# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy EVIL_PROP = "act_property" EVIL_PROP_PATH = EVIL_PROP + '_path' EVIL_PROP_VALUE = EVIL_PROP + '_value' EVIL_PROP_PROP = EVIL_PROP + '_prop' EVIL_PROP_PROP_ORIG = EVIL_PROP + '_prop_orig' # nasty!, use a scene property to store the active edit item def evil_prop_init(): Scene = bpy.types.Scene if EVIL_PROP_PROP_ORIG not in Scene.bl_rna.properties: Scene.StringProperty(attr=EVIL_PROP_PATH) Scene.StringProperty(attr=EVIL_PROP_VALUE) Scene.StringProperty(attr=EVIL_PROP_PROP) Scene.StringProperty(attr=EVIL_PROP_PROP_ORIG) def rna_idprop_ui_get(item, create=True): try: return item['_RNA_UI'] except: if create: item['_RNA_UI'] = {} return item['_RNA_UI'] else: return None def rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(item, prop, create=True): rna_ui = rna_idprop_ui_get(item, create) if rna_ui == None: return None try: return rna_ui[prop] except: rna_ui[prop] = {} return rna_ui[prop] def rna_idprop_ui_prop_clear(item, prop): rna_ui = rna_idprop_ui_get(item, False) if rna_ui == None: return try: del rna_ui[prop] except: pass def draw(layout, context, context_member, use_edit = True): def assign_props(prop, val, key): prop.path = context_member prop.property = key try: prop.value = str(val) except: pass rna_item = eval("context." + context_member) evil_prop_init() scene = context.scene global_path = getattr(scene, EVIL_PROP_PATH) global_value = getattr(scene, EVIL_PROP_VALUE) global_prop = getattr(scene, EVIL_PROP_PROP) global_prop_orig = getattr(scene, EVIL_PROP_PROP_ORIG) # print((global_path, global_value, global_prop, global_prop_orig)) items = rna_item.items() items.sort() if use_edit: row = layout.row() props = row.itemO("wm.properties_add", properties=True, text="Add") props.path = context_member del row for key, val in items: print("KEY - " + key) if key == '_RNA_UI': continue row = layout.row() convert_to_pyobject = getattr(val, "convert_to_pyobject", None) val_orig = val if convert_to_pyobject: val_draw = val = val.convert_to_pyobject() val_draw = str(val_draw) else: val_draw = val box = row.box() ''' if use_edit and key == global_prop_orig and context_member == global_path: split = box.split(percentage=0.75) row = split.row() row.itemR(scene, EVIL_PROP_PROP) row.itemR(scene, EVIL_PROP_VALUE) row = split.column() prop = row.itemO("wm.properties_edit", properties=True, text="done") assign_props(prop, val_draw, key) else: ''' if 1: if use_edit: split = box.split(percentage=0.75) row = split.row() else: row = box.row() row.itemL(text=key) # explicit exception for arrays if convert_to_pyobject and not hasattr(val_orig, "len"): row.itemL(text=val_draw) else: row.itemR(rna_item, '["%s"]' % key, text="") if use_edit: row = split.row(align=True) prop = row.itemO("wm.properties_edit", properties=True, text="edit") assign_props(prop, val_draw, key) prop = row.itemO("wm.properties_remove", properties=True, text="", icon='ICON_ZOOMOUT') assign_props(prop, val_draw, key) from bpy.props import * rna_path = StringProperty(name="Property Edit", description="Property path edit", maxlen=1024, default="", hidden=True) rna_value = StringProperty(name="Property Value", description="Property value edit", maxlen=1024, default="") rna_property = StringProperty(name="Property Name", description="Property name edit", maxlen=1024, default="") rna_min = FloatProperty(name="Min", default=0.0) rna_min = FloatProperty(name="Max", default=1.0) class WM_OT_properties_edit(bpy.types.Operator): '''Internal use (edit a property path)''' bl_idname = "wm.properties_edit" bl_label = "Edit Property!" path = rna_path value = rna_value property = rna_property min = FloatProperty(name="Min", default=0.0) max = FloatProperty(name="Max", default=1.0) description = StringProperty(name="Tip", default="") # the class instance is not persistant, need to store in the class # not ideal but changes as the op runs. _last_prop = [''] def execute(self, context): global_path = self.properties.path global_value = self.properties.value global_prop = self.properties.property global_prop_old = self._last_prop[0] try: value = eval(global_value) except: value = global_value if type(value) == str: value = '"' + value + '"' # First remove item = eval("context.%s" % global_path) rna_idprop_ui_prop_clear(item, global_prop_old) exec_str = "del item['%s']" % global_prop_old # print(exec_str) exec(exec_str) # Reassign exec_str = "item['%s'] = %s" % (global_prop, value) # print(exec_str) exec(exec_str) prop_type = type(item[global_prop]) prop_ui = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(item, global_prop) if prop_type in (float, int): prop_ui['soft_min'] = prop_ui['min'] = prop_type(self.properties.min) prop_ui['soft_max'] = prop_ui['max'] = prop_type(self.properties.max) return ('FINISHED',) def invoke(self, context, event): self._last_prop[:] = [self.properties.property] item = eval("context.%s" % self.properties.path) # setup defaults prop_ui = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(item, self.properties.property, False) # dont create if prop_ui: self.properties.min = prop_ui.get("min", -1000000000) self.properties.min = prop_ui.get("max", 1000000000) self.properties.description = prop_ui.get("description", "") if 0: _message= "PyConsole, press Ctrl+D to unlock the BGE" import sys # evaluate commands in current namespace frame= sys._getframe() namespace = frame.f_globals.copy() namespace.update(frame.f_locals) import code # Autocomp in python, not as comprehensive as IPython import rlcompleter try: # ick, some pythons dont have this import readline readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") except: pass code.interact(banner=_message, local=namespace) wm = context.manager wm.invoke_props_popup(self, event) return ('RUNNING_MODAL',) class WM_OT_properties_add(bpy.types.Operator): '''Internal use (edit a property path)''' bl_idname = "wm.properties_add" bl_label = "Add Property" path = rna_path def execute(self, context): item = eval("context.%s" % self.path) def unique_name(names): prop = 'prop' prop_new = prop i = 1 while prop_new in names: prop_new = prop + str(i) i+=1 return prop_new property = unique_name(item.keys()) item[property] = 1.0 return ('FINISHED',) class WM_OT_properties_remove(bpy.types.Operator): '''Internal use (edit a property path)''' bl_idname = "wm.properties_remove" bl_label = "Add Property" path = rna_path property = rna_property def execute(self, context): item = eval("context.%s" % self.properties.path) del item[self.properties.property] return ('FINISHED',)