# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # History # # Originally written by Campbell Barton aka ideasman42 # # 2009-11-01: * 2.5 port by Keith "Wahooney" Boshoff # * Replaced old method with my own, speed is similar (about 0.001 sec on Suzanne) # but results are far more accurate # import bpy import math import time from Mathutils import Vector from bpy.props import * def applyVertexDirt(me, blur_iterations, blur_strength, clamp_dirt, clamp_clean, dirt_only): ## Window.WaitCursor(1) #BPyMesh.meshCalcNormals(me) vert_tone = [0.0] * len(me.verts) min_tone = 180.0 max_tone = 0.0 # create lookup table for each vertex's connected vertices (via edges) con = [] con = [[] for i in range(len(me.verts))] # add connected verts for e in me.edges: con[e.verts[0]].append(e.verts[1]) con[e.verts[1]].append(e.verts[0]) for v in me.verts: vec = Vector() no = v.normal co = v.co # get the direction of the vectors between the vertex and it's connected vertices for c in con[v.index]: vec += Vector(me.verts[c].co - co).normalize() # normalize the vector by dividing by the number of connected verts vec /= len(con[v.index]) # angle is the acos of the dot product between vert and connected verts normals ang = math.acos(no.dot(vec)) # enforce min/max ang = max(clamp_dirt, ang) if not dirt_only: ang = min(clamp_clean, ang) vert_tone[v.index] = ang # blur tones for i in range(blur_iterations): # backup the original tones orig_vert_tone = list(vert_tone) # use connected verts look up for blurring for j, c in enumerate(con): for v in c: vert_tone[j] += blur_strength * orig_vert_tone[v] vert_tone[j] /= len(c) * blur_strength + 1 min_tone = min(vert_tone) max_tone = max(vert_tone) # debug information # print(min_tone * 2 * math.pi) # print(max_tone * 2 * math.pi) # print(clamp_clean) # print(clamp_dirt) tone_range = max_tone - min_tone if not tone_range: return active_col_layer = None if len(me.vertex_colors): for lay in me.vertex_colors: if lay.active: active_col_layer = lay.data else: bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_add() me.vertex_colors[0].active = True active_col_layer = me.vertex_colors[0].data if not active_col_layer: return('CANCELLED', ) for i, f in enumerate(me.faces): if not me.use_paint_mask or f.selected: f_col = active_col_layer[i] f_col = [f_col.color1, f_col.color2, f_col.color3, f_col.color4] for j, v in enumerate(f.verts): col = f_col[j] tone = vert_tone[me.verts[v].index] tone = (tone - min_tone) / tone_range if dirt_only: tone = min(tone, 0.5) tone *= 2 col[0] = tone * col[0] col[1] = tone * col[1] col[2] = tone * col[2] ## Window.WaitCursor(0) class VertexPaintDirt(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.vertex_paint_dirt" bl_label = "Dirty Vertex Colors" bl_register = True bl_undo = True blur_strength = FloatProperty(name="Blur Strength", description="Blur strength per iteration", default=1.0, min=0.01, max=1.0) blur_iterations = IntProperty(name="Blur Iterations", description="Number times to blur the colors. (higher blurs more)", default=1, min=0, max=40) clean_angle = FloatProperty(name="Highlight Angle", description="Less then 90 limits the angle used in the tonal range", default=180.0, min=0.0, max=180.0) dirt_angle = FloatProperty(name="Dirt Angle", description="Less then 90 limits the angle used in the tonal range", default=0.0, min=0.0, max=180.0) dirt_only = BoolProperty(name="Dirt Only", description="Dont calculate cleans for convex areas", default=False) def execute(self, context): obj = context.object if not obj or obj.type != 'MESH': print('Error, no active mesh object, aborting.') return('CANCELLED',) mesh = obj.data t = time.time() applyVertexDirt(mesh, self.properties.blur_iterations, self.properties.blur_strength, math.radians(self.properties.dirt_angle), math.radians(self.properties.clean_angle), self.properties.dirt_only) print('Dirt calculated in %.6f' % (time.time() - t)) return('FINISHED',) bpy.types.register(VertexPaintDirt) if __name__ == "__main__": bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_paint_dirt()