _user_preferences.addons mod = sys.modules.get(module_name) loaded_state = mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", Ellipsis) if loaded_state is Ellipsis: print("Warning: addon-module %r found module " "but without __addon_enabled__ field, " "possible name collision from file: %r" % (module_name, getattr(mod, "__file__", ""))) loaded_state = False if mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_persistent__", False): loaded_default = True return loaded_default, loaded_state # utility functions def _addon_ensure(module_name): addons = _user_preferences.addons addon = _user_preferences.addons.get(module_name) if not addon: addon = _user_preferences.addons.new() addon.module = module_name def _addon_remove(module_name): addons = _user_preferences.addons while module_name in addons: addon = addons.get(module_name) if addon: addons.remove(addon) def enable(module_name, default_set=True, persistent=False): """ Enables an addon by name. :arg module_name: The name of the addon and module. :type module_name: string :return: the loaded module or None on failure. :rtype: module """ import os import sys from bpy_restrict_state import RestrictBlend def handle_error(): import traceback traceback.print_exc() # reload if the mtime changes mod = sys.modules.get(module_name) # chances of the file _not_ existing are low, but it could be removed if mod and os.path.exists(mod.__file__): mod.__addon_enabled__ = False mtime_orig = getattr(mod, "__time__", 0) mtime_new = os.path.getmtime(mod.__file__) if mtime_orig != mtime_new: import imp print("module changed on disk:", mod.__file__, "reloading...") try: imp.reload(mod) except: handle_error() del sys.modules[module_name] return None mod.__addon_enabled__ = False # add the addon first it may want to initialize its own preferences. # must remove on fail through. if default_set: _addon_ensure(module_name) # Split registering up into 3 steps so we can undo # if it fails par way through. # disable the context, using the context at all is # really bad while loading an addon, don't do it! with RestrictBlend(): # 1) try import try: mod = __import__(module_name) mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod.__file__) mod.__addon_enabled__ = False except: handle_error() _addon_remove(module_name) return None # 2) try register collected modules # removed, addons need to handle own registration now. # 3) try run the modules register function try: mod.register() except: print("Exception in module register(): %r" % getattr(mod, "__file__", module_name)) handle_error() del sys.modules[module_name] _addon_remove(module_name) return None # * OK loaded successfully! * mod.__addon_enabled__ = True mod.__addon_persistent__ = persistent if _bpy.app.debug_python: print("\taddon_utils.enable", mod.__name__) return mod def disable(module_name, default_set=True): """ Disables an addon by name. :arg module_name: The name of the addon and module. :type module_name: string """ import sys mod = sys.modules.get(module_name) # possible this addon is from a previous session and didn't load a # module this time. So even if the module is not found, still disable # the addon in the user prefs. if mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False) is not False: mod.__addon_enabled__ = False mod.__addon_persistent = False try: mod.unregister() except: print("Exception in module unregister(): %r" % getattr(mod, "__file__", module_name)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() else: print("addon_utils.disable: %s not %s." % (module_name, "disabled" if mod is None else "loaded")) # could be in more than once, unlikely but better do this just in case. if default_set: _addon_remove(module_name) if _bpy.app.debug_python: print("\taddon_utils.disable", module_name) def reset_all(reload_scripts=False): """ Sets the addon state based on the user preferences. """ import sys import imp # RELEASE SCRIPTS: official scripts distributed in Blender releases paths_list = paths() for path in paths_list: _bpy.utils._sys_path_ensure(path) for mod_name, mod_path in _bpy.path.module_names(path): is_enabled, is_loaded = check(mod_name) # first check if reload is needed before changing state. if reload_scripts: mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name) if mod: imp.reload(mod) if is_enabled == is_loaded: pass elif is_enabled: enable(mod_name) elif is_loaded: print("\taddon_utils.reset_all unloading", mod_name) disable(mod_name) def module_bl_info(mod, info_basis={"name": "", "author": "", "version": (), "blender": (), "location": "", "description": "", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "support": 'COMMUNITY', "category": "", "warning": "", "show_expanded": False, } ): addon_info = getattr(mod, "bl_info", {}) # avoid re-initializing if "_init" in addon_info: return addon_info if not addon_info: mod.bl_info = addon_info for key, value in info_basis.items(): addon_info.setdefault(key, value) if not addon_info["name"]: addon_info["name"] = mod.__name__ addon_info["_init"] = None return addon_info