#!/usr/bin/python3 # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Update blender.pot file from messages.txt import subprocess import os import sys import re import tempfile import argparse import time import pickle try: import settings import utils except: from . import (settings, utils) LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES = settings.LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES LANGUAGES = settings.LANGUAGES COMMENT_PREFIX = settings.COMMENT_PREFIX COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE = settings.COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE CONTEXT_PREFIX = settings.CONTEXT_PREFIX FILE_NAME_MESSAGES = settings.FILE_NAME_MESSAGES FILE_NAME_POT = settings.FILE_NAME_POT SOURCE_DIR = settings.SOURCE_DIR POTFILES_DIR = settings.POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR SRC_POTFILES = settings.FILE_NAME_SRC_POTFILES CONTEXT_DEFAULT = settings.CONTEXT_DEFAULT PYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS = settings.PYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT = settings.PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT SVN_EXECUTABLE = settings.SVN_EXECUTABLE WARN_NC = settings.WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED NC_ALLOWED = settings.WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED_ALLOWED SPELL_CACHE = settings.SPELL_CACHE # Do this only once! # Get contexts defined in blf. CONTEXTS = {} with open(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, settings.PYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS_DEFSRC)) as f: reg = re.compile(settings.PYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS) f = f.read() # This regex is supposed to yield tuples # (key=C_macro_name, value=C_string). CONTEXTS = dict(m.groups() for m in reg.finditer(f)) # Build regexes to extract messages (with optional contexts) from C source. pygettexts = tuple(re.compile(r).search for r in settings.PYGETTEXT_KEYWORDS) _clean_str = re.compile(settings.str_clean_re).finditer clean_str = lambda s: "".join(m.group("clean") for m in _clean_str(s)) def check_file(path, rel_path, messages): def process_entry(ctxt, msg): # Context. if ctxt: if ctxt in CONTEXTS: ctxt = CONTEXTS[ctxt] elif '"' in ctxt or "'" in ctxt: ctxt = clean_str(ctxt) else: print("WARNING: raw context “{}” couldn’t be resolved!" "".format(ctxt)) ctxt = CONTEXT_DEFAULT else: ctxt = CONTEXT_DEFAULT # Message. if msg: if '"' in msg or "'" in msg: msg = clean_str(msg) else: print("WARNING: raw message “{}” couldn’t be resolved!" "".format(msg)) msg = "" else: msg = "" return (ctxt, msg) with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: f = f.read() for srch in pygettexts: m = srch(f) line = pos = 0 while m: d = m.groupdict() # Line. line += f[pos:m.start()].count('\n') msg = d.get("msg_raw") # First, try the "multi-contexts" stuff! ctxts = tuple(d.get("ctxt_raw{}".format(i)) for i in range(PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT)) if ctxts[0]: for ctxt in ctxts: if not ctxt: break ctxt, _msg = process_entry(ctxt, msg) # And we are done for this item! messages.setdefault((ctxt, _msg), []).append(":".join((rel_path, str(line)))) else: ctxt = d.get("ctxt_raw") ctxt, msg = process_entry(ctxt, msg) # And we are done for this item! messages.setdefault((ctxt, msg), []).append(":".join((rel_path, str(line)))) pos = m.end() line += f[m.start():pos].count('\n') m = srch(f, pos) def py_xgettext(messages): forbidden = set() forced = set() with open(SRC_POTFILES) as src: for l in src: if l[0] == '-': forbidden.add(l[1:].rstrip('\n')) elif l[0] != '#': forced.add(l.rstrip('\n')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(POTFILES_DIR): if "/.svn" in root: continue for fname in files: if os.path.splitext(fname)[1] not in PYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS: continue path = os.path.join(root, fname) rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, SOURCE_DIR) if rel_path in forbidden: continue elif rel_path not in forced: forced.add(rel_path) for rel_path in sorted(forced): path = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, rel_path) if os.path.exists(path): check_file(path, rel_path, messages) # Spell checking! import enchant dict_spelling = enchant.Dict("en_US") from spell_check_utils import (dict_uimsgs, split_words, ) _spell_checked = set() def spell_check(txt, cache): ret = [] if cache is not None and txt in cache: return ret for w in split_words(txt): w_lower = w.lower() if w_lower in dict_uimsgs | _spell_checked: continue if not dict_spelling.check(w): ret.append("{}: suggestions are ({})" .format(w, "'" + "', '".join(dict_spelling.suggest(w)) + "'")) else: _spell_checked.add(w_lower) if not ret: if cache is not None: cache.add(txt) return ret def get_svnrev(): cmd = [SVN_EXECUTABLE, "info", "--xml", SOURCE_DIR, ] xml = subprocess.check_output(cmd) return re.search(b'revision="(\d+)"', xml).group(1) def gen_empty_pot(): blender_rev = get_svnrev().decode() utctime = time.gmtime() time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+0000", utctime) year_str = time.strftime("%Y", utctime) return utils.gen_empty_messages(blender_rev, time_str, year_str) escape_re = tuple(re.compile(r[0]) for r in settings.ESCAPE_RE) escape = lambda s, n: escape_re[n].sub(settings.ESCAPE_RE[n][1], s) def merge_messages(msgs, states, messages, do_checks, spell_cache): num_added = num_present = 0 for (context, msgid), srcs in messages.items(): if do_checks: err = spell_check(msgid, spell_cache) if err: print("WARNING: spell check failed on “" + msgid + "”:") print("\t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(err)) print("\tFrom:\n\t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(srcs)) # Escape some chars in msgid! for n in range(len(escape_re)): msgid = escape(msgid, n) srcs = [COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE + s for s in srcs] key = (context, msgid) if key not in msgs: msgs[key] = {"msgid_lines": [msgid], "msgstr_lines": [""], "comment_lines": srcs, "msgctxt_lines": [context]} num_added += 1 else: # We need to merge comments! msgs[key]["comment_lines"].extend(srcs) num_present += 1 return num_added, num_present def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update blender.pot file from messages.txt and source code parsing, " "and performs some checks over msgids.") parser.add_argument('-w', '--warning', action="store_true", help="Show warnings.") parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', metavar="File", help="Input messages file path.") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar="File", help="Output pot file path.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.input: global FILE_NAME_MESSAGES FILE_NAME_MESSAGES = args.input if args.output: global FILE_NAME_POT FILE_NAME_POT = args.output print("Running fake py gettext…") # Not using any more xgettext, simpler to do it ourself! messages = utils.new_messages() py_xgettext(messages) print("Finished, found {} messages.".format(len(messages))) if SPELL_CACHE and os.path.exists(SPELL_CACHE): with open(SPELL_CACHE, 'rb') as f: spell_cache = pickle.load(f) else: spell_cache = set() print("Generating POT file {}…".format(FILE_NAME_POT)) msgs, states = gen_empty_pot() tot_messages, _a = merge_messages(msgs, states, messages, True, spell_cache) # add messages collected automatically from RNA print("\tMerging RNA messages from {}…".format(FILE_NAME_MESSAGES)) messages = utils.new_messages() with open(FILE_NAME_MESSAGES, encoding="utf-8") as f: srcs = [] context = "" for line in f: line = utils.stripeol(line) if line.startswith(COMMENT_PREFIX): srcs.append(line[len(COMMENT_PREFIX):].strip()) elif line.startswith(CONTEXT_PREFIX): context = line[len(CONTEXT_PREFIX):].strip() else: key = (context, line) messages[key] = srcs srcs = [] context = "" num_added, num_present = merge_messages(msgs, states, messages, True, spell_cache) tot_messages += num_added print("\tMerged {} messages ({} were already present)." "".format(num_added, num_present)) print("\tAdding languages labels...") messages = {(CONTEXT_DEFAULT, lng[1]): ("Languages’ labels from bl_i18n_utils/settings.py",) for lng in LANGUAGES} messages.update({(CONTEXT_DEFAULT, cat[1]): ("Language categories’ labels from bl_i18n_utils/settings.py",) for cat in LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES}) num_added, num_present = merge_messages(msgs, states, messages, True, spell_cache) tot_messages += num_added print("\tAdded {} language messages.".format(num_added)) # Write back all messages into blender.pot. utils.write_messages(FILE_NAME_POT, msgs, states["comm_msg"], states["fuzzy_msg"]) if SPELL_CACHE and spell_cache: with open(SPELL_CACHE, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(spell_cache, f) print("Finished, total: {} messages!".format(tot_messages - 1)) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": print("\n\n *** Running {} *** \n".format(__file__)) sys.exit(main())