/* * Parser.h: interface for the CParser class. * Eindhoven University of Technology 1997 * OOPS team (Serge vd Boom, Erwin Coumans, Tom Geelen, Wynke Stuylemeier) * $Id$ * Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Erwin Coumans * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Erwin Coumans makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * */ #ifndef __INPUTPARSER_H__ #define __INPUTPARSER_H__ class CParser; #include "Expression.h" class CParser { public: CParser(); virtual ~CParser(); float GetFloat(STR_String& txt); CValue* GetValue(STR_String& txt, bool bFallbackToText=false); CExpression* ProcessText(const char *intext); void SetContext(CValue* context); private: enum symbols { errorsym, lbracksym, rbracksym, cellsym, commasym, opsym, constsym, sumsym, ifsym, whocodedsym, eolsym, idsym }; // all kinds of symbols enum optype { OPmodulus, OPplus, OPminus, OPtimes, OPdivide, OPand, OPor, OPequal, OPunequal, OPgreater, OPless, OPgreaterequal, OPlessequal, OPnot }; // all kinds of operators enum consttype { booltype, inttype, floattype, stringtype }; // all kinds of constants int sym, // current symbol opkind, // kind of operator, if symbol is an operator constkind; // kind of operator, if symbol is a constant char ch; // current character int chcount; // index to character in input string CExpression *errmsg; // contains a errormessage, if scanner error STR_String text, // contains a copy of the original text const_as_string; // string representation of the symbol, if symbol is a constant bool boolvalue; // value of the boolean, if symbol is a constant of type boolean CValue* m_identifierContext;// context in which identifiers are looked up void ScanError(const char *str); CExpression* Error(const char *str); void NextCh(); void TermChar(char c); void DigRep(); void CharRep(); void GrabString(int start); void NextSym(); #if 0 /* not used yet */ int MakeInt(); #endif STR_String Symbol2Str(int s); void Term(int s); int Priority(int optor); CExpression *Ex(int i); CExpression *Expr(); #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC public: void *operator new(size_t num_bytes) { return MEM_mallocN(num_bytes, "GE:CParser"); } void operator delete( void *mem ) { MEM_freeN(mem); } #endif }; #endif